Agenda and minutes

Trowbridge Area Board - Thursday 9 January 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: The Cotswold Space - County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Kieran Elliott  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies.



To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2019.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2019 were presented for consideration and it was,




To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations.


Chairman's Announcements

To include the following:


a)    Motiv8 Children’s and Young People’s Service

b)    Community Governance Review

c)    Volunteering on Wilts Council owned land

d)    British Telecom Proposed Payphones Removal Consultation

e)    Flood Resilience


Supporting documents:


The written announcements in the agenda pack were noted. Further updates included:

Welcoming Cllr Jo Trigg as the new Member for Trowbridge Lambrok.


In relation to volunteering on council owned land it was stated those who had been affected had been contacted about what activities could take place and which could not, and training would be provided to allow a return to the activities that had been taking place.


Cllr Oldrieve advised that as part of the local carbon reduction plan volunteers were being sought to help plant 600 trees in the community area, and anyone interested should contact him.


In relation to the ongoing Community Governance Review the online survey could be accessed at .


An update was provided by Jessica Gibbons, Director of Neighbourhood and Community, regarding Trowbridge Sports Centre at Clarendon. Following an initial review of the structure earlier in the year a more comprehensive review before Christmas revealed the steel frame structure was not in a safe state, and the building was closed on 24 December 2019. The hall itself would be safe to reopen shortly, but the structure for the swimming pool area would be a longer-term issue and remain closed. The council was looking at other swimming pools and whether more lessons and other sessions could be put on to compensate.


In response the Board noted that leisure was a long-term issue in the town and hoped the council would take note of previous consultant’s reports on the issue. In particular, the Board agreed to comment to the executive that they were dismayed at the closure of a vital amenity, and to note that it showed a need for swift action to resolve, and to enquire whether a solution could involve development of the east wing site which was to include a leisure component.


PCC Precept Consultation

To receive an update from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.


Angus MacPherson, Police and Crime Commissioner, was in attendance regarding a consultation on proposals to increase the PCC precept.


The Commissioner explained his role and provided details of new officer recruitment, noting that full training took three years so any further increases would take time. He noted the increase in focus on solving Cyber Crime, and that Wiltshire remained among the lowest funded police service by head of population. Details were sought on changes to training methods and the different costs between the methods. It was also suggested that during their training officers could for individual days be placed in towns such as Trowbridge both for visibility and as part of their development.


An update was also received from Inspector Andy Fee on recent developments in the area, including a pilot being run with the council and public health to resolve local problems through focused coordination in the appropriate way. The group was in its early stages, but was currently looking at the issue of begging and the best multi agency way to tackle the issue.


Changes to Kerbside Collection

To receive a presentation on changes to kerbside waste collections.


Martin Litherland, Head of Service, Waste Management, delivered a presentation on changes to kerbside collections that would be implemented in 2020. Exact dates for each area had not yet been agreed, and residents were instructed not to change what they placed in each bin until they had received a letter notifying the changes had come into effect.


The principal change would be an increase in the amount of material which could be placed in the blue lidded bins, to include paper, food cans, drink cans, aerosols and foil. The black box would continue to be used for glass and textiles. The changes would also allow full use of the capacities of the collection vehicles, reducing the number that were used. Collections would remain fortnightly.


The Board discussed the update, and enquired around food waste collection. It was stated there were not currently plans to do so as in a rural county such as Wiltshire the necessary weekly collection would be difficult, and that after initial gains peoples’ habits tended to change and reduce the amount recycled. However, the government was consulting on the issue and would continue to be looked at.


In response to queries it was stated that the council had an agreement with the providers of the bins to replace any broken lids.


The Board thanked Mr Litherland for his presentation.


Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any updates from the



a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c)    Town and Parish Councils

d)    Local Youth Network

e)    Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group/Update on East Wing

f)     Safer and Supportive Communities Group

g)    Health and Wellbeing Group

Supporting documents:


Updates from partners were received as follows:


     i.        Wiltshire Police

The written update was noted. The verbal update from Inspector Fee was received under Minute 5.


    ii.        Town and Parish Councils

The written update from Trowbridge Town Council was noted. It was also noted that as a copy of a town council committee report, final resolutions would not always match the recommendations contained in those reports.


A referendum on the North Bradley Neighbourhood Plan was delayed, and the parish council were also concerned about the ongoing Community Governance Review.


  iii.        Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group/Update on East Wing


The written update from the interim Head of Economic Development was noted. Mr Colin Kay from the group stated he had met with the Leader of the Council, though not officers. Progress would continue to be monitored closely, particularly given difficulties encountered to date.


It was also formally noted that the Safer and Supportive Communities Group was not overseen and run by Trowbridge Future.




Supporting documents:


Longfield Muga Enhancement

Applicant: Trowbridge Sports Forum
Project Title: Longfield Muga Enhancement

View full application



Supporting documents:


The Board considered a grant application from Trowbridge Town Council for enhancement the Longfield Muga (Multi-Use Games Area) for £20,000. During discussion it was raised that several members of the Board were dual hatted members who also sat on Trowbridge Town Council. It was stated that membership of a town or parish council did not automatically prevent a member from considering and voting on an application, but after debate it was agreed to defer the application so that Board members could seek further advice on whether it was necessary or appropriate for dispensations to be made or declarations prepared.


Other grants

Applicant: HELP Counselling Services
Project Title: Expansion of the Service

View full application


Applicant: Trowbridge Town Football Club
Project Title: Woodmarsh

View full application


Applicant: Richmond Fellowship
Project Title: The Wiltshire Hearing Voices Group

View full application



Youth Grants

Applicant: Wiltshire YFC
Project Title: Wiltshire YFC 2020 Trowbridge Summer Pop Up Event


Applicant: Trowbridge Community Area Future
Project Title: Trowbridge Future


Applicant: Young Melksham
Project Title: No Limits SEND Youth Club


Applicant: Wiltshire Council
Project Title: Trowbridge Club 1 Free Gym Referral Programme




HELP Counselling Services

The sum of £660.00 was requested for an expansion of the services being offered. On the motion of Cllr David Halik, seconded by Cllr Stewart Palmen, it was



The Area Board awarded the sum of £660.00 to HELP Counselling Services.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.


Trowbridge Town Football Club

The sum of £4030.00 was requested for the Woodmarsh project of pitch and other improvements. On the motion of Cllr Ernie Clark, seconded by Cllr David Halik, it was,



The Area Board awarded the sum of £4030.00 to Trowbridge Town Football Club.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.


Richmond Fellowship

The sum of £985.80 was requested for the ‘Wiltshire Hearing Voices Group’. On the motion of Cllr David Halik, seconded by Cllr Stewart Palmen, it was,



The Area Board awarded the sum of £985.80 to the Richmond Fellowship.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.


Youth Grants

The application from Wiltshire YFC was deferred at the request of the applicants.


On the motion of Cllr Ernie Clark, seconded by Cllr Stewart Palmen, it was,



To award the sum of £5000.00 to Trowbridge Future

To award the sum of £1500.00 to Young Melksham for the ‘No Limits SEND Youth Club’ project

To award the sum of £4800.00 for the Trowbridge Club 1 Free Gym Referral Programme project.


Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Update

To receive an update on homelessness and rough sleeping in the Trowbridge area.


At the last meeting of Trowbridge Area Board up to £5000 was made available for the Community Engagement Manager to provide support to appropriate agencies and groups to seek to increase activities to address homelessness in the community area.


Liam Cripps, Community Engagement Manager, provided an update of meetings held with local partners such as the police and Alabare, and costed proposals were prepared to increase staff hours, training and use of areas as a safe drop in.


The Board welcomed the update and endorsed the release of £4,088 of the allocated £5000 to Alabare and the rough sleeping team to further enhance and support the work taking place at The Haven in Trowbridge. The grant from the Area Board was for the following:


·         To open the Haven for an extra 14hrs per week between 09:00am – 11:00am. This would enable the Alabare staff to work with the residents, provide additional support and use the Outcome Star to track the residents progress. It would also allow other services to provide additional support – Housing Options, Turning Point, Public Health etc.


·         The additional funding would provide a hot Breakfast/Brunch. Additional funding would be used for clients who wish to access training, SIA cards, transport/clothing for job interviews.


·         The Haven would be opened as a Drop-In for those who aren’t residents, but sleeping rough/begging in town. This would provide facilities for engagement, hot showers, clothes and a hot meal. However, the condition would be they would need to be referred in by the Rough Sleeper Team. The reason for this condition was due to when other drop-ins have opened, a number of people use the service who did not require it. Due to the location of the Haven being in a residential area, numbers would need to be monitored to ensure no issues arose that would put the Haven at threat of closing.


Woodland proposal - Wiltshire West District Scout Association

To note details of a potential project from Wiltshire West District Scout Association.


John Cox from the Wiltshire West District Scout Association made a presentation regarding a proposed project to buy three fields and plan 25,000 trees to create new wildlife habitats. The association had noted the developing Bat Mitigation Strategy at Wiltshire Council to offset the effects of new housing developments in the area and it felt it could perform such a function cheaper and more effectively, as well as addressing concerns regarding climate change. The association hoped Board members would support their efforts.


The Board welcomed the presentation and several members indicated they would support efforts for further meetings between the association and Wiltshire council to discuss whether the proposal could be taken forward.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.