Venue: Online Meeting
Contact: Kieran Elliott Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 25 February 2021 and 18 May 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 25 February 2021 and 18 May 2021 were presented for consideration, and it was,
To approve and isgn the minutes as a true and correct record.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: Councillor Stewart Palmen declared a non-pecuniary interest in the application from Wiltshire Youth for Christ, as a trustee of the organisation. He would not speak or vote on the application.
Councillor Edward Kirk declared for clarification that he was no longer a member of the Trowbridge Chamber of Commerce. |
Chairman's Announcements To include the following:
a) Area Board Operational Model b) 2023 Parliamentary Boundary Review c) Covid-19 Update Supporting documents:
Minutes: Updates were received in relation to the operation of area boards, the 2023 parliamentary boundary review, Covid-19 and Fostering. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups To appoint representatives to Outside Bodies, and to reconstitute and appoint to Working Groups for the year 2021/22. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board discussed the report on appointments to Outside Bodies and working groups.
It was noted that the Health and Wellbeing Centre Working Group had not had occasion to meet very often, but that the parish council representative would need to be updated. Updates were made to the Trowbridge Town Council representatives. The CATG, Local Youth Network and Health and Wellbeing Group were reappointed as resolved.
It was noted that several members were trustees of Trowbridge Future so an additional member could sit as the official representative.
To reappoint members to working groups and outside bodies as attached to these minutes.
Community Engagement Manager - Delegated Decisions To consider a proposal to authorise the Community Engagement Manager to agree expenditure up to £5,000 and urgent matters, in consultation with the Board, when they urgently arise in between Area Board meetings Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report suggesting a change to the delegation arrangements previously agreed by the Area Board for determination of urgent grant applications between formal meetings. It was suggested to formalise that the views of all members should be sought on any such decision.
Members discussed the proposals, including whether more meetings would prevent the need for any urgent grant consideration, and it was confirmed that such applications had been very rare. The reduction to 4 formal meetings was discussed, with some not in favour of the new operational model, with others stating that other events and meetings to engage the public would still take place, more flexibly. It was also noted that under the current situation as a physical meeting could not be held, the decisions of the Board were being formally determined by the Leader of the Council. The longer-term arrangements for how decisions would be made were being discussed with the Leader. It was also noted that the existence of the delegation did not require its use.
On the proposal of Councillor Stewart Palmen, seconded by Councillor Ernie Clark, including making consultation with all members a requirement, it was,
In order to expedite the work
of the Area Board and to deal with urgent matters that may arise
between meetings, the Community Engagement Manager, following
consultation with the Chairman (or in their absence, the
Vice-Chairman) of the Area Board, may authorise expenditure to
support community projects (including youth, health and wellbeing
and community area transport) from the delegated budget of up to
£5,000 per application between meetings of the Area Board.
The views of all members should be sought by the Chairman prior to
the expenditure being agreed. Decisions taken between meetings will be reported in the funding report to the next meeting of the Area Board explaining why the matter was considered urgent or necessary to expedite the work of the Board. Where a significant number of urgent matters arise between meetings, a special meeting may be called, following consultation with the Chairman to determine such matters. |
Partner Updates To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following:
a) Wiltshire Police b) Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service c) Town and Parish Councils d) Other
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Updates from partners were received as follows:
i. Wiltshire Police The written update was noted. The Board noted it was disappointed there was no attendee to answer questions in relation to e-scooters and other matters.
ii. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service The written update was noted. David Geddes was in attendance to provide further updates. Details were provided of the number of fire calls recently, the reintroduction of safe and well visits, and reinstating the fire cadet scheme in September. The need for on call fire fighters in the Trowbridge area was discussed with members offering to publicise this. Questions were also raised on responding to call outs when accessing locations was blocked and use of sirens and lights.
iii. Town and Parish Councils The written update from Trowbridge Town Council was noted. Further updates were received. The result of the West Ashton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on 24 June 2021 had been to approve the plan on a turnout of 33%. The plan for North Bradley had been approved on 6 May 2021 on a turnout of 42%.
Trowbridge Community Area Status Report To receive an update from the Community Engagement Manager and for the Area Board to discuss its priorities going forward. Supporting documents:
Minutes: A report was received from Liam Cripps, Community Engagement Manager, on the Community Area Status Report. The purpose of the report was to enable the Board to understand the issues affecting the community area by analysing data, and determine how best to support local responses from communities, businesses and organisations and link this with the work of Wiltshire Council. The impact of Covid-19 on issues such as debt, employment, mental health was still developing.
The report was not a finalise document, but would be able to be used to produce a workplan to focus on priorities, including encouraging grant applications to tackle those specific priorities. Those priorities could be issues like youth engagement, positive mental health, addressing climate change, and low income families.
The Board discussed the report, with details sought on the data provided by Public Health. It was noted that more direct and focused engagement sessions could take place on the priorities. The need for Members to drive forward work on those priorities was raised.
It was
1) That the Area Board approves and adopts the Community Status report 2) That the Area Board produces a rolling action plan including up to 5 priority actions at any one time to demonstrate where it will contribute to addressing the identified issues. 3) That the Area Board will prioritise its resources including funding upon those issues identified in the status report. 4) That the Area Board requests the Community Engagement Manager to work with key partners, agencies and community groups to encourage them to consider where they are best placed to take actions around the priorities identified. 5) That regular updates are submitted to the Area Board on progress made in relation to its own action plan. 6) That the Area Board expresses its thanks to those who gave their time to help bring this report together |
Future High Street Funding To receive an update on the Future High Street Funding bid. Supporting documents: Minutes: Rory Bowen, Acting Head of Service - Economic Regeneration, provided an update on the Future High Street Fund Bid. £16.3m of the bid had been confirmed in May 2021 to allow for commencement of the project. The parameters for the funding was detailed, and the focus on projects and improvements that could be delivered for March 2024, and where it was appropriate for the council to intervene vs what the market is likely to bring forward, which would be essential for delivery. Details were provided of elements of the bid, including proposed enhancements to the River Biss, improvements to accessibility, conversion of vacant units and more. There would be consultation on proposals after the Summer 2021.
The Board discussed the update, noting it was a Wiltshire Council project but highlighting the need to update unitary councillors for the town. The need to set expectations for the funding was raised, which may include liaising with the leadership of the Town Council on some communications. It was confirmed that leisure was not an element within the funding parameters for the bid, though future funds might be more flexible generally.
The Board thanked the officer for the update.
Gulls Update To receive a report from Claire Francis, Public Protection in relation to the issue of Gulls within the community area. Minutes: Clare Francis, Public Protection, delivered a presentation to the Board in relation to Gulls and their impacts.
It was noted that Gulls were intelligent, wide ranging and long lived, and were increasingly being found inland, so could have considerable impact. They were protected under legislation which limited what measures could be utilised where they were causing difficulties, as they could be aggressive and loud when young were nearby. The Board had previously funded some works to remove egg nests, with local businesses paying for more in other years, but since 2019 a legal challenge meant schemes had to stop nationwide immediately. A new licensing scheme was in place, but very few personal licenses to take action against gulls had been issued, with specific health and safety risks backed by significant evidence required among other details.
Should the Board or community be considering action in the future people would need to begin gathering evidence to make an application for a license, and it was noted that Devizes had undertaken much evidence gathering without then obtaining a licence.
The Board discussed the update noting the limited actions that were available despite the risks Gulls could pose. Food inspectors could work with businesses on waste management, but it was agreed it was vital for people to submit formal complaints where Gulls caused disturbance, so that evidence could be gathered.
The Board thanked the officer for the update. |
Funding |
Grants Supporting documents:
Minutes: West Wiltshire District Scout Association – Jubilee Wood Extension The application from West Wiltshire District Scouts was withdrawn ahead of the meeting.
West Ashton Village Hall – WAPC Speed Indicator Device £1649.00 was requested toward the cost of a speed indicator device. Following discussion involving parish financing, shared SID usage and other issues, no motion was moved and seconded.
Wyldwood Arts CIC – Milk Monologues Participation Project £1610.00 was requested toward the cost of a participation project focused on infant feeding. The Health and Wellbeing Group had reviewed the application and recommended £500.00 be awarded. On the motion of Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Jo Trigg, it was,
To award £500.00 to Wyldwood Arts CIC.
The application met the Health and Wellbeing Grants criteria.
Trowbridge Museum – Learning and Library Community Access Project £4970.60 was requested toward the cost of a project to enhance the learning and library facilities. Following discussion of the details of equipment to be purchased and improving accessibility, and on the motion of Councillor Jo Trigg, seconded by Councillor Stewart Palmen, it was,
To award £4970.60 to Trowbridge Museum.
The application met the Grants criteria.
Care Home Volunteers – Care Home Volunteers West Wiltshire £5000.00 was requested toward the cost of funding a volunteer coordinator. The Health and Wellbeing Group had reviewed the applicant and recommended £1500.00 be awarded. On the motion of Councillor Edward Kirk, seconded by Councillor Jo Trigg, it was,
To award £1500.00 to Care Home Volunteers.
The application met the Health and Wellbeing Grants criteria. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – Green Lane Wood Path Improvement Works £3000.00 was requested toward the cost of improving footpath routes into Green Lane Woods. On the motion of Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Mel Jacob, it was,
To award £3000.00 to Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.
The application met the Grants criteria.
Trowbridge Chamber of Commerce and Invest in Trowbridge £4425.00 was requested toward the cost of a heritage nature trail map. There were discussions of the relaunch of the Chamber, details of the proposed trail and map and how it would be publicised. Following a motion to approve being seconded, a vote was taken and the grant was not approved.
Ebenezer Salvation Centre – Mental Health and Bereavement Support for Ethnic Minority Groups £2500.00 was requested toward the cost of providing mental health and bereavement support. Due to no applicants being present, the Board moved on to the next item.
The Croft and Carlton Row Neighbourhood Watch Scheme – Road Signs £150.00 was requested toward the cost of providing road signs for the Neighbourhood Watch. On the motion of Councillor Antonio Piazza, seconded by Councillor Jo Trigg, it was,
To award £150.00 to The Croft and Carlton Row Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
The application met the Grants criteria.
Friends of the Down Cemetery – New bird boxes and feeders £423.92 was requested toward the cost of providing new bird boxes and feeders. On the motion of Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 14a |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) To consider the recommendations of the CATG meeting held on 10 June 2021.
16-19-13 Newtown, Trowbridge Pedestrian Crossing changes - £9000 subject to £3000 contribution from Trowbridge Town Council
16-20-06 Blackball Bridge, West Ashton Road – Crossing Survey - £450, subject to £150 contribution from Trowbridge Town Council.
16-20-09 Reduction of speed limit, Cockhill, Trowbridge - £1975 subject to £625 contribution from Trowbridge Town Council.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The recommendations from the CATG were received, and it was,
To approve:
16-19-13 – Newtown Pedestrian Crossing - £9000, subject to £3000 contribution from Trowbridge Town Council
16-20-06 Blackball Bridge, West Ashton - £450, subject to £150 contribution from Trowbridge Town Council
16-20-09 Reduction of speed limit crossing survey Cockhill - £1875, contribution from Trowbridge Town Council
Future Meetings The next formal meeting is scheduled for 7 October 2021.
To consider the location of future meetings. Minutes: The Board discussed potential venues for future meetings, with limited availability for Parish venues, but asked officers to explore options elsewhere in the town such as the Town Hall. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |