Venue: Online Meeting
Contact: Kieran Elliott Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology was received from Councillor Horace Prickett. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2021 were presented for consideration, and it was,
To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: Councillors Jo Trigg and Stewart Palmen declared a non-pecuniary interest in the grant application from Trowbridge Future, by virtue of being trustees of the organisation. They declared they would not participate in the debate or vote on the item. |
Chairman's Announcements To include the following:
a) Climate Strategy b) Ash Dieback c) Taxi Tariff Schedule d) Leisure Centres Supporting documents:
Minutes: Announcements were received as detailed in the agenda pack, relating to the councils Climate Strategy, Ash Dieback, Taxi Tariffs and Leisure Centres. It was stated that details had been requested from the Head of Service for Community Development on new leisure pricing. |
Partner Updates To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following:
a) Wiltshire Police b) Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service c) Town and Parish Councils d) Other Supporting documents: Minutes: Updates from partners were received as follows:
i. Wiltshire Police The written update was noted. Inspector Gill Hughes provided an updated on the violent incident in Southwick, where a suspect had been charged with attempted murder. The police were also working with youth intervention teams in relation to some anti-social behaviour.
The Board discussed the update and the reduction in crime that had been reported, and that some of it was likely in relation to the pandemic and unfortunately might not be sustained. The update from the Chief Constable on verification for serving officers was welcomed, and it was agreed local data could be reviewed to identify any areas of specific concern.
ii. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service The written update was noted.
iii. Town and Parish Councils A verbal update was received from North Bradley.
Community Fridge Project To receive an update from Trowbridge Future on this project. Minutes: Meg Aubrey from Trowbridge Future delivered a presentation on their Community Fridge project. Volunteers collected unsold supermarket food every night and stored with fridges in Shires and Studley Green, with an intention to expand to a site in Longfield. Trowbridge Future were working with foodbanks and other local partners, and had raised several thousand pounds to expand the project, which was helping several hundred people.
The Board sought details of the expansion of the project, and any increase in demand, with it stated that the project was community led and aimed not to build dependency, and that it was a lot of work for the volunteers.
Board Members congratulated Trowbridge Future on the project and looked forward to hearing its future progress. |
Dementia Action Trowbridge To receive an update on the work of Demetia Action Trowbridge from Tim Wright Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Tim Wright on Dementia Action Trowbridge, which was working to assist those living with dementia, coordinating with groups such as Alzheimer’s support, local clinicians, district nurses and the Community Engagement Managers. The group conducted sessions on being a dementia friend, was seeking promotion in schools and developing sessions for retailers to encourage more dementia friendly spaces. He particularly thanked Liam Cripps, Community Engagement Manager, for his support with the group.
The Board discussed how to support the work of the group, including encouraging the business community to be involved through the Chamber of Commerce, and helping to circulate any information which would be produced, and thanked Tim Wright for his update. |
Five Years Highways Plan To receive a presentation on major planned highways maintenance from Diane Ware (Principal Tech Officer, Highways Asset Management & Commissioning).
Supporting documents: Minutes: Diane Ware, Principal Tech Officer, Highway Asset Management and Commissioning, presented an update on the five-year highways plan. This was a draft of sites within the community area which would be subject to maintenance and improvement, with comments sought before the plan was approved in early 2022.
It was stated that compared to some other areas roads in Trowbridge overall were in decent condition, meaning proportionally more money would be spent on other areas. Early intervention was key to prevent larger work later, which was why some minor works seemed to take place, as this prevented more significant work needing to be done.
The Board discussed the presentation, and agreed that the report would be considered by the Community Area Transport Group. |
Funding Community Grants West Wiltshire University of the Third Age – West Wilts U3A Video Streaming Project - £922.80 requested Independent Living Centre Semington – Bees and Oil Tank - £4600.00 requested Busy Bees Pre-School – Construction and Repair - £5000.00 requested
Youth Grants
Trowbridge Future – Studley Green Drop in – £4865.00 requested 4Youth South West – TeenTalk Young Peoples Counselling - £5000.00 requested
Health and Wellbeing Grants Wiltshire Music Centre – Celebrating Age Wiltshire – £1500.00 requested
Community Area Transport Group Annual Dropped Kerb Funding - £12,000
Supporting documents:
Minutes: As the meeting was taking place online any decisions would need to be taken by the Leader of the Council under executive authority, taking account of the views of the Board.
West Wiltshire University of the Third Age – West Wilts U3A Video Streaming Project £922.80 was requested for the project. The Board discussed the grant in detail, seeking information on the hardware and software requested and the available pricing options to achieve the same results.
To defer the item to the next meeting.
Independent Living Centre Semington – Bees and Oil Tank £4600.00 was requested toward the cost replacing the oil tank ahead of the winter, and to remove a bees nest, which was currently attracting wasps into the building posing a danger to staff and tenants. The Board discussed the project, seeking details of the number of those supported in Trowbridge as well as elsewhere and other funding that was provided for the centre. It was confirmed work was urgently needed to address heating issues. On the motion of Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Stewart Palmen, it was then,
To award £2300.00 to the Independent Living Centre, Semington
The application met the grants criteria.
Busy Bees Pre-School – Construction and Repair The application was withdrawn prior to the meeting.
Trowbridge Future – Studley Green Drop in £4865.00 was requested toward the cost of two youth support workers. The Local Youth Network had reviewed the application and recommended the full amount be awarded. It was then,
To award £4865.00 to Trowbridge Future
The application met the Youth Grants criteria. 4Youth South West £5000.00 was requested toward the cost of the TeenTalk Young People’s Counselling project. Jon Hubbard provided an updated on the project. The Local Youth Network had reviewed the application and recommended the full amount be awarded. It was requested that if approved the applicant’s report back on the outcome of their sessions next year. On the motion of Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Mel Jacob, it was then,
To award £5000.00 to 4Youth South West.
The application met the Youth Grants criteria.
Wiltshire Music Centre – Celebrating Age Wiltshire £1500.00 was requested toward the cost of the celebrating age project. The Health and Wellbeing Group had reviewed the application and recommended £500.00 be awarded. On the motion of Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Edward Kirk, it was,
To award £1500.00 to Wiltshire Music Centre
The application met the Health and Wellbeing Grants criteria.
Community Area Transport Group
On the motion of Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Stewart Palmen, it was,
Annual Dropped Kerb Funding - £12,000
Future High Street Funding Update Supporting documents: Minutes: A written update was received Future High Street Funding Project. It was noted a public update was expected in November 2021.
The Board requested a full update from an officer at its next meeting. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: It was agreed that Councillor David Vigar would serve as Climate Lead for the Area Board. |