Agenda and minutes

Warminster Area Board - Thursday 30 June 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Chapmanslade Village Hall

Contact: Jessica Croman 

Note No. Item



Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Andrew Davis was elected as Chairman of Warminster Area Board for 2016/2017.



Cllr Davis in the Chair.


Election of Vice Chairman

To elect a Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.


Councillor Keith Humphries was elected as Vice-Chairman of Warminster Area Board for 2016/2017.


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and thanked Cllr Newbury for his work as Chairman for the previous year.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


·         Jacqui Abbott (Community Engagement Manager)



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 28 April 2016 (copy attached).

Supporting documents:




The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the Announcements included in the agenda and invite any questions.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the announcements included in the agenda pack.


Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To appoint members to the Working Groups, Task Groups and Outside Bodies.

Supporting documents:




The following appointments were made to the Area Board working groups:


CATG – Cllr Andrew Davis


Local Youth Network – Cllr Andrew Davis


Health & Wellbeing Group – Cllr Keith Humphries



The following appointments were made to outside bodies:



Warminster and Westbury CCTV Partnership – Cllr Andrew Davis


The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Cllr Keith Humphries


Warminster and Villages Community Partnership – Cllr Pip Ridout




Updates from Partners

To receive updates from any of the following partners:

Ø  Wiltshire Police

Ø  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Ø  Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives


Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda.

Supporting documents:


Some written updates had been received before the meeting and were included in the agenda.




Inspector James Brain referred to the police update included in the agenda pack. Community messaging had been rolled out in the area, which aimed to increase community engagement by providing up to date statistics and messages and a daily snapshot briefing each day. Residents and businesses were able to sign up via


It was noted that the community policing pilot had been successful and the new model of policing would be rolled out across the whole police force in October 2016. 


There had been an increase in thefts in the area which involved purses being stolen from handbags. The public were asked to remain vigilant.


Question:. Is Community Messaging connected to Face Book?


It was noted that although community messaging was not connected to Face Book, the Police do send out the same messages via Face Book and community messaging.





District Commander Jason Moncrieff, referred to the June report handed out at the meeting. It was noted that there had been a slight increase in false alarms and fires throughout June; this was being addressed through education and well checks.


The Warminster Fire Station was currently recruiting as it had been difficult to get On-Call cover between 0700-1800 weekdays and between 1800 Friday to 1800 Sunday.


A question was asked about the increased number of fires and it was noted that although the statistics stated an increase of 40% that was equivalent to an additional 3 fires and the force was monitoring the numbers.



Warminster Benchmarking

To receive a verbal report on Warminster Benchmarking.


Benchmarking was developed by Action for Market Towns, to help towns such as Warminster understand, measure, evaluate and ultimately motivate the action required to improve their town centres. In Warminster, a small team drawn from the Economy & Tourism Working Group of the Community Partnership has Benchmarked the town annually for the five years from 2011-2015. Over that time, 12 key indicators have been used to provide consistent data that is comparable year-on-year. The results of Benchmarking Warminster in 2015 have recently been published and a report on the findings will be made at the meeting.


The item was deferred until September.



Local Youth Facilitator update

Introduction to the Warminster Youth Facilitator and suggested priorities for coming year.


Janette Bowra, Youth Facilitator, introduced herself and gave a presentation which gave a background on the youth service; she outlined the roles and responsibilities of the new role and displayed the priorities for the youth provision in Warminster.


It was noted that the revenue spend for 2016/2017 was £19,810 and an extra £2,000 which rolled over from the previous year.





News from Chapmanslade

To receive a 10minute presentation on recent activities in Chapmanslade.


Phil Jefferson, Chapmanslade Parish Council welcomed everyone to the village of Chapmanslade and their village hall. A presentation was given which highlighted the historical and positive attributes of the village. The Area Board was thanked for their grant contributions and the CATG for funds which provided traffic calming measures. 



Your Local Issues

The Chairman will invite those attending to raise any urgent items of public concerns and will also invite any questions from the floor.


If you would like to raise an issue please contact the Warminster Community Area Manager, Jacqui Abbott on 07771 844 530 or or report the issue on the Wiltshire Council Website by using this link or




There were no local issues raised.



Local Highways Investment Fund 2014-2020

To agree a proposed road resurfacing and maintenance programme with a list of proposed local schemes for 2016/17.

Supporting documents:


The local highways investment fund report and list of schemes which were included in the agenda pack was discussed. It was noted that some schemes had been pushed down the list and would now not take place until the following year due to other schemes taking priority.


It was noted that sign removals, which were due to happen in Warminster, had started but had not been complete and the Town Council would like WC to pick this back up.




To approve the list of schemes outlined in the local highways investment fund 2014-2020.



Community Area Transport Group

To receive an update.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman presented the CATG notes. It was noted that progress had been made on the speed indicator device scheme, the villages had yet to have costing complete, although some areas including Warminster Town had begun or were close to beginning testing.


An amendment to item 4 was requested. H) 4226 Chitterne, which currently read:


Parish Council wish to abandon this proposal due to concerns relating to enforcement.


To be amended to:


Parish Council wish to suspend this proposal due to concerns relating to enforcement.


It was noted that the date of the next CATG meeting would now take place in September which was TBC.




To approve the notes of the CATG meeting and to inform the CATG of the amendment requested.          



Health and Well Being Group

To receive an update.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Keith Humphries gave an update. The group had recently met with a variety of groups and organisations which had been very successful. Most of those in attendance had signed up to be part of the group and the next meeting would take place in September. It was noted that once all of the members of the group had been identified, the H&WBG would bring the item to the Area Board to be agreed.


A question was asked if the group covered environmental issues. It was noted that WC had a separate department to manage environmental issues.



Warminster Regeneration Working Group

To receive an update.


It was noted that the work of the regeneration group was on hold due to work being carried out by the special planning and one estate group because the work being carried out by those groups would directly impact the work carried out by the regeneration group.



Area Board Funding - Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


·       Community toilet scheme

Supporting documents:


The area board considered the following applications seeking 2016/17 Community Area Grant funding:



Warminster Athenaeum Trust was awarded £5000 towards youth club premises integration. Pending the community asset transfer.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2016/17.



Corsley Reading Room was awarded £1973 towards a kitchen refurbishment.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2016/17.



Codford Village Hall was awarded £1000 towards the Codford village fete.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2016/17



Chapmanslade Village Hall and Memorial Ground was awarded £2304 towards a new village hall kitchen dishwasher.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2016/17.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Future Meeting Dates

The next meetings of the Warminster Area Board will be on:


·       8 September 2016 – Warminster Civic Centre

·       3 November 2016 – Warminster Civic Centre


It was noted that the next meeting of the Warminster Area Board would take place on the 8 September, 7pm at the Warminster Civic Centre.