Agenda and minutes

Warminster Area Board - Wednesday 23 September 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: Online Meeting

Contact: Jessica Croman 


Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Wiltshire Police



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2020.

Supporting documents:




The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the Announcements included in the agenda and invite any questions.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to two announcements included in the agenda pack.



Updates from Partners

To receive updates from any of the following partners:

Ø  Wiltshire Police

Ø  Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Ø  Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives


Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda.

Supporting documents:


Some written updates had been received before the meeting and were included in the agenda.




Community Engagement Manager Update

To receive an update form the CEM.


Graeme Morrison, Community Engagement Manager, gave the following updates and ran an interactive section using Slido:


Local Youth Network:


A youth themed AB was held prior to COVID-19 where a number of local priorities were identified and the need to more youth involvement in the LYN. Over the coming months these actions would be picked up.  



Warminster Climate Forum:


A climate forum was held in January 2020 which identified a number of local priorities and projects in the local area. There was a plan to set up a working group to take the priorities and projects forward and this would be worked on over the coming months, any decisions from the working group would come back to the AB for approval.



COVID-19 Community Response:


Many volunteer groups and individuals across the community area took part in local community actions by helping their neighbours with shopping and delivering prescriptions. Many groups continue to help those in need and have plans in place to expect an increase in demand. The Area Board thanked all those involved for helping in the community.


An interactive questionnaire was carried out using Sliod.


In response to a question about funding for recovery projects it was noted that, the recovery group would have to identify where to find the funds. Depending on the group and nature of the funding request, the AB may be able to provide funding.


The recovery plan would include metrics to measure its success.




The CEM would be working towards creating a Warminster community area status report which would include; research to understand emerging themes and impacts of COVID-19 and, look at ideas on how local action can be supported to respond to those themes and impacts.


An informal working group for Warminster community area recovery and a local recovery plan would also be developed.


Wiltshire Council would own the document


Local Youth Network Update and Youth Activities Grant Applications

i.              Update

ii.            Grants


This updated was given under the Community Engagement Manager Update.


COVID-19 Recovery & Response

To discuss the recovery and response to COVID 19 in Warminster.


This updated was given under the Community Engagement Manager Update.



Electoral/Boundary Review

To receive a report on proposed boundary changes affecting the Warminster community area

Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the item and gave some background information on the review.


It was noted that the overall Warminster community area would stay the same although there would be some minor internal boundary changes which were:


·         Wyle Valley division would now include 13 villages and no longer include parts of Warminster town.

·         Warminster Broadway division would not be changing

·         Warminster West and Warminster East were amended to ensure they represented the correct number of electorates

·         Warminster North and Rural was amended to also include oarts of Warminster town.


The public consultation would run from the 10 September to the 31 October 2020 and responses could be submitted to


Health & Wellbeing Management Group

      i.        General Update

    ii.        To appoint an Area Board Representative

   iii.        To appoint an Older People Champion

   iv.        Carer’s Champion Update


The Area Board appointed Cllr Pip Ridout as the Area Board representative on the Health & Wellbeing Management Group.


It was noted that Deborah Gogart had resigned as the Older People’s Champion and that members of the Area Board were looking for a replacement to fill the position.


Warminster Regeneration Working Group

To receive an update.


There was no update.


Area Board Funding - Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.

Supporting documents:


The area board considered the grant applications and it was;




That Tynings Allotments and Leisure Gardeners Association be awarded £5000 for resurfacing of Tynings Allotments carpark and entrance road.


That Bishopstrow Village Hall be awarded £1480 for the cricket pavilion toilet refurbishment.


That Heytesbury Imber & Knook Parish Council be awarded £2500 for play area equipment.


That Warminster Cricket Club be awarded £3000 for a new roller.



LYN Grants:


That Bradford on Avon Girls Guide District be awarded £468 for a trip to Switzerland in 2021.


That the Army Welfare Service be awarded £990 for COVID-19 family packs.



Health & Wellbeing Grants


That Wiltshire Music Centre be awarded £1500 for Celebrating Age Wiltshire Phase 2.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.


Future Meeting Dates

The next meetings of the Warminster Area Board will be on 12 November 2020.



The next meeting of the Warminster AB would take place on the 12 November 2020.