Agenda and minutes

Warminster Area Board - Thursday 13 July 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Warminster Library, Three Horseshoes Walk, Warminster, BA12 9BT

Contact: Ben Fielding - Senior Democratic Services Officer  01225 718656, Email:

Note No. Item



Election of the Chairman

To elect the Chairman of the Warminster Area Board for the forthcoming year.

Supporting documents:


Nominations were sought for a Chairman for the forthcoming year. On the nomination of Councillor Andrew Davis seconded by Councillor Christopher Newbury, it was,




To elect Councillor Pip Ridout as Chairman of the Warminster Area Board for the forthcoming year.


Election of the Vice-Chairman

To elect the Vice-Chairman of Warminster Area Board for the forthcoming year.


Nominations were sought for a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year. On the nomination of Councillor Pip Ridout seconded by Councillor Bill Parks, it was,




To elect Councillor Christopher Newbury as Vice-Chairman of the Warminster Area Board for the forthcoming year.



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed those in attendance to the meeting and thanked Cllr Tony Jackson for his contributions to the Warminster Area Board during his tenure as Chairman.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were provided by Inspector Kevin Harmsworth and Cllr Steve Jeffries (Warminster Town Council).



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2023.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2023 were presented for consideration and it was;




To approve and sign as a true and correct record of the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2023.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


In relation to the grant application from Chapmanslade Parish Council, included within item 12, Cllr Andrew Davis declared a Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) in relation to being distantly related to Cllr Adam Oakley, the spokesperson for the grant application. As set out in the Code of Conduct. They left the room and did not take part in the vote on the item.


In relation to the grant Application from Warminster Community Radio, included within item 12, Cllr Andrew Davis declared an Other Registerable Interest (ORI) in relation to his business being a sponsor for the radio station. As set out in the Code of Conduct. They let the room and did not take part in the vote on the item.


In relation to the grant application from the Warminster Athenaeum Trust, included within Item 12, Cllr Tony Jackson noted that they had received a dispensation from the Standards Committee in relation to an ORI by virtue of being on the Management Committee of the Warminster Athenaeum Trust. The dispensation allowed them to remain in the room and to take part in the discussion and vote on the item.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chair:


·       Wiltshire Libraries are supporting residents to stay online during the cost-of-living crisis.

·       Cost of Living Update.

·       Independent Visitor Scheme promotion for volunteers.

·       Update on the Council’s activity and progress on the Climate Emergency -

·       Multiply – Online Courses.

·       PCCs across the Southwest launch new rural crime survey and quarterly newsletter.

·       Local Successes.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman and Members of the Area Board made the following announcements, which were contained in the agenda pack.


·       Wiltshire Libraries are supporting residents to stay online during the cost-of-living crisis.

·       Cost of Living Update.

·       Independent Visitor Scheme promotion for volunteers.

·       Update on the Council’s activity and progress on the Climate Emergency-

·       Multiply – Online Courses.

·       PCCs across the Southwest launch new rural crime survey and quarterly newsletter.

·       Local Successes – Cllr Tony Jackson congratulated Kingdown School on receiving a Silver Award for caring for pupils with mental health issues.


The Chairman announced that due to speaker availability, that Item 9 (BSW Together (Integrated Care System)) would be brought forward in the agenda to be heard as Item 8.



Updates from Partners

To receive updates from any of the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

·       Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service -

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Community First

·       Age UK Wiltshire

·       Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

·       Warminster Community Police Task Group (CPTG)

·       Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives

Supporting documents:


Updates were received from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda. In addition, the following questions and points were raised by Members:

·       Clarity was sought regarding reference to “Speed Education”, following traffic surveys in villages as well as being included within a Police Report. It was suggested that it would be positive to have a detailed answer as to how this differs from “Speed Enforcement”.

·       It was suggested that though the Police had introduced speeding cameras in the town centre, there was a belief that the villages had been overlooked, especially with a developing problem of motorbikes.


·       Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The Area Board noted a written update and video attached to the agenda.


·       Community First

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.


·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.


·       AgeUK Wiltshire

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.


·       Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Len Turner (Chairman) confirmed that there was nothing to update on behalf of the Warminster and Villages Community Partnership.


·       Warminster Community Police Task Group (CPTG)

Cllr Pip Ridout on behalf of the Warminster Community Police Task Group (CPTG), noted that contrary to the cancellation of the last CPTG meeting, newly appointed Inspector Kevin Harmsworth was keen to work with the CPTG and to set a meeting date up for September.


·       Town and Parish Council Nominated Representative

The Area Board received a verbal update from Cllr Neil Carpenter on behalf of Corsley Parish Council, that the third Wiltshire Challenge Walk had taken place on 13 July with over 80 people attending to walk varying distances. Cllr Carpenter noted that the walks regularly stimulated hours of exercise for residents and that the team running the events had done a fantastic job running the event for free on a limited budget.


The Area Board received a verbal update from Cllr Sue Fraser on behalf of Warminster Town Council, that the “Happy to Chat Bench” in the Warminster Lake and Pleasure Grounds had been well used, with the Town Council having been interviewed on BBC Radio Wiltshire. Additionally, that the Park and Tennis Courts had been popular recently with Wimbledon taking place.


Following the Warminster Town Council update, the following points were raised:

·       There is a monthly Veterans Group which meets in the park.

·       There is interest in resurrecting the Warminster Tennis Club, with coaches having shared interest in coaching children and other participants.

·       It was suggested that another “Happy to Chat Bench” could be placed in the shopping centre, having seen the concept in other towns with success.


·       Wiltshire Council Woodland Team (GAPS)

The Area Board received a short presentation (attached to the minutes) from Naomi Styles (Woodland Officer) on behalf of the Wiltshire Council Woodland Team (GAPS). The presentation covered the following matters:

·       An Overview of the Woodland Grant Application and Planting Support (GAPS) team and the role that the team plays in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



BSW Together (Integrated Care System

To receive an update from Fiona Slevin-Brown (NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) Place Director – Wiltshire).

Supporting documents:


The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda. In addition, a presentation (attached to the minutes) was received from Fiona Slevin-Brown (NHS Bath and Northeast Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) Place Director – Wiltshire). The presentation included the following points:

·       An overview of what Integrated Care Systems (ICS) provided as well as how the BSW ICS was made up, including Integrated Care Alliances, their role and the area served by the BSW ICS.

·       Reference was made to the Integrated Care Strategy, which included the three following objectives:

o   Focus on prevention and early intervention

o   Fairer health and wellbeing outcomes

o   Excellent health and care services

·       Reference was drawn to the Wiltshire ICA Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy Actions, with it noted that specific parts of the partnership were responsible for leading on certain areas.

·       The BSW had now been an organisation for over a year, with reference drawn to the following highlighted achievements:

o   The Neighbourhood Collaboratives Programme.

o   Virtual Wards.

o   Community Health Services 2-hour rapid response and reablement care.

o   Mental health, learning disabilities and autism work.

o   Children and Young people work.


Following the update, there was time for the following points and questions to be received:

·       Clarity was provided that the 2-hour rapid response service had been running for 18 months as a national offer for people who urgently needed to be seen within their own home, with referrals coming from 111 and GPs.

·       Detail was sought regarding the weaknesses of the BSW ICS, with workforce challenges cited, waiting lists for elective services and challenges for primary care with increased demand.

·       Reference was drawn to residents who might be completely isolated, with it stated that there could be an opportunity to build community resilience through the third and voluntary sectors.

·       Clarity was provided that the ICB had now taken on dentistry with work set to be conducted with NHS England regarding the contract and incentivising dentists to take on NHS patients.

·       Appreciation was provided for the ICB and how there was a clear indication that the organisation was seeking to contact the population.

·       It was questioned how grassroots organisations such as the Health and Wellbeing Forum would feed into the ICS, with it noted that within the Neighbourhood Collaboratives Programme, such conversations would take place. It was also stated that it would be useful to bring such Health and Wellbeing groups together to have a joint conversation.

·       Concerns regarding GP shortages in Warminster were raised as well as how the ICS planned to deal with population growth in the Warminster Area.

·       Concern was raised in relation to the potential of services going completely digital, with it stressed that the organisation would not go fully digital due to there being many patients nationally, who’s primary mode of access was via phone.



Warminster Health and Wellbeing Forum

To receive an update from the Warminster Health and Wellbeing Forum.


The Area Board received an update from David Reeves and Deborah Gogarty on behalf of the Warminster Health and Wellbeing Forum. The update included the following points:

·       The Warminster Health and Wellbeing Forum had existed for well over a decade under various guises and had now had a new facelift.

·       The five strategic objectives of the Health and Wellbeing Forum were outlined as follow with activities planned to meet these objectives:

o   Service Provider Engagement

o   Service User Engagement

o   Partnership and Co-creation

o   Sustainability

o   Self-governance

·       Reference was drawn to the Warminster Health and Wellbeing booklet, which had been hugely popular, with a further 150 copies having been printed. It was stated that having looked at other websites, there was an aim to get as much of the booklet online as possible.

·       Regarding digital inclusion, there was an awareness that there is currently a lot of content available, however a Management Committee meeting was set to take place on 20 July 2023 to discuss running a campaign in October in conjunction with “Get Online Week”, a national programme. Work was also being considered about how to educate residents to use parking apps as well as compiling a directory of digital support.

·       A volunteer event was set to take place in 2024, funded by Warminster Town Council, with the aspiration that the event will be a showcase for the benefit of volunteering to both individuals and the community.



Area Board End of Year Report and Outside Bodies

Part I – Looking Back


To receive the Area Board End of Year Report as well as to report on progress made in addressing the Area Board priorities selected for 2022/23:


·       Supporting Local Volunteer Groups


·       Health and Wellbeing


·       Empowering People


·       Youth Engagement

Part II – Looking Forward


To highlight potential priorities for the Area Board to consider for 2023/24.


To appoint Members as Lead representatives to Outside Bodies and any new Non-Priority Working Groups as set out at Appendix A;


To appoint a Lead representative to the LHFIG (listed on Appendix A) and to note the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix B.

Supporting documents:


Part I – Looking Back


The Area Board received a presentation from Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager (SEPM), Liam Cripps on the Area Board End of Year Report. The presentation included the following points:

·       The purpose of the report was to be a celebration of the work conducted by Area Board Councillors and Officers, with it cited that the Area Board was not merely a business meeting but rather a vehicle for delivering outcomes for residents.

·       Total Area Board investment was outlined as follows:

o   Community Grants: £48,635 – which leveraged a total community contribution of £210,211.

o   Youth Grants: £24,767 – which leveraged a total community contribution of £103,205.

o   Older and Vulnerable Adults funding: £11,156 – which leveraged a total community contribution of £59,573.

·       Reference was drawn to the previous local priorities which had been selected by the Area Board, with examples of positive work and community-led projects cited.

·       An overview of Area Board engagements was provided.

·       It was noted that there had been £74,500 total investment from the Local Highways and Footpath Infrastructure Group (LHFIG), with an overview of projects provided.

·       The following priorities for 2023/2024 were suggested by the Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager (SEPM) and included within the report:

o   Youth engagement, employment, and positive activity opportunities

o   Addressing climate change and reversing biodiversity loss

o   Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing and reducing social isolation

o   Supporting underrepresented groups

o   Improving transport and access


Following the presentation, the Area Board discussed the priorities which had been suggested for 2023/2024 within the report. An area for discussion was whether the Area Board would choose to have a priority in relation to climate change as well as whether there was the potential for a sixth priority with the focus of crime and community safety. During the discussion, reference was drawn to the Wiltshire Council Business Plan and the JSNA, which would be published in January 2024. Reference was drawn by officers to how the priorities would not be exclusively considered for grant applications but rather that they would inform the work conducted with the communities and organisations of Warminster.


Part II – Looking Forward


The Chairman introduced Part II of the item, with reference drawn to the report attached to the agenda pack, which included an Outside Bodies Appendix and LHFIG Terms of Reference Appendix.


After which, it was;




That the Chairman of the Warminster Area Board would seek advice as to whether it would be possible to bring the Community Area Grants Item forward in the agenda of future meetings.


Warminster Area Board deferred the Local Priorities Item for further discussion.


That Warminster Area Board appointed the following Councillor Representatives to the following Outside Bodies:


·       Warminster Local Youth Network (LYN) – Cllr Andrew Davis

·       Warminster and Villages Community Area Partnership – Cllr Pip Ridout

·       Warminster and Westbury CCTV – Cllr Andrew Davis

·       Warminster Community Police Task Group (CPTG) – Cllr Pip Ridout and Cllr Christopher Newbury.


That the Warminster Area Board would not appoint a Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.



Community Area Grants

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:



CommunityArea Grants


Olderand Vulnerable People Grants

Opening Balance For                                     2023/24







AwardedTo Date














Balanceif allgrants areagreed basedon recommendations








Community Area Grants:


Application Reference





Wiltshire Geology Group

Memorial boardfor Etheldred Benett



Warminster AdventureSports Club

Access toWater



Warminster AthenaeumTrust

Integration of Close Building



Bradley Road CommunityGarden

Bradley Road Community Garden Redesign



Chapmanslade Village Hall and Memorial


Chapmanslade Village Hall roofs refurbishment




Youth Grants:


Application Reference





Friends ofWCR

Youth Broadcast Engagement scheme



Warminster youth club

Warminster youth club outreach project





Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered the following applications for funding:


Community Area Grants:


Wiltshire Geology Group - £500 towards Memorial board for Etheldred Benett.




Wiltshire Geology Group was awarded £500 towards Memorial board for Etheldred Benett.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Warminster Adventure Sports Club - £500 towards Access to Water.




Warminster Adventure Sports Club was awarded £500 towards Access to Water.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Warminster Athenaeum Trust - £5,000 towards Integration of Close Building.




Warminster Athenaeum Trust was awarded £2,000 towards Integration of Close Building.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Bradley Road Community Garden - £5,000 towards Bradley Road Community Garden Redesign.




Bradley Road Community Garden was awarded £2,000 towards Bradley Road Community Garden Resdesign.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Cllr Andrew Davis left the room for the following grant application.


Chapmanslade Village Hall and Memorial Ground - £5,000 towards Chapmanslade Village Hall roofs refurbishment.




Chapmanslade Village Hall and Memorial Ground was awarded £4,000 towards Chapmanslade Village Hall roofs refurbishment.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Youth Grants:


Cllr Andrew Davis left the room for the following grant application.


Friends of WCR - £2,280 towards Youth Broadcast Engagement scheme.




Friends of WCR was awarded £2,280 towards Broadcast Engagement scheme.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


It was noted that the following grant application had been withdrawn and was therefore not discussed during the meeting: 


Warminster youth club - £4,574.50 towards Warminster youth club outreach project.



Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)

The Area Board will be asked to consider the recommendations from the 10 Mya 2023 Warminster Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG) meeting outlined in the report.

Supporting documents:



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.




The next meeting of the Warminster Area Board will be on 11 October 2023.
