Agenda and minutes

Warminster Area Board - Thursday 10 March 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Christ Church Hall, Upper Weymouth Street, Warminster, Wilts BA12 9PS

Contact: Marie Gondlach  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Announcements, Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and asked members of the area board and officers present to introduce themselves.


The Chairman then made the following announcements (full details of the announcements were contained in the agenda at pages 3 to 7):


Proposed Changes to Arrangements governing the Code of Conduct

Supporting documents:


The Government’s Localism Bill, published on 13 December 2010, made significant changes to the current arrangements governing the conduct of Councillors in Wiltshire. The Bill was expected to become law in the Autumn 2011, in the meantime the current arrangements would continue to apply and updates would be provided on the progress of this legislation to towns, parish and city councils.


The following officers can provide further information on this matter:


Ian Gibbons, Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer

01225 713052   E-mail; or


Nina Wilton, Head of Governance and Deputy Monitoring Officer

01225 713078   E-mail



Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

Supporting documents:


Local authorities have a duty, under the Childcare Act 2006, to assess the sufficiency of childcare in their area and produce a report. Wiltshire’s second report had been drafted and was out for consultation on the Wiltshire Council website until 20 March 2011. The final report would be published on the website before 1 April 2011.


Reducing Child Poverty Strategy Consultation

Supporting documents:


The Child Poverty Act required each local authority to produce a child poverty strategy. Information had already been sent to a wide distribution including all councillors, the Wiltshire Assembly, thematic partnerships, schools and early years’ settings.


The consultation regarding the content of the Wiltshire Reducing Child Poverty Strategy was open until 4 April 2011.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:

Councillor Pip Ridout

Mr Digby Barker, Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Councillor Francis Morland, Chapmanslade Parish Council

Sam Shore, Youth Development Coordinator for Warminster Development Services for Young People



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe declared a personal and prejudicial interest, as a voluntary Director of the Trust, with regards to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme application from the Warminster and District Development Trust.

Councillor de Rhé-Philipe would not vote on this application.


Update on Issues Raised and Any New Issues Arising

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager and leaders of the groups working on existing issues.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board received an Issue Update and Progress Report from the Community Area Manager; four additional issues had been received in January and February 2011 of which two had been successfully dealt with and two were in progress.

A meeting had been set up on 14 March 2011 from 2.00 to 4.00 pm with Warminster Environment Pride Team to identify how best to resolve the ongoing problem of dog fouling.


The Community Area Manager also reminded everyone that the next meeting of Warminster Voices would be on 17March 2011 at 2.00 pm at the Warminster Library and would focus on Community Services, End of Life Care and Older People’s Accommodation Strategy.


Delegated powers to Community Area Manager

To consider whether the Area Board wishes to delegate authority to the Community Area Manager to deal with specified urgent matters between meetings.

Supporting documents:


The area board considered whether it wished to delegate power to the Community Area Manager to take certain urgent decisions between meetings of the board where necessary.




a)     That in respect of urgent matters that may arise from time to time between meetings of an Area Board, the Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Warminster Area Board, be granted delegated authority to make decisions provided any expenditure does not exceed £500 from the budget delegated to the area board.  A report explaining the decision and the reasons why it was considered to be urgent shall be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the area board to ensure that such decisions are subject to public examination.


b)       To review, within six months, the maximum amount of expenditure not to be exceeded.


Updates from Partners

To receive updates from any of the following partners:


Ø  Wiltshire Police

Ø  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Ø  NHS Wiltshire

Ø  Warminster and Villages Community Area Network

Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives

Ø  Warminster Community Area Young People’s Issues Group

Ø  The Warminster and District Chamber of Commerce


Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda.


There will also be an opportunity at the meeting for Town and Parish Councils Representatives to inform the Warminster Area Board of any issues they would like to be considered in future.

Supporting documents:


Update reports had been received from the following and were included in the agenda:

Ø  NHS Wiltshire

Ø  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

Ø  Warminster Town Council

Ø  Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council

Ø  Upper Deverills Parish Council

Ø  Horningsham Parish Council



Update reports from Wiltshire Police and Warminster Community Area Young People’s Issues Group were received at the meeting and are appended to these minutes.

The area board was pleased to note that to date around 45% of the 12-19 year olds population within the community area had engaged with the Youth Centre.


A representative from Warminster Town Council updated the board on the parking situation following the changes to free parking and explained that the Town Council was looking into different schemes in partnership with local businesses. The board would be kept informed of progress on the scheme.

She also reminded everyone that a Mayors Civic Service celebrating “being community” would take place on Sunday 13 March starting at 10.00 am, at the Minster Church.


The Chairman informed all present that a “Big Society, localism and what it means for the Warminster area” event would take place on Thursday 7 April 2011 from 6.00 pm for a 6.30 pm start at the Corsley Centre.

The Chairman encouraged everyone who could to attend as it would be a genuine chance for local residents to influence things in the Warminster area.


Presentation on the Corsley Memorial Playing Field

To receive a presentation from Dr Neil Carpenter on the Corsley Memorial Playing Field project. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.


Last year the Warminster Area Board gave the Corsley Memorial Playing Field two grants:

• £1,500 to organise a children’s sports day

• £5,000 match funding towards new cycling and tennis equipment


The area board received a presentation from Dr Neil Carpenter explaining the, sometimes arduous, journey taken by the all volunteers committee of Trustees when they had decided to improve and maintain the Playing Field which had been bought in 1947 by the village to remember the war dead, and an update on how the grants had been used.


The Children’s Sports Day took place on 31 August 2011 and the brilliant weather only added to the success of the day. The children had been enthusiastically involved in all aspects of the day, from designing the invites, to distributing them from door to door, and finally thoroughly enjoying themselves on the day!


The charity had received an additional £49,999 towards new cycling and tennis equipment as part of a Lottery bid. Dr Carpenter explained that local companies had been used whenever possible and that young volunteers had also helped prepare the grounds and install the new equipment.


Dr Carpenter was delighted with the outcome of both projects but he did issue a friendly warning to anyone who would consider embarking on a similar project and shared some learning points including: 

Ø  Being subjected to full business costs as charity of a local amenity;

Ø  Not underestimating the amount of work involved to win the Lottery Bid (6 months full-time work equivalent);

Ø  Remembering that grants were available via the Warminster Area Board and the process was quite simple; 

Ø  Engaging in an open and honest consultation process but also accepting that you cannot please everyone;

Ø  Using local companies and volunteers whenever possible to bring business into the area and save money respectively;

Ø  Allowing time, resources and funds to go through the planning system.


Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


A decision has been made in 2010/2011 that paper copies of funding applications no longer appear as part of the agenda in an attempt to reduce volume of paper used.  However, the application forms are available on the Wiltshire Council web site and hard copies are available on request.



Supporting documents:


The area board considered four applications seeking 2010/11 Community Area Grant funding as follows:


Warminster and District Amateur Swimming Club - £991 to purchase underwater video equipment and equipment for poolside viewing

£991 to purchase underwater video equipment and equipment for poolside viewing

Supporting documents:


Sarah Jeffries, as a member of the Warminster and District Amateur Swimming Club, attended the meeting and explained that many of the members had shown real talent with some successfully taking part in National Level competitions. The grant the club had applied for would buy some equipment which would benefit all its members.




To award £991 to the Warminster and District Amateur Swimming Club to purchase underwater video equipment and equipment for poolside viewing




The application meets grant criteria 2010/11 and demonstrates a link to the Community Plan as it supports a large proportion of children and adults in competitive swimming which improves the health and wellbeing of all that participate.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott


Warminster and District Foodbank - £984 for a "Gourmet on your Doorstep" event

£984 for a “Gourmet on your Doorstep” event. Proceeds from charity event to fund the Foodbank.

Supporting documents:


Doreen Baker, a member of the Warminster and District Foodbank association, attended the meeting and answered many questions from the board, she explained that the event would not only raise fund but also raise awareness of the foodbank and the issues it faces.




To award £984 to the Warminster and District Foodbank for a "Gourmet on your Doorstep" event.




The application meets the grant criteria 2010/11 and demonstrates a link to the Community Plan as it supports the local economy and promotes healthy eating.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott



The Warminster Preservation Trust - £5,000 towards the purchase and refurbishment of Warminster Town Hall

£5,000 towards the purchase and refurbishment of Warminster Town Hall.

Supporting documents:


Chris March, Warminster Preservation Trustee, attended the meeting and informed the board that the Trust was hoping to shortly be in a position to buy the building.  In the meantime the Trust had developed a business plan and was gaining strong support from most businesses in the town.


It was clarified at the meeting that the building had been in private ownership for a long period of time.




To not award £5,000 to the Warminster Preservation Trust towards the purchase and refurbishment of Warminster Town Hall




The application does not meet the grant criteria 2010/11.  The building is not owned or leased by the Preservation Trust at this present time.  There are ongoing negotiations with the receivers and no guarantees that the Trust will own the building in order for them to repair it in line with the grant request. In addition, projects in receipt of Community Area Grant awards must be undertaken within a year.


Following its decision, and without prejudice to any future applications, the area board congratulated the Warminster Preservation Trust on its willingness to take on such a project and invited the Trust to consider submitting a detailed grant application once it had ownership of the building.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott



Warminster Garrison Saddle Club - £5,000 towards the total refurbishment of the outdoor arena

£5,000 towards the total refurbishment of the outdoor arena.


Supporting documents:


Bill Common of the Warminster Garrison attended the meeting and introduced the grant application explaining that the outdoor arena was unusable during the winter months in its present state.

He also pointed out that there was match funding already in place from the Army Sports Control Board of £10,000 and £32,000 promised from the Nuffield Trust if a further £5,000 could be raised and that this was the basis of the application for a Community Area Grant.




To award £5,000 to the Warminster Garrison Saddle Club towards the total refurbishment of the outdoor arena




The application meets the grant criteria 2010/11.The project makes a link to the Community Plan through Culture and Leisure provision (WVCP, page 12)

and meets the requirements of Wiltshire Council and the MOD’s civil military integration programme across Salisbury Plain.  It contributes to Warminster Garrison’s Community Engagement initiative and brings local civilians into a joint initiative with army families.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott



Performance Reward Grant

Please note that in an attempt to reduce volume of paper used paper copies of applications for the Performance Reward Grant are not part of the agenda. However, the application forms are available on the Wiltshire Council web site and hard copies are available on request.


To consider support for the following applications for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme:



Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to four Performance Reward Grant applications, as follows:


Warminster and Villages Development Trust - £50,000 for the "Go Bustards!" project

£50,000 for the "Go Bustards!" project

Supporting documents:


Kayleigh Tabaroni and Lesley Fudge introduced the grant application and explained that this was a community project already having 20 villages on board and were hoping to go countywide.


Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe did not vote on the application, item 4 of these minutes refers.




The area board was in support of the application from the Warminster and Villages Development Trust and recommended it go forward to the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott



Wylye Coyotes - £31,000 for the purchase and refurbishment of a mobile unit for their before & after school and holiday club

£20,000 for the purchase and refurbishment of a mobile unit for their before & after school and holiday club

Supporting documents:


Kate Brayne of Wylye Coyotes attended the meeting and drew the area board’s attention to the fact that the application was for £31,000 of funding. Wylye Coyote were looking to offer even more than they already did and the activities would extend beyond before and after school clubs and would probably include catering.




The area board was in support of the application from Wylye Coyotes and recommended it go forward to the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


The area board encouraged the applicant to consider listing all the benefits associated with the project when submitting their application to the panel.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott



Wiltshire's Neighbourhood watch schemes - £20,000 for the Crime Detection through Ultra Violet Scanning - smart water kits

£20,000 for the Crime Detection through Ultra Violet Scanning – smart water kits

Supporting documents:


The area board expressed some concerns over this application and the fact that it seemed to be looking into buying kit to be used by Wiltshire Police Officers; however the board also recognised the worthiness of the purpose of the initiative.




The area board was in support of the application from the Wiltshire's Neighbourhood watch schemes and recommended it go forward to the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott



Splitz Support Service - £41,169 for “Respect” accredited work with male perpetrators of domestic abuse

£41,169 for “Respect” accredited work with male perpetrators of domestic abuse.


Supporting documents:




The area board was in support of the application from the Splitz Support Service and recommended it go forward to the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott




Date of Next Meeting, Forward Plan, Evaluation and Close

To note that the next meeting of the Warminster Area Board focusing on Health and Well-Being and Older People will take place on:


19 May 2011 – Codford Village Hall



To note that future meetings of the Warminster Area Board will take place on:


30 June 2011 – Corsley Reading Room


01 September 2011 – Chapmanslade Village Hall


10 November 2011 – Christchurch Hall


12 January 2012 – Codford Village Hall


08 March 2012 – Corsley Reading Room



To note the Forward Plan for the Warminster Area Board as attached.


Supporting documents:


The next meeting of the Warminster Area Board focusing on Health and Well-Being and Older People would be held on Thursday 19 May 2011 at Codford Village Hall.


The Chairman invited suggestions for a venue for the Warminster Area Board meeting on 12 March 2012 and it was agreed that the meeting would take place in the refurbished Assembly Rooms if available.


ACTION: Marie Gondlach



The Chairman asked all present to fill-in and return their evaluation forms then brought the meeting to a close.