Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary meeting - Community Area Grants meeting, Warminster Area Board - Thursday 19 January 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Warminster Library, Three Horseshoes Walk, Warminster, BA12 9BT

Contact: Marie Gondlach  (Democratic Services Officer) 01225 713 597

No. Item


Chairman's Announcements, Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and explained that the Area Board would need to consider an update on the current position and arrangements for the Wiltshire Celebration Event being organised by the Lord-Lieutenant for Wiltshire. As the Area Board would also need to make some decision about its involvement with the event the Chairman proposed, with support from board members, to consider this item after the Grant Applications.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Francis Morland.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


A decision has been made in 2010/2011 that paper copies of funding

applications no longer appear as part of the agenda in an attempt to reduce

volume of paper used. However, the application forms are available on the

Wiltshire Council web site and hard copies are available on request.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered two applications seeking 2011/12 Community Area Grant funding as follows:


Deverill Players

A request for £600 towards the staging of a pantomime, Alice in Wylyeland, at the end of January 2012.

Supporting documents:


Richard Munroe, a member of the Deverill Players, attended the meeting and was delighted to inform the Area Board of the support they had received from the Parish Councils as well as the Village Hall, especially as this was a brand new venture and everything had had to be started from scratch, from building the stage, to getting the fire regulations approved and not forgetting a temporary event licence. The breadth of support could also be felt in ticket sales as both performances, on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 January, had sold out. The popularity was such that people were attending the dress rehearsal.


Area Board members felt this was a commendable project and were therefore pleased to make the following




To award £600 towards the staging of a pantomime, Alice in Wylyeland, at the end of January 2012.




The application meets the 2011 / 12 grants criteria and the project is linked to the Community Area Plan (2005-2015) under the Culture and Leisure theme which calls for more cultural activities.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott





Warminster Neighbourhood Policing Team / Warminster Youth Development Centre

A request for £1,000 to purchase a “Community Bustard” sculpture for young people to name and decorate.

Supporting documents:


Disappointingly no representative from the two groups involved with the project attended the meeting.


Members of the Board were not overly impressed with the financial information provided.


It was clarified that the amount requested would cover the cost of the sculpture itself and that funding in kind had been sought for the day of art and fun planned to decorate the Bustard.

Some members of the Board explained that they had witnessed how much projects like this one had meant for Young People in other areas of Wiltshire.




To award £1,000 to purchase a “Community Bustard” sculpture for young people to name and decorate.




The application meets the grant criteria 2011/12 and the project is linked to the Warminster and Villages Community Plan as it supports and involves young people in local projects and hopes to decrease anti-social behaviour, whilst also utilising the town park for more events. 


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott


Her Majesty the Queen's Diamond Jubilee - Wiltshire Celebration Event

Supporting documents:


Members of the Area Board discussed the attached report and felt that this would be a great opportunity for the Warminster Area Community to showcase its history and successes.

However members of the Area Board felt that the size of the tent and other requirements could only be established once the number of people, groups or associations wishing to have a stand was known and that it would take some time to approach possible sponsors should the application to the Community Covenant Grant Scheme be unsuccessful.

Members were also mindful that this was an extraordinary meeting of the Area Board convened to consider grant applications there were less members of the public and representatives of the Town and Parish Councils present.


For all these reasons and to ensure the event was an opportunity for associations, groups, organisations and business in the Warminster Community Area to get involved, should they wish to, the Area Board made the following




1.    To ask the Community Area Manager to contact the following people and invite them to form a working group:

·         A representative from the Chamber of Commerce;

·         Two representatives from the Town and Parish Council;

·         A representative from the Community Area Young Peoples’ Issues Group (CAYPIG);

·         A representative from the Warminster and Villages Community Area Partnership.


Councillors Andrew Davis and Keith Humphries volunteered to be members of the working group.


ACTION: Jacqui Abbott


2.    To task the working group with the following:

·         Identify and contact all appropriate groups, organisations, associations and businesses in the Warminster Community Area and invite them to take part in the event on 1 or 2 May 2012;

·         Following their response to establish the size of the tent required and any other equipment needed;

·         Identify and contact all potential sponsors for the event, with the understanding that their sponsorship may only be required should the application to the Community Covenant Grant Scheme be unsuccessful;

·         To co-ordinate and organise the event.


3.    To inform the Lord-Lieutenant that the Warminster Area Board welcomes the opportunity to have a “jousting tent” at the event and to ask for a deadline date to confirm all the details of the requirements.


ACTION: Marie Gondlach



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Warminster Area Board will be on 8 March 2012 at the Warminster Civic Centre, Sambourne Road, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8LB.


The next meeting of the Warminster Area Board will be held on 8 March 2012 at the Warminster Civic Centre, Sambourne Road, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8LB.