Agenda and minutes

Warminster Area Board - Thursday 10 May 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Chitterne Village Hall, Situated in the centre of the village, next to the Church and village green

Contact: Marie Gondlach  (Democratic Services Officer) 01225 713 597 or email:

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and invited members of the board to introduce themselves.


The Chairman took the opportunity to thank Mr Sam Selman and Ms Judy Hible, who had offered advice and information at the Wiltshire Community Bank stand.


The Chairman also informed those present that he had agreed for a photographer from the Warminster Journal to attend the meeting and that people were welcome to indicate whether or not they wished to be photographed.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:

Inspector Lesley Winter, Wiltshire Police

Mike Franklin, Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Services

Cllr Francis Morland, Wiltshire Council

Chris March, Warminster Town Council



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2012 (copy attached).

Supporting documents:




The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no Declarations of Interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the Announcements included in the agenda and invite any questions.


The Chairman made the following announcements:


Cleveland Bridge Weight Restriction

To consider Bath and North East Somerset Council proposal to implement an experimental weight restriction in Bath between the A36 Bathwick Street and the A36 Beckford Road (commonly known as the Cleveland Bridge restriction) and whether it would affect the Warminster Community Area.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe encouraged people to get involved and make their feelings known as this was an experimental order which could lead to heavy traffic being diverted from the A36 onto the A350.


Polling Station Review

Details of the consultation taking place regarding the review of polling stations. The Elections Team are seeking your views on Wiltshire Council’s existing polling districts and polling places.  As part of the review there is also an opportunity to comment on the polling stations.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman encouraged people to take part in the consultation ending on 25 May 2012.


Rural Facilities Survey

The rural facilities survey maps the services and amenities available to rural communities within the Wiltshire Council area. The survey has been carried out since 1976, painting a picture of some 233 rural settlements in the county of Wiltshire across 35 years.

The survey is repeated around every three years and the latest survey is scheduled to be carried out during spring 2012.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman encouraged parish clerks to take part in the survey once it has been posted to them.


Review of Mini Recycling Sites and Household Recycling Centre Summer Opening Hours

Following the success of the new improved waste and recycling collection services in Wiltshire, some of the other recycling facilities in Wiltshire are being used less. Wiltshire Council is now looking for your views on how you use your local recycling facilities and how savings can be achieved.


Paper copies of the questionnaire will be available at the meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman encouraged those present to fill-in the questionnaire on-line or the paper copies available at the meeting.


11 to 19 Commissioning Strategy Update (Youth Advisory Groups, Volunteers and Income Generation)

The Youth Services Implementation Group is inviting feedback from Area Boards on any of the initiatives highlighted in the attached document.


Any comments, queries or questions should be sent to by 31 July 2012.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew the meeting’s attention to the update included in the agenda.


Informal Adult Education in Wiltshire

Informal adult education refers to courses which are offered as leisure activities and not those which are focused on developing basic skills or qualifications relating to employment.


At its meeting in January, the council’s cabinet decided to close Urchfont Manor by the end of September 2012 while recognising that future Adult Education Service provision, including local flexible delivery in line with the BIS proposals, will be determined by cabinet after consultation with service users, area boards, local communities and partners; Wiltshire Council is taking this opportunity to undertake a review of its provision and support of informal adult education across the county. 


The area board is invited to comment upon the options presented in the report and to indicate which of the options it would wish to recommend to cabinet.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited the meeting to consider the report included in the agenda and to comment on the options for consideration.


There were no suggestions of a preferred option from the Warminster Area Board.


Current Consultations

Have your say on how your council works by viewing the current consultations. The information in the document included in the agenda is available on the Wiltshire Council website under: Council and Democracy / Consultations.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman encouraged people to get involved with the on-going consultations which could be accessed on the Wiltshire Council website.



Your Local Issues

An update from the Community Area Manager and leaders of the groups working on existing issues.


If you would like to raise an issue please contact the Warminster Community Area Manager, Jacqui Abbott on 07771 844 530 or or report the issue on the Wiltshire Council Website by using this link.


The Chairman will invite those attending to raise any urgent items of public concerns and will also invite any questions from the floor.

Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager introduced her report including new issues since the last meeting and invited people to contact her should they have any issues to raise.



Countering dog fouling on public open spaces - a study of Warminster Common

To receive a presentation on general progress and on the findings of the Dog Fouling Working Group, following the use of Warminster Common as a pilot site to test a number of ideas for reducing dog fouling.


Presented by: Mr Nigel Linge MBE

Supporting documents:


Mr Nigel Linge MBE, introduced his report on the findings of an 18 months pilot study of Warminster Common.

Mr Linge explained that common sense measures such as regular grass cutting, resurfacing paths, fencing (to avoid “stray” fouling) and bins placed at the entrance of paths all contributed to a noticeable reduction in dog fouling, however enforcement remained an issue.


The Chairman thanked Mr Linge for his presentation and also for having put forward potential solutions.


An officer from the Highways and Streetscene team also asked Mr Linge for his presentation as he felt that the proposed solutions could be of interest for his team.


Cllr Keith Humphries thanked Mr Linge for the group’s tremendous work and congratulated him on the value of that work. Cllr Humphries informed the Area Board that he would shortly attend a seminar to consider all gathered evidence and a potential way forward. He offered to report back to the Area Board when appropriate.


In response to questions asked the following points were clarified:

·         The Police was not responsible for the enforcement of dog fouling prevention notices;

·         Everyone could be an enforcer but would have to be prepared to sign a witness statement;

·         It was not advisable to put dog fouling in a compost heap due to the risk of Toxicara Canis larvae (Canine Roundworm) developing.



Updates from Partners

To receive updates from any of the following partners:

Ø  Wiltshire Police

Ø  NHS Wiltshire

Ø  Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives

Ø  Warminster Community Area Young People’s Issues Group

Ø  The Warminster and District Chamber of Commerce

Ø  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda.

Supporting documents:


Some written updates had been received before the meeting and were included in the agenda.


Councillor Pip Ridout explained that CAYPIG was working on existing projects and that there was nothing new to report at this time.


Councillor Christopher Newbury explained that there currently were no major new issues for the Fire Authority.




Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service - Integrated Risk Management Plan for 2012-15

The Area Board and members of the public will be briefed on the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) for the period 2012-15 that Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service is under a legal obligation to produce.


Presented by: Station Manager Scott Taylor


Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances Scott Taylor was unable to attend the meeting.



Cabinet Representative - Councillor John Brady

Councillor John Brady, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk, will present his portfolio.


Councillor John Brady, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk, presented his portfolio and explained that the main task was to monitor and set budgets with the Head of Finance.


He gave some numbers to give an idea of the scale of the budget and its implications, for example:

·         256 Town and Parish Councils with their own precepts;

·         203,000 properties in Wiltshire for which Council Tax had to be collected (second equal biggest collection in the Country, only Birmingham had more to collect);

·         Wiltshire had one of the highest Council tax collection rate in the Country (98%), with 77% paid by direct debit;

·         The move to a Unitary Council had enabled savings on buildings running costs as they were reduced from 98 buildings to 3 hubs;

·         Wiltshire Council only has reserves of £11.7M (which made it the 353rd  lowest reserves out of 355 Local Authorities);

·         A balanced budget was expected for 2011-12, at the time there was a predicted surplus of £126,000;

·         £32M efficiency savings were expected for the next financial year;

·         Wiltshire Council received only £228 per person for government grants, when the national average was £342.


During the ensuing conversation points and issues including the following were considered:


·         Wiltshire Council had no control over Town and Parish Council’s precepts;

·         There was no disagreement over whether some form of control of borrowing for Town and Parish Councils should be discussed with Central Government;

·         The Localism Bill included a “power of competence” which meant that Town and Parish Councils could set up businesses to raise money or borrow, for example running village halls as competitive businesses, however it was recognised that the “power of competence” was subject to many conditions and restrictions;

·         Leadership and good management were paramount to enable Town and Parish Councils to limit any increase in precept to the minimum necessary.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Brady for his presentation and for attending the meeting.



Community Budgets

The ultimate aim of community budgets is to provide local people with greater transparency and influence about a whole range of public services in their area; not just those provided by the council, but also by partner agencies, including health, police and the fire service, amongst others.


Warminster community area has been chosen as one of the two proposed pilots for community budgets. Further information on the pilot project will be provided at the meeting.


Presented by: David Bowater, Programme Lead

Supporting documents:


Julie Martin, Head of Service - Communities and Inclusion, introduced the report included in the agenda and explained that Community Budgets had been brought out by Central Government and that Warminster Community Area had been offered an opportunity to be part of a pilot with Melksham Community Area.

She clarified that Community Budgets were about a joined up approach between Local Government and public sector departments. It would give people more say on how the money was spent but it was not a new budget.

Wiltshire Council would produce the information at community level, therefore not creating extra work for the community. Wiltshire Council had not set aside a budget to support the pilot but would be offering officer time.

The next step would be to set up a workshop on a date to be agreed with the Warminster and Villages Community Partnership (WVCP).


The Chairman invited everyone present to comment on the proposal and to consider whether the Warminster Community Area wished to take part in the pilot.


During that discussion concerns were raised regarding a number of issues including:

·         how much change could be achieved as many functions would be statutory;

·         what was the focus of Community Budgets, what would people / volunteers be expected to do;

·         what exactly would the pilot exercise be about.


A representative of the WVCP explained that they were sceptical about the scope of change possible but would support the project if the Warminster Community wished to get involved.


It became clear that more information would be needed on the pilot as well as on Community Budget. It was also acknowledged as crucial for the WVCP, Town and Parish Councils and the Area Board to be involved every step of the way and to be consulted when appropriate.




1.    To agree in principle to be part of the pilot, subject to the monitoring of the usefulness of the project;


2.    To receive more information at a future meeting before organising the workshop;


3.    To immediately involve Town and Parish Councils and do so throughout the pilot exercise;


4.    To pull out of the pilot exercise at any point. 






Tackling Financial Exclusion

To receive information regarding the Wiltshire Community Bank and other sources of help available to prevent financial exclusion.


Presented by: Emma Cooper, Partnership Development Manager, Communities and Voluntary Sector Support


Emma Cooper Partnership Development Manager - Communities and Voluntary Sector Support, delivered a short presentation and explained that the Joint Strategic Assessment for Warminster had highlighted the following:

·         5 areas most deprived 20% in Wiltshire;

·         Significant Armed Forces Community;

·         Decline in rural facilities (post offices).


She explained that the Credit Unions were regulated by the Financial Services Authority and that the Wiltshire Community Bank offered community savings and loan cooperatives where members pooled their savings to lend to one another.


She invited people to watch the short film on Wiltshire Community Bank on


Collection point on Wednesday mornings at the Warminster Library.


In response to questions asked it was explained that:


·         The general rule was to save for 10 weeks before one could borrow money; however an emergency loan was also available;

·         There was no interest paid on savings however dividends were paid, last year 2% had been paid to savers;

·         There currently were 600 members, with a budget of £160,000 with 70% on loan.





Warminster and Villages Community Partnership - Request for Funding

To consider a request from Warminster and Villages Community Partnership to receive its first tranche of funding for 2012-13.


Supporting documents:


Debra Leslie, Co-ordinator for the Warminster and Villages Community Partnership (WVCP), explained that the partnership was going through a period of change and restructuration and wished to defer their request for funding until those changes had been implemented.




To defer the request for funding until the WVCP was ready to present it again.



Area Board Funding

The Community Area Manager will provide an overview of spending for 2011-12 and an update on the grants awarded to support celebrations of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and / or the Olympics within the Warminster Community Area as part of the Area Board Project.



The Community Area Manager presented an overview of spending for 2011-12 and reminded people that the deadline for application for grants for Jubilee / Olympics celebrations was 19 May 2012.

£41,780 had been spent in 2011/12 on main grant applications and £4,750 for grants for Jubilee / Olympics celebrations as follows:


Upton Scudamore Community Association


Codford Village Jubilee Celebrations


Maiden Bradley


Boynton Parish


Upton Lovell


Corsley Playng Field


Wylye Coyotes


Warminster Sequence Dance Club


Chitterne Village Hall


Stockton Diamond Jubilee Committee


Sutton Veny


Bishopstrow Parish


Upper Deverills Village Hall


Bread Street Social Committee


Horningsham Parish Council


Bishopstrow Playing Field Charity


Woodland Road Jubilee event





Area Board Funding - Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


A decision was made in 2010/11 that paper copies of funding applications no longer appear as part of the agenda in an attempt to reduce the volume of paper used. However the full applications are circulated to all members of the Area Board, published on the Wiltshire Council website and hard copies are available on request.

Supporting documents:


The area board considered the following applications seeking 2011/12 Community Area Grant funding:


Warminster Athenaeum Trust

A request for £5,000 towards the reconstruction of the toilet block to improve facilities for all users including disabled people.

Supporting documents:


A representative of the Athaneum trust explained that the development was in phase 4 and this application focused on the refurbishment of the toilets.

The Athaneum was achieving 75% of usage, with shows on most weekends.




To award the Warminster Athaneum Trust £5,000 towards the Athaneum Development Phase 4.




The application met the 2012/13 grants criteria and demonstrated a link to the Community Area Plan where there is a commitment to support the development of the Athenaeum.


Warminster Christmas Lights

A request for £2,000 towards refurbishing and renewing 20 control units on lamp posts and also to re-position some RCD units to lower positions which will make the lights safer to manage when there are problems.


Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager introduced the application and explained why she had had to recommend refusal. She pointed out that she had been informed by the applicant that this would be their last request as all the equipment would then have been updated / brought to standards.


The Warminster Town Clerk explained that some of the existing lights had been used for 20 years and the upgrade had been essential to keep up with current regulations.


Members of the public asked the board to consider awarding the grant as they felt the lights were a focal point and attracted many visitors to the town.




1.    To note that this is the fourth application by the Warminster Christmas Lights.


2.    To award the Warminster Christmas Lights £2,000 towards the improvement to the Christmas lights.




This application is for brand new equipment for safety reasons and provides a benefit to the community.


Warminster Sequence Dancers

A request for £1,800 towards funding for the organist.


Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager introduced the application and explained why she had had to recommend refusal.


Mrs Barbara Parry, Secretary for the Warminster Sequence Dancers, explained that the club met once a week with live music once a month and that the enjoyment the members of the club got from the live music was incommensurable. In answering questions she explained that the club’s income was solely based on members paying to attend; this had to cover all running costs including hiring the room.




To award the Warminster Sequence Dancers £1,800 towards a monthly organist.




This provides health benefits to the members of the Warminster Sequence Dancers.




Community Area Transport Group

To consider the budget allocation proposals from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) for the Warminster Community Area and the roads prioritised for the “C” class review.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the report included in the agenda.




1.    To agree the following expenditure:



Folly Lane signing and lining




Chapmanslade signing and lining


Chapmanslade Parish Council is contributing an additional £500




Wessex Court – Cycle Barrier




Boreham road / Woodcock road

(topo survey to allow development of options for possible substantive bids)




2.      To agree the “C” class road review for the following routes: C270, C25 and C10.



Your Area Board - Your Ideas, Your Reactions, Your Suggestions

The board will consider the existing Forward Work Plan for the Warminster Area Board at which point the Chairman will invite those present to suggest topics to be considered at future meetings.


If you cannot attend the meeting and would like to suggest topics please contact the Democratic Services Officer whose details are available on the front page of this agenda.


There were no comments from those present.



Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

The next meetings of the Warminster Area Board will be on:


·         5 July 2012 – Chapmanslade Village Hall

·         6 September 2012 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         8 November 2012 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         10 January 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         7 March 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre



The Chairman confirmed the future meeting date as follows and drew the meeting to a close:


·         5 July 2012 – Chapmanslade Village Hall

·         6 September 2012 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         8 November 2012 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         10 January 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         7 March 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre