Agenda and minutes

Warminster Area Board - Thursday 8 November 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Warminster Civic Centre, Sambourne Road, Warminster BA12 8LB

Contact: Stuart Figini  (Democratic Services Officer) 01225 718376 or email:

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Warminster Civic Centre, and then introduced the Wiltshire councillors who made up the area board.


The Chairman thanked the various stake holders and parish representatives in attendance.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Francis Morland.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2012 (copy attached).

Supporting documents:




• The minutes of the 6 September 2012 meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any non-pecuniary and pecuniary interest or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Agenda Item No.13-4.Chapel of St Lawrence.

Cllr Andrew Davies – was a trustee of the Chapel of St Lawrence, would leave the room when the application was discussed and voted on.


Young People's Participatory Budgeting Awards

The Area Board has £4,045 for Young People’s Projects and has decided to hold a participatory budgeting session to decide how these funds are allocated. Young people have been encouraged to develop ideas for projects that they would like to see funded.  Groups of young people will be attending the meeting to make presentations about their projects.  Everyone attending the meeting will be able to vote for their favourite project and voting handsets will be used to cast votes.  The most popular projects will go through. 



Presentations from groups of young people bidding for area board funding were invited from local youth groups and schools. These groups were invited to the Area Board to “pitch” their projects to the Area Board members and the public in attendance.


Each group gave a short presentation, which was then followed by any questions.


The Chairman gave a brief explanation of the interactive voting system which would be used to score the presentations, the amount allocated was £4,045, which it was agreed would be allocated with the first and second place finishers receiving the full amount that they had applied for. The rest would be divided up between the remaining groups in proportion to what they had applied for.


The presentations were as follows:


·       Heytesbury Primary School – Isabel’s Garden.

·       Upton Lovell Youth Group – Bush Camp Trip.

·       Warminster Guides, (Senior Section) – PGL trip to the Isle of Wight.

·       Maiden Bradley Young Persons Group – Club Equipment.

·       Warminster Swimming Club – Fun Swimming Equipment.

·       St John’s School, Warminster – Outdoor Story Telling Area.




·       1st Upton Lovell Youth Group.

·       2nd St John’s School, Warminster.

·       3rd Maiden Bradley Young Persons Group.

·       4th Warminster Guides, (Senior Section).

·       5th Warminster Swimming Club.

·       6th Heytesbury Primary School.





·       That the Warminster Area Board agreed to grant funding to the youth groups as listed below:


Upton Lovell Youth Group – awarded £1,000

St John’s School, Warminster – awarded £1,000

Maiden Bradley Young Persons Group – awarded £653

Warminster Guides, (Senior Section) – awarded £333

Warminster Swimming Club – awarded £438

Heytesbury Primary School – awarded £618


Cllr Davies thanked all the youth groups and schools for their entertaining presentations and thanked the meeting for its help in judging the presentations.


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the Announcements included in the agenda and invite any questions.

Supporting documents:


The following announcements contained in the pack were outlined by the Chairman:


·       Informal Adult Education Update.


·       Victim Support.


·       Community Infrastructure Levy.


·       Youth Service Update.


·       Current consultations.


Your Local Issues

An update from the Community Area Manager and leaders of the groups working on existing issues.


If you would like to raise an issue please contact the Warminster Community Area Manager, Jacqui Abbott on 07771 844 530 or or report the issue on the Wiltshire Council Website by using this link.


The Chairman will invite those attending to raise any urgent items of public concerns and will also invite any questions from the floor.

Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager outlined the Warminster Area Board Issues report, dated 8 November 2012, as contained in the agenda pack.




·       The report dated 8 November was noted by the Warminster Area Board.


Community Asset Transfer - Warminster Town Council

The Area Board will be asked to consider the transfer of a piece of land to the side of the Warminster Civic Centre from Wiltshire Council to Warminster Town Council. 

Supporting documents:


The Warminster Area Board considered an application submitted by Warminster Town Council for the transfer of land adjoining the Civic Centre, Warminster (the report and plans were contained in the agenda pack).




·       That the Warminster Area Board approves the transfer of the land adjoining the Civic Centre, Warminster.





Youth Advisory Group Appointments

The Area Board will be asked to appoint a representative to attend future Youth Advisory Group meetings.


Further information about the Youth Advisory Group and their Terms of reference is attached.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board were asked to appoint a representative to attend future Youth Advisory Group meetings. The YAG group would be linked to the Area Board and chaired by a young person under the age of twenty five.


Over 50% of the YAG membership would be under nineteen years of age and the group would play a key role in improving the coordination of positive activities for young people in local areas.




·       That the Warminster Area Board nominates Cllr Pip Ridout as the Youth Advisory Group representative with Gary Welsh – Warminster Youth Centre.



Updates from Partners

To receive written updates from any of the following partners:


Ø  Wiltshire Police


Ø  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Ø  NHS Wiltshire


Ø  Wiltshire Involvement Network


Ø  Warminster and Villages Community Partnership – will also consider a request from Warminster and Villages Community Partnership to receive its second tranche of funding for 2012/13


Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives


Ø  Warminster Community Area Young People’s Issues Group


Ø  The Warminster and District Chamber of Commerce


Ø  CAT–G Update


Written updates which have been received are included in this agenda.

Supporting documents:


Written updates from the following partners were noted:


·       Wiltshire Police.


·       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service.


·       NHS Wiltshire.


·       Wiltshire Involvement Network.


·       Warminster and Villages Community Partnership.


·       Warminster Town Council.


·       Horningsham, Longbridge Deverill and Maiden Bradley Parish Councils.


·       Community Area Transport Group.




The Chairman thanked all the partners for their updates.



Community Area Transport Group Budget Allocation Proposals



i.Improvements to A350 Junction – CAT-G funding of £2,100.


(Parish Council has agreed to contribute £1,000 to the project which will cost £3,100).



ii.Beech Grove - CAT-G funding of £1300.


This is for a topographical survey. An application will be made to the 2013/14 substantive scheme for possible future work on creating access restrictions.



iii.Smallbrook Lane / Boreham Road - CAT-G funding of £800.


To provide hatched lines at junction to improve access for vehicles exiting Smallbrook Lane.





·       That the Warminster Area Board agrees the prioritised projects listed above for CATG expenditure.





Area Board Funding - Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


A decision was made in 2010/11 that paper copies of funding applications no longer appear as part of the agenda in an attempt to reduce the volume of paper used. However the full applications are circulated to all members of the Area Board, published on the Wiltshire Council website and hard copies are available on request.

Supporting documents:


The area board considered the following applications seeking 2011/12 Community Area Grant funding:



Corsley Reading Room - awarded £1,591.21.


The application demonstrates a link to the community plan through supporting parishes in the development of their village halls / meeting places.




Warminster Supporter’s Group, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – awarded £4,976.


The project demonstrates a link to the community plan through economy and tourism, culture and leisure, the environment and volunteering.




Warminster Area Rural and Town Schools Partnership – awarded £350.


           The funding would provide a 6 week course for up to 9 adults and 2 children per adult and encourages children and adults to learn together.  Learning opportunities are extended and a similar project in the Summer was very popular and successful.



Cllr Andrew Davies leaves the room, Cllr Fleur de Rhe-Philipe now in the chair.



Chapel of St. Lawrence - awarded £4,990.


The project will upgrade the facilities of the chapel for community used which includes the provision of a toilet for disabled people and catering facilities.  The building will be more accessible to the general population for community anc charitable events.


Cllr Andrew Davies returns to the room.




A36 Manor Road Junction, Upton Lovell


The Chairman welcomed and introduced the following:


Mike Ginger, Andrew Page-Dove, Annabelle Dexter - Highways Agency.


Cllr Dick Tonge – Cabinet member for Highways & Transport, Wiltshire Council.

Graham Hay - Head of Service, Traffic & Network, Wiltshire Council.

Jon Perrett, read out a statement on behalf of Upton Lovell Parish Council and the residents of Upton Lovell who were unhappy with the new mirror and did not want traffic to be stopped from exiting from Manor Road on to the A36.

Mike Ginger – Highways Agency then advised that in order to manage safety across the Agency’s network, an accident concentration of six or more injury accidents in three years triggers a situation whereby the Agency studies the underlying causes of the problem, develops a proposal to address these causes and seeks resources to fund a solution.

The Highways Agency had commissioned a survey to understand the cause of the accidents and to identify a permanent solution to the safety issues of the junction.

A number of short term options have been proposed:

Mirror – given the current record of the junction over the last three years and the fact that there is limited visibility at the junction of Manor Road and the A36, the mirror on its own would not provide a solution to the safety issues at the junction. The data going back to 1991shows that a further seven accidents had occurred involving traffic emerging from the junction, all of which occurred with the operation of the old mirror.

Improved visibility – this could be improved by cutting back vegetation to the right. This would achieve only an additional approximately ten metres of visibility. Overall visibility would be way below the required ninety metres for a forty mph road.

Experimental Traffic Regulation Order which would stop the movements out of Manor Road. The Highways Agency had been liaising closely with Wiltshire Council; who are in the best position to introduce the experimental traffic regulation order.

The experiment would run for a maximum period of eighteen months and consultation would take place during that period. The scheme would be monitored. It is intended that a final agreed scheme would follow on from the experiment.

Questions and points raised from the floor included:

·       Upton Lovell residents would be locked into the village if the experimental traffic regulation order was implemented and Network Rail closed the level crossing for maintenance work, which had been muted.

·       The Highways Agency should have replaced the old mirror with a “like for like” one, the new mirror is inadequate for the purpose it is intended for.

·       A very dangerous road junction, that needs a proper solution found.

·       There would be a big impact on farm and business vehicles in the village if Manor Road was closed.

·       Residents of Upton Lovell do not want Manor road closed.

·       Could the Highways Agency not put traffic lights on the junction?

·       Could the Highways Agency just accept that the new mirror that they put up is not as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Future Meeting Dates

The next meetings of the Warminster Area Board will be on:


·         8 November 2012 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         10 January 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre

·         7 March 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre



·       8 November 2012 – Warminster Civic Centre.

·       10 January 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre.

·       7 March 2013 – Warminster Civic Centre.


