Agenda and minutes

Warminster Area Board - Thursday 6 March 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Warminster Civic Centre, Sambourne Rd, Warminster BA12 8LB

Contact: Jessica Croman 

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and invited members of the board to introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Sue Fraser – Warminster Town Council, Sandra Samuel – Youth Action Group, Cllr Keith Humphries.




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2014 (copy attached).

Supporting documents:




·       The minutes of the meeting held on the 9 January 2014 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the Announcements included in the agenda and invite any questions.


·       JSA Invitation only Event – 1 April 2014 6:30pm, Civic Centre Warminster

·       Wiltshire Pledge (page 7)

·       Dementia Strategy (page 9)

·       Integrated Performance Management Report (pages 11-12)

·       Community Infrastructure Levy (pages 13-16) 

·       Library Memory Groups (page 17)

·       Core Strategy (page 19)

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements which were covered in the

agenda pack:


·       JSA Invitation only event – 1 April 2014 6:30pm – The Community Area Manager encouraged the Area Board attendees to reserve a table online or to contact her if they did not have a link.


·       Wiltshire Pledge.


·       Dementia Strategy


·       Integrated Performance management Report - It was noted that the consultation period had ended.


·       Community infrastructure Levy


·       Library memory groups



Your Local Issues

An update from the Community Area Manager and leaders of the groups working on existing issues including:


·       Chitterne’s request to include the B390 in monitoring Stonehenge traffic.


If you would like to raise an issue please contact the Warminster Community Area Manager, Jacqui Abbott on 07771 844 530 or or report the issue on the Wiltshire Council Website


The Chairman will invite those attending to raise any urgent items of public concerns and will also invite any questions from those present.

Supporting documents:


Chitterne had requested that the B390 be included in monitoring the Stonehenge traffic and it was;


AGREED to support Chitterne’s request.


The Community Area Manager introduced her report including new issues since the last meeting, on-going issues and those issues since resolved.


The report was included as part of the agenda pack.


Issues in Boyton & Corton around drainage were discussed and Adrian Hampton, Head Local Highways & Streetscene South from Wiltshire Council reassured the Area Board that their plans were being prioritised to empty drains and reduce the flooding problems. Mr Hampton informed the Area Board that there would be a meeting on the 11 March 2014, 6pm, at the Civic Centre in Trowbridge, to give more information and look at new ideas going forward in order to tackle the problems.


A comment was raised about the police cover in the Warminster Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team and it was noted as a matter the Area Board should discuss.



Youth Activity Review

Communities across Wiltshire are being consulted on what youth activities they would like in their local communities as part of a wide-ranging review.  Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet member for Children’s Services Wiltshire Council, will present details of the review being undertaken. 


a.      Retain the current in-house service but reduce the value – a number of options would be considered to make the required savings and deliver a service that meets the needs of young people in local community areas.


  1. Outsource the service – this option would involve developing a new service specification for the provision of positive leisure-time activities; shaped by key stakeholders, including young people based on the resources available.


  1. Encourage and support staff to form a Public Service Mutual (PSM). A mutual can deliver a public service involving a high degree of employee control. It can operate for profit, not for profit, charity, social enterprise and community interest company.


d.      Develop a community-led approach which will empower communities via community area boards, with funding from the council, to develop and make available positive leisure-time youth activities within their local area


The full report can be accessed electronically through this link:


Further information can be found at:


The Chairman welcomed Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services at Wiltshire Council.


Cllr Mayes gave a presentation on the youth activity review currently taking place and confirmed that the Council was keen to have the involvement of as many people as possible.


In order to address the changing needs of young people a report was submitted to Cabinet on 21 January.


There were approximately 2,000 eligible young people in the Warminster community area with only 185 currently using the services. 


The budget for 2014/15 had been set at Council on 25 February and included a need for Integrated Youth Services to make savings of £191,000.


This was also in line with Campus proposals which it was noted would provide new opportunities and would affect the way in which services were currently provided.  The first campus was due to open in Corsham in June 2014.


The authority had a statutory duty to secure access to leisure time activities for young people.  The Department of Education changed the guidance approximately 18 months ago that authorities should ‘enable’ services and not just ‘provide’ with an enhanced role for the voluntary sector in the community.


It was noted that the Area Board had clearly supported the youths in the area with a number of the grants being awarded for their projects.


The 4 options being consulted were:

·       Retain the current in-house service but reduce the cost

·       Outsource the service

·       Encourage and support staff to form a Public Service Mutual

·       Develop a community led approach


Cabinet at its meeting held on 21 January had expressed an interest in Option 4.


The consultation process started on Friday 31 January and a final report with recommendations for future provision were expected to be presented to Cabinet in April but this could be delayed in order to process all the feedback.


The outcome of the consultation should:

·       Provide a better service for young people

·       Give greater influence to young people on local provision

·       Target resources and funding to those who needed it most

·       Protect the vulnerable with safeguarding a top priority

·       Deliver youth services in a different way

·       Provide value for money and use of resources

·       Improve the future environment (the Campus programme would provide this)

·       Reflect the revised government guidance


Safeguarding was also a key element and at least 8 targeted youth workers would be available to work with the vulnerable.


All were encouraged to submit their views via the following websites:


Further information could also be found at:


A comment was made asking about where the youth number had come from and it was explained that the figures came from youth services for the period of April to December 2013.


Sally Willox, Locality D Team Leader for Integrated Youths at Wiltshire Council, mentioned that the current number of youths using the services had doubled with a lot of the youths not having any support or anywhere else to go.


Cllr Mayes explained that the review on how the services are provided  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Updates from Partners

To receive updates from any of the following partners:


Ø  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Ø  Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives

Ø  Warminster Community Area Youth Action Group

Ø  Shadow Community Operations Board


Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda.

Supporting documents:


The following written updates that had been received before the meeting and

were included in the agenda were noted:


Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

The written report was noted.

Mike Franklin drew the attention to the dangers of lit candles and advised the Area Board to have caution following recent events.


Warminster Youth Action Group (YAG)

The following points were raised:


·       That the YAG had been meeting regularly due to the review of the youth services.


·       The Westbury and Warminster YAG would be putting on a joint celebration day on 13 May to celebrate the achievements of young people in the locality.


·       There is a planned YAG residential in April.



Warminster and Villages Community Area Partnership (WVCP)

The written report was noted.


Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council

The written report was noted.


Warminster Town Council

The written report was noted.


Horningsham Parish Council

The written report was noted.


Upperdevrills Parish Council

The written report was noted.


Shadow Community Operations Board

The Community Area Manager drew attention to the consultation and encouraged the Area Board to have its input highlighting what a great opportunity it was. It was mentioned that a large amount of replies was needed in order to get enough views from the community and attend to everyone’s needs.



The Chairman thanked all the partners for their updates.



Leader Funding item and the area boards

Alan Truscott and Sarah Dyke will explain how Local Action Groups with LEADER funding can help projects in the Board’s area and seek views on priorities for expenditure.


Sarah Dyke and Alan Truscott gave a presentation on local action groups (LAG) with LEADER funding and explained how local groups can get involved with the next round of funding in 2015. They explained how Wiltshire had 3 LAG’s; Sowing Seeds, Plain Action and North Wessex Downs. A key aspect to the funding was that each project met the set criteria. 70% of the funding was targeting projects that create jobs and expansions and 30% for the local economic benefit.


Comments were raised on how successful the LAG’s had been and that LEADER funding was a great source of funds.


The Chairman thanked Sarah Dyke and Alan Truscott for their presentation.



Wiltshire's New Housing Allocation Policy

To inform the meeting of the new way that Wiltshire Council will allocate social housing.

Supporting documents:


Nicole Smith, Head of Strategic Housing at Wiltshire Council, gave a presentation on the new housing allocation policy.


The policy was reviewed 18 months ago following the introduction of the Localism Act and the introduction of the new freedoms and a consultation was launched incorporating a large number of stake holders and approved at Cabinet in November 2013.


Following the changes have been made to the policy:

        The applicant must have a local connection to Wiltshire

        Local Homes allocated to Local People

        Creation of an open market register for those with no identified housing need

        Review of the bands

        Introduction of reasons to be excluded from the register

        Allocations made in line with the bedroom standard


The new housing policy will be implemented in September 2014.


A concern was raised on the issue of the bedroom tax and families not being able to downsize and it was explained that the council was aware of the problems and have made it a priority to accommodate those needing to downsize. They have also been encouraging transfers and mutual exchanges.


The Chairman thanks Nicole Smith for the presentation.



Community Area Transport Group

To agree proposed projects and funding.

Supporting documents:


The Warminster Area Board were asked to agree the budget allocation proposals from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) for the Warminster Community Area.




·       That the Warminster Area Board approves the three projects listed in the report for CATG expenditure.


It was also noted that the pervious A350 cycle path to Upton Scudamore application had been put on hold until further notice.



Area Board Funding - Community Area Grants

To consider the applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.

Supporting documents:


The area board considered the following applications seeking 2013/14 Grant funding:


Community Area Grants.



Warminster Community Choir – Public Address System awarded £2140 towards this project.


This application meets grant criteria 2013/14 and is a capital project.




Warminster Town Council – World war 1 Commemoration Project awarded £4000 towards this project.


This application meets grant criteria 2013/14 and is a capital project.



Warminster Economy and tourism group of Warminster and villages Community Area Partnership – Public convenience picture awarded £400 towards this project.


This application meets grant criteria 2013/14 and is a capital project.



Cornerstone Warminster awarded £2500.


This application meets grant criteria 2013/14 and is a capital project.


Note: Pip Ridout did not vote on this application.



Your Area Board - Your Ideas, Your Reactions, Your Suggestions

The board will consider the existing Forward Work Plan for the Warminster Area Board at which point the Chairman will invite those present to suggest topics to be considered at future meetings.


If you cannot attend the meeting and would like to suggest topics please contact the Democratic Services Officer whose details are available on the front page of this agenda.


There were none.



Future Meeting Dates

The next meetings of the Warminster Area Board will be on:


·       JSA Invitation only Event -           1 April 6:30pm - Warminster Civic Centre,                                       Sambourne Rd, Warminster BA12 8LB


·       8 May 2014 – Chitterne Village Hall



·       3 July  2014 - TBC


The next meetings of the Warminster Area Board will be on:


·       JSA invitation only event – 1 April 6.30pm – Warminster Civic Centre, Sambourne Rd, Warminster BA12 8LB

·       8 may 2014 – Chitterne Village Hall

·       3 July 2014 - TBC



Evaluation and Close


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.