Agenda and minutes

Westbury Area Board - Thursday 5 June 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4RW

Contact: Roger Bishton  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the ensuing year.


Roger Bishton, Democratic Services Officer opened the meeting and explained that as there were only two members present the meeting was inquorate, meaning it did not have enough members that is needed to allow voting or taking decisions. It was understood that Cllr Hawker was on his way to the meeting, and his arrival would allow the meeting to reach quorum and allow voting and decisions to be taken.


Roger advised that as the meeting was not quorate it was not possible to elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the municipal year 2014-15. These items would be deferred to the next formal meeting of the Board.


He invited nominations for Chairman for this meeting only.




Cllr David Jenkins was nominated as Chairman for this meeting only.




Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board.


He explained that agenda items that did not require a vote or decision would be taken first, to allow Cllr Hawker time to arrive.


Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.


This item was deferred to the next formal Board meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Cllr Jerry Wickham

Ms Julia Cramp – Associate Director, Quality Assurance, Commissioning, Performance, Schools and Early Years Effectiveness

Mr Keith Harvey – Westbury Town Clerk

Mike Swabey – Edington Parish Council

Phil McMullin – BA13 Community Partnership



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr King declared a personal interest in anything related to the BA13 Community Partnership as his wife was the chairman.


Chairman's Announcements

To note the following items for information – written briefing notes are available in the full agenda pack or online.  If you would like the Area Board to consider or discuss any of these items in more detail, please speak with the Community Area Manager or the Democratic Services Officer.


(a)       Public Health and Wellbeing Grant

(b)       Area Boards Review

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the Public Health and Wellbeing announcement seen on page 33 of the agenda.


Sally Hendry provided an update on the area board review. An overall review had been completed by overview and scrutiny in the context of community campuses. The outcomes and action plan had been presented to and approved by Cabinet at their meeting on 22 April 2014. A link to the cabinet papers which includes the report and action plan can be found below:


Cabinet agenda and minutes - Tuesday 22 April 2014


Sally noted that there would be fewer formal and more themed meetings. Times would be looked at, and the role of the Community Area Manager would be removed and replaced with a Community Engagement Officer.


In response to questions Sally confirmed that hard copies of the Cabinet report and action plan would be available in local libraries.


ACTION: Sally Hendry


Youth Services

An update will be given on the recent Wiltshire Council decision on how youth services will be provided.  A copy of a press release is attached.

Supporting documents:


With the agreement of the meeting, agenda item 11 – Youth Services was taken next to allow Mr Munday to attend another meeting which followed this.


Mr Munday provided an update on the recent Wiltshire Council decision taken by Cabinet on 15 May 2014 on how youth services will be provided.


There would be a change to the model of delivery, to a community-led model, the principle of which was to give money to local areas through the Area Board to commission services that had been identified locally as needed.


A written communication would be sent to all Area Board Chairman and Community Area Managers next week, inviting them to a briefing being held on 17 June. Mr Munday recognised it was a difficult time with staff being put at risk.


He confirmed that there would be no open access youth sessions from 1 October 2014. The Council would appoint and retain a full-time equivalent Community Youth Officer (CYO) in each of the area board areas, who could provide direct delivery, however their main focus would be to support the local offer and work with commissioning. In addition to the 18 CYO’s, three Youth Support workers would also be appointed to do casework and 1:2:1 work with specific identified individuals. They would sit within the early intervention team.


It was hoped that an apprenticeship scheme would be available from next year, providing an opportunity for engaged young people who were interested in a career in youth work.


Whilst embracing the localism principle of enabling communities to do more for themselves he recognised that it would not be fully embedded before March 2015.


When asked about the existing youth centre Mr Munday confirmed that an audit of youth premises was currently underway and no decision had been taken regarding premises, which formed part of the corporate estates budget.


He drew attention to the significant challenges facing the Council and accepted that current relationships with youth workers may in time be made with new people.


Mr Munday explained his understanding was that 48% of young people who responded to the consultation had preferred the community-led model, with 28 preferring to keep existing arrangements. Other options had been offered but the community-led model had been the preferred option. All views had been taken in account from all areas of the community.


The criteria for the allocation for funding would be announced next week, and although understood this was based on the area board funding formula, it would be a Wiltshire Council Cabinet decision and transparent what each area would receive.


Mr Munday confirmed that mapping work had been carried out in the voluntary sector and the CYO would enable these relationships. Wiltshire Council accepted the need to support communities, and would address any needs identified where there was no support available.


A Local Youth Network (LYN) which would include the existing Youth Advisory Group (YAG) would be set up in each area with the key principle of young people having a voice and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Health Matters - Update from the White Horse Health Centre

Dr Debbie Beale and the Deputy Practice Manager, Marie Strachan, will provide an update.


Dr Debbie Beale provided an update to the Board, noting that the extra facility was beginning to be used one day a week, with plans to increase.


Dementia services had been developed with Alzheimer’s Support, and changes to who could diagnose meant that waiting lists were down to three weeks from 9 months last year.


A day surgery unit was being developed for vasectomies, hernias and it was hoped cataracts would be treated there soon.


The challenge was the recruitment of GPs. Over the next three years between 400 to 600 GPs would reduce hours or retire. The government was encouraging a seven day working week, from 8am till 8pm. There was an ongoing recruitment drive and a new partner would be starting in August. Nurse practitioners skills would be increased and multi-disciplinary teams developed. She noted a shortage of Occupational Health Therapists and Physiotherapists.


In response to questions Dr Beale confirmed that electronic notes provided a summary of patient’s visits, and there was a need to understand the patient, perhaps by working in teams to get continuity of care. Care closer to home was being developed and it was thought that community hospitals would not be opened.


The Board thanked Dr Beale for her update.


Cllr Hawker joined the meeting at 7.50pm.


White Horse and Bratton Camp

An update will be given on the improvements made to the visitors’ area and plans to form a community group.


Cllr King highlighted the recent improvements in the White Horse area and plans to set up a community group. Recent improvements include:


·         Information boards;

·         Birdproof litter bins;

·         New bollards;

·         Dog fouling reminders



He thanked Leo Wirtz, Senior Countryside Ranger and his team and appealed for volunteers to join the community group, asking them to email Sally Hendry, Cllr King or Leo Wirtz with their interest.


LEADER Funding 2015 - 2020

A presentation will be given by Alan Truscott from Community First, Devizes on Investing in Rural England: Improving the Environment and supporting Economic Growth in Rural Areas.  He will explain how Local Action Groups with LEADER funding can help projects in the Board’s area and seek views on priorities for expenditure.



Alan Truscott gave a presentation on LEADER funding. He explained that during this transition year they were reviewing the areas and working with Wiltshire Council to ensuring funding was across the whole council area. A full bid for funding would be presented on 5 September 2014


Westbury had previously received funding from both Plain Action and Sowing Seeds in the last ten years.


There were currently 5 Local Action groups within Wiltshire:


·         Cotswold ANOB

·         Plain Action leader

·         North Wessex Downs Leader

·         Heart of Wessex Local Action Group

·         New Forest Leader


Mr Truscott noted that this was the first national programme that had used national statistics. Westbury had not been included as a market town, and this was being addressed with DEFRA.


They had identified three themes: - Military, Climate Change / Environment and Economy and objectives identified around Skills and Training, Business and Employment, Communities and Low Carbon.


In response to questions Mr Truscott explained that they did not promote equipment like steam turbines or bio-digestive plants, just funded projects. It was up to communities to come to them.


The Board thanked Mr Truscott for attending.



What Matters to You

An update will be given on the progress made on addressing the priorities raised by the community at the What Matters To You event this year.


Sally Hendry explained that the themes had been divided amongst the four councillors, as detailed below:




Councillor Lead

Community Safety

Gordon King


Jerry Wickham


Russell Hawker

Children and Young people

Russell Hawker


David Jenkins


Jerry Wickham

Health and Wellbeing

David Jenkins


David Jenkins


Gordon King


Work had already started on the priorities, with an exhibition arranged for October in Westbury on ‘Being Safe from Fire’. The rate for recycling and residual waste in the area was one of the worst in the county, and awareness would be raised through a joint stand with Wiltshire Council at Westbury Town Fair on 12 July. A meeting had taken place with both Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire Police on raising awareness of domestic abuse and a feasibility study would be undertaken over the creation of a new cycle route.



Partner and Community Updates

To note the attached partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:-


·                Wiltshire Police

·                Wiltshire Fire & Rescue

·                BA13 Community Area Partnership

·                Youth Advisory Group (YAG)

·                Westbury Campus

·                Town & Parish Councils

·                World War 1 Commemoration


Supporting documents:


Wiltshire Police


There was no update report.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Mike Franklin drew attention to the upcoming public consultation regarding the proposed merger with Dorset Fire and Rescue. This was a result of a shortfall in funding of between £3.1 million and £3.5 million by 2017/18 which needed to  be resolved. A decision would be taken in September 2014.


Although not able to answer questions regarding the merger at the board meeting, the following question was asked:


‘Once the management team was integrated with Dorset, and in reference to a situation like the winter flooding, how would a very small management team cover and support staff on the ground in managing and eradicating local emergencies over a wide area?’


Mr Franklin agreed to arrange for a response to be provided to the board.


ACTION: Mike Franklin


He highlighted that the Chief Finance Officer was prepared to attend area boards over the June – August 2014 period to give a formal presentation of required.


Andy Green was introduced as the Station Manager for Trowbridge, Bradford on Avon and Westbury.


BA13 Community Area Partnership


In addition to the written update seen at page 37 of the agenda Carole King noted that the partnership was in phase 2 of the Safe Places project, and 17 local premises had now agreed to take part. There was a move to combine this with being a dementia friendly town, and contact with the Wiltshire Council co-ordinator for this had been set up for tomorrow.


The partnership’s updated community area plan was being considered at its meeting next week and would be presented at the next area board meeting.


Youth Advisory Group (YAG)


In addition to the written update seen in pages 39 to 41 of the agenda Sally Willox drew attention to the youth services review and how it was an anxious time for young people.


She drew attention to the summer programme being planned which would be advertised through Sparksite, the press and schools.


Westbury Campus


An update report was contained in the pack.


Town and Parish Councils


There were no update reports.


World War 1 Commemoration


There was no update report.


The lack of written reports available was highlighted at the meeting.


Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to a report from the Community Area Manager in which councillors were asked to consider applications for funding from the 2014/15 Area Board Grants Budget. She then explained each application in turn.


1.    BA13+ Community Area Partnership – annual running costs




To approve a grant of £5566 towards the annual running costs of the partnership.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2014/15



2.    Bratton Community Orchard – purchase of a new juicer




To approve a grant of £554 towards the purchase of an apple juicer.





This application meets the grants criteria for 2014/15



3.    Edington Ringing Centre – purchase of a simulator




To approve a grant of £800 towards the purchase of a simulator.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2014/15



4.    Westbury Parent Carer Support Group – purchase of a laptop




To approve a grant of £300 towards the purchase of a laptop.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2014/15


ACTION: Sally Hendry



Community Area Transport Group and Air Quality Management Group

Reports by the Community Area Manager are attached.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the draft minutes seen at pages 69 to 73 of the agenda.




The Board agreed to fund £400 towards the installation of signs at Coulston and £200 for horse warning signs at Edington.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2014.

Supporting documents:




The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Appointments to Outside Bodies, and Constitution of and Appointments to Working Groups 2014/15

A report is attached.

Supporting documents:


Amendments to the appointments to outside bodies to change ‘Leigh Park Community Association (Westbury) to read ‘Leigh Park Community Centre (Westbury); and to add Cllr Jerry Wickham as a representative on Community Area Transport Group was agreed.




The Area Board agreed


(1)            To appoint Councillor representatives to outside bodies for the Municipal Year 2014/15 as follows:-


·                  Leigh Park Community Centre (Westbury) – Cllr Russell Hawker


·                  Warminster & Westbury CCTV Partnership – Cllr Russell

·                  Hawker


·                  Westbury Community Area Partnership – Cllr Gordon King


·                  Westbury Youth Advisory Group (YAG) - Cllr David Jenkins & Cllr Gordon King


(2)            To reconstitute and appoint Councillor representatives to the Westbury Community Area Transport Group  (CATG) for the Municipal Year 2014/15 as follows:-


Cllr Russell Hawker

Cllr David Jenkins

Cllr Gordon King

Cllr Jerry Wickham


(3)            To appoint the following Councillor representative to the Shadow Community Operations Board (COB) for the Municipal Year 2014/15:-


Cllr David Jenkins


(4)            To note the terms of reference for the working groups as set out in appendix C to the report presented.



Future Meeting Dates

The next meeting of the Westbury Area Board will take place on:


Thursday 7 August 2014 at Heywood & Hawkeridge Village Hall, Church Road, Heywood, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4LP.


Future Meeting Dates


Thursday 9 October 2014 at The Laverton, Bratton Road, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3EN.


Thursday 11 December 2014 at The Laverton, Bratton Road, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3EN.



The next meeting of the Westbury Area Board will be held on Thursday 7 August 2014 at Heywood and Hawkeridge Village Hall, Church Road, Heywood, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4LP.


Concern was raised over the grass height at Old School Green / Bashkir Road, Westbury and this would be fed back by the area board.


The announcement that mini re-cycling sites would be maintained for the next 12 months in certain areas which did not include Westbury was discussed.




The Area Board agreed that the board’s concern over the removal of mini-recycling sites be fed back to Wiltshire Council and it be requested that the list of sites to be maintained for 12 months be revised to include Westbury.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.