Agenda and minutes

Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board - Wednesday 26 May 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Cricklade Town Hall, High Street, Cricklade, SN6 6AE

Contact: Julia Densham (Senior Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01249 706610 / Email:

Note No. Item

10 minutes


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Councillor Peter Doyle, welcomed the meeting to the Cricklade Town Hall.  He announced that at the Annual Council meeting he had been elected as Chairman and Councillor Jacqui Lay as Vice Chairman.  He thanked the retiring Chairman, Councillor Allison Bucknell, for her work during the first year of the Area Board.  The Chairman also thanked Community Area Manager, Karen Scott, for her work during the year and wished her well on behalf of the Area Board in her new venture.  He then introduced the new Community Area Manager, Alison Sullivan, to the Area Board.


The Chairman reflected on the previous year’s achievements.  Looking forward, Wiltshire Council had approved their new corporate plan, and, reflecting the plan’s aspirations for a ‘can do’ approach, he encouraged everyone to join in and to be MAD (make a difference).




Apologies were received from Councillors Bill Roberts, Mike Leighfield (Wootton Bassett Town Council), Brian Atfield (Marston Meysey Parish Council) and Latton Parish Council.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 24 March 2010 and 18 May 2010 (copy to follow).

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meetings held on 24 March 2010 and 18 May 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Following the meeting, Cllr Colmer realised he should have declared a personal interest on item 10b)i as a member of the Cricklade Town Council and requested that this note be included in the minutes.


Chairman's Announcements

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred the meeting to three written announcements despatched with the agenda on the following subjects:


Air Quality Strategy for Wiltshire

Contaminated Land Strategy for Wiltshire

Highways Programme for 2010-11


The newly formed Parish Forum meeting was to be held on 14 June between 6 and 8pm at Cricklade Town Council.  Those interested in attending or requiring further information were asked to contact the Community Area Manager Alison Sullivan.


The Chairman announced that at the last area board meeting, the unitary councillors had recommended that a bid from Community Payback went forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.  He was pleased to announce that this was successful.  The panel noted that there was a lot of enthusiasm about this scheme from Area Boards and it approved in full the capital costs to provide three utility vehicles and equipment.  The Panel also agreed to contribute £10,000 to the cost of a co-ordinator.

15 minutes


Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any verbal updates from the following:


a)    Key Partners including Wiltshire Police, Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Wiltshire, Community Area Partnerships, Parishes, Westlea and Chambers of Commerce.


b)    Outside Bodies

Supporting documents:


The written reports distributed with the agenda were noted.


Wiltshire Police – Inspector Steve Cox made the following points:


·         Detection rates had dropped in-line with crimes

·         There was greater discretion in dealing with minor crimes

·         Applying local resolution techniques via the Payback Scheme encourage offenders to reflect upon their crimes

·         While dwelling burglaries were up their detection was down because of the circumstances in which these crimes were committed (after dark, few witnesses, confessions often occurred much later when burglars were apprehended and found to be responsible for many burglaries over a previous period) – there were very low numbers of burglaries in the area.


Purton Parish Council – expressed concerns that the Ridgeway Farm development would impact the whole area.


Cricklade Business Association – Bob Jones gave a verbal update on the following topics:


·         Economic Situation in Cricklade – the Business Association welcomed the work by Cricklade Town Council to increase car parking

·         Tourism in Cricklade a partnership had been formed between the Business Association, Court Leet, Historical Society, Town Council and Cricklade in Bloom to form a Heritage Trail

·         Britain in Bloom to be judged on 21 July

·         ‘Talk up Cricklade’

·         Swindon and District Railway celebrating 175 years of railway in Swindon 17-20 June

·         Corporate Evening 15 June

·         Cricklade Festival 20 June Cricklade by the Sea

·         Armed Forces Day Concert by the River – 26 June 2010.

60 minutes


FOCUS on Youth

To include the following items:


a)    Kevin Sweeney, Senior Manager for Operations and Staffing, will update the meeting on progress made regarding the current youth staffing provision across the community area.


b)    Battle of the Bands


c)    Councillor Jackie Lay will update the meeting on the youth activities mapping and gapping exercise carried out by the Youth Task and Finish Group.


d)    To receive an update from the Community Area Young People’s Issues Group.


e)    Kevin Emsley, Wiltshire Youth Parliament, will give a verbal update on the Parliament’s latest activities.


f)     Cabinet Representative - Councillor Lionel Grundywill talk about his responsibilities for Children’s Services, and respond to any questions.


g)    An interactive discussion to consider how to best allocate the recent additional funding for transport in the youth sector.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman handed the meeting to Councillor Colmer to introduce the FOCUS on Youth item.


a.     Kevin Sweeney, Senior Manager for Staffing and Operations, who updated the meeting on the progress regarding youth staffing allocation across the area.


Points made included:


·           10 times more young people were involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award than were referred to the Youth Offending Team.

·           Youth club provision

·           Youth work is not a statutorily funded; a formula had been devised to ensure that funding was equably spread through Wiltshire based on population, rurality and deprivation.

·           Lyneham had a large, unsupported youth population; an outreach worker was being considered.

·           While youth facilities were important, quality staffing was key to excellent service delivery.

·           There had been some changes in staffing arrangements between the areas.

·           Wiltshire Council was committed to youth work and recognised the value of engaging young people.


Mr Sweeney thanked the Area Board for its commitment to youth.


b.     Cabinet representative Councillor Lionel Grundy introduced himself and described his responsibilities for Children’s Services.


Points made included:


·           The service was split into four areas: Schools & Learning, Targeted Services, Social Care and Commissioning and Performance.

·           The service was strongly influenced by the requirements of Central Government with much of the funding ring-fenced.

·           Wiltshire Council’s Rate Support Grant was the lowest in the country.


c.      Youth Task and Finish Group – Councillor Jacqui Lay gave an overview of the mapping and gapping of youth activities.


Points made included:


·           Two meetings had taken place with a third scheduled for July.

·           Town and parish councils had been invited to contribute in order to gain as wide a picture of activities as possible across the area.

·           Young people were also encouraged to let the group know what they wanted in their areas.


d.     Battle of the Bands – Sergeant Martin Alvis introduced the recently held event on 30 April at the Memorial Hall.  He said that very few young people were problematic and this event rewarded their work and talent.  Five bands took part and over 200 attended the event.  The winners were ‘Beyond the Break’.  Sergeant Alvis thanked the Wootton Bassett Town Council, Westlea Housing Association and the Co-op for their support.  A short film of the event was shown.


e.     Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG) – Youth Development Worker, Gareth Brown updated the meeting on the group’s recent activities that included:


·           Stay Awaki for Haiti - £150 was raised for the charity

·           Battle of the Bands

·           Youth transport and the CAYPIG grants scheme were the current priorities

·           A summer activities programme had been produced and was being publicized.


f.       UK Youth Parliament – Kevin Emsley introduced the issues around youth transport.  A local CAYPIG workshop identified the following:


·           Route changes

·           Bus fares

·           Idea for speedometer in buses

·           Paths and cycling


These local issues were taken to the ‘Move It!’ conference that took place during the February half-term.  Nearly 100 people had had the opportunity to speak with local bus providers.  A declaration signed by the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.

5 minutes


Community Area Partnership

Julia Stacey, Community Partnership Support, will give a verbal update on the progress made so far.  The meeting is asked to agree the attached document outlining the way forward.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman presented the on-going work on the Community Area Partnership.  He pointed out that it was important for the Area Board to be well informed about local issues and priorities and that community planning was necessary to inform those needs and secure funding. The Area Board supported the work of Julia Stacey, Community Partnership Support Officer, and encouraged all community groups to take part in the review.


The Community Partnership Support Officer introduced herself.  She stated that there was a need for a new way of working and that Wiltshire Council were committed to working with the area to develop a partnership that was inclusive, conducted focussed consultations for its diverse community.  There was to be a meeting on 22 June at Lyneham Primary School.  All were encouraged to attend.

10 minutes


Future Housing and Employment in Our Community Area

James Millard, Assistant Spatial Plans Officer, will give an update on the results of the recent consultation on the Local Development Framework.


Councillor Groom introduced Georgina Clampitt-Dix, Head of Spatial Planning.


The Head of Spatial Planning gave an overview of the results of the recent Local Development Framework consultation.


Points made included:


         The vision demonstrated sound underlying principles, however it was felt that it should be more locally distinct rather than just delivering central government objectives

         The plan should be firm and clear, ensuring that development is brought forward in the most sustainable way.

         Although some concern over the level of growth, set regionally, was highlighted overall, in north Wiltshire there is generally support for the need for further balanced development

         Infrastructure delivery was seen as a key concern, especially in terms of its timely delivery at the point of development rather than later on in the plan period

         There was broad acceptance and support for the objectives of Wiltshire 2026

         Recognition of the dormitory role of Wootton Bassett with divided opinion as to how this can be addressed

         Agreement on the need to deliver affordable housing but some reluctance to see the growth that would provide such housing

         Concern regarding the impact of the closure of RAF Lyneham and questions about its potential suitability for housing in the future

         Too much emphasis and focus on Wootton Bassett for housing and employment was at the expense of planning for smaller towns (especially Cricklade) and rural areas

         The proposed expansion at the west of Swindon and its impact on the Community Area, particularly in terms of flooding and impact on local roads in Wiltshire.

         Congestion / Capacity of Junction 16 M4

         Detailed work was needed to inform the Core Strategy. This includes:

         Further planning for the proposed strategic development within the Community Area to ensure sustainable patterns of development was achieved

         Continued engagement with the military through the ‘Military Civilian Integration programme in order to plan for the closure of RAF Lyneham

         Continued joint working with Swindon Borough Council to consider the impact and need for development proposals at the west of Swindon and congestion issues at J16 M4

         Identify the key infrastructure requirements and plan for the appropriate delivery of services and facilities to support development

         Further assessment of the role of smaller towns (including Cricklade) and villages can make to delivery of sustainable growth in the community area.


The new Government had committed to abolishing the Regional Spatial Strategy; however, as yet, no details had been released about when this will formally take place and the transitional arrangements that will be put in place.


The Head of Spatial Planning welcomed the opportunity to meet with Cricklade Town Council to discuss the issues relating to Cricklade.  She also welcomed the opportunity to discuss the RAF Lyneham and its possible future uses as they arise.


Details of Wiltshire 2026 – Planning for Wiltshire’s Future were available at the address below:


The following points were raised:


The Core Strategy Document recognised the need  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.

20 minutes



a)     Community Area Grants Scheme


To consider 5 applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


i)     Cricklade Town Festival - £1,240 match funding sought towards the cost of street entertainers for annual community event.


ii)    Wilts and Berks Canal Trust - £1,680 match funding sought to provide scalping for volunteers to spread on canal side.


iii)   Thames Pre School - £555 sought for metal tool shed to securely house garden tools to maintain newly created garden area.                                                                  


iv)   Lyneham Youth Club - £2,752 match funding sought towards summer activity programme for young people.


v)    Broad Town Village Show - £2,241 match funding sought to provide all weather blow up stage cover for the bands at the local annual community event.                                                                                                              


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme areavailable from the Community Area Manager or electronically at


b)     Performance Reward Grant Scheme


To consider 2 bids to the scheme as follows:


i)     Cricklade Town Council

ii)    Cricklade Leisure Centre.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman gave an overview of the funding during the last financial year that included the following:


Cricklade and Community – nine grants totalling £16, 200

Wootton Bassett – five grants totalling £10, 827

Lyneham - £1000

Smaller parishes - £195


He encouraged all parishes and community groups to apply to the scheme.


Community Area Grants Scheme


Wiltshire Councillors were asked to consider five applications seeking funding from the 2010/11 community area grant budget.


The Area Board councillors stated that in future the priorities for funding would be more tightly applied.


John Bower addressed the meeting on behalf of the Wilts and Berks Canal Trust.


Andy Gatenby addressed the meeting on behalf of the Thames Pre-School.


Michelle Casey addressed the meeting on behalf of the Lyneham Youth Club.


James Harvey-Samuel addressed the meeting on behalf of the Broad Town Village Show.



Cricklade Town Festival was awarded £1240 towards the cost of street entertainers for annual community event.


The application met the grant criteria and demonstrated links to the area board priorities by encouraging lifestyle changes, improving the local area through community events and increasing the number of people who feel safe in their community. 



Wilts and Berks Canal Trust was refused the funding sought to provide scalping for volunteers to spread on canal side.


The applicant had benefitted from previous grants, including one recently for grass cutting equipment; and, that the effects of limestone chippings on the biodiversity of the immediate environment were unknown.



Thames Pre School was awarded £555 for the cost of a metal tool shed to securely house garden tools to maintain newly created garden area.


The application met the grant criteria and demonstrated links to locally agreed priorities by increasing the number of people in regular volunteering, improving young people’s participation in positive activities, increasing the number of people who feel safe in the community, improving intergenerational activities and community events and increasing recycling and re- use of household waste and also fits with Ofsted recommendations, to provide outdoor learning spaces.



Lyneham Youth Club was awarded £2,752 unconditionally towards summer activity programme for young people.


The application met the grant criteria and demonstrated links to area board priorities by improving young people’s involvement in positive activities



Broad Town Village Show was awarded £2,241 towards the provision of an all weather blow up stage cover for the bands at the local annual community event.


The application met the grant criteria and demonstrated links to locally agreed priorities by increasing the number of people involved in regular volunteering , improving young people’s involvement in positive activities and improving the local area through community events.


Performance Related Grant Scheme


Wiltshire Councillors were asked to consider two bids to the scheme.


David Tetlow, Bob Jones and Sue Lett addressed the meeting on behalf of Cricklade Town Council.


Gary Walker addressed the meeting on behalf of the Cricklade Leisure Centre.



The Cricklade Town Council project was strongly endorsed by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.

5 minutes


Outside Body Appointments

To note the appointments to outside bodies which were made by the Area Board last year and to note that these appointments will continue for 2010/11.


Northern Community Area Partnership

Councillor Mollie Groom


C&DCA (formerly Cricklade Leisure Centre)

Councillor Peter Colmer


Community Area Young Peoples Issues Group (CAYPIG)

Councillors Peter Doyle and Bill Roberts


Community & RAF Fairford Liaison Group

Councillor Peter Colmer


Viridor Grants Panel

Councillor Mollie Groom


Richard Jones Foundation

Councillor Mollie Groom


The following appointments to outside bodies were made:


C&DCA (formerly Cricklade Leisure Centre)

Councillor Peter Colmer



Councillors Peter Doyle and Peter Colmer


Community & RAF Fairford Liaison Group

Councillor Peter Colmer



Councillor Mollie Groom


The Richard Jones Foundation

Councillor Mollie Groom

5 minutes


Evaluation and Close

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.  The meeting is reminded that the arrangements for future meetings are set out in the attached Forward Work Plan.

Supporting documents:


An Open Day at the Jubilee Gardens in Purton would be held on Saturday from 10am to 3pm.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting.