Agenda and minutes

Pewsey Area Board - Monday 22 May 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Woodborough Social Club, Smithy Lane, Woodborough, SN9 5PL

Contact: Edmund Blick  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item

5 mins


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members and Council Officers present.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6March 2017.



The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6 March 2017 were agreed as a correct record and to be signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman.

5 mins


Appointment to Working Groups and Outside Bodies

To note that appointments to outside bodies and working groups for the forthcoming year:

·        Partnership for Older People in Pewsey (POPP)

·        Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

·        The Vale Health and Wellbeing Centre

·        Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

·        Local Youth Network (LYN)

Supporting documents:


The Chairman took the Board through the Appointment of Working Groups and Outside Bodies.


The Membership of the Working Group, as listed in Appendix B of the agenda, was confirmed.


The Appointment to Outside Bodies was also confirmed at the meeting, as listed in Appendix A of the agenda.


The Chairman also explained that the Partnership for Older People in Pewsey (POPP), would need a champion but there were no volunteers at the meeting.



To appoint Working Groups and Outside Bodies, as listed in Appendix B and A, respectively.


5 mins


Establishing a Health and Wellbeing Group

The Area Board is invited to set up a Health and Wellbeing Group made up of community stakeholders who will work in partnership to facilitate wellbeing across the community area. The health and wellbeing group will identify local needs, priorities and outcomes and make recommendations to the Area Board on how funding for activities should be deployed.

Supporting documents:


The Board agreed upon the Establishment of a Health and Wellbeing Group which is to be chaired by Cllr Stuart Wheeler.

45 mins


Introduction to your Local Area Board

An interactive session to be delivered by Steve Milton- Head of Community Engagement and Governance, with a video, questions, group work and voting to explore the role and function of the Area Board.

Supporting documents:


A presentation was delivered by Steve Milton- Head of Community Engagement and Governance.


The role of the Community Engagement Manger was explained and particular emphasis was given to the work of Pewsey’s Community Engagement Manager (Ros Griffiths) in the Pewsey area.


A County-wide perspective of Area Boards was presented, with £1.75 million funds being provided, across the County, for Area Boards to distribute within their communities. The Board were informed that Pewsey would be receiving £69, 217 in total.


Steve Milton explained that Area Boards allowed Local Priorities to be determined by the communities themselves and gave them more control over spending in their areas.


The successes of this years Great British Spring Clean were highlighted and attention was drawn to future community projects including; The Big Pledge- London Calling and  First World War Commemorative Tree Planting.

10 mins


The Big Pledge

Introduction to the ‘London Calling’ sports and activity challenge and how local residents, groups, schools and businesses can get involved.


The Chairman spoke approvingly of ‘The Big Pledge- London Calling’, referring to the success of Pewsey in the previous years ‘Big Pledge’.


He said that Pewsey has a number of successful working groups and he was confident that, with their support, Pewsey could do even better this time round.


Attention was also drawn to the fact that 25%of people in Wiltshire are not active and do not exercise. The Chairman emphasised that he was keen to see that figure reduced.


A question was asked by the Fire Service representatives in attendance, regarding a cycle group that runs from Pewsey Fire station. They expressed a willingness to get the cycle group involved with ‘The Big Pledge’ and indicated that they would ‘sign up’.  

5 mins


Update on the Vale Health and Wellbeing Centre

Rydon Construction has been selected as the main contractor for The Vale HWBC, contracts will be executed in May 2017 and construction starts in June 2017. A full update will be provided by Cllr Paul Oatway in the meeting.


Cllr Paul Oatway spoke in regards to the progression of the Vale Health and Wellbeing Centre. He informed the Board that the contract with Rydon was going ahead and that works should be starting later this year.


He also informed the Board that the temporary fitness suite, Fordbrook Centre, was being well-used, with 234 signing up, which was a smaller drop than expected from the 267 at the old centre.

10 mins


Locality Youth Network Update

Cllr Jerry Kunkler will provide an update on the LYN, funding applications and positive activities for young people.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman gave a brief update on the Locality Youth Network. He explained that an application for Youth Grant Funding had been made by Pewsey BMX Group  for Pewsey Dirt Jumps. However, the Board were informed that there were some questions regarding the detail of the request and it was agreed that the application should be deferred, pending further consultation.


Cllr Paul Oatway also expressed his views that he wanted the young people requesting the funds to come to the meeting and make representations themselves. He did, however, make it clear that he was very supportive of the project and wanted it to work.

20 mins


Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


·        Healthwatch Wiltshire

·        NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

·        Older People’s Champion and Partnership for Older people (POPP)

·        Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

·        Wiltshire Police

·        Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue

·        Others

Supporting documents:


The written updates submitted to the Board were considered along with representations from various Partner Groups.


Pewsey Community Area Partnership requested Parishes compile and submit reports on Fly-tipping in the area, so that they could use the data and refer on to Wiltshire Council. They also spoke of the issues that some Parishes have been having with their Parish Stewards and again asked if Parishes could compile reports of incidents so that they can be forwarded to Wiltshire Council.


Many Parish representatives spoke up on this issue, reporting problems that they have been having with their Parish Steward. Cllr Stuart Wheeler confirmed that this was something that he was looking in to and he gave support to the work of the Pewsey Area Community Partnership.


The Chairman noted the complaints from the Parish representatives and pledged to invite Council Officers, Adrian Hampton- Head of Local Highways and Richard Dobson- Highways Engineer, to the next meeting, so that they can answer some of the questions raised by the Board. He encouraged Parishes to collate their reports, so that a comprehensive overview could be presented at the next meeting.


The Police representative referred to their written update. They mentioned recent burglaries in the area and gave crime prevention advice, asking the Board to think about the security of their outbuildings. They also referred to Police Operation Esso, which involved 19 Special Constables, tackling vehicle crime in the area. It was also confirmed that they would soon be purchasing the vehicle theft deterrent signs, which the Board provided funds for, having received the backing of all the area Boards concerned.


The Fire Service District Commander gave a brief update, announcing that they were now 1 year in to the merger with Dorset. He said that despite organisational changes, the services being provided locally, were no different to those before the merger. The Commander also enquired about making an application under the Funding Scheme and was advised that they would be welcome to put in an application, under the usual mechanisms.





5 mins


Spotlight on Parishes

Updates to be provided by Parish Councils. Some of which have been provided in report form, as attached below.

Supporting documents:


Updates were received from various Parish representatives present at the meeting.


Notably, Shalbourne representatives referred to an incident of Fly-tipping which had been reported to Wiltshire Council, via the online application, which had not been acted on. Cllr Stuart Wheeler said that he would follow this up and identify what action had been taken.


Similarly, Rushall representatives raised an issue regarding traffic diversions from the A342 and A345, which were diverting through Rushall and causing traffic chaos. Cllr Paul Oatway also spoke on this and pledged to take it to CATG for a solution. Combating speeding was also raised as a priority for this area which would be discussed at CATG.



10 mins


Community Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.

Supporting documents:


The Board agreed to award the following Grant applications:


Milton Lilbourne Bells Restoration Project: £5000


The applicants spoke in favour of the application. The Area Board Members expressed their support for the request. Cllr Stuart Wheeler proposed a motion to award the funds which was seconded by Cllr Jerry Kunkler.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


Wilcot Village Hall Reinstatement: £4861


The applicants spoke in favour of the application. The Area Board Members expressed their support for the request. Cllr Paul Oatway proposed a motion to award the funds which was seconded by Cllr Stuart Wheeler.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


Shalbourne Sports Pavilion fitting out kitchen and changing rooms: £5000


The applicants spoke in favour of the application. The Area Board Members expressed their support for the request. Cllr Stuart Wheeler proposed a motion to award the funds which was seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


Installation of Rushall Defibrillator: £500


The applicants spoke in favour of the application. The Area Board Members expressed their support for the request. Cllr Paul Oatway proposed a motion to award the funds which was seconded by Cllr Stuart Wheeler.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


Installation of Charlton St Peter Defibrillator: £500


The applicants spoke in favour of the application. The Area Board Members expressed their support for the request. Cllr Paul Oatway proposed a motion to award the funds which was seconded by Cllr Stuart Wheeler.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


A criticism was raised that as to the amount of some of the applications. It was pointed out that these grants amounted to almost half the available funds for the year and Cllr Jerry Kunkler said that he would raise the issue at the next Area Board Chairman’s meeting.




5 mins


Health and Wellbeing Grants

To receive applications for Health and Wellbeing funding.


There were no applications.

10 mins


Community Area Transport Group

Update to come from Chairman Cllr Jerry Kunkler.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler gave a brief update, only to confirm the membership as detailed in Appendix B and to confirm the funds available as £19,000. He also informed members of the date of the next CATG meeting as Wednesday 7 June 2017.


Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.


Future Meeting Dates and Close

The next Area Board meeting will be held on Monday 3 July 2017 at 19:00 hours at the Bouverie Hall, Pewsey.


The date of the next meeting was set as: Monday 3 July 2017 at 19:00 hours at the Bouverie Hall, Pewsey.