Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Application for a Premises Licence - Westbury Pizza Limited, 8 Westbury Mall, Edward Street, Westbury, Western Area Licensing Sub Committee - Thursday 1 February 2024 12.30 pm

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Kieran Elliott  01225 718504 Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the meeting of the Sub Committee.


Nominations for a Chairman of the Licensing Sub Committee were sought and it was,




To elect Councillor Allison Bucknell as Chairman for this meeting only.


Apologies for Absence/Substitutions

To receive any apologies for absence and to note any substitutions.


No apologies were received.  There were no substitutions.


Procedure for the Meeting

The Chairman will explain the attached procedure for the members of the public present.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the procedure to be followed at the hearing, as contained within the “Wiltshire Licensing Committee Procedural Rules for the Hearing of Licensing Act 2003 Applications” (Pages 5 to 10 of the Agenda refers).


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will give details of the exits to be used in the event of an emergency.


There were no announcements.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no interests declared.


Licensing Application

To consider and determine an Application for a Premises Licence by Westbury Pizza Ltd (Caprinos) in respect of 8 Westbury Mall, Edward Street, Westbury, BA13 3DR.  The report of the Public Protection Officer (Licensing) is attached.

Supporting documents:


Application for a Premises Licence in respect of Westbury Pizza Ltd at 8 Westbury Mall, Edward Street, Westbury


Licensing Officer’s Submission 

Following introductions of all those present, Carla Adkins, Public Protection Officer (Licensing), introduced her report as detailed in the agenda, for a premises licence for the above applicant and location. Three relevant representations had been received.  The application was for the following licensable activities: 


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It was noted by the Sub Committee that there were 3 options available to them: 


1. Grant the application, on the terms and conditions applied for  

2. Grant the application, on the terms and conditions applied for, modified to such extent as considered appropriate to promote the Licensing Objectives. 

3. Refuse the application in whole or in part.    


It was explained that an initial representation from a local resident had been withdrawn, following discussion with the applicant. The remaining representations had raised issues pertaining to crime and disorder, and public nuisance. 


The following parties attended the hearing and took part in it: 


On behalf of the Applicant  

Mr Sancolcar – the applicant. 


Relevant Representations  

Cllr Gordon King, Westbury East Division, on behalf of Westbury Town Council, in objection. 

Cllr Matthew Dean, Westbury West Division, in objection. 

Julian Sandoe, on behalf of Harford Properties Ltd, in objection. 


The written representations were included within the agenda pack. 


The Chairman then invited the Applicant to introduce their application. 


Applicant’s submission 

The Applicant, Mr Sancolcar, spoke in support of the application, highlighting the following points: 

·         He was looking to expand the business by extending hours beyond 11pm. 

·         Only one objection had been received from a local resident, but after speaking with them they had withdrawn their representation. 


Sub Committee Member’s questions 

In response to the Members questions to the Applicant, the following points of clarification were given: 

·         The applicant was looking to take additional business on occasions of national sporting events, but this term was not specifically defined as to what events would be covered. 

·         The applicant would be willing to place additional bins for customers outside the premises to address any concerns around littering, however it was clarified that their intention was to close the premises from 11pm and the additional hours would be for delivery orders only, so there should not be additional littering as a result. 

·         The applicant was anticipating 15-25 orders for the period after 11pm. 


Questions from those who made a relevant representation 


In response to questions to the Applicant from those that had made a relevant representation, the following points of clarification were given: 


·         Details was sought on how many orders at present were placed on the phone or website, it was stated most orders were placed online. 

·         It was stated that the restaurant delivered to Westbury, Bratton, Dilton Marsh, Trowbridge, and Warminster, with most business from Westbury. 

·         It was stated most orders at present were delivery, with approximately 10 pickup orders in a day. 

·         There was a query around planning requirements of the premises. Legal Services confirmed that the purpose of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.