Agenda, decisions and minutes

Premises Licence - Sunrise Festivals 2013, Western Area Licensing Sub Committee - Monday 22 April 2013 10.00 am

Venue: The Laverton, Bratton Road, Westbury BA13 3EN. View directions

Contact: Sam Bath  Direct Dial 01225 718211 or email

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the meeting of the Sub-Committee.


Nominations for a Chairman of the Licensing Sub Committee were sought and it was




To elect Councillor Jonathan Seed as Chairman for this meeting only.


Procedure for the Meeting

The Chairman will explain the attached procedure for the members of the public present.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained the procedure to be followed at the hearing, as contained within the “Wiltshire Licensing Committee Procedural Rules for the Hearing of Licensing Act 2003 Applications” (Pages 1 – 6 of the Agenda refers).


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will give details of the exits to be used in the event of an emergency.


The Chairman gave details of the exits to be used in the event of an emergency.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no interests declared.


Licensing Application

To consider and determine an Application for a time limited Premises Licence by Sunrise Festival 2013 Ltd in respect of Thoulston Park Golf Club, Thoulston, Chapmanslade, BA13 4AQ





Supporting documents:


Application for a time limited Premises Licence by Sunrise Festival 2013 Ltd, Thoulston Park Golf Club, Thoulston, Chapmanslade, BA13 4AQ


The Licensing Officer introduced the purpose and scope of the application, the premises to which it related and the key issues for consideration.


In accordance with the procedure detailed in the agenda, the Applicant, the Responsible Authorities and persons who made relevant representation were given the opportunity to address the Sub Committee.


Key points raised by Ms Le Fevre on behalf of the Applicant were:


·               This would be a family-friendly festival.

·               Tickets were not cheap

·               The applicants had already successfully run similar festivals since 2006

·               Testimonies had been received from other local authorities and parish councils

·               The event would be staffed by SIA trained personnel as well as green stewards, volunteer marshalls and traffic management personnel.

·               Detailed planning is recorded in the Event Management Plan

·               Previous events had initially attracted opposition however for subsequent events there had been minimal objections

·               Consultation had been held from an early stage, the Police had now withdrawn their objections reflecting their contentment with the application and Management Plan

·               Sunrise had agreed to pay for special Police services.

·               Noise levels proposed by the Environmental Health team had been accepted.  The only remaining issue was how those levels would be measured.


Mr Anderson, Acoustic Consultant for Sunrise Festivals was called to explain his professional experience and qualifications.  He then answered questions from Mr Freegard, Public Protection Officer for Wiltshire Council, on the propagation prediction spreadsheets detailed in the Event Management Plan.  Questions were also asked regarding the interpretation of ‘desensitized properties’.


Ms Le Fevre then drew attention to letters that had been sent out to residents from Sunrise Festivals which detailed arrangements that had been made for the festival.  She also drew attention to the 14 letters of support received and Mr Hurring, the event organiser, confirmed that these had not been solicited.


Ms Le Fevre then asked Mr Hurring to explain how Sunrise Festivals were attempting to address the concerns raised by residents in respect of parking, security and traffic issues.


Mr Hurring explained:


·         Traffic marshalls would be monitoring all potential parking points 24 hours a day.

·         There was a no parking or waiting order within half a mile of the site.

·         Pedestrians would not be allowed to enter the site on foot.

·         Responsible Authorities were content with arrangements that had been made for traffic control.

·         Security proposals were sound based on previous experience plus knowledge of crowd safety and management.

·         The two ponds on the site would be fenced off.

·         There would be a daily litter sweep and the site would be clear five to seven days after the festival.

·         Traffic would not be allowed to back up on the roads, an overspill field was available.

·         Nearest residences would be given residents passes and their access would be a priority.

·         There would be 24 hour security near to closest properties however crime was not associated with the festival.

·         Lighting in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.