Agenda, decisions and minutes

Northern Area Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday 25 May 2010 10.00 am

Venue: Rooms C and D, Monkton Park, Chippenham

Contact: Liam Paul  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for one meeting only.



Nominations for a Chairman of the Sub-Committee were sought. Cllr Desna Allen was elected Chair, on the proposal on Cllr Hubbard, seconded by Cllr Trevor Carbin.


Procedure for the Meeting

The Chairman will explain the attached procedure for the members of the public present.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman outlined the procedure for the meeting, and all those present introduced themselves.


Chairman's Announcements


There were no announcements.


Members' Interests

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.


The meeting adjourned at 10:15, in order for the Solicitor/Legal Adviser to the Sub-Committee to arrive and undertake a briefing with the Sub-Committee members.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider passing the following resolution:


To agree that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting for the business specified in Item Number 4 because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in  paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.



The Sub-Committee reconvened at 11:10, to make their decision on whether or not to hear Item No. 5 [Item No. 11 in Agenda], in closed session.


The Sub-Committee explained that they had made the decision to hear the meeting in closed session, having consulted the solicitor for legal advice, and taken into account the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.




That in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the business specified in the following item, because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in  paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.



Licensing Application

To consider and determine a licensing application in respect of a Police Objection Notice received in respect of a Temporary Events Notice for Chic-o-land, 9 New Road, Chippenham.


Supporting documents:


At 11:45 the Sub-Committee withdrew to consider their decision. The meeting reconvened at 12:20, to give their decision in respect of the Temporary Events Notice (TEN) for: Chic-o-land, 9 New Road, Chippenham.




That the Northern Area Licensing Sub-Committee have considered the application and have resolved to issue a counter notice to the Temporary Event Notice. In effect this means that the Committee has refused the application.




The Sub-Committee have considered the relevant provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 (in particular Sections 4 and 105); the guidance issued under Section 182 of the Act, in particular part 7, paragraph 7.23, and the licensing policy of Wiltshire Council.


The Sub-Committee have reached their decision after consideration of the written evidence presented together with the oral evidence given by the parties to the hearing. 


The Applicant has the right to appeal to the Magistrates Court within 48 hours of this decision.