Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Tilshead Garage - Variation of Premises License, Southern Area Licensing Sub Committee - Friday 25 May 2012 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, Browfort, Bath Road, Devizes SN10 2AT. View directions

Contact: Kieran Elliott  01225 718504, Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the meeting of the Sub-Committee.


Nominations for a Chairman of the Licensing Sub-Committee were sought and it was,




To elect Cllr Richard Beattie as Chairman for this meeting only.


Procedure for the Meeting

The Chairman will explain the attached procedure for the members of the public present.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained the procedure to be followed at the hearing, as contained within the “Wiltshire Licensing Committee Procedural Rules for the Hearing of Licensing Act 2003 Applications” within the agenda pack.


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will give details of the exits to be used in the event of an emergency.


The Chairman gave details of the exits to be used in the event of an emergency.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no interests declared.


Licensing Application - Application for Variation of Premises License: Tilshead garage, High Street, Tilshead, Wiltshire, SP3 4SB

To consider and determine an Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence by Mr Visanathan Selvanathan in respect of Tilshead Garage, High Street, Tilshead, SP3 4SB.


Supporting documents:


Application by Mr Visvanathan Selvanathan for a Premises Licence at Tilshead Garage, High Street, Tilshead.


The Licensing Officer introduced the purpose and scope of the application, the premises to which it related and the key issues for consideration.


In accordance with the procedure detailed in the agenda, the Applicant, the Responsible Authorities and the Interested Parties were given the opportunity to address the Sub-Committee and had the opportunity to ask questions of each other and Council officers.


No responsible authority had made a representation in connection with the application.


Key points raised by Berenice Mulvanny on behalf of the Applicant, with additions from the Applicant Visvanathan Selvanathan and the site manager Thiruchelvam Mathivannan were:


·               The Applicant was seeking to vary the licence to include the sale by retail of alcohol off sales from 0700-2200, and to extend opening hours in line with this.


·               The applicant had originally considered requesting a variation to extend to 2300, but out of consideration for neighbours’ concerns, reduced this.


·               Objections had been raised with regards to noise levels, but no complaints had ever been made to staff regarding noise, and the busiest times for the Garage were in fact as people made their way to work, lunchtime, and as people returned from work.


·               The Garage had not to date been a frequent hangout for people or vehicles, and the existing picnic tables were rarely used but predated the current business, with noise coming from the road, not the users of the garage.


·               There had been no objections from other neighbours, and the Applicant would dispute the noise levels were any higher than to be expected for such a business.


·               CCTV capable of identifying number plates had been installed.


·               An incident book, already in place regarding refusal to sell alcohol to specific persons, would be set up regarding anti-social behaviour, should it occur.


·               Staff training would also be updated to cover any such events.

·               The Garage was the only shop in the village and an important local site.


·               The Applicant was willing to remove the picnic tables, though maintained there had been no concerns.


·               A Challenge25 policy would be implemented for the sale of alcohol.


The Sub-Committee members sought clarification on some points made on behalf of the Applicant including the number of staff that would be on site in the evenings and the distance to nearby residential properties. It was confirmed two staff members would be on site at all times.


Key points raised by Mr Russell Lee on behalf of the Interested Parties were as detailed below:


·               They would dispute the garage did not open for full business prior to 7am.


·               People congregated on the edge of the site, and this was likely to increase if the sale of alcohol hours were extended.


·               The noise levels would likely worsen if the sale of alcohol hours were extended.


It was explained that, although not a licensable activity in itself, the opening hours of the premises were required to be included on the premises licence.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.