Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 29 September 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Winterbourne Glebe Village Hall, Vicarage Lane, Winterbourne Earls, Salisbury SP4 6HA

Contact: Jessica Croman  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Winterbourne Glebe Village Hall for hosting the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from:


·       Dave Roberts (Community Engagement Manager)



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2016.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2016 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the announcements and invite any questions.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the announcements in the agenda pack.


Scheme of Delegation

To agree the new delegated authority for CEMs and area board.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the report on page 3 of the agenda.




To approve the scheme of delegation:


In order to expedite the work of the Area Board and to deal with urgent matters that may arise between meetings, the Community Engagement Manager, in consultation with the Chairman (or in their absence, the Vice-Chairman) of the Area Board, may authorise expenditure to support community projects from the delegated community grants budget of up to £5,000 in total, youth projects of up to £5,000 in total, and health and wellbeing projects of up to £1,000 in total, between meetings of the Area Board.


Decisions taken between meetings will be reported to the next meeting of the

Area Board explaining why the matter was considered urgent or necessary to expedite the work of the Board and the Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards and Broadband will also be kept informed of any such decisions.



Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


Shrewton Parish Council


An update was given on positive actions which had taken place in the parish. The Parish now held two speed indicator devices and a Cllr in the parish had been awarded a street works license enabling the Parish Council to place SIDs around the village. Two new bins had been provided for dog walkers to help keep the Parish clean. A welcome pack had been developed for new residents which would provide lots of information on the Parish including information on local activities. A new newsletter was also being provided for all residents.


Winterbourne Glebe


The Area board was thanked for their contributions which helped the village win Wiltshire’s best kept large village award.


The Chairman congratulated the village on their achievement.


Cllr John Smale


Cllr Smale informed the Area Board that he had been invited to join Hills Waste Solutions Amesbury, to represent the area. Those present were encouraged to speak to Cllr Smale if they had any questions or issues.



Update from previous grants: SPLASH


The item was withdrawn.



The future of Community Policing Teams

To receive a presentation from Inspector Nick Mawson.


Inspector Mawson introduced himself and gave an overview of his role.


A video was played which explained the new policing model key points were identified as:


·       The new model promotes a one team approach where all teams are together under one management structure.

·       The right people will get the right information straight away which reduces the amount of people involved and gives the customer a single point of contact.

·       Wiltshire Council’s systems thinking team helped to develop the new policing model which has helped to reduce waste in their processes.

·       The new model has been piloted and worked well in other areas.

·       Staffing numbers had not reduced.

·       PSCO’s would remain in their current areas


Questions asked included:


Q: Shona is going to be away, who will be replacing her?

A: Shona would not be replaced; the team would run one short until she returned. A new community co-ordinator post has been created which would support Shona’s role and the contact is Lucy Whileman.


Q: Have retired officers been replaced?

A: Yes, there is ongoing recruitment and the new recruits are expected to start around December. 


Q: Durrington Town Council have taken on the Bluez and Zoos work and are concerned that police support will not continue.

A: The duel function of the officers means it will be difficult to commit to attending events, although support will not stop because we want to be there to continue building relations. We are aware of the benefits of attending and that the visible presence is reassuring for parents, the youths and the local community.


Q: The Town and Parish councils need information which is timely and correct, how will this be achieved?

A: We are working on getting better at using technology. We already have community messaging and the communications team work hard to ensure the right messages are going to the right people. Community coordinators send out daily updates and if they cannot be at parish meetings they would still be expected to send updates to those meetings. You will know who your local coordinator is, so you know who to talk to if there are any issues.


Q: While there is little crime in the Wyle Valley area, there is much more cybercrime – how do we handle that?

A: The force control strategy has an area dedicated to cybercrime. We need to adapt policing to tackle those issues. All future reports will focus on the force control strategy and local issues/ priorities.


Q: What assurances can you give us on terrorism?

A: Due to reduced costs we now work more closely with our neighbours, which is a good thing. There is a South West Regional Counter Terrorism Force and information is fed up to them from the local level and from there nationally and likewise coming down the chain. They have a very good communication flow and Wiltshire is rated as a very low risk.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Mawson for the presentation.



Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The next CATG meeting would be held on the 3rd October at Redworth House.


The Chairman of the CATG gave an update on the top priorities.


It was noted that Highways England recently put lines on Countess Roundabout and that the Area Board would continue to put pressure on them for any issues.


A question was asked about weight limit restrictions in Shrewton and it was noted that the weight limit had been applied. The guidance for the weight limit was specific to certain road and that dead end road would not be included in the weight limit.



Local Youth Network Update and Youth Activities Grant Applications

i.                 Updates


Steve Milton, Head of Service for Community Engagement at Wiltshire Council, gave a verbal update with the main points including:


·       Since the restructure only 4 of the Local Youth facilitator roles had been filled and it was likely that there would be more changes on how the service was delivered. As soon as an update was available the Area Board would be informed.


·       It has been identified that the new model is reaching far more youths than previously. Previously 4000-5000 youths had benefitted from the service and now with the new model, the service was reaching 15000 youths who were directly benefitting from grants.


Questions asked:


Q: The Amesbury Area has 22 Parishes and resources should be proportionate to size compared to others.

A: These factors are taken into consideration and we will try to balance as fairly as possible.


Q: At the budget meeting it was noted that 2.4million goes into Area Boards. Can we see the accounts of how the money is spent?

A: Some of that money is ring fenced. The reports which go to the Area Board meetings should show the accounts, indicating funding allocated and how much is left. A similar report is being developed for the Health & Wellbeing funds and more information can be provided.


Q: previously the Community Youth Officers would find out interests and coordinate activities, who would do the coordinating and engagement now?

A: This is still in discussion and would be reported back to the Area board when a decision had been made. A major event coming up ‘Our Community Matters’ on the 26 January, will give the area an opportunity to identify community priorities; a specific section of the will focus on youth priorities.


Q: It is a major concern that there is a gap in the service and we do not have any funding to release to do the work. What is the timeline for the decision to be made?

A: The Cabinet Member will give a brief at the next Chairs meeting on the 10 October 2016.



Community Area Grants

To determine the applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor Fred Westmoreland, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item.



Amesbury Community Group was awarded £990 towards Amesbury Community Area Annual Charity Duck Races.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2016/17.




Shrewton Youth Club was awarded £720 towards youth club kits.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2016/17.



Health and Wellbeing Group

To receive an update.

Supporting documents:


It was noted that two events had been scheduled:


1.     7th November 2016, 11am – 3pm, in the Amesbury Tesco foyer. This will involve numerous organisations and focus on health, with health trainers on site.


2.     5th December 2016 in the Amesbury Tesco will be Singing For The Brain, where a number of local groups will be singing Christmas carols as a dementia friendly project.



Engagement with MoD

To receive a presentation from Lt Col Danny Mackness.


Lt Col Danny Mackness gave a verbal presentation which included an overview of his role and the following key points:


·       There had been a gap in liaison between the local community and the MOD because attendance at Area Board meetings had stopped, for now on there would be a MOD representative present at meetings.

·       The 5th Rifles were now based in Bulford.

·       Over the next few years there would be more changes such as troops from Tidworth moving to Larkhill.

·       Construction is due to start in 2017; this will see new barracks being built for 615 soldiers and 1239 new houses for military families.

·       There will also be a new road from the Bulford gate to Salisbury Plain with a new wash down facility which is due to complete in March. This means the military vehicles will avoid going through the villages and there would be no dirty vehicles on the roads.


Q: Will the MOD continue to work with the Police whilst and after all of the changes take place?

A: Yes, we have a good relationship and processes in place.


Q: It’s great to get updates directly from the MOD, would it be possible to alternate receiving updates with Larkhill as a majority of the Amesbury area and Villages are in the Larkhill area. It would be beneficial to receive updates from both sides.

A: Will liaise with Larkhill and let you know the outcome.


It was noted that there would be more Chinooks around due to a contract being awarded to Boeing to carry out servicing on the Salisbury Plain. Generally the working hours were between 8.30am and 5.30pm and if working outside of these hours a message is sent out to the local areas. Any recent disturbances may have been due to those on duty.


The MOD thanked the Area Board for their support.


The Chairman thanked Lt Col Danny Mackness for attending.




To receive an update from Cllr Mike Hewitt.


Cllr Hewitt noted that most of the Parishes should already have been contacted to request sandbags and other flood resistant equipment. All of the supplies would be free but Parishes would have to apply for them. If any Parish had not received notification then they should contact Cllr Hewitt.


Those at the meeting were advised that If there was an issue with flooding, then they should contact Wiltshire Council immediately. Also advice would be available including how to protect listed buildings from Wiltshire Council.  



Older Peoples Champion

To receive an update from Jan Tidd.


It was noted that there had been a recent visit to the Heale House Garden Centre which included afternoon tea.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


It was noted that the Associate Director for Highways was not able to attend the Area Board meeting but hoped to be present at the next meeting. Those in attendance were advised to send in questions to the Community Engagement Manager before the meeting to ensure full responses could be provided.


Parish and Town Councils were also encouraged to request items for the agenda, if they were aware or wanted to speak about any local issues then to contact the Community Engagement Manager.



Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on:


17 November 2016 at the Antrobus House, Amesbury.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on 17 November 2016 at the Antrobus House, Amesbury.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.