Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 29 April 2010 6.00 pm

Venue: Winterbourne Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls, Salisbury SP4 6HA

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Councillor Mike Hewitt, welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board, and invited Councillors and officers to introduce themselves.


The Chairman thanked Winterbourne Glebe Hall for hosting the meeting.




Chairman's Announcements

a.      The Chairman will invite questions on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda, including questions to the Cabinet Member for Waste Property and Environment (Councillor Toby Sturgis) who will be in attendance

b.      Planning Seminar for Parish Councils – 14 May at 9.15am in the Alamein Suite, City Hall Salisbury

c.      Meeting for Parish Councils, hosted by the Amesbury Area Board – 10 June, 5pm at Antrobus House

d.      Flooding Consultation – briefing note enclosed

e.      Air Quality Strategy - briefing note enclosed

f.       Contaminated Land Strategy - briefing note enclosed

g.      Youth Project Funding

h.     Community Asset Transfer Scheme


Supporting documents:


a.    The Chairman commented that he would invite questions after making the announcements as set out in the agenda.

b.    Planning Seminar for Parish Councils – This event would take place on Friday 14 May at 9.15am in the Alamein Suite, City Hall, Salisbury

c.    Meeting for Parish Councils, hosted by Amesbury Area Board – This event would take place on Thursday 10 June at 5pm at Antrobus House, Amesbury.  The Chairman commented that this meeting would include an opportunity to discuss the future of Community Planning in the Amesbury Area.

d.    Flooding Consultation – Parish Councils’ input was sought to the Council’s statutory duty of managing flooding risk.  Packs were available for each Parish Council, to help identify areas which were liable to flooding.  These packs should be returned to the Community Area Manager at the next meeting on 1 July 2010.

e.    Air Quality Consultation Details of the consultation on this document were set out in the agenda at page 7.

f.     Contaminated Land Strategy – Details of the consultation on this document were set out in the agenda at pages 9-10.

g.    Youth Project Funding – The Chairman announced that an additional £5K had been made available to the Amesbury Area Board for youth projects, particularly in relation to transport.

h.    Community Asset Transfer Scheme – The Chairman commented that this scheme was under development and details would be sent to Town and Parish Councils in due course.


The Chairman then invited questions and comments on issues not covered elsewhere on the agenda:


·         A representative of Durrington Town Council commented that some documents sent out via email by Wiltshire Council had not been accessible, due to the format in which they had been sent.  It was requested that in future all documents be sent in a format accessible to all (such as PDF).  Councillor John Noeken, in his capacity as Cabinet Member for Resources, undertook to convey this request to officers.


·         On a similar note, a member of the public commented that a link to the Wiltshire Fire and Rescue 2010-2013 Strategy sent out to the Community Area Network, had not worked.  Karen Linaker, the Community Area Manager, undertook to investigate.


·         A representative of Idmiston Parish Council commented that bins in Gomeldon had not been replaced neatly in their original position by the refuse collectors. In some instances this had led to pavements or driveways being blocked.  Councillor Toby Sturgis (visiting Cabinet Representative for Waste, Property and Environment) responded that refuse collection teams were instructed to replace bins as found, but that he would pass a reminder to the team who covered the Gomeldon Area.




Apologies for Absence


None received.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Graham Wright declared a prejudicial interest in item 12 (Community Area Grants), in relation to the application from Durrington Town Council, as he was a member of that Town Council. 


In addition, the Chairman, Councillor Mike Hewitt declared a prejudicial interest in item 12 (Community Area Grants), in relation to the application from Newton Toney Parish Council, as he was a member of that Parish Council.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2010 and the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 25 March 2010.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting on 11 February 2010, and the minutes of the extraordinary meeting on 25 March 2010 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues.

Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker, the Amesbury Community Area Manager, introduced the report enclosed at page 39 of the agenda, commenting that a full, up to date summary of each issue was available online.




Reducing Street Lighting

To receive a presentation from the Community Area Manager on funding available to reduce the adverse impacts of street lighting.



The Community Area Manager set out the details of a new scheme to help reduce energy costs, light pollution and carbon emissions. 


Following successful trials in Urchfont and Tidworth, each Area Board would receive funding towards replacing street lights with new units which could be switched off or dimmed during part of the night, for example from midnight to 5.30am.  The Amesbury Area Board would receive around £5k under the scheme, which would allow for around 100 units to be changed.


Despite the obvious benefits, there were other considerations, such as potential concerns over personal safety and highways safety.  As such, the views of Town and Parish Councils were sought, to propose areas and streets which may be suitable for this project.  The Area Board would then consider the feedback as a whole.  In addition, it was noted that this project was to be run as a pilot, and that further funding may be available depending on the success of the scheme.


This initiative was welcomed by the Area Board, particularly in view of the presentation on light pollution which had been given at the Area Board meeting on 25 March 2010.


Responding to a question, the Community Area Manager undertook to clarify whether the project would involve the replacement of the whole unit or just the photoelectric cell.


The view was expressed that it would be more effective to enlarge the existing “dark area” around Salisbury plain, rather than to spread the project around the Community Area, which would not give such a noticeable impact in terms of reducing levels of light pollution.


The Chairman asked that comments be sent in writing to the Community Area Manager, to allow a holistic approach to be taken by the Board as to how the funding should be spent.


Councillor Toby Sturgis added that the feedback from Town and Parish Councils would also be used to inform the process of regular maintenance of street lighting.




Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council representatives, and from other partner organisations.



The Chairman invited updates from Town/Parish Councils and other partners.


David Healing gave an update on behalf of Durrington Town Council:


·         As part of its Annual Parish Meeting, the council had held a “drop in” session to discuss various projects, attracting over 200 people.

·         An Election Question Time had been held with the five Prospective Parliamentary Candidates for the Devizes Constituency.

·         Avon Valley College had invited the Council to become a trustee.

·         The Council had organised events to celebrate St George’s Day.

·         The “Durrington in Bloom” competition would be taking place shortly.

  • A Community Showcase event was planned for 29 May, which would involve all village organisations.

·         The Village Show was scheduled for 18 July.


Paul Fisher spoke on behalf of Winterbourne Parish Council, raising concern that, despite the reopening of Pheasant Road, little benefit could be seen due to the timing of the traffic lights at the junction with the A30.  Clarification was required on when the scheme would be finalised and what the phasing of the lights would be.  The Chairman commented that the lights would be finalised by the end of May and asked Graeme Hay (newly appointed Service Manager for Highways and Street Scene in the Southern Locality) to investigate. 


In addition, Paul expressed disappointment that Winterslow Road had not been resurfaced, and had not been included in the highways maintenance programme for 2010/11.  The Chairman expressed the hope that the road could be fully resurfaced within the next two years, and undertook to provide a full answer by the meeting on 10 June 2010.


Councillor Graham Wright added, in relation to Durrington Town Council, that Bulford Bridge would be closed for six months from Tuesday 4 May.  Signs had now been erected as requested by members of the public.




Local Policing - Structure and Performance

To receive a presentation from Inspector Martyn Sweett, followed by an opportunity for questions.



Inspector Martyn Sweett gave a presentation detailing the structure and performance of the local policing team in the Amesbury Area.


This included details of the composition of the three Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) and the other support units in Salisbury and Devizes.  Inspector Sweett also set out the crime and detection rates for the previous two years, highlighting that there had been a 5.9% overall reduction in total crime from 2008/09 to 2009/10, building on the 7% reduction in the previous year.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Sweett for his presentation and invited questions and comments from the floor.  The following points were raised:


·         It was hoped that the £6 million savings programmed for the Wiltshire Police budget could be achieved through efficiency savings.  Inspector Sweett emphasised that frontline services would be protected.

·         The Amesbury Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) covered 18 parishes.

·         A recent spate of burglaries in the Winterbourne area had now stopped, and victims of those crimes had been updated on progress.

·         Responding to a question regarding the MOD police and the Royal Military Police (RMP), Inspector Sweett commented that the local police teams worked closely with these bodies, sharing intelligence where appropriate.

·         The Chairman referred to a number of fuel thefts from farms, around the border with Hampshire.  Inspector Sweett undertook to look into this, in conjunction with colleagues in Hampshire Constabulary.



Police Protective Services Department

To receive a presentation from Detective Sergeant Marj Macaullum on the work of the Protective Service Department, following by an opportunity for questions.



Detective Sergeant Marj MacCallum gave a presentation on the work of the Police Protective Services Department. This comprised the following units:


·         Major Crime

·         Special Branch

·         Economic Crime

·         Public Order

·         Civil Contingencies

·         Critical Incidents

·         Organised Crime

·         Public Protection

·         Forensic Department

·         Operations (road policing, dog section, firearms).


DS MacCallum worked in the Public Protection department, which in turn comprised the Child Protection Unit, the Domestic Abuse Unit, the Vulnerable Adult Unit, and a team which oversaw the management of sex offenders.


Responding to a question from the Chairman, DS MacCallum explained that young people with learning difficulties would continue to be protected after the age of 18, by the Vulnerable Adults Unit.


It was noted that the non-emergency number for Wiltshire Police was 0845 408 7000.


The Chairman thanked DS MacCallum for the presentation.




Area Board Councillors Feedback from Meetings of Associated Groups

To receive feedback from Wiltshire Councillors following recent meetings of groups on which they sit as the Board’s representatives.


To consider a request for the release of funding towards a youth transport scheme.


Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker referred to the written updates set out at page 41 of the agenda.


In relation to the Housing Tenants’ Panel, the Chairman invited volunteers to join this group as turnout was often fairly low.  It was suggested that calling the body a “Residents’ Panel” might make the group sound more inclusive.


Karen Linaker referred to the Youth Minibus Project, as referenced on the update from the Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG).  This pilot project would involve volunteers driving minibuses to provide a safe and affordable transport service for young people from rural villages to access leisure activities in Salisbury and elsewhere.


General support was expressed for this project, although it was emphasised that this initial funding would only support the pilot stage, which would operate in one or two parishes. 


It was proposed and seconded that the Area Board released the funding required for the pilot, and to avoid any hiatus in the service, that the full project be supported in principle, subject to the success of the pilot.


Karen Linaker confirmed that this funding would be allocated from the Area Board’s share of £100,000 which had been made available to all 18 Area Boards to support youth projects of this kind, in particular transport projects.



1.    The Area Board agreed to fund the pilot Youth Minibus Project with £1,000.

2.    The Area Board further agreed that delegated authority be given to the Amesbury Community Area Manager (in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Area Board) to approve the release of further funding for this project (up to £3,000 in 2010/11), subject to the success of the pilot exercise.


1.    To support the pilot project and improve access for young people to leisure services.

2.    To ensure that, subject to the success of the pilot exercise, the project can be rolled out to other parishes without further delay.




Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


Councillor John Noeken introduced the item, as Chairman of the Grant Review Panel.


Applicants that were present were invited to speak on their applications, following which the Board discussed the application then put the matter to the vote.



Langford Parish Hall Committee was awarded £743.30 towards the cost of works needed to the parish hall, including replacement of the fire door, replacement of a rotten window and repainting of the exterior.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would increase the potential for use of this hall.



Brigmerston and Milston Parish Hall Committee was awarded £2,574.78 towards the cost of works to the parish hall, including to the kitchen entrance area, window replacements and main hall flooring.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would increase the potential for use of this hall.


In relation to the application from Shrewton Football Club, it was noted that the officer’s recommendation was for refusal, as the application had not met the Community Area Grants Criteria.  However, it was also noted that the Community Grants Scheme allowed for such applications to be approved in exceptional circumstances where an Area Board considered there to be a wider community benefit. The Grant Review Panel considered that the community benefit exception applied in this case.  It was emphasised that this would not constitute a precedent, and that all applications were considered on individual merit.



Shrewton United Football Club was awarded £1,000 towards the cost of providing a hardstanding between the recreation hall and the west end of the football pitch.

Reasons – Despite not meeting the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11, the application was approved for the following reasons:

1.    The wider community benefit brought about by the hardstanding.

2.    There were a number of funding avenues which needed to be explored by the applicant to source the remaining funds required, including the Football Foundation, Sport England and the Rural Development Programme for England.

3.    Whilst a retrospective application, the applicant may not have been fully aware of the processes, criteria and timescales involved in agreeing a grant.


NOTE – Having declared prejudicial interests in the following applications, the Chairman (Councillor Mike Hewitt), and Councillor Graham Wright, left the room at this point.  In the Chairman’s absence, the Vice-Chairman took over to the end of the item.


Councillor John Smale in the Chair



Newton Toney Parish Council was awarded £990 towards the costs of providing a hardstanding basketball/netball practice area on the recreation field.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would support the provision of a new community leisure facility.



Durrington Town Council was awarded £2,000 towards the cost of play equipment at the recreation ground in Durrington.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would support the refurbishment of equipment at a well-used facility.




Performance Reward Grants

To consider whether the Area Board wishes to support any bids for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme.


Supporting documents:


Councillor John Noeken explained that the Board had been asked to support three bids for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme. 


(a)          Great Wishford Primary School


This bid would provide a sheltered outdoor area, as part of a broader Outdoor Learning Initiative.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid from Great Wishford Primary School to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


(b)          Skilled for Health



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid from Skilled for Health to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


(c)          Community Payback


This bid would help the Community Payback project reach more rural isolated areas, including parts of the Amesbury Community Area.  It was noted that some excellent projects had already been completed in the area, and the Community Area Manager undertook to forward details of how to nominate a project.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid from Community Payback to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.



Councillor Noeken also reported that the bid for the Larkhill Rejuvenation and Road Safety Project, as supported by the Area Board on 11 February 2010, had been approved by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.  The Panel had considered this to be such a positive bid that it had invited another application to include funding for other aspects of the project.  As such, the bid had been amended to include an additional £4,035 of funding.




Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the enclosed Forward Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on Thursday 1 July 2010 at 6pm, at Figheldean Village Hall.


In addition, there will be an event for Parish Councils on 10 June, 5pm at Antrobus House, Amesbury.


Supporting documents:


Before closing the meeting, the Chairman introduced Graeme Hay, Service Director for Highways and Street Scene in the Southern Locality.  Graeme explained that he would be attending future meetings of the Area Board and would also be giving reports and updates on various projects.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be on Thursday 1 July at Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean, at 6pm.  In addition, there would be a meeting for Parish Councils on Thursday 10 June, 5pm at Antrobus House, Amesbury.


Councillor Mike Hewitt commented that this would be his last meeting as Chairman as he would be standing down as Chairman at the Annual Council meeting on 18 May 2010.  The meeting thanked Councillor Hewitt for his Chairmanship.