Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 1 July 2010 6.00 pm

Venue: Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean, SP4 8JR

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item

6.00 pm


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board, and thanked Figheldean Village Hall Committee for the use of the hall.


It was noted that the Chairman and Vice Chairman had been elected at the Annual Council meeting on 18  May:

·         Councillor John Smale had been elected as Chairman for the 2010/11 municipal year; and

·         Councillor Mike Hewitt had been elected as Vice Chairman for the 2010/11 municipal year.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves. 


The Chairman also welcomed and introduced the officers who were in attendance to give presentations.


It was noted that two displays were available at the back of the meeting room – one in relation to the Consultation on Waste and Recycling (Item 9 refers), and another from Natural England.


6.05 pm


Chairman's Announcements

a.     Annual Highways Maintenance Programme

b.     Local Transport Programme (LTP) Scheme Funding Allocation

c.      Draft Parking Strategy

d.     The Chairman will invite questions on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda, including questions to the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services (Councillor Lionel Grundy) who will be in attendance.

Supporting documents:



a.    Annual Highways Maintenance Programme – This programme was now available to view on the Council’s website, at the link listed on page 3 of the agenda.


b.    Local Transport Plan (LTP) Scheme Funding Allocation – Further to the information set out at page 5 of the agenda, it was noted that a Community Area Transport Group (CATG) would be established and reported to the next meeting of the Area Board.  The Chairman added that the Area Board had been allocated £17,731 to spend on LTP projects.


c.    Draft Parking Strategy – Information on this forthcoming consultation was available on page 7 of the agenda.  The documents listed would be available from the 12 July, when the consultation would open.


d.    The Chairman then invited questions and comments on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda:


·         David Healing of Durrington Town Council commented that the 6pm start time of the Area Board made it difficult for some parish representatives to attend, in particular those who worked.  Councillor Mike Hewitt, who had been the Chairman at the time that the start time had moved from 7pm to 6pm, commented that this had been changed in response to requests from parish representatives and had been agreed by a show of hands from those present at an Area Board meeting.


·         Roy Clough – Vice Chairman of the Archers Gate Residents’ Association, referred to concerns over the traffic conditions on the Archers Gate estate.  Councillor John Noeken commented that officers would look into this.  (Note: Following the meeting, Councillor Noeken and Highways officers met on the site on Wednesday 7 July to assess the situation.)



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from the following:


·         Wiltshire Councillor Graham Wright

·         Wiltshire Councillor Lionel Grundy, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services

·         Jo Howes (NHS Wiltshire)

·         Ian Rennie (Wiltshire Fire and Rescue).



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Ian West declared a prejudicial interest in item 14 (Community Area Grants), specifically in the application from Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee, as he was the Chairman of this committee.  Councillor West indicated that he would leave the room during consideration of this application.


There were no other declarations of interest.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2010, and the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2010.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meetings held on 29 April 2010 and 18 May 2010 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


6.13 pm


Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues.


Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker, the Amesbury Community Area Manager, introduced the report enclosed at pages 23-24 of the agenda, commenting that a more detailed update was available online at the Council’s website.


The Chairman commented that he had attended a site visit at the Bulford Bridge along with Councillor Graham Wright.  The works were currently on schedule and the problems over unclear signage had now been resolved. 


Simon Banton of Figheldean Parish Council referred to an article in the BBC Countryfile magazine, which had listed Figheldean Mill Pond as a good place for “wild swimming”.  This had lead to an increase in visitors to the site, causing parking problems, an increase in dog mess, and general disturbance to nearby residents.  Concern was also raised in relation to underwater hazards for swimmers, specifically spikes from the foundations of the old mill.


The Chairman commented that the Council was aware of this issue and was considering potential courses of action.  Inspector Martyn Sweett added that he was not aware of any incidents reported in relation to the site, but would liaise with the MOD and MOD police colleagues to see whether the site could be made safer.


Simon suggested that Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service might be able to survey the riverbed as they used the site for scuba training.  Mike Franklin undertook to pass these comments to the local management teams.


6.20 pm


Update from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive any updates from the Town/Parish Council representatives and from other partner organisations.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited updates from Town/Parish Councils and other partners, commenting that the preferred method for non-urgent updates was for a written summary which could be sent to officers in advance and included within the agenda papers.


The Chairman thanked officers from Housing Services for offering their time to help paint the frontage of the Amesbury Community Information Shop.


Councillor Mike Hewitt, as Chairman of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee, advised that there was a possibility that the commissioning role of the PCT might be transferred to doctors.  This was unlikely to affect service users directly, and he would keep the Area Board updated.


The Chairman thanked the Police for their efforts over the weekend of the Summer Solstice.  It was considered that this had gone very smoothly.


Responding to concern over regular accidents at the crossroads by Porton on the Amesbury Road, Inspector Martyn Sweett commented that he was not aware of any serious injuries or fatalities at the site, and that the Accident Management system would highlight particular problem accident sites, which were then prioritised.  However, he offered to report the matter to the local Police Constable.  In relation to speeding at the same site, the MOD police had been given permission to undertake speed checks on the public road, and some Community Speedwatch teams were also being established on the A338 corridor.


Referring to a recent incident, Inspector Sweett commented that Wilts and Dorset Buses were planning to install immobilising equipment on their vehicles.


6.35 pm


Waste Collection Service Consultation

To receive a brief presentation from Tracy Carter (Service Director – Waste Management) regarding the on-going consultation on the Waste and Recycling Collection Service.



Tracy Carter (Service Director – Waste Management) gave a presentation regarding the on-going consultation on the waste and recycling collection service.


Changes to the provision of this service within Wiltshire were required to ensure that the same service was provided to all residents.  In addition to this, the need to meet tougher recycling targets and minimise landfill required a new approach to waste collection across the county.


The proposal was for household rubbish and black box recycling (i.e. tins, glass and paper) to be collected on alternate weeks.  There would also be a fortnightly collection of plastic bottles and cardboard recycling.  In addition, the current fortnightly collection of garden waste would continue, although this would now be free to all residents, rather than being charged as at present.


This proposal sought to balance the best service with maximising the opportunities for recycling and minimising costs.  A consultation was underway to seek support for this proposal from Wiltshire residents.  Leaflets were available at the meeting summarising the proposals and with detachable freepost slip, on which residents could record their support or opposition to the proposals.


The Chairman then invited questions and comments:


·         In response to comments from the floor, it was emphasised that a final decision had yet to be taken on this proposal.  This was a genuine consultation, the results of which would be reported to the Cabinet in September.


·         Concern was raised regarding people who currently filled their bins within a week.  Tracy explained that part of the aim behind the proposal was to encourage behavioural change, whereby people increased the amount they recycled out of necessity.  Currently, those areas within Wiltshire with weekly waste collections recycled around 10% less than the areas with fortnightly waste collection.  However, it was also noted that specific assistance and advice would be given to those who had genuine issues with excess waste, for example nappies and incontinence pads.


·         Currently the majority of residual waste (i.e. non-recyclables) was sent to an Energy from Waste facility near Slough, for incineration.  However, recycling was still preferable in terms of having a lower environmental impact.


·         The view was expressed that this proposal represented a reduction in service, and that the existing system should remain.


·         Concern was expressed regarding potential health and safety issues with waste only being collected once every fortnight.  Reference was made to articles in the press in relation to potential infestations of rats and maggots.


·         Tracy confirmed that the UK had been set targets under EU landfill directives since the late 1990s, due to the country’s poor recycling performance.  If councils did not meet the required targets there was a possibility of fines being passed on to Councils by the government.


·         Consideration had been given to the separate collection of food waste.  However, it was not proposed to progress this at present due to issues over technology and capacity.  However, the current schemes for subsidised green cone composters would continue.


·         Referring to the recent announcement by Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.

6.55 pm


Review of Library Service

To receive a brief presentation from Geoff Langridge (Head of Library and Information Services) and John Salen (Project Manager, Business Change) on the review of the Library Services.



Geoff Langrige, Head of Library and Information Services, gave a presentation on the review of the Library Service.


A review of the service had been instigated in response to the significant £500K of savings required from the service’s budget within the next two years, representing about 10% of the existing budget.  It was hoped that these savings could be achieved without impacting on frontline services, which were currently very highly rated.  As part of the process, service users were being asked to give their ideas for the future of the service.


A wide variety of services was currently provided in libraries, including 750,000 books, CDs, DVDs, local information, various events, school links, and other groups.


A number of ideas had been raised during the consultation so far; some of these were already provided in some libraries, and others would be considered for future service offers.  However, further suggestions were still sought, and everyone present was encouraged to fill out the cards on each table, asking for five top priorities for the future of the library service.


The Chairman thanked Geoff for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the floor:


·         It was noted that mobile libraries were a very important service to rural areas and that usage of this service was increasing.  Mobile libraries had recently lengthened their stops at some locations, and some also took Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) on their routes.


·         Around 275,000 people in Wiltshire were members of a library.  This equated to around 48%.


·         Geoff emphasised that the suggestions from service users were part of the “define” stage.  These would then be used to inform the “design” stage, within budgetary constraints and maximising the use of buildings and staff.


·         Some savings had already been identified through back office savings, with £15,000 saved through the re-tendering of stock procurement and a new, more efficient stock storage system.


·         One suggestion for a future service was support and advice to people using IT facilities who were not experienced at using such equipment.  Geoff commented that this was available in some libraries already.


7.15 pm


Community Area Young People's Issues Group (CAYPIG) - Update

To receive an update on the work of the CAYPIG, including the minibus project and the Bourne Valley Youth Project.



The Chairman welcomed Kevin McCaffery, Youth Development Coordinator, and a number of young people from Porton.


The young people gave a presentation on the background to the project for a skatepark at Porton. 


The idea for a skatepark in Porton had been conceived as the nearest other facility was in Salisbury.  A suggestion had been put to the Parish Council, and an initial petition of support had been signed by over 230 people.  The project had been designed and costed by the young people involved, supported by the local youth workers.  A layout had been designed and the next stage would be to seek funding for the project.  It was considered that the skatepark would be a facility of great benefit to the young people of the area, and the project was supported by the local police.


Mark Clogg of Maverick, a company which specialised in designing skateparks, commented that he was aware of many successful skatepark projects around the country, bringing the benefits of lower anti-social behaviour, a health activity for young people, and the social and community benefits of a local project being delivered.


It was noted that the Parish Council and some residents near to the proposed site, still had concerns over potential noise impact.  There were also concerns about people from outside the area disrupting the enjoyment of the facility.


Kevin commented that on 19 July, there would be a public meeting in Porton to discuss the project, where local people would have an opportunity to see the presentation from the young people.


In relation to the proposed location, on the recreation ground, it was noted that the Environment Agency had been contacted regarding potential flooding issues.  Mark explained that there were options to mitigate the potential impact of this.


The Chairman thanked the young people for attending, and for their presentation.


Kevin updated the meeting on the progress of the transport project agreed and funded at the previous meeting.  Subject to some final CRB checks, the project would hopefully be operational before the summer holidays.


7.30 pm


Community Planning Update

The Area Board will be asked to agree new arrangements for Community Planning in the Amesbury Community Area.


Also, to note the Porton, Idmiston and Gomeldon Community Plan (available to view with the online agenda documents – hard copies available on request).


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred the meeting to the report on pages 31-38 of the agenda, which set out the proposed way forward for community planning in the Amesbury area.  This had been developed following the informal meeting with Parish Councils on 10 June.


Councillor John Noeken proposed that the commissioning of a Community Planning Group be deferred to allow for further discussions between the steering group and the Area Board members.  It was noted that this would also delay the production of the questionnaire for the community plan.


Councillors congratulated Porton, Idmiston and Gomeldon Community Plan Steering Group, on the shorter than predicted timescale for producing the document.



1.    The Area Board agreed to defer recommendations a) and c) as set out on page 34 of the agenda, to allow further discussions between the Steering Group and members of the Area Board.

2.    The Area Board noted that its available budget allocation for community planning purposes in 2010/11 was £17,000 (inclusive of £7,000 carried forward from 2009/10).

3.    The Porton, Idmiston and Gomeldon Community Plan was referred to the Community Planning Steering Group for consideration and incorporation in the Amesbury Area Community Plan.


7.45 pm


Cycle Routes

To receive a presentation from Heather Blake (Transport Planner).



The Chairman introduced Heather Blake, Transport Planner, and Alistair Millington, of Sustrans, who gave a presentation on cycle routes in the Amesbury Community Area.


Cycle routes were delivered in a number of ways, including:


·         Integrated Transport Funding – this budget was allocated according to the Local Transport Plan (LTP), with priority given to strategic routes to sites of employment, schools and shopping.  This tended to be in large town centres, although in the next LTP this would also include smaller towns such as Amesbury, Bulford and Durrington.  However, the transport budget had been cut by £1.1million (around 20%) and it would not be possible to commit to some larger projects.

·         Sustrans – This funding came from the Department for Transport.

·         Rights of Way – This service related to the recreational routes, which tended to be in the countryside.


A network of existing cycle routes, and possible future routes had been produced.  In addition, further suggestions and ideas for improving the existing strategic routes were welcomed.


Some work had already begun on the link between Amesbury and Bulford.  Developer funding for this route was available, and Sustrans had agreed with Wiltshire Council to develop a route.


The other links which were currently also under consideration included the following:


·         Amesbury to Durrington – This route was considered to be a feasible project and was likely to be prioritised for funding after 2013.

·         Salisbury to Porton.

·         Porton to Amesbury.


The Chairman thanked Heather and Alistair for the presentation and invited questions and comments:


·         It was considered that young people in Figheldean would benefit from safer cycle access to Bulford, Durrington and Amesbury.


·         It was also considered that employees at Porton Down would benefit from a safer cycle route for commuting from Salisbury and Amesbury.  Residents would also benefit from the reduced traffic and improved cycle routes for leisure use.


It was noted that the report would be circulated to Town and Parish Councils affected, who were invited to propose amended and/or additional routes.


7.55 pm


Appointments to Associated Groups / Outside Bodies

To note the appointments to outside bodies which were made by the Board last year; to note that these appointments will continue for 2010/11; and to agree any new appointments.


Supporting documents:



The Area Board noted the following appointments to Outside Bodies, which had been agreed at the meeting on 30 June 2009, and which would continue for 2010/11 subject to the following changes:


Outside Body

Councillor appointed

Amesbury Sports Centre Managing Body

John Noeken & Fred Westmoreland

Stonehenge Community Area Partnership

Graham Wright - Appointment discontinued

Amesbury Youth Issues Group (CAYPIG)

John Smale & Mike Hewitt

Durrington Sports Centre

Ian West & Graham Wright

Tenants Panel

Mike Hewitt & John Noeken

(Lead Councillor on grants)

John Noeken


Additional appointment:


Community Planning Group

Fred Westmoreland


8.00 pm


Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


Councillor John Noeken introduced the item, as the Area Board’s Lead Councillor on grants.


Applicants that were present were invited to speak on their applications, following which the Board discussed the application then put the matter to the vote.


Having declared a prejudicial interest in the application from Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee, Councillor Ian West left the room during consideration of that application.


In relation to the application from Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee, it was reported that a location had been identified for the container; out of sight of the road and of nearby properties.



Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee was awarded £1,410.78 towards the costs of purchasing a storage container and a base upon which to site the container to store the committee’s equipment.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would support this vital service for the community.


In relation to the application from Woodford Valley Scottish Country Dancing Group, it was suggested that the group allow other community groups meeting in the Middle Woodford Village Hall to use the equipment.



Woodford Valley Scottish Country Dancing Group was awarded £683.76 towards the purchase of equipment including a variable speed music player and microphone.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would support this newly established community group.



Orcheston Village Hall Committee was awarded £650 towards works required to the village hall including replacement of rotting fascia boards.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would support the maintenance of this important community facility.



Larkhill Primary School was awarded £999.96 to operate, on behalf of the local community, a Sensory Toy Library for children (4-11 years) with learning disabilities.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would support this new initiative for the benefit of local families.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Noeken and a special thanks was extended to the independent panel members, Carole Slater and Tony Way.


8.10 pm


Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on Thursday 2 September 2010, 6pm at The Bowman Centre, Archers Gate, Amesbury.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew people’s attention to the Forward Work Plan attached to the back of the agenda.  This was a working document and was subject to change, but sought to give some notice of upcoming items at future meetings.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be on Thursday 2 September 2010, 6.00pm at the Bowman Centre, Shears Drive, Archers Gate, Amesbury.