Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 2 June 2011 6.00 pm

Venue: Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean, SP4 8JR

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Figheldean Village Hall for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves.



Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

To elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the Amesbury Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011/12.



In accordance with the Council’s Constitution (part 3, paragraph 4.8), the Chairman announced that he would vacate the Chair for the first part of the item, as he was seeking re-election to the position of Chairman.  As such, the Vice-Chairman, Councillor Mike Hewitt, took the Chair.


Councillor Hewitt in the Chair


The Vice-Chairman invited nominations for the position of Chairman of the Amesbury Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011-12.



Councillor John Smale was elected Chairman of the Amesbury Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011-12.


Councillor Smale in the Chair


The Chairman sought nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Amesbury Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011-12.



Councillor Graham Wright was elected Vice-Chairman of the Amesbury Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011-12.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from the following:


·         Paul Fisher – Idmiston Parish Council

·         Helen Bourner – Great Western Hospital

·         Mike BruntonAllington Parish Council.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2011.


Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2011 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.




Chairman's Announcements

  1. Community Area Manager – cover arrangements
  2. Digital Inclusion – Superfast Broadband Survey
  3. Revised Street Trading Policy Consultation
  4. Amesbury to Salisbury Cycle route – update
  5. Amesbury Carnival


Supporting documents:


  1. Community Area Manager – cover arrangements – The Chairman announced that Vicky Cobbold, the new Amesbury Community Area Manager, would commence her duties on 5 July 2011.  In the meantime, Tom Bray and Mary Cullen were covering community issues and grants, and James Hazlewood was covering arrangements for Area Board meetings.


  1. Digital Inclusion – Superfast Broadband Survey – Information on this was set out at page 15.


  1. Revised Street Trading Policy Consultation – Information on this was set out at pages 17-18.


  1. Amesbury to Salisbury Cycle route – update – Councillor Mike Hewitt gave an update on the recent meeting with Laverstock and Ford Parish Council.  It had been agreed that the parish council would consider the preferred location of the cycle route at the southern end.  Meanwhile, the Area Board would start to develop the route north from Hurdcott.


  1. Amesbury Carnival – The Chairman reminded everyone that the Amesbury Carnival would take place the following Saturday (4 June) from 12 noon to 5pm at Holders Road Playing Field.


The Chairman also noted two additional events:

·         Durrington Vehicle Show on 17 July; and

·         Shrewton Big Lunch on 5 June.




Your Local Issues

To receive an update on local issues.



In relation to the issue of parking outside the school in Winterbourne Earls, Councillor Mike Hewitt asked Inspector Martyn Sweett whether the police could enforce the parking restrictions.  Inspector Sweett advised that the police had no powers of enforcement in this instance.  One option which had been considered would be to implement Double Yellow Lines, with enforcement by Wiltshire Council Parking Services officers.  However, there would be a cost involved with implementing a Double Yellow scheme, and so it may be possible to resolve the issue through discussion with stakeholders.  It was noted that a similar problem in Archers Gate had been addressed by sending letters to all parents and by volunteers standing at the site in question, advising and educating people.


Councillor Ian West raised an issue regarding the Council’s Policy on sending planning documents to parish councils.  Currently, all documents were available online, but this was not convenient for rural parishes with slow broadband speeds.  In addition, Councillor West raised an issue regarding a resident who was refused a pre-application meeting with officers due to a lack of suitable venue.


The Chairman undertook to take these points forward with Councillor Fred Westmoreland (in his capacity as Chairman of the Southern Area Planning Committee).  It was also noted that some parishes received hard copies of planning documents on request.


ACTION: Councillor John Smale




Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.




Inspector Martyn Sweet referred to the written report set out at pages 19-24 of the agenda, highlighting that the Neighbourhood Policing teams had been realigned to make them coterminous with the Council’s Community Areas.  This would not impact on staffing levels but would support the setting of local priorities, clearer reporting on performance and greater partnership working.


Fire and Rescue


The written update at pages 24-25 was noted.


NHS Wiltshire


The written update at page 27 was noted.


Parish Councils


It was noted that the new all-weather pitch at Newton Toney was now in place and available for use.  The pitch had been part-funded by the Area Board, and bookings for use, or requests to play against the cricket team were invited.


Youth Services


Kevin McCaffrey (Youth Development Coordinator) introduced a DVD about the Durrington Youth Centre.  The DVD had been made by Stef McIlkenny, who was unable to be present as she had recently started a new job.  The meeting watched the DVD, following which the Chairman thanked and congratulated those involved in making it.


Kevin also reported that some street-based youth work teams would shortly be starting up in the area. 


The next Amesbury Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG) would be held on 21 June in Durrington at the Development Centre for Young People at 7pm.




Changes to the Out of Hours medical service

To receive a presentation on forthcoming changes to the Out of Hours medical service provision.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman noted that this item was a referral from the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee, as the proposals had implications for the Amesbury Community Area.


The Chairman welcomed the following attendees from Wiltshire Medical Services:


  • Michelle Reader - Director of Quality and Performance
  • Dr Jamie Brosch – Medical Director
  • Alun Jenkins – Director of Operations


Also welcomed was Tony Barron, Chairman of NHS Wiltshire.


At the Chairman’s invitation, Jamie gave a presentation detailing Wiltshire Medical Services’ (WMS’) proposals for the re-design of the Out of Hours medical service.


Jamie began by way of an apology, noting that WMS had been working to re-design the Out of Hours service for a while, but may have struggled to get the message across, despite trying to engage with staff and stakeholders.


WMS had run the Out of Hours service in the north half of the county since 2004, taking on the county-wide contract in 2010.  The service handled approximately 2000 requests a week, of which 50% were “closed” with advice over the telephone, 30% were seen at a Primary Care Centre (PCC), and 12% resulting in a home visit. 


One of the main challenges of providing the service was the relatively sparse and rural population within Wiltshire most areas of dense population around the edge of the county.  Due to the distance involved, Out of Hours home visits took much longer (up to six times) than consultations at a PCC. 


In addition, a detailed weekly analysis of activity and performance had identified a mismatch where 2/5 of the Out of Hours resources (i.e. visiting and PCC capacity) were based in the south of the county, while only 1/5 of the total activity took place in the south.  This resulted in vehicles being redeployed away from the area to meet demands elsewhere, exacerbating the issue of distance.


Another driving factor for change was the difficulty in recruiting and retaining nurse practitioners in the current structure due to the small teams.


A number of options had been developed and considered against key criteria, with Ease of Accessibility, Quality of Service, and Risk the highest weighted criteria.


The preferred option was to redesign the model of provision to match capacity with demand, and this included closing Amesbury as a clinical base, and redistributing the resource between Salisbury Foundation Hospital and Warminster Community Hospital.  This would see two clinicians based at Salisbury, with one designated as “mobile” for home visits, and another based at the hospital.  In was considered that this would give a better and more strategic service to the surrounding area than at present, where one clinician was based at Salisbury, and another in Amesbury, with both dealing with PCC appointments and home visits.


This proposal had been subject to a consultation with staff and stakeholders, with a visit from the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee in February, and a briefing document circulated in April 2011.


The Chairman thanked Jamie for the presentation and invited questions and comments:




Community Services Contract

To receive a presentation from Helen Bourner, of Great Western Hospital, on the contract to run the community services currently run by the PCT (health clinics, community hospitals, maternity services and neighbourhood teams), which has recently been awarded to the Great Western Hospital.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman reported that Helen Bourner had sent her apologies for the meeting.  Unfortunately, due to the short notice, it had not been possible to arrange for an alternative representative from Great Western Hospital (GWH) to attend.  A written briefing note was set out at page 31-33 of the agenda, and the item would be rescheduled for the 21 July meeting.




Consultation on Waste Sites

To receive information on the draft Waste Site Allocations Development Plan Document.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the written information at pages 35-38 and noted the written briefing note which had been tabled.


It was noted that any proposal to locate a waste site at Solstice Business Park would be subject to the Planning process.  In addition, the Strategy identified Solstice Park as a potential site for a Materials Recovery Facility or Waste Transfer Station, as opposed to a landfill site.




Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge

To consider a report on this initiative.


Supporting documents:


Tom Bray, Community Area Manager, introduced the report set out at pages 39-42.


He had been informed that Wiltshire Council did not own any land within the Amesbury Community Area which would be eligible for the scheme.  However, the scheme was still open to Town and Parish Councils.




Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


Councillor John Noeken (Lead Member for Grants) introduced the item.


In relation to the application from The Stonehenge School, it was proposed that the funding, if awarded, be subject to a condition that the school come to a future meeting of the Area Board to report back on the project.  This would give the Board more information on which to base any similar applications in the future, although it was noted that all applications were determined on their individual merits.


The Chairman also emphasised, that although the Board was not permitted to fund council services such as education, this project constituted an extra-curricular activity and was therefore eligible for funding.



The Stonehenge School was awarded £950 towards the cost of taking 25 year-8 students to the Action Adventure Centre in Powys, Wales, as an extra-curricular, outdoor education field trip.  This award is subject to the School undertaking to attend a future meeting of the Area Board to report back on the trip.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would support this extra-curricular activity for young people (including those from disadvantaged backgrounds), leading to a number of long-term benefits such as a reduction in the likelihood of being involved in anti-social behaviour. 



Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was awarded £800 towards the Salamander project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would support this project helping young people to develop valuable skills and leading to a number of long-term benefits such as a reduction in the likelihood of being involved in anti-social behaviour.


ACTION: Tom Bray




Amesbury Area Board Fund for Village Events to Celebrate the Olympics and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

To consider a report on this project.


Supporting documents:


Councillor Mike Hewitt introduced the report set out at pages 49-53 of the agenda, which set out proposals for the Area Board to earmark £11,000 for Town and Parish Councils to bid for funding for events to mark the 2012 Olympics and/or the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, up to a maximum of £500 per parish.


With reference to paragraph 2 of the report, it was noted that the “Amesbury 2012 and beyond” bid for Performance Reward Grant funding had been unsuccessful.  As such, and subject to the Area Board’s approval of the recommendations, Amesbury Town Council would be able to apply to the fund.


Following questions, the following issues were clarified:


  • Applications from community groups should come through the relevant Town / Parish Council.
  • There was no requirement for match funding, although this would be preferred.
  • Smaller parishes were encouraged to work together, as they would be able to combine their funds.
  • The funding was intended for celebration events, rather than other projects.
  • Applications were welcomed anytime from now until March 2012.



The Amesbury Area Board approved the project to earmark £11,0000 for Town and Parish Councils to bid for funding for events to mark the 2012 Olympics and/or the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, up to a maximum of £500 per parish, as set out at page 49-51 of the agenda.

Reason – To support and encourage parishes to organise community events associated with the 2012 Olympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and to promote community engagement and cohesion.


ACTION: Tom Bray




Nominations to Outside Bodies

To note the nominations to Outside Bodies made at the meeting on 30 June 2009, which will continue for the 2011/12 municipal year.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board noted the appointments as set out at page 53 of the agenda. 


It was noted that the Area Board’s two nominees to the Amesbury Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG) were the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board.  As such, and due to the change in Vice-Chairman, Councillor Graham Wright would take over from Councillor Mike Hewitt as a nominee on the CAYPIG.


It was noted that the other appointments would continue for the 2012-13 year.



Councillor Graham Wright was appointed to replace Councillor Mike Hewitt as a nominee to the Amesbury Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG).


ACTION: James Hazlewood




Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 21 July 2011, 6.00pm at Shrewton Village Hall 2 The Limes, High Street, Shrewton SP3 4BW.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board noted the Forward Plan as set out at page 55 of the agenda.


The next meeting of Amesbury Area Board would be held at 6pm on Thursday 21 July 2011, at Shrewton Recreational Hall.  It was noted that the address listed in the agenda was not correct.  This would be clarified and republished.


ACTION: James Hazlewood


(Note – following the meeting, it was established that the address of the venue for the next meeting was Shrewton Recreational Hall, Recreation Ground, Mill Lane, Shrewton, SP3 4JY.)