Agenda and draft minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 24 November 2011 6.00 pm

Venue: The Bowman Centre, Shears Drive, Archers Gate, Amesbury, SP4 7XT

Contact: Liam Paul  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Amesbury Town Council and the Bowman Centre for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·         Cllr Graham Wright, Durrington and Larkhill

·         Carole Slater, Shrewton Parish Council



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2011 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

a)    Do you have the X Factor? (written update)

b)    11-19 Strategy – Outcome of Consultation (written update)

c)    Household Survey – “What matters to you” (written update)

d)    Wiltshire's Bin Collections – Update Statement (written update)

e)    Allocation of Council Housing in Wiltshire (update to follow)

f)     Petition regarding Allotments at Steeple Langford

Supporting documents:


a)    Do you have the X Factor?


The Chairman referred the audience to the DVD which was played before the meeting and the accompanying briefing note in the agenda papers. The DVD ‘Do you have the X Factor’ was a Wiltshire-wide initiative by the Councillor Development Group aimed at encouraging local people, campaigners and budding politicians to consider becoming parish, town or unitary candidates, and to otherwise get involved in the democratic process in their area. The short DVD contained interviews with existing Councillors and information about who can become a councillor and what work they can expect to undertake.


The whole film (approx. 20 minutes), can be viewed on YouTube using the following link:



b)    11-19 Strategy – Outcome of Consultation


Cllr Smale referred the audience to the update note in the Agenda pack which gave details of the Commissioning Strategy for 11 to 19 year olds, as approved on 13 September 2011 by Wiltshire Cabinet. This included a number of broad priorities selected by young people. Employment and training and Educational attainment were the top two commissioning priorities selected by young people. Cabinet also approved a Wiltshire Youth Work Offer. An implementation group which includes Councillor representatives has been established.


c)    Household Survey – “What matters to you”


The Chairman explained that the Council and its partners, are undertaking a survey of a large random sample of Wiltshire residents in order to understand local people’s priorities and needs. The audience were invited to take a copy of the survey and complete it.


There is also an on line version available as shown on the address:


d)    Wiltshire's Bin Collections – Update Statement


In response to an enquiry from one of the Parish Council’s in the Amesbury Area, the Chairman referred those present to the statement from Wiltshire Council in the agenda pack regarding Eric Pickles’ £250m Weekly Waste Scheme. It was explained that the Council’s position was that reverting to weekly collection of residual waste would not enable the council to achieve its objectives of increasing recycling and reducing waste to landfill.


e)    Allocation of Council Housing in Wiltshire


An update on this subject was being pursued by officers and further information will be presented at the next meeting. The Chair added that he was aware that the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jane Scott had taken a personal interest in the matter and that a cross-party working group had been established to oversee a review of the issue – the group would also include non-Wiltshire Council stakeholder.


f)     Petition regarding Allotments at Steeple Langford


This item was deferred to the next formal meeting of the Amesbury Area Board.



Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues.


a)     Metrocount results – A360, Tilshead

b)     Metrocount results – Netheravon Road

c)      Metrocount results - Packway – Porton Rd

d)     Works at Broken Cross Bridge, Bourne Valley (Chairman to update)

e)     Bulford to Amesbury footpath (Chairman to update)

Supporting documents:


Vicky Cobbold, Amesbury Community Area Manager, began this item on the Agenda by introducing the results of Metrocounts in the area. The criteria are set out below:


In a 30mph speed limit the following criteria will be applied;

30 to 34.9mph 85th percentile = No Further Action (NFA)

35 to 38.9 mph 85th percentile = eligible for Community Speed Watch

39 to 42 mph 85th percentile = eligible for the Speed Indicator Device (SID) programme


(the 85th percentile is the speed at which 85% of the traffic is travelling at or below)


In a 40mph speed limit the following criteria will be applied;

40 to 45.9 mph 85th percentile = No Further Action (NFA)

46 to 48.9 mph 85th percentile = eligible for Community Speed Watch

49 to 53 mph 85th percentile = eligible for the Speed Indicator Device (SID) programme


(the 85th percentile is the speed at which 85% of the traffic is travelling at or below)


A360 High Street, Tilshead (30mph Speed Limit)


The survey was carried out between 21/09/2011and 29/09/2011. A total of 27741 vehicles were checked. The 85th percentile was 35.8mph. This makes the site eligible for the Community Speedwatch programme.


A345 Netheravon Road(40mph Speed Limit)


The survey was carried out between 03/05/2011 and 12/05//2011. A total of 58430vehicles were checked. The 85th percentile was 36.2mph. As a result no further action will be undertaken.


Metrocount results - Packway – Porton Rd (30 mph Speed Limit)


The survey was carried out between 03/05/2011and 12/05/2011. A total of 49750 vehicles were checked. The 85th percentile was 35.8mph. As a result no further action will be undertaken. This makes the site eligible for the Community Speedwatch programme.


Questions were asked by Cllr Westmoreland regarding the use of the statistics if the roads experienced speeding but this was not sufficiently above the limit to justify further action. By way of response, Inspector Christian Lange stated that even where the Metrocount result imply no further action, the Police will conduct patrols in the areas of local concern.


Works at Broken Cross Bridge, Bourne Valley


The Chairman gave an update on the works at Broken Cross bridge.


·         The works are to be carried out by Network Rail as part of the reconstruction of their bridge. This is a Network Rail scheme;

·         Wiltshire Council Highways, the Police and Highways Agency will be negotiating with Network Rail regarding the construction works and the impact on the highway;

·         Inevitably the works will require the closure of the A338 at some period during the programme. Details regarding times and durations have yet to be agreed. Any closure will be kept to the shortest duration possible.


Officers added that they expect that the works are likely to be undertaken during Winter 2012/2013: possibly over the Christmas holidays.


In response to a question from a member of the audience it was confirmed that Wiltshire Council does put pressure on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.



Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Text Box: ‘Snow Problem! Parish and Town Council schemes in the Amesbury, Larkhill and Durrington to help the community help itself in the event of extreme winter weather.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.



Inspector Christian Lange spoke to his paper, which had been circulated as part of the Agenda Supplement 1.


He highlighted the effects of the change to the Police’s basing and response model which he had first raised at the previous meeting. The aim of regrouping patrols and basing them at Salisbury was to increase resilience and flexibility. On the bases of recent statistics these changes appeared to have improved response times for both 999 calls (97% now within target) and priority cases (88% to 93% increase).


Inspector Lange also explained the value of Police working directly with the community – using recent work combating anti-social behaviour in Porton as an example. In Porton residents affected by anti-social behaviour have been put in contact with youths’ parents, which gives communities an opportunity to solve problems themselves before further involving police. Both Cllr Hewitt and Inspector Lange thanked the youth worker for the Porton area for her much appreciated help with this scheme.


The Inspector also urged residents to secure their cars and premises as there had been a number of thefts from unsecured cars and premises over the last few weeks.


Questions were received regarding graffiti in Amesbury; Motorcycle riding on restricted byways; and the new non-emergency 101 police contact number.


It was confirmed that police operations against graffiti artists in Amesbury were ongoing and achieving some success in reducing levels of graffiti. The inappropriate riding of motorbikes also continued to be monitored. The cost of telephoning the non-emergency 101 police contact number was confirmed as 15p per call, across mobile phones and landlines no matter how long that call lasts.


Fire and Rescue

The written update at pages 29-32 was noted.


NHS Wiltshire

The written updates at pages 33- 34 were noted.


Town and Parish Council updates

No written updates were received from Town or Parish councils for inclusion with the agenda.


Snow planning in Amesbury and surrounds

Councillors from the Amesbury area gave an update on the local preparations should adverse Winter weather conditions affect the area. An order has been placed for more grit bins to be strategically placed around Amesbury and these stocks will be replenished by Wiltshire council.


Alongside this, there is the opportunity for individuals to register an interest in joining the Winter Weather Network. The intention was to mobilize drivers (already identified) with 4x4 vehicles to help keep the estate roads and other roads through the Town clear for vehicles.


It was emphasised that advice had been received from Wiltshire Council’s legal service regarding individuals’ liability if they clear snow from the pavement. Put simply, if an individual clears snow from the pavement and leaves the section of pavement in a condition that any reasonable person would view as being "safer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.



Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)  in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Mike Hewitt updated the meeting on the ongoing work of the CATG, and referred those interested to the minutes of the most recent meeting – attached at page 35 in the Agenda.


He began by re-iterating his request made at the last meeting for volunteers to sit on the CATG group as there were plenty of ongoing and suggested works to be considered and developed and other issues such as speeding to be addressed. Anyone interested was asked to contact Vicky Cobbold, Community Area Manager (


·         Footpaths in the Idminston area and the Bulford to Solstice Park route should be funded by S.106 funds

·         Investigation into proposed footpaths from Gomeldon to Porton and in the Stapleford area have concluded that respectively, the schemes are beyond the CATG’s available budget and the road is too narrow for a footway.

·         Zebritebelisha beacon surrounds have been installed on the Packway, Larkhill, at a total cost of £3,614.00. This has been a success. In the medium to long-term the group will push for the resurfacing the Packway, although this is a major and longer term project.


Cllr Westmoreland suggested that the CATG minutes be distributed to a wider audience, potentially via Parish and Town Councils, this was duly noted.


ACTION: Vicky Cobbold


It was confirmed that results for the Porton Road 30mph project were with the officers and further details would be brought to the next board.


ACTION: Vicky Cobbold


Steve Wilson, Divisional Highways manager explained that the group had allocated all of its funds for this year and was beginning to deliver tangible results and real improvements such as the road narrowing scheme recently undertaken at Winterslow.


In addition to the above, at East Gomeldon research was being undertaken independently of the CATG to try to understand the reality of, and solution to speeding in that area, which had proved a persistent issue of concern for local residents.



Transfer Station at Boscombe Down Business Park

The Board will receive information on a proposal for a Recyclables Management Facility at 20 Mills Way, Boscombe Business Park, Amesbury and the implications for the Amesbury Community Area from Andrea Pellegram of Hills Waste Solutions.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the item, noting that Hills Waste Management wished to discuss their proposals for a site on the Boscombe Down, Business Park, Amesbury, prior to submitting an application to the Council.


Mrs Andrea Pellegram of Hills Waste Management, delivered a short presentation on the proposals, making the following points:


·         The Site in question was previously used by Pickfords, a removal company, and is adjacent to the existing household recycling facility.

·         A Planning application will be required for the project

·         Household waste (everything collected from a domestic household) from Salisbury, Amesbury and the surrounding areas will be separated and then bulked up at the facility for onward transport.

·         Hills Waste management have engaged consultants to look at:

o   Traffic Impact

o   Noise Impact

o   Ecology

o   Air Quality

·         To help feed into these assessments, Hills Waste Managed wanted to take account of local knowledge and address any specific concerns relating to the proposals at a pre-application stage. Further FAQs are available at:


There followed a discussion during which the following points were stressed by Board members and members of the audience:


·         Cllr Westmoreland and others focused on the potential increase in Lorry movements in the vicinity of the proposed facility and the necessity to quantify these movements and reduce their number by sensible choice of roads. Should the application proceed, he also hoped for some planning gain for Porton Road to be negotiated, as a 30mph limit and crossing were high priorities for that area.

·         In particular Porton Road, the A345 and Beacon Hill were identified as places where HGV traffic could potentially cause problems and where Hills Waste Lorries should minimise their use / avoid altogether.

o   By way of response Andrea Pellegram, Hills Waste Management confirmed that the company were open to the idea of an agreed Lorry route, and in fact this was a reality at their current site in Calne.

o   Secondly, the firm had engaged traffic consultants to investigate the ideal route from an independent point of view. It was also confirmed that Arctic lorries would not as a matter of course use Porton Road.


·         Further questions concerned lighting of the site after dark and the hours of operation of the site.

o   It was confirmed that most lorry movement would be conducted prior to 3pm, but that some lighting would be required in the Lorry turning area.


·         Approximate details of lorry movements per hour were requested:

o   An average of 8 lorry movements per hour would be generated by the site, bunched towards the middle of the day. The increase would by partially offset by the existing activity as a removals centre.



Parliamentary Boundary Review

To receive an update on the Parliamentary Boundary Review and on the implications for the Amesbury Community Area. The following documents are attached:


·         The report to Council (08.11.11) of Wiltshire Council’s Parliamentary Boundary Review working group

·         Maps showing the future constituencies in the area.

·         Submission to the Boundary Commission from Shrewton Parish Council

Supporting documents:


The Chairman of the Area Board gave a brief update on the progress of the Parliamentary Boundary Review. He made it clear that the review was limited to the boundaries of parliamentary constituencies, and did not affect the Area Board area, Parish Council Boundaries or Wiltshire council’s composition and services in any way.


It was explained that the Full Council had submitted its comments to the Boundary Commission following the decision of Full Council on 08 November to endorse the proposals of the Parliamentary Boundary Working Group. However individuals can continue to make submissions to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England until 06 December.


Cllr West then spoke to express his disappointment regarding the recommendation of the cross-party working group and the vote by Full Council which supported that recommendation.


To this end, a proposal was put forward by Cllr West to formally support the 9 Parishes in the Till and Wylye Valley area who wished to for their area to be included in the future Salisbury constituency with a corresponding move of Tisbury from the future Salisbury Constituency to the future Warminster and Shaftesbury Constituency.


This was not the majority view of the Area Board and was not seconded by any of the members present.



Community Area Grants

To determine four applications for Community Area Grant funding and to consider 7 bids for Jubilee Grants.

Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item.


ACTION: Vicky Cobbold


Jubilee Grants

He explained that there had been 7 applications for Jubilee Grant Funding, all of which accorded to the criteria demanded of them, and he was therefore minded to move their acceptance en bloc. An additional late application from Figheldean Parish Council had been received which also accorded with the criteria and this was also recommended for approval as part of his motion. This proposal was seconded.




Orcheston, Durnford, Newton Tony, Shrewton, Great Wishford, Woodford PC and Figheldean Parish Councils, as well as Amesbury Town Council were each given £500 of Jubilee Funding in accordance with the ‘Amesbury Area Board Fund for Village Events to Celebrate the Olympics and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee’ approved at the June 02 Meeting of the Area Board.


Reason - The applications met the criteria for the Amesbury Area Board Fund for Village Events to Celebrate the Olympics and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.


Cllr Smale, the Chairman urge any remaining Parish Councils to submit their bids by Thursday 08 March at the latest.


Community Area Grants

The area board then considered the four Community Area Grant applications before it:


Grant 1 – Brambles Pre-school


Rachel Busby, spoke to the application and explained that the Outdoor equipment was required to achieve Forest School status and be authenticated as a provider of unique and exciting ways of outdoor learning – both for children attending the pre-school and for other older children who will be able



Brambles Pre School was awarded £1388.37 towards an outdoor classroom.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and would demonstrates a link to the Community Plan which identified a need to provide more facilities and access to education for children and young people. The developments enabled by the grant will allow the Pre-school to offer unique and exciting ways of learning and to be able to offer holiday clubs during half-term to the children of Figheldean and of the nearby school.


Grant 2 - Amesbury Pub Watch


Mrs Catherine Young reminded the board of her application on behalf of Amesbury Pubwatch adding that she believed once implemented the radio link would have the effect of reducing crime levels and enhancing community safety. The board requested that the applicant provide confirmation of the range once the system was set up, to allow villages within range to also take part. Cllr Noeken reminded the board that ongoing funding for the scheme would be provided by a subscription fee.



Amesbury Pub Watch was awarded £1,671.00 towards Amesbury Pub Watch Radio Link.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and further the application demonstrates a link to the Community Plan by supporting a community safety initiative and addressing the need to reduce anti social behaviour and other crime levels. Amesbury Pub Watch was established when a need for shops and local Public houses linked by radio  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.



Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 19 January 2012, to be held at Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Road, Amesbury, SP4 7HH.


This will be an informal meeting to consider priorities for 2012 and the Community Area Plan. A draft agenda for this event will be circulated at the meeting for comment.

Supporting documents:


It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on 19 January 2012, and this would take the form of an informal meeting to discuss the Amesbury community area’s priorities for 2012 and the area’s emerging Community Area Plan.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.