Agenda and draft minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 23 February 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Road, Amesbury, SP4 7HH

Contact: James Hazlewood  Senior Democratic Services Officer - 01722 434250

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·         Inspector Lange, Wiltshire Police

·         Mike Franklin, Wilts Fire and Rescue

·         Carole Slater, Shrewton Parish Council




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2011 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the deletion of Councillor Graham Wright from the list of those present.


ACTION: James Hazlewood



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillors John Noeken and Fred Westmoreland both declared prejudicial interests in item 12 (Community Area Grants - specifically in the application from Amesbury Town Council), as members of the Town Council.  Both Councillors confirmed that they would leave the room during consideration of the item.


There were no other declarations of interest.




Chairman's Announcements

a)    Fortnightly Waste Collection Service – briefing note enclosed

b)    Youth Advisory Group Pilots– briefing note enclosed

c)    Community Speedwatch

d)    Help to Live at Home – briefing note enclosed

e)    DVD – “Do you have the X-Factor” – briefing note enclosed

f)     Localism Act 2011 – briefing note enclosed

g)    Wiltshire Core Strategy – briefing note enclosed



Supporting documents:


a)    Fortnightly Waste Collection Service


The Chairman gave a brief outline of how the new system would work, with Green Bins and Household Waste being collected one week, and the recycling bins being collected on the second week, with both collections on the same day of the week, which would be the same day as the current collection day.  A letter would be coming out to all households during the week commencing 5 March, and the new system would being during the week commencing 26 March. 


Green bins were still being delivered and would be rolled out through March and early April.


The Green bin collection day would change if it was currently on a different day to the main waste collection.


No changes were planned to the commercial waste arrangements.


b)    Youth Advisory Group Pilots


More information was available at page 15 of the agenda.


It was noted that the Youth Team was still carrying some vacant posts, and Councillors hoped that these could be filled as soon as possible.


c)    Community Speedwatch


The Chairman offered his congratulations to Shrewton Community Speedwatch team, who were third in the county for the success of their scheme and first in the Amesbury Community Area.  It was hoped to invite them to a future meeting of the Area Board to give a presentation on how this had been achieved.


d)    Help to Live at Home


More information on this new way of working was set out at page 17 of the agenda.


It was noted that comments in the press regarding changes to service providers related to the north of the county and was not relevant to the Amesbury area.


e)    DVD – “Do you have the X-Factor”


Copies of this video were still available and it could be viewed on youtube via the following link:


f)     Localism Act 2011


A briefing note was set out at page 21 of the agenda.  It was noted that several aspects of the Act had yet to be enacted. 


g)    Wiltshire Core Strategy


The South Wiltshire Core Strategy had now been approved by the Council and was now part of the Wiltshire Core Strategy consultation, which was currently out for consultation until 9 April 2012. 


Copies would be available online and electronically on CD.




Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues.



Vicky Cobbold, Amesbury Community Area Manager, reported on the issues which had been received by the Area Board.


It was noted that the review of speed limits on c-roads would be undertaken as a rolling programme of two roads per Area Board per year. Area Boards would be responsible for prioritising roads for review, through the Community Area Transport Groups.  Parish Councils were encouraged to contact the Chairman or officers to nominate roads for review.




Amesbury's Area Community Event

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager following the informal meeting on 19 January 2012 which focused on priorities for the Community Area.


The outcomes from the meeting are currently being compiled into a draft plan which will be put to a meeting of the Area Board and Town/Parish Councils on 22 March 2012 for discussion.  This meeting will also be an opportunity for Town/Parish Councils to have their say on how the Area Board is working.


Supporting documents:


Vicky Cobbold reported on the event held on 19 January 2012, to discuss the findings of the recent Joint Strategic Assessment and to agree outcomes and priorities for the Community Area.


A number of outcomes and suggestions had been identified and these were being fed into the Community Plan.  The draft plan would then be presented to Town/Parish Councils at a special meeting on 22 March, to seek their input.




Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies. 




Sergeant Martin Phipps was attending in place of Inspector Christian Lange, to give an overview of the Neighbourhood Tasking Groups (NTGs).  These groups met every three months to discuss and agree policing priorities for the area.  Separate meetings were held for the three sectors within the Community Area (Amesbury, Durrington/Bulford/Larkill, and Rural).


There had recently been a spate of theft from sheds in the Amesbury and rural areas; this was being addressed and advice being given in terms of crime prevention.


In reference to a large theft of lead from Idmiston, Sgt Phipps reported that spot checks were being undertaken in metal yards and intelligence was being used to put up CCTV to record evidence.




Written report noted.




Written report noted


Town/Parish Councils


It was noted with sadness that there had recently been another fatality on the A303 near Winterbourne Stoke.  Councillor Ian West referred to work being done by Somerset County Council to promote the upgrading of the A303.  It was hoped that the Area Board could get involved with this.  The Chairman commented that the local MEPs were also involved in those discussions.  It was also noted that, despite lack of available funding, the issue had been identified in the South Wiltshire Core Strategy and so would have to be addressed by the government eventually.


In addition, there had been a non-fatal cycling accident on the A36 near Stapleford.  Following a 436-signature petition to the Highways Agency, a vehicle-activated sign would be installed at that location.




Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting (23January) are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Mike Hewitt, as Chairman of the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) introduced the item, commenting that the group made recommendations on the spend of a £17,000 budget for the Amesbury Community Area, and could also bid to a central fund of £100,000.  It was important to have a balance of representation from across the area, and to have Town/Parish Council representatives as well as members of the public.


The group was congratulated on a number of successful outcomes, including crossings in Idmiston and some trial road-narrowing in Church Street, Amesbury.


In relation to Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs), it was noted that the CATG would consider and recommend prioritisation of sites for SIDs, for Area Board approval.  To expedite the process, and to remove the need for the matter to come back to the Area Board, it was proposed to delegate authority to the Community Area Manager to approve the locations for SIDs.



To delegate authority to the Amesbury Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Amesbury Community Area Transport Group (CATG), to agree the prioritisation of locations for Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) within the Community Area to form the basis of the SID deployment programme.




2012 - A Year of Celebration in Wiltshire

To consider a report on arrangement and preparations for a Wiltshire Celebration Event in Salisbury in early May to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.


Supporting documents:


Matthew Woolford, Communications Account Manager, gave a presentation on Wiltshire’s plans to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and the London 2012 Olympic Games. 


Both of these occasions offered opportunities to showcase Wiltshire, to reinvigorate the local economy, and to promote and develop community links.


The Olympic torch would be travelling through Wiltshire on two separate occasions:

·         On 22-23 May in the North of the County, and

·         On 11-12 July in Tidworth, Amesbury, the Winterbournes and Salisbury, culminating in an evening event at Hudson’s Field, Salisbury.


It was expected that the evening event in Salisbury would attract around 20,000 people to the city, with a stage showcasing local talent alongside a national headline act.  Anyone wishing to nominate a local act for this event was encouraged to upload a video to YouTube and send the link to for the Shine 4 Wiltshire Competition (closing date 26 February).  These links would then be published on a Facebook page for a public vote from 29 February onwards, with the winner being chosen to perform as the support act to the main headline act.


In addition to the evening event, it was hoped that communities would organise events along the torch route to celebrate this rare and special event.


The Diamond Jubilee would be celebrated on the weekend of 2-5 June, with many community events already being planned.  In addition, an event was being held on 1 May in Salisbury Cathedral Close to celebrate the Jubilee, and Area Boards were already in discussions with local groups to arrange contributions from all over the county.  It was anticipated that the event would be attended by a senior member of the Royal Family.


To support people who wished to organise events in the community, the Council had prepared a “toolkit” folder, with advice and help on planning events – these were available from the back of the room.


The Chairman thanked Matthew for the presentation and announced that a number of ideas were under consideration for the Amesbury Community Area’s contribution to the 1 May Jubilee event, including:

·         Stonehenge

·         Amesbury mosaic – the Mayor of Amesbury had written to the palace to invite the Queen to unveil this.

·         Druids

·         Flint tool making

·         Wood turning.


Further ideas were welcome, and should be sent to Vicky Cobbold.




Campus - Shadow Community Operations Board (COB)

To receive an update on Campus proposals including the implications for the Amesbury Community Area. A community campus is a building, or buildings, in a community area that provides services for the surrounding community area.  This is proposed for all Community Areas within Wiltshire and is being piloted in a number of areas.



Councillor John Noeken introduced this item in his role as Cabinet Member for Resources, commenting that the Council was taking a number of proposals forward to develop “community campuses” accross the county.  A campus is a building, or buildings, in a community area which provide the services that the community needs in an accessible location.


Lucy Murray Brown, Campus and Operational Estate Manager, explained that the principle aim of the Campus project was to focus on improving services, although there were a number of other benefits:

·         Opportunity for communities to shape the delivery of their services.

·         Potential for services to be co-located with partner and voluntary organisations, resulting in efficiency savings, more efficient working arrangments and easier access for public.

·         Reductions in long term financial, environmental and operational pressures on aging, low quality buildings, by capital investment in facilities.

·         Potential for wide-ranging and innovate management and operational arrangements.


Campus proposals were currently progressing in a number of communities in Wiltshire, including pilots projects in Salisbury (at Five Rivers Leisure Centre), Melksham and Corsham.  The projects were managed locally by Shadow Community Operations Boards (COBs), which were working groups established under the authority of the Area Boards.  The membership of the COBs was appointed by Area Boards following expressions of interest, and consisted of the following:

·         1 x Area Board representative

·         1 x representative of Town and Parish Councils

·         1 x representative of the wider community

·         1 x representative of education and young people

·         3 x representatives of the communtiy and service users

·         1 x officer from Transformation team (non-exec member).


Councilllor Noeken added that the investment in new and refurbished facilities was being funded largely through the disposal of buildings, including the reduction of office buildings from over 90 to 3 main hubs, and the introduction of hot-desking to reduce office accommodation and to encourage officers to work out in the community and visit customers where possible.  Councillor Noeken asked for a show of hands to demostrate initial interest in considering a campus proposal for the Amesbury community area.


It was noted that it would be important to consider transport from rural areas when developing a campus proposal (or proposals) for Amesbury Community Area.


In response to questions and interest from the floor, it was agreed that links to online documents regarding the campus projects would be included in the minutes:


·         Link to relevant page on website:

·         Link to Frequently Asked Questions document:

·         Link to Cabinet report on Campuses (February 2011):




Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item.


It was noted that, as set out at paragraph 1.5 of the report, the Area Board did not have sufficient funds remaining in the 2011/12 budget to award all of the applications in the report.  As such, it was noted that any applications would be supported in principle, and that authority would be delegated to the Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, to agree the release of funds from the 2012/13 budget as soon as this is confirmed by the Council (after the Full Council meeting on 28 February 2012), and to arrange for payment on or after 1 April 2012.



The Amesbury Area Board delegates authority to the Amesbury Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, to agree the release of funds from the 2012/13 budget after 1 April, in relation to any grants approved at this meeting.


ACTION: Vicky Cobbold


In relation to the bids from Town/Parish Councils for funding towards Jubilee events, it was noted that the Area Board had now funded every Town and Parish Council in the Community Area under this budget.



Wilsford- Cum–Lake, Bulford, Wyle, Berwick St James, Winterbourne Stoke, Cholderton, Steeple Langford, Milston & Brigmerston, Stapleford and Tilshead Parish Councils were each awarded £500 of Jubilee Funding in accordance with the ‘Amesbury Area Board Fund for Village Events to Celebrate the Olympics and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee’ approved at the 2 June 2011 meeting of the Area Board.

Reason - The applications met the criteria for the fund, would promote community cohesion, and would facilitate community celebrations for this national event.



The Amesbury Tuesday Club was awarded £390 towards the Fit as a Fiddle project.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would promote healthier lifestyles and community cohesion.



The application from Spurgeons was refused, as there were a number of other funding sources available to the applicant, including government funding.



ABC Pre-school was awarded £4,600 towards providing an outside play area.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would promote healthier lifestyles, and facilities for young families.




Winterbourne Cricket Club was awarded £4,896 towards start up costs.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would promote healthier lifestyles and community cohesion.


Note:    At this point, Councillors Noeken and Westmoreland left the room, having declared prejudicial interests in the following application.



Amesbury Town Council was awarded £925 towards providing a Bus shelter at the junction of Mill Green Road and Boscome Road.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would promote sustainable transport and facilities for older people.



(ACTION: Vicky Cobbold)




Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 22 March at Durrington Village Hall, High Street Durrington, SP4 8A.  This meeting will be specifically for the Town/Parish Councils.


Supporting documents:


Those present were asked to participate in an evaluation exercise, via the electronic voting handsets.  The results are attached as an appendix to these minutes.


It was noted that the next formal meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on 24 May, 6pm at Winterbourne Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls, SP4 6HA.


In addition, there would be an informal meeting with Parish Councils on 22 March, 6pm at Durrington Village Hall, High Street Durrington, SP4 8A.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.


Appendix A - Evaluation results

Supporting documents: