Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 19 July 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Shrewton Recreation Hall, Recreation Ground, Shrewton, SP3 4JY

Contact: Kirsty Butcher  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board. He thanked Wiltshire Community bank and Victim Support for their displays and Shrewton Recreational Hall for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves.



Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2012.

Supporting documents:




The minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

a)        Tackling Financial Exclusion - To give information regarding the Wiltshire Community Bank which provides a credit union service around the County.


b)        Digital Literacy - To raise awareness of the Digital Literacy Project which is due to start rolling out.  To recruit local people to act as digital champion volunteers to support local people to get online


c)         Localism Act – to inform the Area Board and Parish Councils of a detailed briefing document drawn up by the Council, setting out implications of the Localism Act 2011.


d)        Paths for Communities – grants for parishes – To inform the Area Boards and Parish Councils of a grant scheme enabling community groups and partnerships to improve their local public rights of way network.


e)        Stonehenge Visitor Centre - section 278 Highway works for construction of new roundabout at Airman's Corner

Supporting documents:


a)    Tackling Financial Exclusion


More information was available on page 13 of the agenda.


The Chairman thanked the Wiltshire Community Bank for their display and highlighted the leaflets and pamphlets available for people to take away.


b)    Digital Literacy


The information available on page 15 of the agenda gave a summary of the Digital Literacy Project.


c)     Localism Act


More information was available on page 17 of the agenda.


The Chairman highlighted the need to raise awareness and understanding of this issue, explaining it contained a number of important measures, not all of which were in force. He informed the meeting of the intention to invite David Milton to the informal parish council meeting being held on 18 October 2012.


d)    Paths for Communities


More information was available on pages 19 to 22 of the agenda.


The Chairman noted that there was a lot of money on offer to make local public right of way improvements within parishes.


e)    Stonehenge Visitors Centre.


The information available on page 23 of the agenda provided an update on the work being carried out.


f)      Broadband


Councillor Noeken highlighted the news contained in a recent press release which detailed the 2 companies selected to provide the service. He explained the next step as being the invitation to tender and the aspiration of a contract being in place by the end of the year.


g)    A338 Broken Cross Bridge


The Chairman drew attention to the public meeting being held at Winterbourne Glebe Hall on 24 July 2012 at 7.00 pm, which Network Rail, their contractors and Wiltshire Council Highways Officers would be attending and to which Councillor McLennan and Laverstock and Ford Parishes had been invited.



Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues.

Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker, Amesbury Community Area Manager, introduced the report enclosed at pages 25-26 of the agenda.


She highlighted that all issues reported were highways related, and encouraged all to report issues relating to any matter. She explained that a historic issue over cross cutting at Tilshead was now resolved.


Updates on specific issues were:


1901 – Winterbourne Stoke speeding issue:

The most recent metrocount was thought to be 14 months out of date, however it was brought to the meeting’s attention that one had been completed approximately 6 weeks – 2 months ago and it was agreed that the data should be requested from the Highways Agency.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)


2137 – Steeple Langford public highway condition

This has been resolved.


2324 / 2382 – Shrewton speeding concerns

This is being looked at by the Speedwatch Working Group.


2424 – Amesbury Countess Road speed concerns

Metrocount results were received this week. They showed that out of 45145 vehicles the 85th percentile was 42.9mph therefore no further action would be taken based on the current criteria. The subsequent discussion showed that this equated to 6670 vehicles speeding, approximately 1000 per day, and concern was raised on the criteria used in metrocounts. 





Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from:-


a)    the Town and Parish Council Representatives;

b)    from other partners; and

c)     outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.




Written report noted


Fire and Rescue Service


Mike Franklin introduced the written report on page 29 of the agenda. He welcomed the good news that the total number of fires had fallen to 3 in June from 8 in May and 15 in April. He noted that 9 home fire safety checks had been completed, and hoped that this number would increase. He informed the meeting of the requirement by law for the Fire and Rescue Service to hold a consultation on its business plan and explained that the public engagement process would start on 1 October 2012. He stated he would be writing to the Community Area Manager and asking parishes and other groups to register as stakeholders.


In response to a question posed in May over the legality of having a bonfire he confirmed that it was down to the landowner to provide consent and asked if the contact details could be forwarded to him again. Inspector Lange confirmed that there were only laws around having bonfires near roads.




Inspector Lange introduced the written report on pages 31 – 33 of the agenda. He expressed his pleasure at the low rates of crime during the Jubilee events, and highlighted the increase in non-domestic burglaries as seen all across the West.


In response to questions he confirmed that officers had been placed on standby during the Olympic period and there may be additional pressure during this period.




Concern was raised over the additional pressure the Localism Act put on parish clerks. The Board confirmed that they could not provide any extra funding and it was unlikely to be found elsewhere, however it was recommended that this issue be raised with David Milton at the informal meeting in October.


Clarification was sought over the online code of conduct form and councillors working in sensitive jobs. It was advised that the documents were contained separately however any concern should be raised with Nina Wilton in Legal.


Youth Co-Ordinator


Jenni Bertram was welcomed as the new Youth Co-Ordinator – her email address is

6.40 pm


Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Hewitt introduced the written report and appendices seen on pages 35 – 45 of the agenda which reflected the groups work.


He asked the Board to approve the release of £5000 from the Discretionary Highways Budget for the Stonehenge Roundabout to Amesbury footpath scheme.


The good record and results of the CATG was noted, with success achieved by excellent partner work with the police and other agencies. Tom Gardner was thanked for his help and support.


CATG has started work on the issue of the taxi rank on the High Street in Amesbury.


Since the meeting a revised version of Appendix A to the report has been made available and is attached to the minutes.




1.     The minutes from the meeting held on 11 June 2012 were noted.


2.     £5000 from the 2012/13 Transport Budget was allocated to the footpath scheme along the A345 from Stonehenge Road to Amesbury.


3.     The recommendation of further meetings between Councillor Smale and officers regarding Telegraph Hill was noted.

6.55 pm


A303 Winterbourne Stoke - Review of speed limit urgently needed

To recommend that the attached letter be sent to the Highways Agency urgently and strongly requesting that the speed limit be reduced from 40mph to 30mph, in view of recent road traffic fatalties.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Ian West introduced the draft letter seen at page 49 of the agenda.


He asked that the language be toughened up, highlighting that the 3 fatalities happened in a 3 month period and drawing attention to the impact on the surrounding villages with big articulated lorries using them when the road became a crime scene and was closed.


He informed the meeting of an advisory note from Highways which stated that 30 mph was the normal speed limit in villages, and provided the definition of a village as being 20 or more houses on one side, highlighting that allowances should be made if it was just fewer.


It was agreed that pressure should be kept up, and the Chairman asked Councillor West to meet with the Community Area Manager to finalise the detail within the letter prior to it being sent.


The Board noted the South Somerset consultation on making the A303 a dual carriageway which was due to close that evening.




The Board agreed that the letter once amended should be sent to the Highways Agency and copied to Councillor Tonge, Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways, Wiltshire Council.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)

7.05 pm


Speeding in the Amesbury Area

To receive an update from Councillor Graham Wright on the working group set up to identify areas that need speed tackling and match appropriate actions.


Councillor Wright updated the meeting on the progress with the set up of the new Speedwatch working group. He informed the meeting that letters would be sent to all parish clerks asking for representatives.


In response to questions it was stressed that local roads are the concern of Wiltshire Council and the formation of the group was welcomed by all. A scheme to reduce all roads to 40 mph was reported as being at the consultation stage.


Inspector Lange confirmed his awareness of the issues and emphasised he did not want to see enthusiasm squashed.


A discussion over the criteria used when reviewing metrocount data resulted in the Chairman recommending that a request be given to Councillor Tonge, Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways asking for a review of the policy to take into account the volume of vehicles.




The Board agreed the metrocount policy, regarding the 85th percentile criteria used to assess the eligibility of roads for speedwatch or a SID should be reviewed.  The Amesbury Area Board request that this policy be more flexible, to suit local circumstances, particularly where the remaining 15% of vehicles surveyed exceeds a sufficiently large number.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)

7.10 pm


Speed Indicator Device Prioritisation Scheme

To receive a report from Karen Linaker, Community Area Manager, asking the Board to agree the Speed Indicator Device (SID) allocation programme for 2012/13 and asking to delegate responsibility for future discussions and decisions on the allocations of SID’s to the Community Area Manager in consultation with the Speedwatch Working Group.

Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker, Amesbury Community Area Manager introduced the report seen at pages 51 to 52 of the agenda and noted that the allocation was constrained by metrocount criteria. She explained that the programme would be refined over the coming months.


The subsequent discussion found that a previous device placed at C32 Milton Road had not been working for the majority of its placement there. It was noted that the recommendation (a) A360 London Road, Shrewton was incorrect and should read (a) A360 Devizes Road, Shrewton. It was agreed that the A360 London Road, Shrewton should be added to the list.




The Board agreed the following recommendations:


(i)            To agree the SID prioritisation programme for 2012/13 as:

(a)  A360 Devizes Road, Shrewton

(b)  A345 Salisbury Road, Amesbury

(c)  A345 Netheravon Road, Durrington

(d)  Marlborough Road, Bulford Camp

(e)  C32 Milton Road, Bulford

(f)   A360 London Road, Shrewton


(ii)          To delegate responsibility for future discussions and decisions on the allocation of the SID’s to the Community Area Manager in consultation with the CATG and Speedwatch Working Group.

7.20 pm


Community Area Plan

To note the community plan.

Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker, Amesbury Community Area Manager introduced the report and documents seen in the agenda at pages 53 – 72. She thanked Vicky Cobbold and Councillor Graham Wright for the work done over the past year, and noted that it would be going to the meeting of the Children’s and Young People’s Group in September.


The information given on page 60 of the agenda was highlighted as incorrect and the reference to ‘drugs’ should be changed to ‘alcohol’. There would be a further report on the large number of alcohol related admissions to hospital, and a new initiative would commence soon. The Police were thanked for their work with licensed premises.


The need to complete the gaps was stressed with the aspiration of completing the action lists by the end of the summer. Engagement of youth groups was welcomed as was the set up of a resident’s panel.


It was noted that community area planning was complex and long term.




(i)              The Board approved the revised Community Area Plan subject to the revision stated above.

(ii)            The Board agreed the approach outlined in paragraph 3 of the report.

(iii)           The Board agreed to set up a resident’s panel as detailed in paragraph 3.8 of the report.

(iv)          The Board agreed to seek an update on the plan’s progress in six month’s time. 

7.35 pm


Community Area Grants

a)    To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding; and


b)    receive feedback on grants received.


Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item and reminded the meeting of the revised conditions for grants.




Cholderton Village Hall was awarded £2380 towards the replacement of windows.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support the parish in providing facilities for local community groups benefitting all ages of the community.




The Brambles Pre-School was awarded £1170 towards the cost of a new boiler.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support this community group in providing facilities for the local young children.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)


A summary circulated at the meeting and attached to these minutes gave an update on the achievements of the archaeological dig at Amesbury towards which the Board had previously granted £5000. It was stressed that this work would not have gone ahead without the funding from the Area Board.

7.45 pm


Bourne Valley Youth Transport Project (sponsored by Councillor Mike Hewitt)

Members are asked to consider a funding request to provide transport for young people in the Bourne Valley villages to access activities at Amesbury Sports Centre.


Councillor Hewitt introduced the item and requested that £3000 be set aside from the Transport Budget, or other appropriate budget, to assist with the funding of a minibus to transport youths from the villages over the summer months.


He explained that the scheme was still being devised at the moment and, given the timing of the next Area Board meeting, requested that the decision be delegated to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman subject to final plans being submitted.


Concern was raised over whether it met the criteria for funding from the Transport budget and it was agreed that this needed to be confirmed before any decision is taken.




The Board agreed to delegate to the Chairman and Vice Chairman the decision to allocate £3000 from the Transport budget, or other appropriate budget, to assist the funding of a minibus to transport youth from the villages subject to confirmation that it met the criteria for funding from that budget and sight of final plans.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)


7.55 pm


Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 20 September 2012 at Figheldean Village Hall.


Please note the Amesbury Area Board is hosting a public meeting on 24 July 2012 at The Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls regarding the temporary closure of the A338 Broken Cross Bridge. All are welcome to attend – the meeting will start at 7.00 pm.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the public meeting being held on Tuesday 24 July 2012 at 7.00 pm in Winterbourne Glebe Hall which would be discussing the A338 Broken Cross Bridge replacement.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on Tuesday 20 September 2012 at 6.00 pm in Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean SP4 8JR.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.