Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 20 September 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean, SP4 8JR

Contact: Kirsty Butcher  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Figheldean for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves.


6.05 pm


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·       Councillor Fred Westmoreland

·       Councillor Graham Wright

·       Councillor Toby Sturgis


And also from:


·       Mike Franklin – WFRS

·       Mark Smith – Service Director Neighbourhood Services




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2012.

Supporting documents:




The minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.




Chairman's Announcements

a)            The State of The Environment report


To inform the Area Board that the report is available.


b)            Wiltshire and Swindon Local Nature Partnership


To inform the Board of the development of the local nature partnership.


c)            Barrier Busting Proposals


To inform the Board of this new initiative.


d)            Victim Support


To raise awareness and gain opportunities to promote the help Victim Support can offer to victims of crime.


e)            From Drought to Flood Event


To raise awareness of an event being held on 17 October 2012 at Warminster Civic Hall from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm

Supporting documents:


a)    The State of the Environment Report


More information was available on page 11 of the agenda.

The Chairman noted that the report was available online and in hard copy, and referred it to the Community Planning Group.


b)    Wiltshire and Swindon Local Nature Partnership


The information provided on pages 13 to 16 of the agenda was noted.


c)    Barrier Busting Proposals


More information was available on page 17 of the agenda.

The Chairman highlighted the reduction in bureaucracy.


d)    Victim Support


The information provided on page 19 provided an update on the initiative.


e)    “From Drought to Flood” event


More information was available on page 21 of the agenda.

Councillor Hewitt highlighted the greater risk in the area with the water table being higher than normal for the time of year. The Board recommended that parishes attend the event, and any unable to attend were asked to contact Councillor Hewitt who would arrange for a local briefing.


f)     Community Plan Priority Group


Karen Linaker introduced the new community plan groups, explaining that they had come out of the informal event held in February 2012. She invited everyone to be involved, and welcomed support and engagement. She explained that Children and Young People would now be covered by the set up of the Youth Advisory Group, and Transport would continue through the CATG and the Speedwatch Working Group. She noted that although the CATG membership was fixed, new members were welcome in the Speedwatch Working Group, with the next meeting being on 4 October 2012.


Meetings will take place a the Bowman Centre, Amesbury as below:


Crime and Community Safety:- 24 October 2012 at 6.00 pm


Sport, Culture and Leisure:- 6 November 2012 at 6.00 pm


Community Facilities, Health and Well-Being:- 5 November 2012 at 6.00 pm



Environment:- 14 November 2012 at 6.00 pm


Housing, Economic Development, Tourism and Planning:- 20 November 2012 at 6.00 pm


Speedwatch Working Group:- 29 November 2012 at 6.00 pm

6.15 pm


Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from:-


a)    the Town and Parish Council Representatives;

b)    from other partners; and

c)     outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


Councillor West passed on the thanks of Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council for the traffic count completed on the A303. This detailed 1064 vehicles broke the speed limit with speeds of 46.84 mph and above and showed there is real concern. He highlighted two issues being linked, these being cars jumping red lights at the pedestrian crossing and the tailback of traffic in Winterbourne Stoke at peak periods which have arisen from the completion of works at Countess Road roundabout.



Written report noted


Wiltshire Involvement Network

Written report noted


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Written report noted.



Inspector Lange introduced the written report circulated at the meeting and attached to these minutes. He highlighted the increase in non-domestic burglary, which he explained was a trend seen throughout the south of the country and emphasised the need to lock sheds and garages. He welcomed the reduction in Anti-Social Behaviour and explained they would continue to work in the same style given the success seen.

He provided an update on the theft of catalytic converters, confirming an arrest had been made which had led to a conviction and fine.

He welcomed the enthusiasm seen for the Speedwatch working group, and highlighted the need to manage expectations within this.

In response to questions he confirmed that he had not seen a significant increase in child abuse cases in the Wiltshire area.


6.25 pm


Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Hewitt introduced the written report and appendices seen at pages 31 to 36 of the agenda and drew attention to the following amendments:


In the Update from the Community Area Transport Group:-


Paragraph 3.2 the table should read:


Steeple Langford new footway – preliminary topographical survey


Cold Harbour, Amesbury – dropped kerbs


Shrewton, High Street – area of footway by bus stop


Winterbourne Earls, Earls Rise & The Shop – pedestrian counts


Shrewton, Salisbury Rd – need for dropped kerb





Paragraph 4 should read:


The Amesbury Community Area Transport Group’s Budget currently stands at £15,779. If the board agrees the recommendation (ii) below, this will leave £5,157 available for spend in 2012/13


Paragraph 5 (ii) should read:


To support the Group’s decision’s to commit £10,622 from the 2012/13 budget, as detailed in paragraph 3.2 above.


He explained that the Amesbury dropped kerb work would be held back till after completion of works at Broken Cross Bridge.


The good work of the Group was noted, and both the CATG and the Police were thanked for their work on the school run.




1.     The Board noted the minutes; and


2.     The Board supported the Group’s decisions to commit £10,622 from the 2012/13 budget as detailed.


6.35 pm


A338 Broken Cross Bridge

To receive an update on the A338 Broken Cross Bridge closure.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Hewitt introduced the update provided at pages 37 and 38 of the agenda.


He explained that access to the gated area would be opened to let traffic through the Winterbournes and Laverstock Ford via a hard surface over the fields. The other side would be gated and only vehicles with permits would be allowed through. Gatemen would allow access to taxis, public transport, emergency vehicles and doctors.


In answering questions he confirmed that deliveries to housebound people would still be permitted as an exception, and that the Council would be relying on local people as well as doctors and parish councils to identify such people. He confirmed that only houses in the gated area would be leafleted

6.40 pm


Longbarrow Roundabout

To inform the Board about the forthcoming roadworks at Longbarrow


Mark Arberry from the Highways Agency and Graham Lyons from ASJU introduced the presentation which detailed why the works were being done and confirmed that the exact date was not yet known. He explained that overnight work seen on the schedule could be misrepresented and clarified it was for resurfacing works at the end of the programme and would be restricted to a few nights.


He explained that they would be maintaining a single carriageway throughout the works and they were hoping to keep the A360 open throughout. Plans for diversion saw a similar strategy to the one used at the Countess roundabout works and every effort would be made to give drivers the opportunity to leave the A303 where possible.


The bottleneck caused by traffic in the outside eastbound A303 lane where the road narrows was identified as a pinch point and road markings would used to make it as clear as possible and keep the A303 flowing.


In answer to questions he explained that they were hoping not have to close the road for 8 days as seen in the plan, that they were holding regular meetings with Wiltshire Council on the continuing works at Airman’s Cross and that they had looked at a potential diversion along the A345 Amesbury, although they were confident this would not be needed.


He was reminded that Shrewton High Street could not take any more traffic and asked to bear this in mind when looking at diversions.


Confirmation was given that there would be no traffic lights installed at Longbarrow as the need was not there at present, they would take in account that holiday traffic would be diminishing until the Christmas congestion and they would look to adjust their work process to take this into account. He agreed that an emergency phone number would be made available throughout the works and a letter would be sent to the stakeholder and a board placed on the road.


The Board thanked Mark and Graham for attending the meeting.

6.55 pm


Youth Advisory Group

To consider a report from James Fortune, Lead Commissioner (13-19) .

Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker introduced the item which explained what Youth Advisory Groups were for and suggested the balance of composition for the group.


In response to questions she thought that the Young Person with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities would be identified and taken from forums where they are represented, however she would confirm this. Although locations had not yet been determined she thought that Durrington and Amesbury Youth Clubs could be used.


Concern was raised over the engagement of youth in the rural areas and how they could get to/from meetings.




The Board agreed:


1.    To nominate Councillor John Smale and Councillor Graham Wright as representatives on the Youth Advisory Group.


2.    That the Youth Advisory Group pick up the issues from the Community Plan regarding Children and Young People.

7.00 pm


Police and Crime Commissioner

To receive a presentation informing the Area board on the role of the new Police and Crime Commissioner.


Councillor Richard Britton gave a verbal update on the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner which showed a major shift in governance.


He reminded the Board of the date for election for the Commissioner being 15 November 2012, and gave details of their roles and responsibilities which included setting the precept, producing the Police and Crime Plan and holding the Chief Constable to account for delivery of the Police and Crime Plan.


He explained that the Police and Crime Commissioner was an elected person with real power, setting priorities and strategic planning however they had no control over operational matters.


He provided an overview of the Police and Crime Panel which was a politically balanced body with the power to veto the precept, veto to appointment of the Chief Constable and hold the Commissioner to account on the delivery of their plan. The Panel was composed of elected members who were well placed to understand community priorities.


In answering questions he confirmed that anyone wishing to stand for the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner needed 100 signatures from registered electors within the police area and a £5000 deposit.    

7.10 pm


Shadow COB for Amesbury Community Area

To agree the set up of a Shadow Campus Operations Board.

Supporting documents:


Lucy Murray Brown introduced the item and drew the Boards attention to the additional information circulated at the meeting and attached to these minutes.


She explained that this was a significant move for the Board which gives the opportunity to revitalise the services and buildings whilst achieving significant savings. She explained it would be a long term commitment and that change would be led by the community with all sectors of the community working together.


She drew attention to the Corsham SCOB, whose plans were available on the website for people to examine and explained that Amesbury would have its own dedicated web page set with relevant information.


She highlighted the need for all communities to be involved including rural communities and confirmed the closing date for nominations being 16 November 2012.


Concern was raised over transport issues for those wishing to attend meetings held centrally from the rural areas and the Board noted the existence of the Bowls Club minibus.




The Board agreed:


1.    To approve the proposals for the campus delivery


2.      To establish an Amesbury Shadow Community Operations Board and invite expressions of interest for members

7.20 pm


Housing Need and Review of Wiltshire's Housing Allocation System

To receive a presentation from Derek Streek, Head of Housing Management, informing and consulting the Area Board on the review.

Supporting documents:


Derek Streek, Head of Housing Management, introduced the presentation and explained that Wiltshire Council was conducting a review of all social housing as a result of the introduction and potential implications of the Welfare Reform Act. These were detailed as the loss of benefits for certain people due to under occupancy and were causing concern.


He explained that the Localism Act 2011 provided guidance on future allocations and gave the council freedom to manage their waiting list and exclude certain categories. At present Wiltshire Council operated an open waiting list. A consultation was starting today which gave people the opportunity to provide their views and he asked the meeting’s opinions on a range of possible measures.


The responses to the questions were:


1.     How should a Wiltshire Council consider Local Connection?


a.     Maintain an open register for all

b.     A Local Connection to Wiltshire is required to join

c.     Priority to those with a local connection in the area – All in favour


2.     What is a Local Connection to an area?


a.     Employed in the area – 12 in favour

b.     Lives or previously lived in the area – 11 in favour

c.     Family currently reside in the area – 16 in favour


3.     Should additional priorities be given to the following?


a.     Under Occupation – 14 in favour

b.     Employment – 12 in favour

c.     Training – 1 in favour

d.     Those who volunteer in the community – 3 in favour


4.     Should we include any exclusions in with the policy?


a.     Those with no identified housing need – 10 in favour

b.     Those evicted or caused severe Anti-Social Behaviour – 14 in favour

c.     Those with significant rent arrears – 9 in favour


He explained that the intention today was to start the debate and thanked everyone for taking part.




7.40 pm


Community Asset Transfer - Application from Amesbury Town Council

To consider an application from Amesbury Town Council for the transfer of a small piece of land toward the top of South Mill Hill, Amesbury.

Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker, Community Area Manager explained that this item had been withdrawn under the Crichel Down rule. Concern was raised as to how this had not been indentified earlier and it was confirmed that this would be taken up with the Director of Law and Governance.

7.50 pm


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item.




Tilshead Village Hall Committee was awarded £3500 towards the refurbishment of the Village Hall.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support the committee in providing facilities for local community groups of all ages.




Bulford Children’s Centre was awarded £1386 towards The Freedom Programme


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support the nurturing of resilient communities.




P.O.P. Youth Dance Project was awarded £1000 towards extending the project for another term.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support this project in providing a programme for the local young people. 




The Board agreed to earmark £3000 for the Amesbury Area Board Crime and Safety Community Plan Priority Group for funding work within the issue of domestic abuse due to the high incidents in the Amesbury area.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)


8.00 pm


Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


An informal meeting for Town and Parish Councils will be held on Thursday 18 October 2012 at the Bowman Centre, Shears Drive, Archers Gate, Amesbury SP4 7XT.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 22 November 2012 at Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Road, Amesbury, SP4 7HH.

Supporting documents:


A query over village hall bin removals was noted and feedback to Councillor Sturgis to get a response. Concern was raised over the cut in opening hours at household recycling centres, it was requested that these be changed back.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)


It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on 22 November 2012 from 6.00 pm.


An informal meeting of the Amesbury Area Board with town and parish councils would take place on Monday 18 October 2012 at the Bowman Centre, Shears Drive, Archers Gate, Amesbury SP4 7XT from 6.00 pm


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.