Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 19 September 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Shrewton Recreation Hall, Recreation Ground, Mill Lane, Shrewton SP3 4JY

Contact: Kirsty Butcher  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Shrewton for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·         Cllr Graham Wright

·         Jenni Bertram



'Rat running' / A303

To discuss the traffic situation especially 'rat running' and the constant disruption by travellers diverting off the A303 -including lorries; and to co-ordinate community concerns on this matter for relaying to relevant authorities.


Cllr John Smale, Chairman of Amesbury Area Board introduced the item and explained the purpose was to hear the views of the local people and to find out how they were feeling. He highlighted the need to collate evidence to pass to government.


Cllr Fleur de-Rhé Philipe, Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Transport then spoke, noting that the problem with the A303 had been worse than in previous years. She explained that the new visitor’s centre at Stonehenge had been supported, the stopping of the A344 had been the subject of an individual enquiry at which Wiltshire Council had made no objection and noted that the traffic situation had been worse this summer in part to the clement weather and increased visitor number at Stonehenge.


Cllr de-Rhé Philipe acknowledged that there were specific problems that needed addressing, one being the lane markings at the roundabout that were not working. She expressed regret that Byway 12 was not closed, noting the immediate need for a traffic order and recognised the need for Wiltshire Council and the Highways Agency to work together to achieve this.


Attention was drawn to the Highways Agency root base strategy and the need for making the A303 a dual carriageway was a high priority that had been discussed at a stakeholder meeting which had taken place that afternoon. The Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Wiltshire Council (WC), Somerset, Devon and Dorset were working together on a business case for the dualling of the road. The Board was also informed that the Government had agreed to a feasibility study on providing a tunnel at Stonehenge, and The Highways Agency were identifying problem roads to invest money in after 2015. The damage to the economy was acknowledged.


Cllr de-Rhé Philipe concluded by explaining although there were no short term solutions, all effort would be used to work towards one and she encouraged everyone to place their comments on the group website where possible, or to contact their parish clerk if they did not have access to technology.


Cllr Smale then invited comments from the floor, giving members and officers a chance to respond when appropriate. The following points were raised:


·       Countess roundabout – the 3rd lane E/W was signed as straight on, causing near collisions


Graeme Hay, Head of Service – Highway and Network Management,  agreed to look at the tyre marks seen when driving from Shrewton and explained that layouts were subject to review such as a change in driver use.


·       Longbarrow roundabout – the kerb was impossible to follow, you cannot stay in lane and the entrance was not sensible


This view was shared by the HA and Graeme Hay confirmed the roundabout would be reviewed

·       Airmans Cross – the entrance was on a kink, poor cambers could cause problems in winter weather (ice/water)


Cllr de-Rhé Philipe noted these comments and would take them back. Graeme Hay explained that the community had been involved with Airmans Cross, and that the camber and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18 July 2013.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 18 July were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Super-Garrison plans

To receive a presentation on the super-garrison plans.


Alastair Cunningham, Service Director – Economy & Regeneration and Development Services gave a presentation on the Army rebasing plans and the involvement of local communities.


He noted that the largest tranche of rebasing would be into Wiltshire, bringing an investment of £850 million on family homes, facilities ‘within the wire’ and the training estate. The community will benefit from shared facilities, a boost to economy and the benefit of skills from Army leavers and families.


He finished by confirming a further update would be brought to the Area Board on the development of Context Plan, hopefully in late November, and Masterplan in Spring 2014. Further engagement would happen through the public consultation scheduled for early 2014 and planning applications expected in spring - summer 2014


In response to questions he confirmed that locations were not yet known. Wiltshire Council was working closely with the Army in all aspects including the road structure and the current traffic/road concerns were acknowledged. Schools were in the public sector and being looked at. Concern was raised over the bus infrastructure into Salisbury, especially at night, and both Section 106 agreements and CIL levies were being looked to address this. These were the kind of issues that need to be fed in to the process, along with concerns over the numbers of builders, where they will be housed, construction traffic and utility issues.


Alastair asked the community to challenge when consulted to ensure that all issues were being addressed.


Small Grant applications

To hear expressions of interest from people, groups and clubs throughout the area for the funding of projects of up to £500.


The following small grant applications were received:


1.     Bourne Valley Day Centre for the Elderly requested £346 towards the cost of transport



To grant in principle the sum of £346 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received.


2.     Bourne Valley Historical Society requested £298 to buy software and proper archival storage folders and cases.



To grant in principle the sum of £298 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received.


3.     Bourne Valley Link Scheme requested £480 towards first aid training for volunteers



To grant in principle the sum of £480 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received.


4.     Durrington Walls Wind Band requested £500 towards the cost of new percussion instruments



To grant in principle the sum of £500 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received.


5.     Smiling Faces Nursery, Amesbury requested £500 for a new outdoor climbing structure.



To grant in principle the sum of £500 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received.


6.     Steeple Langford Play Park requested £400 towards rubber matting for play equipment.



To grant in principle the sum of £400 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received and the issue around other funding being clarified.


7.     Steeple Langford Allotment Trust requested £429 for a new mower.



To grant in principle the sum of £429 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received and the issue around other funding being clarified.


8.     Steeple Langford Parish Hall Committee requested £498 to fix a hole in the kitchen floor and by  a loft ladder and 8 chairs with arms



To grant in principle the sum of £498 subject to satisfactory applications forms being received.


Chairman's Announcements

5a.       Feedback from previous meeting


5b.      North Wessex Downs ANOB – Draft Management Plan 2014-2014


To draw attention to the current consultation on the draft management plan.


5c.       Fracking


5d.      Current Consultations


To note that information on the following current consultations can be found via the following link:



 End Date

 Wiltshire Core Strategy consultation

 9 October 2013


Supporting documents:



The Chairman made the following announcements:


(a)  Feedback from the previous meeting


4 out of the 6 bids presented to the July board meeting had been approved as urgent projects during the summer. These were:


(i)              £500 for the set up of the Bourne Valley Explorer Scouts

(ii)             £500 for the Durrington Otters Summer Swimming Classes

(iii)            £500 for the Amesbury Air Cadets new Minibus

(iv)           £500 for the Porton FC – new goal posts


One of the two remaining bids was due for consideration at item 15 (Langfords Youth Group), and the last one for the Guiding Association should come before the board in November.


(b)  North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Draft Management Plan 


The Chairman drew attention to current consultation on the North Wessex draft Management Plan


(c)  Fracking


The Chairman confirmed that there had been no applications for fracking in Wiltshire due to the presence of chalk.


(d)  Wiltshire Core Strategy Consultation 


The Chairman drew attention to the consultation closing date of 9 October 2013.



Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues including the bridge closure at Gomeldon and the mill pond at Figheldean.


Karen Linaker, Amesbury Community Area Manager, reminded all of the online reporting facility, and noted the following four issues that had been submitted online:

·         a call for an assessment of the speed limit between Stonehenge Roundabout in Durrington up to the Packway in Larkhill

·         chasing a concern raised over a month ago about overgrown vegetation on footpath 37, Countess Road, Amesbury

·         2 issues each reporting speeding concerns on Boscombe Road, Amesbury


The following issue was raised on the night:


Straw bale residue and branches from trees were being left on the road and washed into drains raising concerns about blockages.


Andy Cole asked for people to contact him where with the specific location where this was a problem and he would arrange for it to be checked.



Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


The written update seen on pages 13 and 14 of the agenda was noted.




Inspector Lange in traduced the report seen on pages 15 and 16 of the agenda and explained that the thrust of their work involved working with Cllr Noeken on the night time economy and anti-social behaviour.


Good Neighbour – Janet Tidd


Janet Tidd explained that Amesbury Town was not covered by her, and people in that area would have to go to Age UK. She thanks Cllr Hewitt for his assistance in solving a difficult case so a person could now leave their house, and drew attention to a lunch that could be booked through her.


Tenant Participation Officer

To introduce Katy Salter as the new Tenant Participation Officer for Amesbury (and its surrounding villages).


Katy Salter, Tenancy Participation Officer introduced herself and explained she covered 1000 properties in the Amesbury Area Board area. Tenants wants, needs and opinions were fundamental to her role as they are the local experts, and she drew attention to the area panels that she would be setting up. She can be contacted directly at or 01722 434371.


Community Plan Working Group Updates

To note the written updates from the following community plan working groups:


·       Crime and Community Safety

·       Sport, Leisure and Culture

·       Environment

·       Housing, Economic Development, Planning and Tourism

Supporting documents:


The written updates seen at pages 17 to 26 of the agenda were noted.


Crime and Community Safety Panel


Cllr Noeken thanked the constabulary and the licensing trade for the work done on anti social behaviour. He said the next meeting of the Panel which is on 4 October 2013 at  2.00pm in Wyndham Hall.


Environment Panel


Cllr Hewitt drew attention to commercial rates being up for review and noted the next meeting would be held in October.


Housing, Economic Development, Planning and Tourism Panel


Cllr Westmoreland said a dozen people attended the meeting and it was widespread and interesting.


Community Facilities, Health and Well-being Panel


Cllr West said the next meeting of the Panel was on Monday 23 September in Berwick St. James.


Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG), including the Speeding working group, in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting will follow.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Hewitt drew attention to the report seen in the agenda supplement and said no date had been et for the SIDS review. A site visit had been arranged to look at locations for the Solstice Park / Porton Road toucan crossing.




a.    The Board decided to wait for the outcome of Wiltshire Council’s review of its use of Speed Indicator Devices (SID’s), before considering the Speeding Group’s suggestion that funding be prioritised for “intelligent SID’s”


b.    The Board agreed to support, and where appropriate fund the schemes below:


Shrewton, Tanners Lane to Bridge Garage : pavement request

The board agreed £2,000 for these works in July 2013.  This is update the board that the scheme will not include a coloured footway, due to the current degraded nature of the route.  For the time being, works will include a repositioning of the sign and the painting of white lines.


The group requested that this route be listed on the appropriate highways works list for future resurfacing so as to ensure that when it was resurfaced, the red surface would be incorporated.




Gomeldon Primary School – Highway Safety measures

The school is looking to introduce a number of measures to improve safety for its pupils during the school run.  The school has an up to date travel plan and is taking advice from officers as to the most appropriate measures.  The board is asked to agree in principle to contribute to the costs of these measures, pending a full report on the implications and costings



Bulford – various crossing sites of concern

The board is asked to allocate funds for pedestrian counts to be undertaken to assess how the sites of concern can be improved






Solstice Park, Porton Road, Amesbury – Provision of a Toucan Crossing

That the position of the crossing be between locations 2 and 3 (see attached report and plan – appendix 2)



c.    The Board noted the new policies and processes for which the CATG is now responsible.


Amesbury Shadow Community Operations Board Update

1.    To receive an update from Cllr Westmoreland, the Amesbury Area Board representative on the Shadow Community Operations Board;




2.    To agree an allocation of £244.48 from the Amesbury Area Board’s discretionary budget 2013/14 to pay for the insertion/distribution of a consultation document in the Stonehenge Trader.  The consultation is to gauge the community’s enthusiasm for the project and to begin to explore what the community would like to see the Campus contain.


Cllr Westmoreland said there would be a meeting next Tuesday and a further update would be provided at the next Board meeting. He asked for an allocation of £244.48 from the Board’s discretionary budget to pay for a consultation document to go in the Stonehenge Trader which would gauge community enthusiasm and explore what the community would like to see contained within the campus.




The Board agreed to allocate £244.48 from the discretionary budget 2013/14 to pay for the insertion/distribution of a consultation document in the Stonehenge Trader.


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding.

Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item.


The Board considered the following grants.




Newtony Tony Memorial Hall was awarded £1620 towards a new accessible toilet with baby changing facilities.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14




Idmiston Parish Council was awarded £4907.06 towards the cost of footpath renovations.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14 and would benefit all age groups in the community




6th Wiltshire Kiwi Scout Group was awarded £500 towards start up costs.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14 and accords with the Board’s community plan priority for children and young people



Langford Youth Group was awarded £500 towards the purchase of new first aid kits and a music system.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14



Gomeldon Primary School Centenary Path was awarded £500 towards the purchase of blank blocks and to assist with installation costs.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14


The Board noted the following grants that had been approved as urgent since the July 2013 board meeting, each of which were granted £500:


1.     Bourne Valley Explorer Scouts (set up costs)

2.     Durrington Otters (Summer holiday swimming sessions)

3.     Amesbury Air Cadets (new minibus)

4.     PortonFootbal Club (new goal posts)


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)


Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 21 November 2013, 7.00 pm, at Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury St, Amesbury SP4 7HH.


Please note there will be an informal meeting of Amesbury Area Board for Town and Parish Councils on Thursday 24 October 2013, 7.00 pm, venue TBC


Community Plan group dates:


Community Facilities, Health and Well-Being – Monday 23 September 2013, 6.30pm, venue TBC


Crime and Community Safety – date and time TBC


Sport, Leisure and Culture – date and time TBC


Environment – date and time TBC


Housing, Economic Development, Planning and Tourism -  a follow up meeting on highways and streetscene will be held in late October / early November

Supporting documents:


It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 21 November 2013, 7.00pm at Antrobus House.


There will be an informal meeting for Town and Parish Councils on Thursday 24 October.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.