Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 30 January 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Winterbourne Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls, Salisbury SP4 6HA

Contact: Jessica Croman  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Winterbourne Glebe Hall for hosting the meeting.


He welcomed Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of the Council.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors introduced themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Mike Franklin – Wiltshire Fire and Rescue.  Jason Underwood attended in his place.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2013.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2013 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements

·         Integrated Performance Management Report

·         Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

·         Army Rebasing Update

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


(a)  Integrated Performance Management Report 


The Chairman drew attention to the report seen at agenda pages 11 and 12. The Clinical Commissioning Group and Wiltshire Council were congratulated for their good working partnership


(b)  Community Infrastructure Levy


The Chairman drew attention to current consultation on the CIL and how town and parish councils will receive money for their local infrastructure.


(c)  Army Rebasing Update


The Chairman noted that the DIO had held a positive meeting on 29 January, and welcomed the work of Wiltshire Council on this issue. There would be a consultation in February and all were encouraged to respond.


A lasting legacy for Wiltshire: looking forward to 2014

In 2013, Wiltshire built on the legacy of the 2012 Olympics with a range of community activities and new initiatives.  As we enter 2014, it is time to look forward to see how the Area Boards can build upon the good work delivered so far to create a lasting legacy for Wiltshire.  Cllr Jane Scott OBE, Leader of Wiltshire Council, will outline some of the new opportunities available to the Area Board in 2014.


Cllr Jane Scott, leader of Wiltshire council, presented the lasting legacy for Wiltshire, highlighting events which had been supported since 2012 and what events were planned for 2014 to bring communities together, including Wiltshire’s big pledge, cycle Wiltshire and WW1 commemorations.


Cllr Scott introduced the three themes of the legacy being; economy, health and fitness and communities. She explained how they would help Wiltshire keep the 2012 legacy going, drawing attention to a number of events,  including the upcoming sporting dinner which it was hoped would raise money/ sponsorship for the counties aspiring athletes.


Cllr Scott emphasised the benefits of the legacy, noting how the torch relay had bought in over £40 million in revenue to local business and that tourism has increased in Wiltshire. Cycling had also become a major sport within the area and a national elite cycling event would be hosted in the county in May.


Cllr Scott presented the idea of the big pledge, and encouraged the Area Board to take one. She gave examples of pledges by other areas, such as Tidworth pledging to become a dementia friendly community.


The Area Board was also informed about the calendar website which would be going live in due course; here groups and communities can input events on to the site along with contact details for people visiting the area to see.


 A local resident raised a concern about the national cycling event interfering with an annual wildlife walk to Stonehenge. Cllr Scott believed the cycle route would not interfere as the cycle route is based further south east.


Another question was raised asking if plans/ events were being made for the following year, in particular a Magna Carta celebration Cllr Scott confirmed work had already started on this. The 800th year anniversary of the Magna Carta was important as part of its history is still in Wiltshire with Trowbridge being the only baron town in the south west. The county has also been responsible for producing teaching aids on the Magna Carta which have now been taken up by the Magna Carta society nationally. 


The Chairman thanked Cllr Scott for her presentation.


Police and Crime Precept

To consult on the proposed increase to the precept.


Clive Barker, Chief Financial Officer for the OPCC, presented the Police and Crime Precept, highlighting that funding for the police had reduced and main government grants had also reduced resulting in a £17 million reduction between 2010-2016. Following the precept freeze in 2010-2011 the Commissioner was now considering lifting the freeze and raising Council Tax payments by £3.15 per household in order for the police to continue to be funded. Mr Barker presented statistics explaining that funding for Wiltshire compared to the rest of the South West was the 3rd lowest. Since 2010-2011 there had been reductions in the police force which has been offset with partnerships and collaborations such as that in Monkton Park where Wiltshire Council and the police now share the same building and cross boundary policing.


It was noted that there would be a consultation running from 6 January until the 3 February and any comments would be welcomed.


A question was raised asking about the withdrawal from the Wiltshire Air Ambulance, how much this would save and the affect it would have. Mr Barker informed the Area Board that the separation was a national initiative and was out of their hands, the saving would be around £300,000; although the police would still facilitate the air ambulance until December when they will manage themselves.


It was mentioned that whilst within the county people were tightening their belt and still able to build more, the public will question why the increase is needed. Mr Barker explained that the actual amount received from Council Tax is very small but represents a third of their budget. This increase would be needed for continued growth to handle challenges.


Another question from the floor asked about the reserves the Commissioner had last year, this year and what they expect them to be at the end of the year. Mr Barker informed that there was approximately £12 million in reserves. This figure was the same last year and they expect the figure to remain the same due to investments.     


The Chairman thanked Mr Barker for the presentation.


A303 Update

To receive an update on the A303 issues.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the update seen at agenda pages 19 to 28.


He noted the following points:


  • A visit to the Highways Agency had been arranged for 31 January at which the Countess roundabout issues would be raised;


  • The map seen at page 278 of the agenda did not include the B3090 at Chitterne, however this would be included in the proposed monitoring;


  • There is a major government review and feasibility study of the A303 which will report at latest March 2015;


  • SID’s will be placed at either end of Winterbourne Stoke for a 2 week period commencing on the 6 March and in the summer;


  • A303 issues will be discussed in greater detail at the CATG meeting scheduled for 17 February. 



Inspector Lange highlighted concerns over parking at Stonehenge over the summer months given that he had seen queuing on the A360 during December. A letter had been sent to English Heritage asking for an earth bund to screen the stones to alleviate the speed and parking issues on the A303.


Concern was also raised over the effect of the 2020 rebasing programme on the A303. Although there was no easy resolution work was continuing behind the scenes including the use of short term solutions to ease the problems.


Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues.


Karen Linaker, Amesbury Community Area Manager, reminded all of the online reporting facility, and noted the following four issues that had been submitted:


·       Flooding issues around Berwick St James, Solstice Park and Porton;


·       Early hours / weekend working at Solstice Park had been addressed by the park’s manager;


·       Tenant’s issues in Bulford had been actioned;


·       Transport / highways issues had been passed to the CATG / Andy Cole to action.



Confirmation was given that temporary signage had been placed at Solstice Park which would be made permanent in a couple of weeks.


The delivery of bus stops in Amesbury was a Wiltshire Council issue and it was hoped that this would be completed in February subject to weather.


Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Jason Underwood attended in place for Mike Franklin, Mr Underwood updated the Area Board on the new format for the update and encouraged people to feedback any comments to Mike Franklin. Contact details were included should anyone have queries on operational matters. 


Redeployed resources meant that the station was now manned by 6 full time fireman and new ways of working gave more presence in the community and allowed the station to be opened up for other  business.  He encouraged people to drop in on Monday to Friday.




Inspector Lange reported that crime figures were down 8%, although there had been a problem with punctured tyres, with numerous offences recorded, accounting for 65% of all crime figures. This was thought to be down to one individual whose face could be seen on the Amesbury Community Policing Team face book page and he encouraged everyone to look and see if they could identify him.


Inspector Lange also expressed his concerns about the capacity of the Winter Solstice and the number recently attending explaining that this may be an issue that needs looking at going forward.


Due to the station closure in Salisbury, 112 officers will be based at the Amesbury station meaning more police activity in the area.


An issue was raised about parking at three local schools. When police attended in uniform there seemed to be no problems. It was suggested that police monitor the situation in plain clothes so they are fully aware of the situation. Inspector Lange agreed to discussions with Cllr Hewitt after the meeting. 



Town / Parish Council Updates


Cllr Westmoreland informed the Area Board that the Amesbury museum would be open five days a week, Tuesday to Saturday.


Cllr Noeken spoke about the Amesbury Carnival on the 14 June. Last year 8 thousand people attended and that they expect 10 thousand this year. He asked for volunteers who could spare a couple of hours, and offered free entry to them and their family. Food and drink would also be available. Anyone wishing to volunteer should contact him or visit the carnival website. 

Cllr Hewitt urged all town and parish councillors to report all flooding, he reassured the Area Board that any reports would not affect insurance.




Good Neighbour – Janet Tidd


Janet Tidd explained that her hours had recently dropped to 15 but hopes to be back to full time in due course and once back to full time she hopes to open a new lunch club. The 2 current lunch clubs are both growing in numbers.


Review of positive leisure time activities for young people

To receive an update on the review of positive leisure time activities for young people.


Jenni Bertram, Youth Development Co-ordinator in Wiltshire Council, informed the Area Board that the paper on the positive leisure time activities for young people had gone to the cabinet for discussion and a consultation will be running for the next 12 weeks.


Current activities in the area were being run Monday to Friday to facilitate young people including drop in sessions for the disabled and those with special educational needs, sports centres, drop in sessions to discuss sex, drugs and relationships and the Duke of Edinburgh award. There will also be an open evening at the end of February which will be chaired by young people to discuss issues affecting them.


Karen Linaker informed the Area Board that she would send a link around for everyone to contribute to the consultation and that the Area Board will be commenting.


Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Hewitt drew attention to the report seen in the agenda explaining there was still a lot of money within the kitty and was waiting for the final figure before they spent any.


Concern was raised on the refreshing of zig zags, in particular in Shrewton. Andy Cole confirmed that this was funded by Wiltshire Council and the budget allowed for one per area at present.




a.     The Board noted the report and minutes of the latest CATG meeting


b.    The Board agreed to support, and where appropriate fund the schemes below:


Bourne Cemetery, Winterslow Rd, Porton – New Layby




Church Ln, Idmiston (junction with A338), new barrier and white line



Implement new 40mph speed limit on the C42 from West Amesbury to junction with A303

The board agreed £3,000

Review speed limit on C291, UC 05441 and UC 05442 Orcheston

The board agreed £4,000



Update from Amesbury Shadow Campus Operations Board (SCOB)

To receive an update on the Amesbury SCOB.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Westmoreland informed the Area Board about the consultation that will be taking place to gain the views of the community about the campus, and it was suggested that all should take part in the consultation and have a say on what happens in the local communities. Leaflets would be distributed throughout the area and collection boxes would be available in libraries and in service areas. It was noted that Sofie Nottingham would be visiting communities to collect the leaflets and speak with local people.


Jannet Tidd, Good Neighbourhood Scheme, informed that she will be giving the leaflets to the elderly and helping those who need it to fill the forms in.  


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item.


The Board considered the following grants.





Girl Guiding Wiltshire South Berwick Management Committee was awarded £1,360 towards a new industrial dishwasher, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.





Woodford Valley Table-Tennis Club was awarded £379 for a table-tennis table.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.





Tilshead Playing Field Committee was awarded £5000 towards the purchase of the playing field, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.





Tilshead Village Hall was awarded £2063 towards the purchase of audio-visual presentation equipment, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.




Shrewton Utd FC was awarded £498 for the purchase of football netting, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14




Idmiston Parish Council was awarded £392 towards the purchase and installation of cedar shingle tiles for Idmiston Bus Shelter, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.




Durrington Junior Friends was awarded £500 towards the costs of setting up a breakfast club.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14 and benefits children in the community.


Cllr Noeken reminded the Area Board that the last tranche of funding was coming and the deadline for applications was on the 13 February 2014.


(ACTION: Karen Linaker)



Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on


·       20 February – Invitation Only Event – What matters to you?

·       27 March

·       29 May

Supporting documents:


The Chairman reminded the Area Board that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 20 February 2014, 7.00pm at the Bowman Centre and on the 27 March at the Durrington Village Hall.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.