Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 27 March 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Durrington Village Hall, High St, Durrington SP4 4AD

Contact: Jessica Croman  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Durrington Village Hall for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors introduced themselves.


Apologies for Absence


No apologies were received.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2014.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2014 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Cllr Ian West disclosed his interest on grant application 3 – Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council as he is the Chairman of the Parish Council.


Cllr Noeken disclosed his interest on grant application 6 – Amesbury Carnival and Show as he is a board member of the Amesbury Carnival.


Councillor’s Noeken and West confirmed that they would leave the room during consideration of their respective items.


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the Announcements included in the agenda and invite any questions.


·       Dementia Strategy

·       Library Memory Group

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


(a)  Dementia Strategy


The Chairman drew attention to the report seen at agenda page 11 highlighting the current consultation on the dementia strategy.


(b)  Library Memory Groups


The Chairman drew attention to report on agenda page 13 and the current library memory groups in Warminster, Mere, Purton and Pewsey.


(c)  Late Item  - Integrated Performance Report – CCG


The Chairman introduced a late item which was available as a handout.


Youth Activity Review

Communities across Wiltshire are being consulted on what youth activities they would like in their local communities as part of a wide-ranging review.  Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Wiltshire Council, will present details of the review being undertaken. 


  1. Retain the current in-house service but reduce the value – a number of options would be considered to make the required savings and deliver a service that meets the needs of young people in local community areas.


  1. Outsource the service – this option would involve developing a new service specification for the provision of positive leisure-time activities; shaped by key stakeholders, including young people based on the resources available.


  1. Encourage and support staff to form a Public Service Mutual (PSM). A mutual can deliver a public service involving a high degree of employee control. It can operate for profit, not for profit, charity, social enterprise and community interest company.


  1. Develop a community-led approach which will empower communities via community area boards, with funding from the council, to develop and make available positive leisure-time youth activities within their local area


The full report can be accessed electronically through this link:


Further information can be found at:


The Chairman welcomed Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services at Wiltshire Council.


Cllr Mayes gave a presentation on the youth activity review currently taking place and confirmed that the Council were keen to have the involvement of as many people as possible.


In order to address the changing needs of young people a report was submitted to Cabinet on 21 January.


Out of the amount of children who are eligible to use the service only 7-10% actually had. 


The budget for 2014/15 had been set at Council on 25 February and included a need for Integrated Youth Services to make savings of £191,000.


This was also in line with Campus proposals which it was noted would provide new opportunities and would affect the way in which services were currently provided.  The first campus was due to open in Corsham in June 2014.


The authority had a statutory duty to secure access to leisure time activities for young people.  The Department of Education changed the guidance approximately 18 months ago that authorities should ‘enable’ services and not just ‘provide’ with an enhanced role for the voluntary sector in the community.


It was noted that the Area Board had clearly supported the youths in the area with a number of the grants being awarded for their projects.


The 4 options being consulted were:

·         Retain the current in-house service but reduce the cost

·         Outsource the service

·         Encourage and support staff to form a Public Service Mutual

·         Develop a community led approach


Cabinet at its meeting held on 21 January had expressed an interest in Option 4.


There is a possibility that funding could be provided in a similar way to CATG funding although this had not been finalised.

The consultation process started on Friday 31 January and will end in mid April with the final report with recommendations for future provision expected to be presented to Cabinet in May and the new service rolled out on the 1 October 2014.


The outcome of the consultation should:

·         Provide a better service for young people

·         Give greater influence to young people on local provision

·         Target resources and funding to those who needed it most

·         Protect the vulnerable with safeguarding a top priority

·         Deliver youth services in a different way

·         Provide value for money and use of resources

·         Improve the future environment (the Campus programme would provide this)

·         Reflect the revised government guidance


Safeguarding was also a key element and at least 8 targeted youth workers would be available to work with the vulnerable.


All were encouraged to submit their views via the following websites:


Further information could also be found at:



A comment was raised about the lack of facilities in the area in particular football fields and provisions. This was highlighted as a perfect example of what the consultation was hoping to highlight. The comment was then referred to the Community Area Manage to pursue further.


Another comment raised highlighted the problems of transport within the rural area and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Wiltshire Council Tenants - Your Issues

Katy Salter will provide information regarding recent and forthcoming housing inspections in this area.  This is an opportunity to hear about Wiltshire Council’s tenants’ issues and to ensure the board understands how to prioritise their needs going forward.


The Chairman welcomed Katy Salter, Tenancy Participation Officer of Wiltshire Council. It was explained that the housing inspections would only involve Wiltshire Council tenants i.e. those who pay rent to Wiltshire Council and provided an opportunity for tenants to give feedback and raise any issues.


The process of the inspections was explained and noted that the inspections would cover the communal areas and parking. A method is being developed to be more inclusive which could include evening inspections and online feedback.  


The Chairman thanked Katy for the information.


Leader / Plain Action Project & Funding for Amesbury Area

To receive a presentation on how Local Action Groups with LEADER funding can help projects in the Board’s area and seek views on priorities for expenditure.


Sarah Dyke and Alan Truscott gave a presentation on local action groups (LAG) with LEADER funding and explained how local groups can get involved with the next round of funding in 2015. They explained how Wiltshire had 3 LAG’s; Sowing Seeds, Plain Action and North Wessex Downs. A key aspect to the funding was that each project met the set criteria. 70% of the funding was targeting projects that create jobs and expansions and 30% for the local economic benefit.


The Chairman thanked Sarah Dyke and Alan Truscott for their presentation.


Durrington Swimming & Fitness Centre Achievements

To receive a short presentation on the achievements of the Durrington Swimming & Fitness Centre and information on its future plans.


The Chairman welcomed Andrew Whitney Martin, Leisure Centre Manager. Mr Whitney Martin introduced Jonathan Hargrave who gave a presentation on the achievements of Durrington’s swimming and fitness centre highlighting:


·         The new timetable

·         Coaching session were held to help Triathletes prepare for the Triathlon in June

·         The third annual Avon Aquathlon which was held in March 2013

·         The ‘Going for Goals’ inter school football competition was held at Durrington Swimming and Fitness Centre

·          8 Teams from the Wiltshire Council area including a team from the Amesbury community, travelled to Chelsea Football Clubs training facility in Cobham, Surrey and the overall winners – St. Marks Junior School, Salisbury

·         The renovations that took place throughout the year


Events the year included:


·         Going for goals.

·         Triathlon Training Days – 2 this year adding video analysis of swimming strokes to help competitors improve.

·         4th annual Avon Aquathlon.

·         Wiltshire Challenge 2014.

·         2nd Durrington Triathlon Sunday 8th June 2014.


It was also mentioned that the centre are looking for help either competing in or marshalling at the events and to let them know if anyone will be available to help.


A comment was raised about the fitness centre being too popular and the possibility of getting extra classes. The comment was noted and something the Durrington swimming and fitness centre was looking into.


A question was raised about the mixed changing facilities and problems this might have on safeguarding children. It was explained that the changing facilities had changed to mixed changing due to safeguarding issue. The system now allowed the employees, teachers and parents to have more control on safeguarding as they were no able to supervise all the children in one area, the change also meant that the changing facilities would now be more busy discouraging any potential issues.


Another question raised addressed the issue of the lack of communicating to the rural areas about the centre, noting that a number of the smaller villages did not know about Durringtons swimming and fitness centre. The comment was noted and would be looked into.


The Chairman thanked Andy and Jon for their presentation.


2020 Re-basing Programme Update

To receive an update on the 2020 Army re-basing programme.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written update on pages 15-16 in the agenda. Noting that there had been a recent meeting with Councillors and Officers to discuss the development although no firm decisions had been made at this point.


The discussions pointed out that within Bulford the school was key for discussions and an option was discussed for a new road linking folly bottom to the A303. It was also mentioned that within Larkhill the proposed area covering the golf range was the most favourable with the possibility of a new school in the same location.  


The Chairman made it clear that the options explained were the views of Wiltshire Council’s and not the Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s (DIO), as such the DIO would report back and that any development would need to go through the planning process with applications expected in September 2014.


It was noted that there would be another round of public consultation in May or June for 4 weeks.


Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.




Inspector Lange referred to the written report on page 17 of the agenda drawing attention to the performance of the neighbourhood policing teams that look after the Amesbury area, noting the drop in crime figures.


Attention was also drawn to the work with partner agencies tackling anti-social behaviour through parenting support classes and helping parent deal with challenging behaviour.


Night time street pastors were to be launched at the end of March 2014 i the Amesbury area after being successful in Salisbury.  


Inspector Lange also expressed his concerns about the recent rise in sheds being broken into and encouraged the parish and town council’s to promote the sale of shed alarms and to contact the local officer in-order to buy in bulk.


Particular attention was drawn to a video of an offender captured on CCTV causing a number of crimes in the Amesbury area. Inspector Lange encouraged those present to be diligent and any help they could offer would be useful.


An update to the A303 was given noting that in a recent meeting the issues of Stonehenge visitors centre and parking was discussed and English Heritage would devise a traffic management plan. Barriers would be situated along the road to avoid irresponsible parking and the highways agency would be tracking vehicle movement in the area.


A question was raised about the offender if there had been any particular pattern to his crimes and Inspector Lange explained that they could not identify any patterns but the crimes had occurred in the Holders Field area in the early hours.  


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


The written report was noted.


Amesbury – Housing, Economic Development, Planning & Tourism Panel


The written report was noted.


A303 Update

To receive an update on the A303.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the update seen at agenda pages 25 to 26.


It was noted that the Highways Agency would be reviewing the A303 including Countess and Longbarrow roundabouts.


It was mentioned that all levels of government are currently discussing the A303 and the Area Board are now awaiting updates.


Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Hewitt drew attention to the report seen in the agenda and asked the Area Board to confirm support for the projects in Table 1 on page 28 of the agenda and encouraged the Parish Council to contribute to where possible to the Bulford crossing site.


A comment was raised on the traffic calming measures in Church Lane, Amesbury noting that the system was very dangerous and likely to cause accidents. Inspector Lange agreed and explained that the police have been monitoring the traffic calming measures which had been badly designed. The Chairman asked Cllr Hewitt to take the matter to CATG to be resolved.    




a.    The Board noted the report and minutes of the latest CATG meeting


b.    The Board agreed to support the schemes in Table 1 below:








Winterbourne Gaters Lane – improved visibility splays



commit following assessment

of other options


Bulford crossing sites


commit following confirmation

of parish council contribution


Bourne Cemetery Layby and associated works



commit following outcome of trial

holes to test location of gas pipes


Church Lane, Idmiston (kerb build out)



request board approval on 27 March

A360 Shrewton bus stop – new dropped kerb



request board approval on 27 March

The Packway, speed improvement measures



funding to be earmarked upon

assessment of all possible options

Raleigh Crescent, Amesbury – new or relocated bus shelter



request board approval on

the 27 March






Community Speed Watch & SID Updated Procedural Note & programme

The board is asked to note the up to date guidance for the Community Speed Watch Scheme and procedural advice / current deployment programme for Speed Indicator Devices.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the item referring members to the written report on agenda page 37.


The update was noted.


Amesbury Shadow Community Operations Board Update

To receive an update from the Shadow Community Operations Board.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Westmoreland invited expressions of interest from representatives of the local community to sit on the Amesbury shadow community operations board. It was also mentioned that the response from the questionnaires had been overwhelming with positive feedback.


Cllr Westmoreland explained that the expressions of interest applications would be open until the 2 May 2014, at that point the appointed person would be formally part of the board. 


The update was noted.


Community Priorities Report & Area Board Pledge

To update members on the outcome of the ‘What matters to you?’ conference held on the 20 February 2014 and to recommend that the Area Board uses the outcomes from the event to stimulate local action and to inform its priorities for the next two years.

Supporting documents:


It was decided to defer this item for a separate meeting to allow members to focus on the priorities.


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead member for Grants, introduced this item.


The Board considered the following grants.




Amesbury Street Pastors was awarded £1,623 towards project set-up costs.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.





2nd Bulford St Leonards Scout Group was awarded £5,000 (£2,000 in 2013/2014 and £3,000 in 2014/2015) towards a new scout hut, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.





Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council was awarded £5,000 towards a multi-play unit and safety surface.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.




Cllr West left the room during the debate and decision making process and re-entered after the decision had been made.





Berwick St James Parish Council was awarded £247 towards the cost of two new litter bins.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.








Shrewton Recreational Ground Renovation was awarded £4,803 towards the cost of new steps and surrounding area.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14





Durrington Walls Wind Band application for £1,260 was deferred to the next meeting.


Reason – The group had already benefited from Area Board funding in 2013/14 for the purpose of instrument renewal.





Bulford & Durrington Sunshine Club was awarded £500 as an emergency fund to ensure the organisation could remain open.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.





Newton-Toney Village Hall Committee was awarded £332 towards the cost of setting up a newsletter for the village.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.





Shrewton Day Centre was awarded £340 towards the costs of arts and crafts materials to facilitate activities for the day centre services users.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.



Amesbury Carnival and Show was awarded £2,710 in 2013/14 and £1,790 in 2014/15.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2013/14.



Cllr Noeken left the room during the debate and decision making process and re-entered after the decision had been made.



(ACTION: Karen Linaker)


Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on:


29 May 2014


Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean SP4 8JR


It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on 29 May 2014, 7pm at Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean SP4 8JR.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.