Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 28 May 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Figheldean Village Hall, Pollen Lane, Figheldean SP4 8JR

Contact: Jessica Croman  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Election of Chairman

To receive nominations for a Chairman for 2015/2016.


Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager (CAM), called for nominations for Chairman.




Councillor John Smale was elected as Chairman of the Amesbury Area Board for 2015/16.



Cllr Smale in the Chair.


Election of Vice Chairman

To receive nominations for a Vice Chairman for 2015/2016.


The Chairman called for nominations for Vice Chairman.




Councillor Mike Hewitt was elected as Vice Chairman of the Amesbury Area Board for 2015/16.


Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome everyone to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Figheldean Village Hall for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors introduced themselves.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·         Cllr Graham Wright

·         Inspector Christian Lange

·         Team SGT Tina Osborne

·         Jenny Bowley - CYO




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2015.

Supporting documents:



The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the announcements and invite any questions.


·       CCG’s Integrated Performance Management Report

·       Universal Credit

·       School Place Planning

·       Army Rebasing

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements, which were include in the agenda pack:


·         CCG’s Integrated Performance Management Report

·         Universal Credit

·         School Place Planning

·         Army rebasing


Matters Arising

Responses to matters arising in the previous meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to questions raised at the last meeting noting that responses to those questions were included in the agenda pack.


A question was raised about campuses and it was noted that a meeting would take place on the 3 June the would include campuses.



Appointments to Outside Bodies

The Chairman will consider the list of nominated representatives to Outside Bodies and Working Groups for 2015/16 as attached in the agenda.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the report attached to the agenda, and considered the recommendations of representatives to Outside Bodies and Working Groups as detailed in the papers.


Amendments were made to:


      To delay the appointment to the SCOB due to the uncertainty of getting a campus.


The Chairman called for nominations of Chairman for the CATG





The Amesbury Area Board , subject to the amendments above, agreed to:


  1. Appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A;


  1. Reconstitute and appoint to the Working Group(s) as set out in Appendix B; and


Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C.


c.    To Appoint Cllr Mike Hewitt as the CATG Chairman.



Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


The Police report was handed out at the meeting.


Shrewton Parish Council thanked the Area Board for the funding and that the play swings had now been installed.



Local Youth Network Update and Youth Activities Grant Applications

i.              Updates

ii.            Grants

Supporting documents:


Jenny Bowley, Community Youth Officer (CYO), gave an update on the LYN and an overview of the bid applications for funding which were approved as followed;




1.    To award the Wessex Community Action £8169 for their Amesbury Youth cafe.

2.    To award the Bridging Project £4286 towards their project.




Services to the Elderly

To receive a presentation from James Cawley, Associate Director for Adult Care Commissioning & Housing on services needed by the elderly in the Amesbury Area and to consider nominating an Elderly Persons Champion & a Carers Champion.



Sue Geary, Head of Health Integration, gave a presentation on services to the elderly in the Amesbury area and helping older people to stay at home.


It was noted that it was difficult to get information from the community and that a new website had been put together with an updated information portal on the range of services. Residents were encouraged to take a look and if they noticed any missing services, then to get in touch so Wiltshire Council could update the portal.  


The market position statement was referred to, noting that the purpose of the statement was to inform each Community Area Board of current service provisions and uptake of community services, support and accommodation; and to inform everyone about the council’s commissioning intentions to develop and support services that reflect the aspirations and wishes of older people living in Wiltshire.


It was explained that they were looking at ways to communicate with communities with the possibility of creating Older Peoples and Carers Champions.


The next steps would be to hold workshops in the communities, involve local voluntary organisations and Healthwatch, map out current services and identify gaps in provisions.


A question was asked if the Amesbury area could have two champions because of the size and rural and town split of the area. It was noted that it was possible to appoint two champions.


The workshop would be held at 5.30pm on the 16 July at Antrobus House, Amesbury. An issued was raised in that the rural areas would struggle to get involved because of the lack of transport and it was noted that more workshops could take place in the Parishes if needed.


The Chairman thanked Sue for the presentation.



Consultation on the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy

To receive a presentation from a local GP or Clinical Commissioning (CCG) Group rep highlighting the current consultation on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, plus an update on the rollout of community teams and the CCG’s adult community services tender. Together this will mean services increasingly being clustered around local GP surgeries; and as such will be highly significant for communities.


Dr Celia Grumet from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) gave a presentation on the consultation on the joint health and wellbeing strategy.


The presentation focused on helping people take responsibility for their own health through education and support with an ambition to deliver seamless services centred around home care and to join up services through integrated teams.


It was noted that the Amesbury team covered Amesbury and Tidworth and that the villages were covered by other teams. The team had been working on joined up working and home planning.


A question was asked about getting more GP surgeries and Dentists to cover the housing estates. It was noted that there was a national shortage of GP’s and Dentists which made opening new surgeries difficult.


Another question focused on what priority was given to place patients in local nursing homes/ care homes so their families would be able to visit them without difficulties. It was mentioned that if patients are temporarily placed then they may not get a local placement. Due to some local providers not wanting to work with the council, the council had to bulk buy, which not always meant that local provisions would be available. It was also noted that when needing special care, local providers were not always able to supply the specialist care. The new way of working would try to focus more on care at home.


The Chairman thanked Dr Celia for the presentation.



Big Pledge - Make a Difference' Campaign 2015

To receive a presentation from Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager, on Wiltshire’s Big Pledge which challenges people to get healthy, volunteer, or make a positive change in 2015. It runs from 11 May – 30 September 2015.


Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager, gave a presentation on Wiltshire Council’s Big Pledge – Make a Difference Campaign 2015.


The campaign aimed to make a difference to an individual’s health and wellbeing and make a difference in the community. There were 12 pledges to choose from which could be completed as an individual, a group, a business or a community. 


The Chairman thanked the CAM for the presentation.



Community Plan Working Group Updates

To receive any updates from the community plan working groups.


Health and Well-Being


Jan Tidd, Good Neighbourhood Coordinator, gave an update on how they had been working on a new initiative to bring young people and the elderly together. There was also going to be a meeting on the 3rd June to discuss the JSA and to revitalise the priorities.


Crime and Community Safety


Cllr Noeken explained the rise in underage drinking and the hidden dangers within the Amesbury area and that everyone should remain vigilant.


Sport, Leisure and Culture


Cllr Wright supplied an update which the Chairman read out. The Amesbury Junior Football Club had been having issues which Cllr Wright has been addressing with Wiltshire FA and WC. Emails had been sent to Aspire and Qinetiq to enquire about usage of the Bulford Camp and Boscombe site and is awaiting replies.


Economy, Housing and Tourism


Cllr Westmoreland gave an update on housing stating that the group had been trying to meet to look at the issues. A timetable would be circulated to the members which would include dates of meetings arranged throughout the year.



Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and any recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered the report from the CATG. It was highlighted that issues wanting to be raised at the GATG meetings should come through their Parish Councils as the PC’s may need to contribute a minimum of 10% and in some areas up to 50%, towards the costs. It was;




To note the update from CATG and Minutes of the meeting on 13 May 2015.


That any future projects arising through CATG funding should be supported by Parish Councils and will require match funding of a minimum of 10% with an aspiration of 50%. It was recognised that not all Parish Councils will be in a position to match fund to this degree owing to the population and households. This figure can be adjusted to take account of the conditions and set locally by CATG.


To award £2,000 to amend the waiting restrictions in Amesbury Town Centre. The proposals include (amongst others) removing the unused overnight Taxi bay restriction so that the parking bays could be used by all vehicles, an additional no waiting at any time restriction and also the provision both a Disabled and Loading bay in the High Street. Subject to a contribution from Amesbury TC of not less than 10%.



Community Area Grants

To determine the applications for Community Area Grant funding.


To determine the applications for Member Initiatives.

Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor Westmoreland, Lead Member for Grants, introduced the item and Members initiatives after which is was;





Winterbourne Glebe Hall was awarded £2900.50 towards audio visual equipment.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.




Supporters of Amesbury Archers School was awarded £950 towards a garden.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.




Figheldean Village Community Events was awarded £890.50 towards equipment.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.




Wessex Community Circus was awarded £5000 towards equipment.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.




Wylyle Hall was awarded £5000 towards a new floor and audio visual equipment.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.




Amesbury Area Board was awarded £500 towards Bluez N Zues disco.

Reason - Meets targets set out in the JSA and have wider community benefit.




Amesbury Area Board was awarded £300 towards teh Amesbury litter pick.

Reason - Meets targets set out in the JSA and have wider community benefit.




Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 30 July 2015 at the Shrewton Recreation Hall, Recreation Ground, Mill Lane, Shrewton SP3 4J.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on 30 July, 7pm at the Shrewton Recreation Hall.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.