Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 1 October 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Berwick Guide Centre, Stapleford Road, Berwick St James, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP3 4TS

Contact: Jessica Croman  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board and thanked Berwick Guide Centre for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors introduced themselves.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


  • David Baker - Winterbourne P C
  • Tom Cox – Wylye PC
  • Neil MacDougall - Chairman Berwick Parish Meetings (Substituted by Mrs Gail Lovett)




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2015.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will introduce the announcements and invite any questions.


·       Army Rebasing

·       Art of Autism Art Competition

·       Health Watch

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the announcements included in the agenda pack.



Bourne Valley Explorers

To receive a presentation from the Bourne Valley Explorers, on their camping exhibition.


The Bourne Valley Explorers gave a presentation on their recent camping exhibition to the lake district, funded by a grant from the Area Board.


A video and selection of photos was displayed showing a selection of the activities undertaken.


The exhibition was noted as a great success which fully benefitted the youths and helped members achieve personal goals, over come fears, build self confidence and team working skills.


The group thanked the Area Board for the grant.


The Area Board members thanked the Bourne Valley explorers for showing them how they had benefitted from the grant.



Local Youth Network Update and Youth Activities Grant Applications

i.              Updates

ii.            Grants

Supporting documents:


Jenny Bowley, Community Youth Worker, referred to the report in the agenda pack and highlighted key points including:


·       SPLASH had devised a proposal based on issues identified through the needs assessment with particular concern paid to young people in the Amesbury Area with a Common Assessment Framework (CAF).

·       The LYN identified a need to hold a conference with professionals to build strategies to tackle recent poverty figures.


Comments were made in support of the LYN to enhance engagement with young people with CAF’s in the area, run projects in Shrewton and Amebsury and to hold a LYN focused Area Board meeting.


It was also noted that more worked was needed in the rural areas; the Amesbury Cafe is proving to be very successful, with some small issues. The Police were thanked and congratulated for their involvement in engaging the most at risk youths into the cafe and Blues and Zues events. The LYN agreed to look into continuing the Blues and Zues events.





The Area Board supported the LYN to procure a project to raise the outcomes of young people with CAF’s.


The Area Board supported the LYN to run engagement projects in Shrewton and Amesbury.


The Area Board supported the idea to hold LYN focused Area board meeting.




Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.



The Chairman invited updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.




A written report was referred too noting the layout of the Police reports had changed slightly.


It was noted that there had been some thefts in the Berwick St James area and for residents to be vigilant. Violent crimes without injury was up due to more use of social media.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Lange for his update.




Durrington informed the Area Board that they had to use their defibrillator for the first time.




Shrewton thanked Wiltshire Council and the Area Board for a meeting about the A303 which looked promising.


Berwick St James


Berwick St James informed the Area Board that due to a Parish Meeting the Members were unable to attend the Area Board.


Stapleford Parish Council


Stapleford Parish Council thanked the Area Board for the speed watch signs. They had previously won the Best kept Village award and more recently won the Laurence Kitching Award.


Good Neighbourhood Co-ordinator


Jan Tidd, Good Neighbourhood Co-ordinator, informed the Area Board that the Community First Charity, who the Good Neighbourhood Co-ordinators work with, were celebrating their 50th birthday. On looking at the priorities it was recognised that older people wanted weekend activities.


Two events have been organised, one on the 18th October and one on the 1st November. Those interested in helping with donations or attending were encouraged to contact Jan.


The Chairman thanked everyone for their updates.



Community Rural Transport Group

To receive a presentation from Graham Audin, Business Manager, on Community Transport South Wiltshire.


The Chairman welcomed Graham Audin, Business Manager for Community Transport South West (CTSW).


Mr Audin gave a verbal presentation on the background and purpose of the CTSW. Their purpose was to provide transport for the vulnerable and were looking for more volunteer drivers so they could expand their services. The CTSW provided around 170 trips per week for the vulnerable to use local services or to attend day trips.


The group was keen to meet local people to look at new ideas on how the CTSW could help rural areas with their transport needs.


A question was asked on how the public could make contact with CTSW and it was noted that it was CTSW goal to raise their profile and that Mr Audin would be happy to talk to people at the end of the meeting.


The Chairman thanked Mr Audin for the presentation.



PCC Annual Report and the New Police and Crime Plan 2015-2017

To receive a presentation from Pam Gough, Policy and Community Area/ Locality Lead, on the PCC’s annual report and to look at the new Police and Crime Plan for 2015-2017.


Pam Gough, Policy and Community Area/ Locality Lead for the PCC, gave a presentation on the 2014/2015 annual report and presented the 2015/2017 Police and Crime Plan.


The presentation focused on the achievements of 2014/2015, the policing priorities over the next two years and how those would be achieved.


Questions focused on if there was a strategic alliance in the east, about contacting Horizon and how the innovation fund had helped people.


It was noted that the PCC was focusing on a strategic alliance to the west with Avon and Somerset Police. It was noted that the Good Neighbourhood Coordinator could contact Horizon directly and that more information was available on the innovation fund and its projects through the PCC office.



The Chairman thanked Pam Gough for the presentation.



Re-Design and Re-Commissioning of Children's Centres

To receive a presentation from Lucy-Anne Bryant, Lead Commissioner for Commissioning, Performance & School Effectiveness, and Russell Martin, Lead Professional for Targeted Early Years Support and Special Projects, on the re-design and re-commissioning of Children’s centres.


Lucy-Anne Bryant, Lead Commissioner for Commissioning, and Russell Martin, Lead professional for Targeted Early Years Support and Special Projects, gave a presentation on the re-design and re-commissioning of children’s centres.


The key point of the presentation was that the proposed future delivery model for Wiltshire was to use 15 buildings based on geographical clusters based on the level of deprivation, number of children under 5, suitability of current buildings and the potential to expand childcare provision.


It is proposed that the Amesbury Five Wishes Children’s Centre would change to a childcare provision and the Bulford Children’s Centre would serve the Amesbury area.  The Bulford location had been chosen due to the army re-basing.


Comments included that many families could not afford to travel between Amesbury and Bulford and local transport was not suitable for pushchairs.


A question was asked about the sensory room currently available at the Amesbury children’s centre.


It was noted that families would not be expected to travel to Bulford as the service would be taken out into communities.


Consultation forms were handed around and everyone was encouraged to get involved and have their say.


The Chairman thanked Lucy-Anne and Russell for their presentation.



Porton Road Speed Watch Scheme

Amesbury Town Council on behalf the residence of Porton Road seek permission from the Wiltshire Area Board to set up a Community speed watch team following the recognised training and instructions by the Wiltshire police teams.


The Area Board was asked to support Amesbury Town Council and Porton Road residence in setting up a speed watch scheme.




The Area Board supported the setting up of the Porton Road speed watch scheme.



Community Plan Working Group Updates

To receive updates from the community plan working group.


There were no updates.



Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider an update and recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the funding available towards Local Transport Projects.


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Parishes were encouraged to group together and apply for speed indicator devises as soon as possible, which Wiltshire Council would be donating on a first come first serve basis.


Cllr Wright volunteered to liaise between Parishes and apply for the devises quickly. Parishes were encouraged to contact Cllr Wright or Dave Roberts (Community Engagement Officer).


It was noted that the schemes for actions/ recommendations in the CATG Minutes had been agreed at the previous meeting.



Community Area Grants

To determine the applications for Community Area Grant funding.


Supporting documents:


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor Fred Westmoreland, Lead Member for Grants, introduced the grants.


The Community Arts Mosaic Making Wednesday Club wanted to thank the Area Board for their grant and informed the Area Board on how well they had been getting on.




Langford Parish Hall was awarded £1002 towards refurbishment costs.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.




Bulford St Leonards Scout Troup was awarded £2500 towards groundwork to create disabled parking.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.




Newton Tony Memorial Hall was awarded £930 towards refurbishment costs.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.



Steeple Langford Cricket Club was awarded £3250 towards a new multi mower.

Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2015/16.



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


Berwick St James Parish Meeting asked about the speed watch signs they were due to receive.


They were encouraged to speak with the CATG Chairman Cllr Mike Hewitt.



Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held at 7pm, 3 December 2015 at Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Rd, Amesbury, Salisbury SP4 7HH.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on 3rd December at 7pm at Antrobus House.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.