Agenda and minutes

Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 14 July 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: On-Line Meeting

Contact: Kevin Fielding 


No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

·         Cleveland Bridge repairs


·         Area Board Operational Model 2021 onwards


·         LA Treescapes funding bid for Bradford on Avon

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the on-line meeting of the Bradford on Avon Area Board.


The Area Board members were introduced.


The following Chairman’s announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Cleveland Bridge repairs


·         Area Board Operational Model 2021 onwards


·         Local Authority Treescapes funding bid for Bradford on Avon



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Staverton Parish Council.



To approve and sign as the correct records the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 3 March 2021 and Tuesday 18 May 2021




Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 3 March 2021 and Tuesday 18 May 2021 were signed as the correct records






Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



Community area status reports and Area Board priority setting

Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager

Supporting documents:


Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager presented to the Area Board a status report that summarised what the key issues were in the community area as a result of analysing local data and discussions with local stakeholders.


It was noted that every 3 to 4 years, Wiltshire Council’s public health department working with key partners and organisations, undertook a thorough analysis of the data available to provide a summary of the current and future needs of people in Wiltshire.


This information which was called the “Community Area Joint Strategic Assessment” (JSNA) was broken down to and presented around Wiltshire’s 20 community areas.



The following priorities and Area Board leads were agreed:


·         Youth engagement and positive activity opportunities

           (lead Cllr Sarah Gibson)


·         Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing

           (lead Cllr Johnny Kidney)


·         Supporting the local economy

           (leads Cllr Sarah Gibson and Cllr Johnny Kidney)


·         Addressing Climate Change

           (lead Cllr Tim Trimble)


·         Delivering better bus services

           (leads Cllr Johnny Kidney and Cllr Tim Trimble)



A full report was included in the agenda pack.




·         That the Bradford on Avon Area Board approved and adopted the Community Status report


·         That the Bradford on Avon Area Board produced a rolling action plan including up to 5 priority actions at any one time to demonstrate where it would contribute to addressing the identified issues


·         That the Bradford on Avon Area Board would prioritise its resources including funding upon those issues identified in the status report


·         That the Bradford on Avon Area Board requested the Community Engagement Manager to work with key partners, agencies and community groups to encourage them to consider where they were best placed to take actions around the priorities identified

·         That regular updates were submitted to the Bradford on Avon Area Board on progress made in relation to its own action plan

·         That the Bradford on Avon Area Board expressed its thanks to those who gave their time to help bring the report together


The Chairman thanked Ros Griffiths for her report.


Partner Updates

·         Wiltshire Police


·         Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


·         NHS & Healthwatch 


·         Bradford on Avon Town Council


·         Parish Councils


·         Climate Friendly Bradford


·         Wiltshire Music Centre


·         Streets Ahead


Supporting documents:



The following written updates contained in the agenda pack were noted:



Wiltshire Police Sgt James Twyford – written report



Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Station Manager Dave Geddes – written report



Healthwatch – Written report



Bradford on Avon Town Council – written report


·         That Wiltshire Council was working in partnership with Bradford-on-Avon Town Council to submit a £100k bid to the Local Authority Treescape fund


·         September 2021 – consultation on Poulton Park regeneration


·         Food festival weekend - 17/18 July


·         That the Town Council had applied for grant funding to improve the local bus service



Parish Councils – Nothing received



Climate Friendly Bradford – Jeremy Wire - written report



Wiltshire Music Centre – Annabel Green - written report



Streets Ahead – Nothing received


The Chairman thanked all partners for their updates.




Appointments of lead members to outside bodies and working groups

To make appointments to outside bodies and working groups for 2021/22 as follows:


  • Community Area Transport Group (CAT-G) - Cllr Tim Trimble


·         Health and Wellbeing Group – Cllr Johnny Kidney


·         Youth – Cllr Sarah Gibson


  • Older Peoples Champion – Wendy O’Grady





Supporting documents:


The following appointments to outside bodies and working groups for 2021/22 were made:


  • Community Area Transport Group (CAT-G) - Cllr Tim Trimble


·         Health and Wellbeing Group – Cllr Johnny Kidney


·         Youth – Cllr Sarah Gibson


  • Older Peoples Champion – Wendy O’Grady




Delegation to Community Engagement Manager

To agree policy on CEM Delegated Authority to award funding in between meetings


Supporting documents:


The Area Board members were asked to consider a revised report to update the delegated authority to the Community Engagement Manager in order to expedite funding awards in between meetings. The report was contained as part of the agenda pack.




·         That the Bradford on Avon Area Board members agreed the update to the delegated authority to the Community Engagement Manager in order to expedite funding awards in between meetings



Grant Funding Applications

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants
Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme
are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:


Area Board Grant review – BoA Culver Close Borehole project - Derrick Hunt


Supporting documents:


Area Board Grant review – Bradford on Avon Bowls Club, Culver Close Borehole Project


Derrick Hunt gave a brief update.


Points made included:


·         Thank you to the Bradford on Avon Area Board who were the first to back the project, which had proved very successful, thanks also to the Hills Group and Community First for their funding and assistance


·         That the bore hole was shared with Bradford on Avon Cricket Club


·         It was thought that Bradford on Avon Bowls Club were the first bowls club to have their own bore hole in the UK



Grant Applications



Holt Pre School awarded £6,000 for Holt Pre School New Community Building




4Youth South West awarded £3,150 for New Kitchen at Atworth Youth Centre




Staverton Parish Council awarded £574.98 for Staverton Play Area Disabled Basket Swing



Youth Adventure Trust requesting £2,449.90 for Supporting disadvantaged young people through the pandemic and beyond (youth funding) – It was agreed to defer, pending the outcome of the Bradford on Avon Town Council grants funding meeting on the 15 July 2021. It was agreed to allocate £2,000 for this scheme from Area Board funds if the Bradford on Avon Town Council also agreed funding



We Hear You awarded £2,337.50 for WHY counselling in Bradford on Avon (health and wellbeing funding)



Working Group updates

·         Health & Wellbeing Group


·         Community Area Transport Group

Supporting documents:


·         Health and Wellbeing – next meeting date to be confirmed. looking at late August or early September


·         Community Area Transport Group (CATG) - Minutes of meeting held 17May 2021 – noted



Future Meeting Dates

·         Wednesday 8 September 2021


·         Wednesday 3 November 2021


·         Wednesday 23 February 2022


·         Wednesday 8 September 2021


·         Wednesday 3 November 2021


·         Wednesday 23 February 2022


