Agenda and minutes

Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 9 March 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: St Laurence School, Bradford on Avon

Contact: Kevin Fielding 

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everybody toSt Laurence School.


The Chairman introducedthe AreaBoard membersand theWiltshire Council officers present.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Rosemary Brown – Wiltshire Council.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



Chairman's Announcements

·         Bus Service Review

·         Iron Duke Heritage Lottery Project

·         Local Highways Investment Fund 2016/17

·         Clean for the Queen

·         Health and Wellbeing Sub-group

·         Public Health Briefing – Feb 16


Supporting documents:


The following Chairman’s Announcements were noted:


·       Bus Service Review - runs to 4 April.


  • Iron Duke Heritage Lottery Project -Bradford on Avon Museum has been awarded £55,500 by the Heritage Lottery Fund and £18,000 by the Arts Council’s PRISM Fund to restore and display the calendaring machine which was central to the establishment of a rubber factory at Kingston Mill over 150 years ago.


·       Local Highways Investment Fund 2016/17 -list of maintenance schemes in pack.


·       Clean for the Queen -thanks to BoA Youth Club for the litter pick at Poulton Rec and Skate Ramps and to 240 children at Fitzmaurice Primary School for cleaning up their school grounds last weekend. Also to Monkton Farleigh and Staverton Parish Councils for organising village litter picks next weekend.


·       Health and Wellbeing Sub-group – a new group will be established from April to oversee health and social care projects in the community, made up of existing partners such as the Health Partnership, Age UK, Seniors Forum, Alzheimers Support, Churches Together and the Town Council. 


Public Health Briefing Feb 16 – details in packs.



·       To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Area Board meeting held on 13 January 2016.


·       To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group meeting held on 8 February 2016.


·       To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 29 February 2016.




Supporting documents:




·       The minutes of the Area Board meeting held on 13 January 2016 were signed as the correct record.


·       The minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group meeting held on 8 February 2016 were signed as the correct record.



Partner Updates

·         Wiltshire Police

·         Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·         Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

·         HealthWatch Wiltshire



Supporting documents:


The following written partner updates were noted:


·       Wiltshire Police.


·       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service.


·       Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group.


·       HealthWatch Wiltshire.


Youth Grants recommended for approval by LYN Management Group

·       Bradford on Avon Scouts

·       Bradford on Avon Air Cadets

·       Bobcats Womens Rugby

·       Holt Skate Park

·       Holt Youth Club


Supporting documents:


Emma Coombs – Community Youth Officer and members of the LYN outlined five applications for funding which the Area Board were asked to consider:


·       Holt Youth Club awarded £5,500


·       Bobcats – Bradford on Avon Girls Rugby Club awarded £4,500


·       Bradford on Avon Air Cadets awarded £4,500


·       Holt Skatepark Project awarded £2,823


·       1st BoA Scouts HQ awarded £4,000


The Chairman thanked Emma Coombs and the LYN members for bringing the applications to the Area Board.


Summary of Community Youth Grants Awarded in 2015/16

Emma Coombs - Community Youth Officer and young people from the Local Youth Network to introduce short presentations from selected youth projects.

Supporting documents:




Emma Coombs – Community Youth Officer and members of the LYN highlighted some of the successful youth projects that had been enabled due to Area Board youth funding.

Projects have included support to:

  Holt Youth Club youthwork project.

  Wiltshire Music Centre young curators.

  Relateen counselling project.

  BOACAN creative youth engagement.

  Bradford Town Youth Football Club.

  Bradford on Avon Youth Centre – Dancing back to 1914 project.

  Dorothy House family support service.

  Youth and Community Centre.

  Youth Forum, Magna Carta and Clean for the Queen events.

Over £ 48,000 of 11-19 years youth funding (including roll forwards, locally held funds) and commissioned services have been delivered in 2015/16 which is an excellent achievement with some good quality projects supported.

The Chairman thanked Emma Coombs and the members of the LYN for their input to the Area Board during the year.


Report of Traffic and Accessibility Forum

Ashley Seath - Bradford on Avon Seniors Forum and Eamon McClelland - Disability Friendly BoA. 


Report back on outcomes of forum held on 10 February, including the launch of a disabled access initiative.


Supporting documents:


Ashley Seath - Bradford on Avon Seniors Forum and Eamon McClelland - Disability Friendly BoA reported back on outcomes of traffic forum held on 10 February, including the launch of a disabled access initiative.


Points made included:


·       That the objective of the Forum was to identify the main issues around transport and accessibility in Bradford on Avon which needed to be addressed.


·       The Forum was well attended by a good cross section of the Town and its representatives.  Whilst the attendees did not in themselves provide a mandate for change they did provide a more than useful snapshot of the general views and concerns of residents.  


·       The format succeeded in prioritising the issues and should be viewed with confidence as a platform for driving through positive change.


Next Steps


·       We should now press for resolution of the issues identified and prioritised.


·       An Action Plan should be drawn up to identify how those issues should be addressed.


·       Any Action Plan needs to be time framed and regularly reviewed to assess progress.


·       Communications are vital to ensure that people know what is happening and ensure wide engagement.


·       Identify any quick fixes to provide positive message and confidence that issues are being addressed.


·       Michelle Donelan MP and Philip Whitehead, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, had met with the Town Council to try to identify priority solutions.  


The Chairman thanked Ashley Seath and Eamon McClelland for reporting back on the forum, and noted that Bradford on Avon now needed to make things happen.



The Bradford on Avon Walking Wheel

Pam Hyde and Richard Craft.


To improve rights of way and enjoyment of the countryside across the Bradford on Avon community area.


Supporting documents:


Pam Hyde and Richard Craft gave a presentation that outlined the proposed Bradford on Avon Walking Wheel.


Points made included:


The Purpose


·       To develop a web of safe, well signposted footpaths inter-connecting Bradford on Avon & the satellite villages.


·       To create an attraction that will draw people to the area – links with current tourism drive.


·       Bring benefits to the local economy & people’s health & lifestyle.


·       To produce easy to follow waymarked routes, with mapping & instructions.



A three phased approach


·       Create maps of the proposed routes – By April 2016.


·       Design and install signage discs – By August 2016.


·       Route improvements, including access gates and bridges – Ongoing.


The Chairman thanked Pam Hyde and Richard Craft for their presentation.


The Road to Rio Challenge

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager


To encourage the community to sign up to an active lifestyle – running, cycling, swimming, walking – as part of a completion between Wiltshire’s community areas ahead of the Olympic Games this summer.  


Supporting documents:


Peter Dunford outlined Wiltshire Council’s “The Road to Rio Challenge”.


Points made included:


·        Registration would open on 2 May 2016.


·        Individuals could sign up for the Running, Cycling, Swimming, Walking, Junior Sports and Ultimate Sports Challenges to take part in a virtual journey to Rio.


·        Teams could sign up for the Road to Rio challenge to complete the actual distance between London and Rio by running, swimming, cycling or walking as a combined entry.


·        Once entered, participants could continue to log their activity online.


The Chairman thanked Peter Dunford for his update.


Summary of Community Grants awarded in 2015/6 and priorities for 2016/17

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager


To summarise grants given and to ring-fence future spending around expressed priority areas.



Supporting documents:



Peter Dunford advised that although Budgets for 2016/17 had not yet been confirmed formally but a 10% cut had been announced in base budgets and therefore estimates were as follows:  


Community Grant Scheme


Community Area Transport Group


Local Youth Network


Health and Wellbeing Sub Group

£  6,000

Older Peoples’ Champion/Seniors Forum

£  1,000


Estimated Total: £ 63,494 in 2016/17



Priorities for 2015-2017


As identified by the Area Board in September 2015:


1.     Tourism and Business

2.     Air Quality and Public Health

3.     Traffic and Transport

4.     Health and Social Care

5.     Positive Activities for Young People

6.     Community Hub of public services



Ring-fenced budget allocations


In order to deliver on these expressed priorities it is proposed to ring-fence capital allocations from the Community Grant Scheme to the following areas of work:


Tourism infrastructure: £ 5,000 plus match funding


Business infrastructure: £ 5,000 plus match funding


Disability Friendly infrastructure: £ 5,000 plus match funding


Dementia Friendly infrastructure: £ 5,000 plus match funding


Air Quality and Public Health infrastructure: £5,000 plus match funding


Community engagement infrastructure: £5,000 plus match funding


Health and Wellbeing Centre (Community Hub) options report: £ 5,000

Volunteering/ time credits website and database: £ 1,000




External Funding


With growing pressures on shrinking budgets it will be important that funding is levered in from external sources.


This is already the norm within the CATG where a contribution of 50 % of costs is now required from town and parish councils.  


For major investment schemes – such as tourism infrastructure development - the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership is a potential source.


For smaller projects contributions from the Vale Action LEADER programme, Section 106/ community infrastructure levy, town and parish councils, charitable grants and private sponsorship will be explored.


The Chairman thanked Peter Dunford for his summary.


Urgent Applications to Community Grant Scheme 2016/17

·       Walkers are Welcome requesting £1,603 towards the Bradford on Avon Walking Wheel.


·       Councillor Magnus Macdonald requesting £5,000 towards the Avoncliff car park.


·       Councillor Magnus Macdonald requesting £3,000 towards essential community engagement activities around delivery of the Iron Duke Heritage Lottery project.


Supporting documents:


The Wiltshire Councillors were asked toconsider one application seeking

2015/16 Community Area Grantfunding and two Councillor led funding applications:



Walkers are Welcome awarded £1,603 towards the Bradford on Avon Walking Wheel.


Theapplication meets grant criteria 2015/16.



Councillor Magnus Macdonald awarded £5,000 towards the Avoncliff car park.


Theapplication meets grant criteria 2015/16.



Councillor Magnus Macdonald awarded £3,000 towards essential community engagement activities around delivery of the Iron Duke Heritage Lottery project.


Theapplication meets grant criteria 2015/16.


Date of Next Meeting

·       Wednesday 11 May at St Margaret’s Hall, Bradford on Avon.


·       Wednesday 11 May at St Margaret’s Hall, Bradford on Avon.

