Agenda and draft minutes

Malmesbury Area Board - Wednesday 8 November 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Oaksey Village Hall

Contact: William Oulton  Senior Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item

7.00 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Councillor John Mathews of Sherston PC gave his apologies.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2017.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting were considered.




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2017.           



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide information about:


a)    Funding for priorities

b)    Opening Hours of Household Recycling Centre

Supporting documents:


a)  Funding for priorities –


The Chairman outlined the budget allocation spent in Malmesbury and highlighted the monies remaining. He asked Town & Parish Councils to consider how they could continue to work with the council to further protect priority areas.


b)  Opening Hours of Household Recycling Centre


The opening hours of the HRCs during the refurbishment project were noted/


c)  Local Plan previously called the Core strategy consultation


Councillor Sturgis highlighted the ongoing consultation which would close on the 18 December and encouraged individuals and communities to participate.


d)  New Police Inspector


Mark Luffman, the new Inspector for the area including Malmesbury, introduced himself to the meeting and gave a brief update on local issues and challenges.




Dementia Friendly Awareness Presentation

Ollie Phipps will give a presentation on becoming Demential Friendly.


Ollie Phipps gave a presentation and provided some training on what it means to be a dementia friend.


More information about becoming a dementia friend can be found here:



Carers Support Wiltshire

Catharine Hurford will give a presentation on the work of Carers Support.


Catharine Hurford gave a presentation on the work of Carers Support.


Issues highlighted included: the role of carers and the challengers they face, including ill-health, depression and isolation, through the pressures of caring for loved one; the information, training and practical support that is available to carers in the Malmesbury community area; the support given to GPs to train them to provide better support to carers; the support given to employers to understand how they can understand their workers who also have caring responsibilities; how carers support is funded through local councils and fundraising; and the work identifying younger carers and the impact that has on their life-chances.




Food Banks

Ray Sanderson will give an update on local foodbank work.


Richard Payler, from the Malemsbury & District Foodbank gave an update on their work locally.


Issues highlighted included: that the Foodbank started in 2014 by a cooperative of Churches Together and the Rotary; that the group is part of the Trussel trust network; the ways in which support is given including vouchers and physical donations; the extra support provided during summer holiday to supplement the loss of free-school-meals; how people are referred to the foodbank by professionals/representatives in the community; that repeat referrals may result in a conversation to see what additional support could be made to help assist them more; the training and support provided to volunteers; the multiple places where food can be donated, and how money can be donated; how other household and hygiene items may be required; how people in the villages can make contact with the group – and how more information about food poverty can be collected from the community; that parcels can be transported to people in the rural communities; the impact of universal credit on the use of foodbanks; and how links to other organisations can be expanded including community transport and local shops.




The Challenges Ahead

The Chairman, Councillor John Thomson, will give an update on the issues and challenges for the future.


The Chairman, Councillor John Thomson, gave an update on the issues and challenges for Wiltshire Council and the wider community in the future.


Issues highlighted included: that meetings had taken place across the county to discuss with the community about the challenges faced by the Council; that some services are protected by increasing the volunteer support and partnerships with towns and parish councils; the activities that had taken place in the community area that have prevented people from using more expensive services; how towns and parishes can consider how they designate funding from their precept to support priority areas where there will be more demand;  how the community area transport group can be seen as a model for co-funding; how parishes can identify priorities and how the county can support them; that on the 17th December there would be a training session and discussions at County Hall to start that debate; and how the policy for asset and service transfer has been simplified.




Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding

To receive an update on the Local Youth Network (LYN) and for the Area Board to consider Youth Grant


·         GuazeBrook Group - £500


To note the grants awarded under delegated authority:


·         CMAS (Delegated authority) - £1000

·         LGTB Support (Delegated authority) - £1500

Supporting documents:


The meeting considered the report from the Local Youth Network which asked the Area Board to note the financial position of the Youth Funding allocation, and note the update on the Local Youth Network Management group work.


The meeting also considered one applications detailed in the report together with the recommendations of the Local Youth Network (LYN) Management Group.


Richard Williams, Local Youth Facilitator, presented the report and gave a summary of local issues, including: that he was happy to come and visit town and parish councils to discuss their needs assessments to identify what is required in the area, and that all parishes are welcome to attend the LYN meetings; that the current budget allocation would be expended if all the grants were approved; how young people are involved in partnership and the desire to expand the network to other community representatives to facilitate youth provision; how provision for young people identifying as LGTBQ+ in the community; the partnership approach taken to provision.


With regard to the applications: the meeting heard that the GuazeBrook Group provided support in the Luckington village area through a drop-in group; and that two other applications had been approved under delegated authority powers by the officers, and were included in the report for the Area Board to noted.


At the conclusion of the discussion, and having been put to the vote, the meeting;




To award £500 to the Guazebrook Group to support the weekly drop in

youth café in Luckington


To note the following awards made under the delegated authority powers by the officer:


·         The award of £1,000 to CMAS for Outreach work; and

·         The award of £1,500 to support LGTBQ+ support work.



Community Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    Healthwatch Wiltshire

d.    Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

e.    Riverside Centre

f.     Health & Wellbeing Champion

g.    Town and Parish Councils

h.    Community Engagement Manager

Supporting documents:


Along with written reports, the meeting received the following updates from the community:


Chris Harvey, the Fire Service watch manager in Malmesbury, updated the meeting on activities in support of safety and prevention; the fire safety officer working with the business to reduce extra call outs; how response times have changed due to incidents in more rural localities; the free visits available to help reduce fire risks; the active recruitment for extra cover staff.


The Chairman thanked the officer for the updated and paid thanks to the service for its work in response to the Grenfell tragedy.


The Riverside Centre gave an update on their activities including: the efforts made to increase access to groups from more rural locations; the work to support the repair café; the fundraising projects and events, including music concerts and the ambition to have other entertainment events; plans for  future events including a Craft Fair, a Health & Wellbeing Day and Children’s Birthday Party Fayre; and the ambitions to connect with other groups in villages and share knowledge of activities to other village halls.


The Chairman expressed his thanks for the update and hoped it would encourage more to contribute to their community by volunteering.


The Malmesbury Area Health & Wellbeing Champion gave an update on local projects including: the success of the local lunch clubs, and the need for more volunteers; the expansion of men shed projects and the possibility of getting on started in Malmesbury; that the drop-in sessions in the library may move to the surgery to increase attendance; that some parishes had offered funding for the co-ordinator, enabling them to make better links to rural people; and the grants available for those in fuel poverty and how people can apply for the money.


Cllr Richard Moody, Oaksey Parish Council, gave an update on issues of importance in the community including the neighbourhood plan, and the creation of affordable homes.


In response to issues raised, the Chairman and Councillor Sturgis stated that they recognised that the local plan process for allocating housing was frustrating and reiterated the importance for large villages establishing robust neighbourhood plans and encourage communities to continue to engage positively with consultations.





Community Grant

To consider the following grant:


Friends of Ashton Keynes Primary School

-       £5,000


Note: report was available on the 1 November 2017

Supporting documents:


The meeting considered two community grant applications


The first application was from the Friends of Ashton Keynes Primary School for a multipurpose play area. Representatives from the applicants gave a short presentation to the meeting clarifying that facility available to the school and for community and club use.


Councillor Chuck Berry proposed that as a grant for another play area in the village had already been given that £2,500, representing 50% of the application, should be awarded.


The second application was from the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust for £2,484 for resources and equipment to improve access and the use of the local nature reserve near Hankerton. A representative from the trust gave a short presentation outlining the works proposed.


The Chairman proposed that the full grant should be awarded on the condition that the organization continue to work with local health and wellbeing partners and ask for a report back on how this has been achieved.


At the conclusion of the debate, and after having been put to a vote, the meeting;




1.    To award £2,500 to Friends of Ashton Keynes Primary School for a multipurpose play area; and


2.    To award £2,484 for resources and equipment to improve access and the use of the local nature reserve near Hankerton on the condition that the organization continue to work with local health and wellbeing partners and ask for a report back on how this has been achieved.



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Malmesbury Area Board will be held on Wednesday, 10 January 2018, 7.00 pm.


The meeting noted that the next meeting of the Area Board would be held on Wednesday, 10 January 2018, 7.00 pm.