Agenda and minutes

Malmesbury Area Board - Wednesday 6 May 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Crudwell Village Hall, Tetbury Lane, Crudwell SN16 9HB

Contact: Adam Brown (Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01225 718038

Note No. Item

7.00 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed all those present at the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from:


Cllr Simon Killane

Dave Wingrove – Ashton Keynes Parish Council

John Gundry – Malmesbury Town Council

Wayne Jones – Malmesbury Town Council

John Matthews – Sherston Parish Council

Terry MocklerHankerton Parish Council


Congratulations were extended from the Area Board to John Gundry for his appointment as Mayor for Malmesbury and to Wayne Jones for his appointment as Deputy Mayor for Malmesbury.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2015.

Supporting documents:


The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 March 2015 were presented.



To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.

7.10 pm


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide information about:


a.     Universal Credit

b.     New School Place Planning Strategy

c.     Older People’s Event

Supporting documents:


The Chairman and Area Board members made the following announcements:


a)    Universal Credit


The announcement was referred to in the agenda pack.


b)    New School Place Planning Strategy


The announcement was referred to in the agenda pack.


c)     Older People’s Event


Cllr Berry announced that there would be an Older People’s Event held on Thursday 25th June at 2pm in the Wesleyan Room, Malmesbury Town Hall. People were invited to discuss views, experiences and expectations of activities and services for older people in the Malmesbury Community Area. The event would be used to identify service gaps and work with the elderly to commission them.



Services to the Elderly

Nicola Gregson, Head of Commissioning for Older People, Care, Support and Accommodation, will be in attendance to discuss services needed by the elderly in the Malmesbury Community Area.


Older people and carers will be invited to attend a special Older People’s Event in June.


Nicola Gregson, Head of Commissioning for Older People, was in attendance to deliver the presentation.


A market position booklet on services for older people in the Malmesbury community area was distributed. It was explained that people often found it hard to get the information required for older people’s services they needed at the right time. As a result a new information portal had been created on the Adult Services section on the Wiltshire Council website. Entering a postcode into the portal would display clubs and services available to older people in the surrounding area.


It was explained that Wiltshire Council wanted to know from older people what they thought about services available and what they needed. A carer and older people’s champion would be discussed at the Older People’s Event on 25 June 2015 and appointed by the area board. These people would aim to create a better dialogue with the elderly about what was being done and what was needed.


A plan would be created as a result of the meeting. People who were interested were urged to attend on 25 June 2015.


A question was asked regarding where the number of looked after people in Wiltshire would go in the coming years as it had already increased by 10%. This statistic was explained as increasing with regards to the number of elderly people and those with dementia. It was noted as being important to ensure they have the help required.


It was asked what was being done to solve the problem of “bed-blocking”. This was noted as not yet having been solved, but the council was working with the NHS to improve the situation. The work included looking at how health and social care could provide and integrated service to the user.


Health and Social Care Updates

The Area Board will receive talks and updates from various speakers and representatives from Health and Social Care.


Updates will be heard from:



Dementia Awareness

Trish Blacker, Dementia Adviser at the Alzheimer’s Society, will be in attendance to deliver an update on what is available for people with dementia and their carers across the Malmesbury community area and what the community can do to support.


Trish Blacker, Dementia Advisor at the Alzheimer Society, was in attendance to deliver a talk on dementia awareness.


It was stated that Dementia Awareness Week would be occurring from the 19th to the 25th May 2015. The focus behind this event would be to raise money and remove the stigma behind dementia.


The dementia advice service had been running for two years as a result of people not knowing where to go for support. They were seeing an increasing number of self-referrals. The service was able to provide help to people of any age at various stages of diagnosis. The service was also open for those affected by dementia, including friends and family. It was noted that the earlier help could be provided to help people living in their own homes, the better the results would be. People were generally visited in their own homes in order to get to know them and provide tailored signposting help.


Partners working with the service included Wiltshire Good Neighbours, the Police, and other local organisations.


The role of a Dementia Support Worker involved working with those with complex needs and those at their point of crisis. It was explained that sometimes the workers would only be present for short periods, but their role was to put in coping mechanisms to help the person with dementia and their carer.


The Carer’s Information Support Programme ran as and when it was needed. In the previous year four were held in North Wiltshire. The programme ran fortnightly over the course of twelve weeks. Programme content included looking at what dementia was and how it affected a person, along with the issue of future planning.


The new role of Independent Learning Worker had opened up. The worker had been given an amount of money to use on a pilot scheme and would go out to support those with no family members or friends nearby. The worker would then work with the transport services to try and help the person with dementia stay within their own home. This position had been funded by the Alzheimer Society for twelve months. Evidence was being gathered from the scheme to move forward with it. Catherine Dyer was noted as being the Independent Learning Worker.


Information was provided on the Home Support Service. This had been set up a number of years ago, initially to provide carers with a break. The size of the break was dependent on the amount of funding available. One trained member of the Home Support Team, registered through the Care Quality Commission, would be made available to stay with the person with dementia. What the member did during this time would be decided by the person with dementia.


A number of support groups available were listed. These included: Singing for the Brain; Memory Cafés (Calne/Chippenham/Malmesbury); Carer’s Information Support Programme; Carer’s Support Group; Carer’s Day Out. The volunteer groups were noted as being largely reliant on volunteer help. There were more volunteers within the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.



Dorothy House Hospice Care

Louise Clapton, Community Engagement Co-ordinator, will be in attendance to provide an overview on their role locally. The local nurse specialist will also be in attendance to provide details of her position.


Louise Clapton, Community Engagement Officer, and Rebecca Jones, Local Nurse Specialist, were in attendance to deliver a talk on Dorothy House Hospice Care.


It was explained that Dorothy House provided help for those with life-limiting illnesses. Dorothy House was equipped with the time to give attention to people’s needs, along with the expertise to provide services. There were in-patient and out-patient facilities available. Emotional and spiritual support was also offered to friends and family.


Outreach centres were located in Trowbridge and St. John’s. These were open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm as a drop-in service. Signposting would be offered to those who did not meet the criteria; this ensured that not one was left without help.


Currently there were 26 Community Nurses working for Dorothy House. Help was offered free, but did come without a cost. In order to provide services £12,000 was needed per day. Fundraising was explained to be the main source of income for the service, along with the help of 1000 volunteers. The NHS was noted as now only providing 16% of the funding.


Rebecca Jones introduced herself as the Local Nurse Specialist. She had been in her position for the last 15 years and currently had 16 patients.


Death and dying was described as a taboo subject at the moment. It was explained that she was trying to break this mentality down and make people feel at ease to help express their needs. Her role included listening and facilitating a conversation that some may be scared to have.


It was noted that the hospice package came with help through various services. The GP’s and district nurses were available to help. The Malmesbury GP’s were described as fantastic and accessible. Help could be offered medically, physically, emotionally, and financially to enable people to both live and die well.



Age UK Wiltshire

Susan Desrosiers, Age UK Support Worker, will be in attendance to provide an update on the services Age UK Wiltshire provides in the Malmesbury Community Area and future plans.


Susan Desrosiers, Age UK Support Worker, was in attendance to deliver an update on the services Age UK Wiltshire provides in the Malmesbury Community Area and future plans.


Her role was described as a service which aimed to help people feel more comfortable once they came home from hospital. Services available also included information and advice on finance, possible allowances, and other areas including writing a will.


Support community day centres were available in Malmesbury, Corsham, and Chippenham.


It was explained that there were currently about 1million residents in the UK who had not spoken to anyone in a month. Loneliness and social isolation were described as being dangerous to a person’s health. Causes of both could be due to various reasons, including medical and emotional issues and fear or lack of transportation.


Criteria for the Age UK Befriending Service were described as someone living alone with less than seven hours social contact per week, not including helpers. Help would be provided in the form of home visits and trips out with a volunteer. Telephone befriending was also available. Services worked through referrals, usually from a friend or family member. The client is spoken to in order to find out their likes and dislikes to ensure they are matched with the correct helper. Early conversations were monitored to check progress. Any possible referrals were requested to be sent to Susan (


It was noted that Age UK Wiltshire was in need of more volunteers, to maximise their resources, and to map out local activities in the area. Future aspirations were to have a telephone hub in each area.


It was asked by Miranda Gilmour when and where the fitness and friendship club in Malmesbury would be. The information would be passed on when available.


The Area Board noted that the continuing increase in life expectancy would be an issue in future elderly care. Support needed to be offered as a community to address this.


The ages of befrienders was explained as including a wide range. Many were young mothers. The youngest at a recent training group was 25.



Wiltshire Good Neighbours


Ellen Blacker, Wiltshire Good Neighbours, was in attendance to deliver a talk on their role in helping the elderly run independent lives.


Help was offered to vulnerable people with a majority of referrals coming from the vulnerable people themselves.


Work was done over a range of areas, including: practical help, social groups, disabled parking applications, repatriation, and financial help.


Thanks were expressed to parishes that had been active with events such as coffee mornings. Parish magazines were also commended, as these were widely read. An influx of calls and emails were noted as always being received once adverts had been placed within the magazines.


It was noted that the Safe Spaces national scheme had reached Wiltshire. Businesses were being recruited to display a “Safe Space” sticker in their window to show that they were trained to help elderly and vulnerable people.



Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding

To receive an update on the Local Youth Network (LYN) and for the Area Board to consider two Youth Grant recommendations:


1.     4 Street Theatre Workshops & Performance in Carnival by Last Baguette Theatre Company:  £400 (To be match-funded £400 by the Carnival Committee from the full amount of £800).


2.     Malmesbury Skate Park Seed Fund: £905.50 for initial set up funds to support the training of new volunteers and overheads.

Supporting documents:


Ollie Phipps, Community Youth Officer, was in attendance to deliver an update and recommend Youth Grant Funding.


A total of 841 responses had been received to the Needs Assessment survey. The survey would provide information on needs, wants, and what was already available.




1.     To award 4 Street Theatre Workshops & Performance in Carnival by Last Baguette Theatre Company £400 (to be match funded £400 by the Carnival Committee)

2.     To award Malmesbury Skate Park Seed Fund: £905.50 for initial set up funds to support the training of new volunteers and overheads.



Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.     Wiltshire Police

b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.     Healthwatch Wiltshire

d.     Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership

e.     Good Neighbours

f.      Malmesbury Campus

g.     Highways Community Co-ordinator

h.     JSA update

i.       Town and Parish Councils

Supporting documents:


a.     Wiltshire Police


There was no update.


b.     Wiltshire Fire & rescue


There was no update.


c.     Healthwatch Wiltshire


A written update was provided.


d.     Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership (MVCAP)


A written update was provided.


e.     Good Neighbours


The Good Neighbours update was taken during item 7.


f.      Malmesbury Campus


A meeting had taken place with Property Services on how to bring Cotswold House back into use with the budget available. Information would be coming back from Property Services and the design would go to the Malmesbury COB for signing off.


g.     Highways Community Co-ordinator


There was no update.


h.     JSA Update


One of the issues for concern which came from the JSA event held in Malmesbury during the previous year was isolated and older people. With the information held at this Area Board meeting and the workshop in June these needs could be addressed. Parishes were requested to promote the workshop event. It was noted that the Area Board was available to help provide funding for transport to the Older People’s Event.


i.       Town/Parish Councils


Luckington Parish Council –

Luckington and Alderton high streets had recently been resurfaced. Thanks were expressed to the Wiltshire Council Highways. It was understood that more was to come over the next five years.


It was explained that top dressing across rural roads would be focused on over the summer period. An estimated five years would be required to finish this.



Community Issues Update

The Community Area Manager will provide a summary of current community issues and the area board will agree those to be closed.


It is recommended that the following 5 issues are closed:


  • Issue 3761 – Ashton Keynes parish council requested ‘Pedestrians crossing’ signs at crossing of B4696 and Thames Path.  CATG considered there were already sufficient signs in the vicinity.


  • Issue 3560 – Junction B4040 Malmesbury to Tetbury Road at Shipton Moyne Road.  CATG felt that fencing had been installed but removal of hedges was likely to increase traffic speed, so not advised.  There is no evidence of accidents at this junction. 


  • Issue 3403 – Speeding through Milbourne Village.  Metro counts have been undertaken and CSW group are now in operation.  30mph roundels at terminal points have also been installed in encourage vehicles to reduce their speed.


  • Issue 2660 – Drainage issues Reeds Farm.  Alleviation of this problem needs to be addressed through any future development of adjacent land.  The town council and local residents need to respond to planning applications at the appropriate time.


  • Issue 2172 – Parking in Cross Hayes by Hyams Garage – There appears to be no enthusiasm to pursue this issue.


The Area Board is asked to consider 7 new issues and decide whether they should be referred to the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) as follows:


  • Issue 3973 – HGV concerns on Pound Hill – the request is for CATG to approve road signage to stop HGV's using Pound Hill Rodbourne as a cut through.  Officers advise that if the parish council support this and want to legally prevent HGV’s using this road, the only option would be an environmental weight limit which would require a Traffic regulation Order (TRO). Even then if a driver is using the route to gain legitimate access to a local farm, a weight limit will make no difference as there will be an exemption for access.  This would require consideration through the Freight Assessment Priority Mechanism (FAPM), however it is unlikely to meet the criteria.  The alternative is an ‘unsuitable for HGVs’ sign, which is advisory only.  Lorries moving the hay bales to and from local farms as described in the issue probably have been doing so for some time, hence this type of sign would be ignored and therefore pretty pointless.    


  • Issue 3963 Pavement from water tower roundabout down Holloway Hill, Malmesbury.  This matter is already being considered by CATG under issue 3800 and the two can be dealt with together.


  • Issue 3962 Request for a dropped kerb at the junction of Filands Road and Tetbury Hill. This is an access request and based on feedback awaited from the town council, should be referred to CATG.  


  • Issue 3956Request to change Burton Hill zebra crossing to a controlled one. The parish council are supportive to the theory, but are not committing themselves at this stage because of the likely costs.  The Area Board/CATG has considered this issue before and in January  ...  view the full agenda text for item 45.

Supporting documents:


Miranda Gilmour explained changes to the report regarding issues recommended for closure and referral.


Regarding the recommended closure of Issue 2172 it was heard that although it would be closed due to financial issues, it should still be noted as an issue within the community.  It was also noted that Councils can remove untaxed vehicles from highways. Richard Mortimer was given as a contact for informing the Local Authority of untaxed vehicles within the area.


It was noted that referrals to the CATG needed to be more selective as resources to deal with them were limited.


Issue 3956 was not referred to the CATG as the money was not available to do so. It was noted that the money should come out of the developer’s contribution from housing developments in the area.


Issue 3932 was described as a conflict as the number of streetlights switched on at night was trying to be reduced. It was recommended that a quote be given for this rather than sending it to the CATG.


In regards to a death on the stretch of highway between Kemble to Chelworth, a coroner’s report was being awaited. It was explained that the position of Cabinet member for highways allows the member to view the coroner’s report in relation to possible highways related deaths. This was to avoid kneejerk reactions as there were a number of factors which can lead to accidents. Wiltshire Council had a good history of responding to coroner’s reports which cite highway related factors.




To close the following issues and take on views regarding Issue 2172:


·         Issue 3761 – Ashton Keynes parish council requested ‘Pedestrians crossing’ signs at crossing of B4696 and Thames Path.  CATG considered there were already sufficient signs in the vicinity.

·         Issue 3560 – Junction B4040 Malmesbury to Tetbury Road at Shipton Moyne Road.  CATG felt that fencing had been installed but removal of hedges was likely to increase traffic speed, so not advised.  There is no evidence of accidents at this junction. 

·         Issue 3403 – Speeding through Milbourne Village.  Metro counts have been undertaken and CSW group are now in operation.  30mph roundels at terminal points have also been installed in encourage vehicles to reduce their speed.

·         Issue 2660 – Drainage issues Reeds Farm.  Alleviation of this problem needs to be addressed through any future development of adjacent land.  The town council and local residents need to respond to planning applications at the appropriate time.

·         Issue 2172 – Parking in Cross Hayes by Hyams Garage – There appears to be no enthusiasm to pursue this issue.


To recommend for referral to the Community Area Transport Group (CATG):


·         Issue 3973 HGV concerns on Pound Hill (agreed with addition of a HGV sign).

·         Issue 3963 – Pavement from water tower roundabout down Holloway Hill, Malmesbury.

·         Issue 3962 – Request for a dropped kerb at the junction of Filands Road and Tetbury Hill.

·         Issue 3926 - Traffic speed on B4042 in Brinkworth  (agreed pending results of a householder cutting down  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

The Area Board will be asked to approve the recommendations of the Malmesbury Community Area Transport Group as detailed within the CATG report.

Supporting documents:


Parish councils were reminded that they were responsible for contributing 25% towards CATG actions.


Two 20mph schemes had been considered which met the criteria. It was noted that research suggested that these schemes may not be the answer to highway safety. There was a suggestion to focus on 20mph schemes outside of schools as there was a higher degree of compliance.




To note and approve the actions and recommendations of the 4 April 2015 Malmesbury CATG meeting



Area Board Funding

Councillors will be asked to consider the Community Area Grants report and make recommendations on the applications received. The following applications have been received from:


1.    MalmesburySkatepark Group - award £965 capital funding, towards start up costs.   


The Area Board is also asked to consider the allocation of £1,000 from the Legacy fund towards the Magna Carta 800 celebrations.

Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager outlined the funding report.




1.     To award Malmesbury Skatepark Group £965 capital funding towards start-up costs

2.     To allocate £1,000 from the Legacy fund towards the Magna Carta 800 celebrations


Any Other Questions

The Area Board will receive any questions from the floor.


It was asked if Wiltshire Council should be spending more money on organisations that help the elderly to allow them to go out and recruit more volunteers. It was explained that this was why Wiltshire Council was spending money on the organisations present and workshop events similar to the Older People’s Event in June. Events like this would allow the Council to identify the best areas to allocate money.


An update was requested on broadband in Luckington. It was noted that this project was being monitored. Phase two of the broadband projected had been signed on the 6 May 2015. This would provide help for an extra 5000 homes. Work was ongoing with BT to get maximum value for money. A complaint had been sent to central government regarding a complicated central government contract which made it difficult to get notice of when high speed broadband was available before BT knew.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Evaluation and Close


The Chairman thanked all those present for their attendance.


The next meeting would take place on:


Wednesday, 8 July 2015, 7.00 pm at Malmesbury School, Corn Gastons, Malmesbury SN16 0DF