Agenda and minutes

Malmesbury Area Board - Wednesday 9 September 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Malmesbury School, Corn Gastons, Malmesbury SN16 0DF

Contact: Adam Brown (Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01225 718038

Note No. Item

7.00 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting.


Xina Hart was introduced as the new Community Youth Officer for Malmesbury community area. Ollie Phipps was introduced as the new Community Engagement Manager for Malmesbury community area.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from:


Wayne Jones – Malmesbury Town Council

Sid Jevons – Great Somerford Parish Council

John Matthews – Sherston Parish Council

Terry MocklerHankerton Parish Council

Roger Budgen – St Paul Without Parish Council

Tony Pooley – Little Somerford Parish Council

Mike Franklin – Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Inspector Ben Huggins

Police Sergeant Phil Connor




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2015.

Supporting documents:


The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 July 2015 were presented.



To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.

7.10 pm


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide information about:


a.     Malmesbury Extra Care Scheme

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


a)    Malmesbury Extra Care Scheme


Planning approval had been given for a new extra care housing scheme on the site of the former Burnham House care home site on 24th July 2015. The development would deliver 49 new homes for older people, with 17 apartments for open market sale and 32 apartments for affordable rent.


Work on site was anticipated to begin in autumn 2015 when the existing building had been demolished. Building was expected to be completed in early 2017.


b)    Cllr Jane Scott OBE Peerage


It was announced that Cllr Jane Scott OBE had been elevated to a Baroness in the House of Lords. Cllr Scott OBE would maintain her position as leader of Wiltshire Council, and was expected to join the House of Lords in early 2016.



Local Youth Network Update

To receive an update on the Local Youth Network (LYN).


Xina Hart introduced herself as the new Community Youth Officer for Malmesbury community area. Jade Sanders and Shaina Snashell from the Local Youth Network (LYN) Management Group were also in attendance to deliver an update on LYN activities.


Work had taken place with young people to help set up groups and activities, assist with safeguarding and protection, event promotion and transportation, and to provide help with the LYN funding application process.


Two projects had taken place in the summer which had been granted LYN funding by the Area Board: Music Maniacs held and event at which attendees created their own music and songs that were then shared at the end of their day-long workshop. The Street Theatre Workshop held a caveman tour of Malmesbury.


During half-term the LYN attended the farmer’s market, along with the Boondocks Festival to promote the LYN and their work to other young people.


No grants were available to be placed before the Area Board at the meeting, but meetings were scheduled to take place with Parish Councils interested in promoting youth grant funding. Those interested were encouraged to contact Xina Hart for advice.



Wiltshire Council's Plan to Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation

Blair Keltie, Service Manager for Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Missing Children, will deliver a presentation on the reality of CSE and a discussion on how it should be tackled in Wiltshire.


Blair Keltie, Service Manager for Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Missing Children at Wiltshire Council, was in attendance to provide a presentation on CSE within Wiltshire.


Blair Keltie had been appointed in November 2014 as CSE Manager to develop a dedicated CSE team. A definition of CSE was provided to those present. Central government had defined adolescents as those between 10 and 18 years of age.


The role of Blair’s team was to guard young people who were noted as typically taking risks, and as such needed to be guarded when doing this. Many young people were explained as being in loving relationships, when in fact those relationships were abusive.


One problem which needed to be tackled was the fact that young people rarely divulged information to others, which made reaching a conviction difficult.


It was explained by Blair that CSE was taking place in the Malmesbury community area, and was not a new incident. People’s understandings of CSE were new instead.


The CSE abuse models were explained to the Area Board. Organised exploitation and trafficking were explained as run by criminal gangs for profit. The “boyfriend” model was described as a form of abuse from older boyfriends, demonstrated through grooming that led to sexual exploitation and violence. The “inappropriate relationship” model involved one abuser with inappropriate control over a young person. Wiltshire was noted as only having incidents of the “boyfriend” and “inappropriate relationship” models.


Common indicators of CSE included: repeated and high incidents of missing from home; secretive use and ownership of multiple mobile phones; entering into stranger’s cars; older friendship groups; and possession of unexplained money and unaffordable gifts.


The CSE Team worked closely with the Missing Children Team. A total of 117 missing children reports had been received in June, this was noted as a significant number which required following up.


Awareness of CSE signs needed to be raised amongst youths, as many young people did not realise that they were victims. The CSE team worked closely with police in a multi-agency safeguarding hub where the CSE team first worked with young people to help them understand, and then worked with the police to achieve a prosecution.


Pro-active steps available to the CSE team were described. The team are able to visit older men and ask why they are in a relationship with a younger person. Those present were encouraged to be more confident with reporting to the police someone in their community that they are concerned about. Blair Keltie explained that he was happy to work with Local Youth Networks, as they knew where the young people were active in communities.


Blair also explained that community areas were able help with regards to CSE through considering it as a potential issue during any planning processes, or through partaking in an online training course. Blair was available to provide half-day training courses.


Other examples of pro-active steps that could be taken within the community to help prevent CSE and raise awareness were given. Raising awareness within  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.



Feedback From Older People's Consultation

Andrew Osborn, Head of Adult Care Commissioning (Personalisation and Carers), will be in attendance to provide feedback on Malmesbury’s Older People’s Consultation which took place on 25 June 2015.


Andrew Osborn was unable to attend to deliver a presentation on feedback from the Older People’s Consultation.



Police and Crime Commission Annual Report and the New Police and Crime Plan 2015-2017

Sean Cooper, Executive Officer at the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), will be in attendance to deliver a presentation on the Annual Report regarding the outcomes of the previous Police and Crime Plan and to present the new Plan for 2015 – 2017.


Naji Darwish, Commissioning and Programme Manager, was in attendance to deliver the presentation.


The annual report and the new Police and Crime Plan 2015-17 were available online through the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) website.


The PCC’s role was explained as setting the direction for the Chief Constable, and to ensure that he delivered an efficient police service. The PCC was an official elected democratically by the residents of the Wiltshire and Swindon.


Achievements from 2014/15 included ranking within the top 5 areas in the country for low crime rates. A total of 83% of people have confidence in their local police. An official inspection of the police had found that the efficiency, legitimacy, and effectiveness of the Wiltshire Police were of a good standard. A fully refurbished Emergency Communication Centre had been opened in the County.


Future challenges centred on budget savings, which were likely to continue in the Chancellor’s October spending review.


Four key priorities were listed:

Priority 1: Prevent Crime and anti-social behaviour

Priority 2: Protecting the most vulnerable in society

Priority 3: Putting victims and witnesses at the heart of everything we do

Priority 4: Secure high quality, efficient and trusted services

It was felt that regarding the third priority victims and witnesses had not been placed at the heart of police work.


Key projects for 2016-17 included keeping community policing central to the plan. Resources would be shifted to communities, including dedicated local inspectors. There would also be a focus on ensuring that there was no decrease in the standards of policing.


Key changes for 2016-17 included a focus on mobile technology, along with improvements to the IT infrastructure. Officers would be able to use mobile technology to continue work on devices whilst being out within communities. A strategic alliance with other policing agencies, including Avon and Somerset, would help deliver more from savings and prevent crime.


The categories for the police inspection were clarified as being inadequate/poor/good/outstanding.


It was asked if parishes could fund their own PCSO. Naji Darwish explained that a price list could be sourced and circulated to parishes.



Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    Healthwatch Wiltshire

d.    Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership

e.    Good Neighbours

f.     Malmesbury Campus

g.    Highways Community Co-ordinator

h.    JSA update

i.      Town and Parish Councils

Supporting documents:


a)    Wiltshire Police


A written update was provided and is attached to these minutes.


b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


There was no update.


c)     Healthwatch Wiltshire


A written update was included in the agenda pack.


d)    Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership


There was no update.


e)    Good Neighbours


It was explained that after a meeting with the local GP, that Ellen Blacker may be appointed as the Community Champion for Older People.


a)    Malmesbury Campus


Ollie Phipps, Community Engagement Manager, would be meeting with the community working group to take them through the plans for Cotswold House. Building work was expected to commence by the end of the year.


b)    Highways Community Co-ordinator


There was no update.


c)     Town and Parish Councils


Malmesbury Town Council – Kim Power explained that there was a recycling bin issue at the long stay car park that had now been resolved. The issues resolved involved fly tipping and unemptied bins. Cllr Sturgis explained that Wiltshire was one of the best prosecutors for fly tippers.



Area Board Funding

Councillors will be asked to consider the Community Area Grants report and make recommendations on the applications received:


  1. Dauntsey Vale Link Scheme has requested £250 for a new computer (ref: 1441).
  2. Dauntsey Croquet Club has requested £500 for new equipment (ref: 1447).

Supporting documents:


Ollie Phipps introduced himself as the new Community Engagement Manager for the Malmesbury community area.


The role was explained as involving mapping the community area to locate who is vulnerable, what is being done already, and what can be done. So far there had been a great response from the parishes, and events would be set up to speak directly to people within the villages.


A list of possible community engagement ideas considered was presented. These included community street fairs and parties; a community cinema; social groups; a community allotment; cooking clubs; and community workshops. Those with any other engagement ideas were encouraged to submit them.


A library drop-in service was available to talk with Ollie on Tuesdays between 12.00pm – 4.00pm at the Malmesbury Library. He was also available on Twitter through @malmesburycem.


The funding report was outlined which recommended two applications for consideration.




1.     To award Dauntsey Vale Link Scheme £250 for a new computer.


2.     To award Dauntsey Croquet Club £500 for new equipment.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Evaluation and Close

The next meeting will be on:


Wednesday, 4 November 2015, 7.00 pm at Malmesbury School, Corn Gastons, Malmesbury SN16 0DF


The next meeting would take place on:


Wednesday, 4 November 2015, 7.00 pm in the Assembly Room – Malmesbury Town Hall, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury SN16 9BZ