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Standards Dispensation Sub-Committee (old regime)

This page lists the meetings for Standards Dispensation Sub-Committee (old regime).


Information about Standards Dispensation Sub-Committee (old regime)

The Standards Dispensation sub-Committee meets to consider requests for ‘dispensations’ which enable members to speak and vote at a meeting when they have a prejudicial interest (more information is available at the Members' Code of Conduct page).


Meetings of the Dispensation Sub-Committee will normally be open to the public and any member who has submitted a request will have the opportunity to attend and make representations in support of their application.


The dispensation request procedure and an application form are available to be viewed at the Resources for Town and Parish Councils page. A Dispensations Guidance document from ‘Standards for England’ is also available.

Please note that applications for dispensation must be submitted by members on an individual basis.  Group applications are not permitted.