Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:

a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    NHS Wiltshire

d.    Calne Community Area Partnership – including progress on the community hub and the Abberd Brook project

e.    Calne CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group)

f.     Town and Parish Councils.


 a) The written update from Wiltshire Police was noted. Sergeant Phil Connor explained to the meeting that Inspector Kate Pain was now the Chairman of the Wiltshire Police Federation. Inspector Steven Cox would take over from Inspector Pain in the Calne Community Area. The Chairman would thank Inspector Pain for all her work with the Area Board.


Sergeant Connor noted excellent work had taken place with Calne CCTV and PCSO Gray had been very successful with the Calne Shop Watch Scheme.


Councillor Trotman alerted the meeting to an issue with cars being keyed in the Curzon Street area.


A concern was raised about the length of time taken to answer a call to the non emergency police number, 0845 4087000.


b) The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted. Group Manager Mike Franklin added that the number of fires in the Community Area was at a two year low. He highlighted the risks associated with lighting candles at home and invited owners of thatched properties to take up the offer of home fire safety checks by calling directly using the freephone number 0800 3897849 or requesting a service online from the website: Please also get in contact to have smoke alarms correctly fitted (though there could be a twelve week delay while waiting for new stock).


c) The written report from NHS Wiltshire was noted.


d) The written update from Calne Community Area Partnership was noted.


e) CAYPIG had held a meeting on 12 November 2010 to discuss the skateboard park. They came up with the idea of a twelve hour bike ride for young people to raise funds for the project. CAYPIG were also looking into funding opportunities from organisations.    


Another meeting was held on 29 November at the existing skateboard park. From this meeting a plan was drawn up and had been passed to Ian Perry at Maverick Skateboards.


Calne Extreme were running regular activities on Wednesday and Thursday evening and special events and projects on other days of the week. It cost £10 to become a member and this included a free Calne Extreme hoodie. Please see Calne Extreme notice board at Priestley Grove Youth Centre for project details or contact or 01249 812509.


The large amount of help received by the Bluez n Zuz discos from volunteers was underlined. 


f)   Cherhill Parish Council provided an update about the Tommy Croker Memorial Playing Field. The funding application that was considered at the last Area Board meeting had been deferred, pending further information about an award linked to the central government play builder scheme. The project had subsequently been awarded this funding from Government and work would start at the end of January 2011.


Cherhill and Yatesbury are in the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and had formed a project group. Please get in touch with the Parish Council if you would like to become involved.


Hilmarton Parish Council requested the Area Board write to Councillor Tonge (Cabinet Representative for Highways and Transport) to support a local review of speed limits. A letter had already been written by James Gray MP after he spent time with the Community Speed Watch team.



The Area Board would consider the request from Hilmarton Parish Council to write to Councillor Tonge to support a local review of speed limits and report back to the next Area Board meeting.  




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