Agenda item

Internal Audit Reports

·       November IA update report 2020/2021 and consolidated IA outstanding management actions report.

·       Proposed Q4 IA plan.



At the Chairman’s invitation Becky Brook (SWAP) gave a presentation to the Committee on the November IA update report 2021/22, consolidated IA outstanding management actions report and proposed Q4 IA plan.


It was stated that the agenda reports would be taken as read and that the overall IA opinion was reasonable. Since the last Committee meeting, one no assurance audit opinion had been given, which had three priority one actions, details regarding this could be seen at page 53 of the agenda. Despite the no assurance audit the Care Home Alliance did have good prospects for improvement.


Notable changes to the Audit Plan were listed at page 55 of the agenda and a summary of IA work undertaken started on page 62 of the agenda.


Andy Brown (Corporate Director Resources, Deputy Chief Executive and s151 officer) explained that the Care Home Alliance Interim Report had been requested by himself as Chairman of the Commercial Board. The Care Home Alliance involved the provision of residential and nursing care home beds services in Wiltshire and had come up for tender in March 2021. The tender was not awarded due to significant cost increases and the decision was made to re-procure, and advice was given including actions to mitigate price increases. SWAP had been encouraged to undertake the report and a no assurance audit was disappointing and should be a significant concern to Wiltshire Council and the Audit and Governance Committee. The fact that lessons were not learned from the first failed procurement exercise was a stated as being a worrying concern. Management actions were being implemented to address the concerns raised. Mr Brown stated that the Committee should be appraised of limited or no assurance audit opinions and get assurance that actions were in place to mitigate risk. As a result, it was suggested that this item be added to the Forward Work Plan and come to the February Committee meeting.


Cllr Pip Ridout stated that the Financial Planning Task Group had received reports regarding this and that comprehensive actions were being taken to mitigate risk in this complex area. Cllr Ridout hoped that sufficient money would be put aside in the upcoming budget proposals to cover the Care Home Alliance.


In response to questions Andy Brown explained that you could argue that the market was tested in March with the original procurement and that the prices given were far beyond what could be managed. However, there were actions that could be taken when approaching a tender in order to frame or shape the contract. The lessons from March had not been learnt which had resulted in the no assurance audit. Now that the approach was being managed the same mistakes should not be repeated again.


In response to further questions the officer explained that the Council was being realistic. The Council had to provide nursing care, a contract had to be in place, but that contract had to be right. Prices would go up, but providers also had to be realistic with their prices, the market should be managed so that the budget was not exceeded.


Cllr Pauline Church, Cabinet Member for Finance echoed the officer’s comments and thanked him for escalating the matter and requesting SWAP to undertake their report. It was hoped that these and the further planned actions would reassure the Committee.


It was,




That the Committee note:


·       The November IA update report 2021/22 and consolidated IA outstanding management actions report.

·       The proposed Q4 IA plan.


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