Agenda item

Police and Crime Plan draft

Working draft for early discussion and input from the panel & next steps to including review of performance and risk register governance


Philip Wilkinson – Police and Crime Commissioner outlined his draft plan.


Points made included:


Vision - To make Wiltshire a safer place to live and work


Mission - One crime is one crime too many, one victim is one victim too many 


Principles to deliver policing, justice and the Plan


·         Serving the public – services work for the public not themselves


·         Engagement – communities are part of the decisions and assessment of their services


·         Trust – policing and justice must have trust from all our communities


·         Excel at the basics – Focus on visibility, standards and accountability





·         Priority 1 – A police service that meets the needs of its communities 


·         Priority 2 – Reduce violence and serious harm


·         Priority 3 - Tackle crimes that matter to local communities


·         Priority 4 - Improve the experience of victims and deliver justice 



Next Steps


Testing and redrafting the plan based on engagement




·         13 Jan PCP MTFS and Precept meeting


·         Precept survey


·         Area boards and Swindon Parish Councils


·         Focus groups for local communities and stakeholders


·         Facebook live sessions, Area board presentation


·         Young commissioners presentation on priorities




·         Redrafting the plan


·         Developing measures and delivery


·         3 Feb PCP on final precept recommendation


·         10 March Final plan presented to panel



Points made by the Panel included:


Good work on rural crime issues and Speedwatch issues throughout the county.


That parish councils needed reassuring that any potential investment in Community Speedwatch would be backed by Wiltshire Police, and that the data produced by the parish volunteer groups would be used to target drivers breaking speed limits.


Well done for the focus on speeding – local communities would appreciate this.


The need to re-invigorate Community Speedwatch teams – an idiots guide to Speedwatch would be appreciated to refresh the knowledge of volunteers.



That all residential roads and streets should have a 20mph speed limit in place.


The need for Salisbury to get a new Police station.


That there was a real need for a more comprehensive approach to road safety in general.


That residents living in areas of high deprivation didn’t see the point in engaging the Police when their voices weren’t heard.


The need for the plan to represent all communities, religions and groups.


That Wiltshire was a diverse area with different needs.


Issues with HGVs driving through communities – more joined up working with local authorities was needed.


Concerns that the under-performance of the court system may trip up some of the aims of the plan.


Drug dealing – good to see local drug dealers being targeted.


The need for Wiltshire Police to really push their pledge for Carbon Neutrality and to try and sync with Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council, to achieve this goal before 2050.


The Chairman advised that it was heartening to hear all of the Panel members giving their views, and that the Commissioner would have the full support of the Police and Crime Panel to get things done.




That the Police and Crime Panel noted the Police & Crime 2022-25 draft Plan and that the Police and Crime Panel considered discussions with the OPCC on how future reporting on the new plan could support the Police and Crime Panel


The Chairman thanked the Commissioner for his presentation.

Supporting documents: