Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


Wiltshire Police

Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

Jubilee Centre

Kennett & Avon Medical Partnership

Healthwatch Wiltshire

Town/Parish Councils

Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan

Marlborough Climate Action


Written updates were available in the pack from:


• Wiltshire Police

• Healthwatch Wiltshire

• Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Verbal updates were also received from the following partners:


Wiltshire Police


Inspector Al Lumley updated the Area Board about personnel changes within the area, noting that Sgt Gareth Cole was the new neighbourhood sergeant. He was pleased to report that crime had fallen across the force by four percent over the 12 months to October 2021. A recent local success had been the sentencing of a prolific shop lifter. The inspector reported that Marlborough averaged around three to four reported shop liftings per month but that had risen to 17 in October 2021, primarily as a result of this individual. After his arrest there were only two reported shop lifts in December 2021.


The inspector also provided information about Operation Elf, an increased visible police presence over the Christmas period, as well as the introduction of identification verification checks for officers in the wake of Sarah Everard’s murder. In response to a question about hare coursing he explained that cases were investigated through their dedicated rural crime team but that the best way to report the cases was through the 101 ‘phone line.


Deputy PCC Russell Holland highlighted a recent government announcement toughening sentences for hare coursing and stated that they were looking at ways to improve enforcement equipment, such as night-time goggles.  


Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Wayne Presley, Group Manager of Group 2 Wiltshire, referred the Area Board to the information included in Agenda Supplement 2 of the agenda pack. He noted that the force had been supporting ambulance drivers to deal with increased demand. He reported that from February 2022 the brigade would undergo a six-week inspection. A recruitment campaign was also underway especially for on-call firefighters.


Jubilee Centre


Sally Wolfenden from the Jubilee Centre reported that the number of people they were supporting was now up to three quarters of pre-pandemic levels. The centre had also been working alongside a community bus to help provide transport to members getting their flu jabs. She explained that the centre was a joyful place, full of fun and fellowship. She then took the opportunity to pay tribute to those who had kept the meals on wheels service running throughout the lockdowns and stated that they would welcome additional volunteers.


Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership (KAMP)


Suzy Deering, Communications Officer at KAMP, explained that they had rolled out the Covid-19 booster vaccination programme in the Marlborough and Pewsey areas. KAMP had run clinics over the Christmas period and staff had worked over bank holidays to get as many people vaccinated as possible. The clinics had been well publicised on BBC Radio Wiltshire and, as of 10 January 2022, over three quarters of eligible adults in the area had received their booster jabs. She noted that another clinic would be held in Pewsey Surgery on 13 January, so encouraged those eligible to come forward.


The communications officer also spoke about the number of face-to-face GP appointments, noting that a greater percentage of appointments had been carried out in-person in the final quarter of 2021 than the final quarter of 2020. However, she did explain that they were still following the recommendations of local NHS bodies by adopting a telephone first appointment policy.


Members praised the dedication of the staff in the roll-out of the vaccination booster programme. In response to a question from a member about the public feedback about telephone appointments, the communications officer noted that many patients preferred them as they were more convenient, although others preferred face-to-face appointments.


Marlborough Town Council


Mayor Mark Cooper stated that he had been honoured to turn on the town’s Christmas lights and thanked Marlborough College for hosting a festive carol service. He announced that the precept would be set at 4.9 percent for the coming year and that the town council would be carrying out green audits of their activities and buildings. On 5 January discussions had been held with the leader of Wiltshire Council to discuss issues such as devolution of services, as well as the future of the youth centre situated near to the recreation ground. Plans were also underway for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, with an engagement opportunity due to be held in Marlborough Town Hall on 18 January to discuss the proposals.


Ogbourne St Andrew, Ogbourne Maizey and Rockley 


Cllr Nick Parsons, Chairman of the Ogbourne St Andrew Parish Council, reported that they were focusing on road repairs, as well as reviewing speed limits in Ogbourne Maizey. Plans were also in place for the purchase for three defibrillators. Conversations were also ongoing with local landowners to see if any land could be purchased for use as a sports pitch. Cllr Parsons also explained that investigations were underway to establish the ownership of two bus shelters in the village, as they were in need of repair.


Climate Action Marlborough


Susie Price from Climate Action Marlborough was in attendance to provide a verbal update but unfortunately was unable to be heard by the Area Board due to sound connectivity issues. Having attended the climate group’s last working meeting, Cllr Thomas provided information about the group, explaining that the town council had come up with an innovative funding model whereby it could allocate surplus money at the end of the financial year to tackle climate change. Plans were in place to conduct green audits of the town council’s activities and buildings look at where improvements could be made and how they could reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint.


Cllr Thomas also reported that it was planned to hold a range of climate related activities, including workshops and presentations, on 2 April. She then encouraged anyone interested in attending these events to contact Clare Harris at Marlborough Town Council. Susie Price added the below comment in the online meeting chat:


There will be a Climate Action Day on Saturday 2nd April, and any contributors or volunteers are very welcome at this stage while we are planning it - it will be a day of demos, talks, workshops and information sharing for the local community. Please contact Clare Harris at Marlborough Town Council for more info.


Supporting documents: