Agenda item

APPLICATION NUMBER: 20/09189/FUL (Mobile Home) - Lower Marshes Farm, Semley,

Siting of mobile home for rural worker's accommodation


Public Participation

Quintin Bull spoke in objection to the Application

Gina Dent spoke in objection to the application

Patrick Drummond (Applicant) spoke in support of the Application

Matt Williams (Agent) spoke in support of the Application


The Planning Team Leader, Richard Hughes, presented the application for the siting of a mobile home for rural worker's accommodation, at Lower Marshes Farm.


The application was recommended for Approval with conditions, as set out in the report attached to the agenda.


Material considerations noted in the report included:


·         Principle of development

·         Scale, siting, design, impact on the wider landscape within the Cranborne Chase AONB

·         Impact on amenity

·         Highways

·         Ecology/Impact on the River Avon SAC


It was noted that a mobile home had already been placed on the site.


The planned business would be split between agriculture, equine and sheep farming, with 100 sheep in the first year, rising to 300 at year 3. In addition, there would be rearing and training of horses for Polo.


The Agricultural consultant had agreed that there was a need on the site for a mobile home.


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the Officer,

where it was clarified that the existing farm had agricultural operations on it which appeared to include a history of reference to an equine business. In 2016 there was an adjustment to a legal agreement which had been put in place in 2002.


The application was for a set size of mobile home. There was already one on site, however it was later clarified that it was not currently lived in and was used by staff during the day. The application was therefore retrospective.


Members of the public as detailed above, then had the opportunity to speak on the application, the main points included references to the poor quality of the land and that the land may not be suitable for farming use all year round.


Other concerns regarding the possibility that the applicant may in the future, make an application for a permanent home on the site were raised, in particular to the impact on the AONB.


The agent noted that the two applications (20/09189/FUL 20/09188/FUL) & were related.

There was further work to carry out to the ground, as it was currently wet. There was an essential need to have someone on site around the clock, when rearing and breeding horses due to animal welfare issue. The materials would be in line with AONB requirements.


Local Member, Cllr Bridget Wayman, who was on the Committee, spoke to the application noting that she had called the application in to committee some time ago, as the site was in the AONB, noting that national and local policies did not allow for houses to be easily built in the AONB.


Supporting the conditions in the report Cllr Wayman queried the condition relating to external lighting.


Cllr Wayman then moved the motion of Approval in line withOfficer Recommendation.


This was seconded by Cllr Trevor Carbin.


The Committee was invited to discuss the application, the main points included the 3 year consent on the application, which would require a further application by the applicant in 3 years time, to put forward a case to continue on the site.


The requirements for staffing on the site were discussed as were the comments of the AONB and the number of windows on the mobile home and the associated light which would be emitted from them.


After discussion, the Committee voted on the motion of Approval, for the reasons stated above.


It was;



That application 20/09189/FUL be Approved with the following conditions:


1. The rural workers mobile home hereby permitted and any ancillary works or structures shall be removed and the land restored to its former condition on or before three years of the date of this decision notice in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: Permission has been granted on a temporary basis to establish whether there is a functional need for permanent on site residential accommodation on this agricultural holding.


2 The occupation of the rural workers mobile home hereby permitted shall be limited to a person solely or mainly working in connection with the associated equine/agricultural business at Lower Marshes Farm, Semley, and to any resident dependants.

REASON: The site is in an area where residential development for purposes other than the essential needs of agriculture or forestry is not normally permitted and this permission is only granted on the basis of an essential need for new residential accommodation in this location having been demonstrated.


3 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Drg. no. 18194 - 5 B Site Location Plan (revised) Date rec. 13 April 2021

Drg. no. 18194 - 6 A Block Plan Date rec. 20 October 2020

Drg. no. 18194 - 7 A Illustrative Plans & Elevations as Proposed Date rec. 20 October 2020

Materials shall be as agreed within the email to the Council from Janet Montgomery dated 9th December 2020.


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


4 The residential development shall not be occupied until the Building Regulations Optional requirement of a maximum water use of 110 litres per person per day has been complied with.


REASON: To reduce the impact on the River Avon SAC system.


5 No new external artificial lighting shall be installed at the site unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


REASON: In the interests of conserving biodiversity and to minimise light pollution.


6 Prior to the dwelling being brought into use the following biodiversity enhancements, as recommended in section 5.4 of the submitted Preliminary Ecological Assessment (David Leach Ecology Ltd. Date: June 2021) must be provided: Woodcrete bat box. Viva pro bird box. Insect features. Wildlife friendly tree and shrub planting.


REASON: In the interests of conserving biodiversity.


Informatives: (3)


Protected species

The adults, young, eggs and nests of all species of birds are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) while they are breeding. Please be advised that works should not take place that will harm nesting birds from March to August inclusive. All British birds, their nests and eggs are protected under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 while birds are nesting, building nests and sitting on eggs. The applicant is advised to check any structure or vegetation capable of supporting breeding birds and delay removing or altering such features until after young birds have fledged. Damage to extensive areas that could contain nests/breeding birds should be undertaken outside the breeding season. This season is usually taken to be the period between 1st March and 31st August but some species are known to breed outside these limits.


Rights of way

No construction / demolition vehicle access may be taken along SESE26 without prior consultation with the Rights of way Countryside Access Officer (CAO). Where appropriate any safety/mitigation/reinstatement measures must be approved by the CAO No materials, plant, temporary structures or excavations of any kind should be deposited / undertaken which obstruct or adversely affect the public right of way whilst development takes place.


Lighting and materials

Regards condition 05, details should be submitted to the LPA via a discharge of condition application. Details submitted should limit light spill in the AONB and limit harm to protected species. The colours of the materials and any lighting shall follow the guidance on these matters issued by the AONB.

Supporting documents: