Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chair:


·       Annual Canvass

·       Update on behalf of Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living

·       Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Team

·       Building Bridges

·       Temporary Events Notices

·       Local Successes


The Chairman made the following announcements, which were contained in the agenda pack:


·       Annual Canvass

The Chairman stated that each year the statutory Annual Canvass process takes place between June – November to act as an audit to ensure the electoral register is accurate and all those people entitled to vote are registered. In addition, forms had been sent to all properties in July, with residents encouraged to check that the information is correct or to update their details using the form appropriately. Further information regarding the Annual Canvass could be found within the briefing note.


·       Update on behalf of the Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living 

It was noted that within the agenda pack was a partner update from the Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living. It was outlined that the Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living is a Disabled People’s user led organization with the aim to ensure that all people in Wiltshire can live the life they choose as valued members of their community. The update included information about the main activities conducted by the centre in order to support people to live independently and to have a voice.


Cllr Gordon King updated that at the Cabinet meeting that had taken place earlier that day, a strategy had been adopted based upon the CIL Survey.


·       Strategic Engagement  and Partnerships Briefing Note

The Chairman informed that a new staffing structure had come into place for the Engagement and Partnerships team, which has introduced three officer levels of support to local communities and Area Boards. The service would work with communities in an innovative and proactive way to empower them to do even more for themselves and to deliver to the Wiltshire Council Business Plan. Attached to the agenda pack was a brief overview of the respective duties.


Following this, Graeme Morrison, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager for the Westbury Area, provided an overview of his new role in relation to the Area Board. In addition, the Area Board also welcomed Claire Edgar, Director of Wholelife Pathway and Adult Social Services, to the Area Board who had been allocated as a member of the extended leadership team to attend meetings.


·       Building Bridges

Attention was drawn to the Building Bridges Briefing note within the agenda pack. It was outlined that the project continues to support those furthest from the workplace or with multiple barriers back towards the world of work, education or training. The team offer bespoke 1:1 support to help identify what barriers a person might have which are preventing them progressing and help plan ways to address these. They could even offer up to 12 weeks support once someone has entered employment or education to ensure they have settled in and aid with transition. The chairman stated that referrals can be made by a professional or self-referral and can be made via the


·       Temporary Events Notices

The Chairman noted that  a briefing note had been attached to the agenda pack to raise member and public awareness around the use and control of Temporary Events Notices under the Licensing Act 2003.  The briefing note explained Temporary Events Notices, the types of events notices available as well as what restrictions they might have as well as links to the Events Notices webpages.


·       Local Successes

The Chairman congratulated the Town Council for their efforts in organising the Chili festival.

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