Agenda item

Directors' update

To receive a verbal update from Directors highlighting any key issues (current or emerging), successes or milestones in their respective areas since the last meeting of the committee, which may not require a full agenda item and are not covered elsewhere on this agenda.


The following updates were provided:


The Director of Education and Skills


The Director of Education and Skills reminded the committee that Wiltshire Council had submitted its registration of interest to establish a LA Multi Academy Trust (MAT) in July 2022. She explained that only a number of applications would be granted nationally, but that Wiltshire’s application was still under consideration by the DfE. It was also likely that there would be future opportunities to register interest.


The director reported that Wiltshire Council was looking at the implications of all schools becoming academies by 2030 on how it provided services, with around 120 schools expected to become academies over the next eight years. Particular consideration was being given to how the council would continue its support for vulnerable students. Discussions were also taking place with groups of maintained schools to help the council oversee the transition at a strategic level and to try to ensure that schools did not all transition to become academies simultaneously.


Members thanked the director for the update and raised concerns about whether some smaller schools would be attractive to MATs given that they would be unable to offer the economy of scale that larger schools could.


In addition, the director noted that the new Head of School Effectiveness was in post and looked forward to attending a future meeting.



Corporate Director People


The Corporate Director People noted that Wiltshire Police had been rated inadequate at in a recent PEEL inspection by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). HMICFRS had also undertaken a Child Protection Inspection which had made a number of recommendations to the police, so Wiltshire Council were working closely with the service as it sought to implement the recommended improvements. The corporate director informed the committee that she now chaired the Safeguarding Vulnerable People’s Partnership and that they were working closely with the police to look at the recommendations in the HMICFRS reports. A new Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Strategic Board had also been set up to review recommendations made at a national level.


The corporate director then informed the committee that three significant instant notifications been submitted to Ofsted by the LA, on behalf of the council and its partners. The instant notifications related to situations where either a fatality had occurred, or significant abuse had taken place. She confirmed that one of the cases was known to social care and two of the cases related to babies. She explained that urgent reviews had taken place so that agencies could quickly take lessons from the incidents that had occurred. 


Members stated that they would welcome a briefing about the implications of the recommendations of the two inspections carried about on the police. The committee were deeply saddened to hear about the recent incidents submitted to Ofsted. They noted that there was an established process to go through and that they would be appreciative of future reports.



Director of Families and Children’s Services


The Director of Families and Children’s Services explained that a national review was being undertaken about children with disabilities or complex needs in residential settings. The panel undertaking the review had asked each LA to identify children in their areas that might fall into this category. The director highlighted that there were up to 30 children that this review could apply to in Wiltshire. Wiltshire would respond to any recommendations from the national panel and would submit further information to the DfE by the end of December.


In addition, the director reported that Wiltshire had been invited to be a consultant by the DfE in reviewing national recommendations of a care review.

She also noted that Wiltshire Council have asked the Institute for Public Care at Oxford Brookes University to review its safeguarding arrangements, including a look at waiting times for those children needing assistance. The director was confident that Wiltshire had robust processes in place to help children in need, including early intervention, but welcomed the external scrutiny to provide assurance about the services being provided.


When asked about the progress made at Canon’s House, the director confirmed that the improvement plan was progressing well. She noted that Canon’s House had now been reinspected and was listed as requiring improvement overall but rated as good for health and protection. Independent Reg 44 monitoring would also take place. In response the committee said that they were very pleased with the progress that had been made in a short period of time and welcomed the continuation of the Reg 44 inspections. The chairman of the CPP stated that he was also holding a meeting with the management of Canon’s House and that there would be opportunities for councillors to visit the building.


It was reported that the council had decided to use Aspire House as part of a tender for setting up a children’s home in Wiltshire.