Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


·       Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·       BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Community First

·       Health and Wellbeing Update:

o   Malmesbury Area Health and Wellbeing Forum

o   Health & Wellbeing Champion

·       Town and Parish Councils

·       Dorothy House Hospice Care


Updates were received from the following partners:


·       Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda pack. The Area Board received a further verbal update from Chris Harvey (Watch Manager) and Jamie Johnstone (Crew Manager) of the Malmesbury Station on behalf of Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. The update covered the following matters:

·       It was noted that recently in the local area the Fire Service had been quiet except for an incident in Lea.

·       Recruitment has been successful with 12 people now at the Malmesbury Station and another 3 people joining in order to take the Station up to full compliment.

·       The Fire Service has inspected the Charlton Park Bio-fuels site, with the site being low risk, having an open water source and set to have a concrete pad to facilitate fire truck usage.

·       The local battery storage plant is still under review.

·       A positive news story was shared regarding how firefighters in Malmesbury resuscitated and saved the life of a gentleman who had had a cardiac arrest.


Following the update there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:

·       The Fire Service were thanked for keeping an eye on local issues.

·       It was clarified that though the local battery storage plant was the largest installation in Europe, it was possible to get a fire truck into the premises.

·       Regarding dealing with fires in electric vehicles, it was clarified that the Fire Service gets regular updates to their system which allows vehicle registration numbers to be entered for specific guidance.

·       It was stated that Parishes from rural areas are working together to provide a network of people who would be happy to assist clearing fields or placing firebreaks to reduce public risk.


·        BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.


·       Community First

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.


·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.


·       Malmesbury Area Health and Wellbeing Forum

Kim Power, Chair of the Malmesbury Area Health and Wellbeing Forum, provided an update to the Area Board, which covered the following points:

·       Reference was drawn to the Cost-of-Living Support leaflet, which would be attached to the minutes for reference and included 12 organisations who had worked in partnership. The leaflet covered all ages with there hope that the partnership work would continue.

·       The Health and Wellbeing Forum is currently looking at a lot of initiatives with a wide and diverse membership. Additionally, Age UK Wiltshire have expressed a desire to join the Forum.

·       Over 26 events have taken place in partnership with Celebrating Age Wiltshire, most notably a play in the Cloister Gardens, which was performed to an audience of over 160 people.

·       Reference was drawn to the potential price rise of energy bills in April.


·       Health & Wellbeing Champion

Julie Dart, Health & Wellbeing Champion provided an update to the Area Board, which covered the following points:

·       The Malmesbury Public Living Room has continued to take place for free and has been thriving. Last week there was a visit from the Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living, where positive feedback was provided.

·       A core group of people attend the Living Room and recently there were professional visits from Health and Social Care to see how the Living Room can be used to support people.

·       The Living Room takes place at Malmesbury Library, every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.


·       Town and Parish Councils

Kim Power, Mayor of Malmesbury noted that there was set to be a Community Day at Malmesbury Town Hall on 15 April, which would be attended by community groups and providers.


·       Dorothy House Hospice Care

The Area Board received a presentation from Sarah-Jayne Fell (Community Engagement and Volunteer Coordinator) on behalf of Dorothy House Hospice Care. The presentation covered the following matters:

·       The work conducted by Dorothy House was outlined, including caring for people in their last 1000 days of getting a terminal diagnosis and aiming to care for people in the community with a complex diagnosis.

·       Dorothy House covers 700 square miles with their services, which are broken down into four regions by GP surgeries.

·       The role of the Dorothy House Community Care Team was outlined, with it noted that their services had been reviewed from 2020 and CQC rated Outstanding in 2022.

·       Sarah-Jayne outlined her role and how an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Model is used to use what is strong to fix what is wrong and to create a database that clinical teams can connect to in order support patients and their families. Additionally, as a Volunteer Coordinator the responsibility to recruit, train and maintain volunteers within an area.

·       Sarah-Jayne provided her email address should those in attendance want to contact her:

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