Agenda item

PL/2022/08216 High Croft, Common Road, Whiteparish

Demolition of existing 5 bed dwelling and erection of 4 bed dwelling with garage and parking


Public Participation

Ian Scaife spoke in Objection to the Application

Andrew Brighton spoke in Objection to the Application

Tracy Payne (Agent) spoke in Support of the Application

Whiteparish PC – Represented by Cllr Trevor King


The Committee noted a site visit had been arranged for earlier in the day.


The Senior Planning Officer, Becky Jones, presented the report on the application, which was for the demolition of existing 5 bed dwelling and erection of 4 bed dwelling with garage and parking.


The main issues which were considered to be material to the determination of this application of the case were noted as:


1. Principle for development of a replacement dwelling

2. Site history, character of the area and permitted development rights

3. Scale, design, impact on the character of the area and neighbouring amenity

4. Highway safety

5. Biodiversity

6. CIL

7. The Planning Balance


The application had generated an objection from Whiteparish Parish Council and 6 letters from neighbours both in support and objection.


The Officer noted the setting of the site in relation to the neighbouring dwellings on both sides. Several slides were show and explained, depicting the site from varying directions.


The application was recommended for Approval with conditions.


There were no technical questions of the Officer.


Members of the public as detailed above, then had the opportunity to speak on

the application. Some of the key points included reference to a difference between the reported height difference between the proposed development and the neighbouring properties, the cropping of photographs used in the presentation, which it was felt did not show the full impact of unobstructed views from a neighbour, the increase in size of the development in comparison to the existing dwelling on the site and the impact on neighbouring properties.


The Agent noted the Applicants aim in producing a high quality design which was considerate to the neighbouring properties, with windows placed to ensure no loss of privacy to surrounding dwellings. The site was in the settlement boundary and that the development was considered acceptable in principle. Dwellings in both Croft Heights and Common Road were varied and already included a mixture of designs. 


The Whiteparish PC representative, Cllr Trevor King noted the parish councils objection to the application, based on scale, visual impact and design. The number of bedrooms was not felt to be an issue, however the development would be significantly taller than everything else around it.


The Divisional Member, Cllr Richard Britton, who was not on the Committee spoke in Objection to the application, noting the objection of the parish council and the key arguments previously stated. 


Cllr Britton noted that despite the loss of one bedroom, there would be an increase to the ridge height and the property would be moving forward, making it more prominent from Common Road. In addition, he felt that the design was out of keeping and included a slate roof, whilst all other dwellings except one, had tiled rooves.


Cllr Britton suggested that the development was in reality a 2-storey house pretending to be a dormer and urged the Committee to refuse the application.


Cllr Sven Hocking then moved the motion of Approval, in line with Officer recommendation. This was seconded by Cllr Nabil Najjar.


The Committee discussed the application, the main points included consideration of the materials, height difference and possible impact on neighbouring dwellings. 


The Officer explained that when evaluating the application, she had considered the appearance of the current dwelling as a starting point, in that it was currently different in appearance to those around it and therefore could not refuse it on those grounds. In addition, there were other dwellings with similar elements such as timber further along the road towards the school. The presentation did include a photo provided by a third party of unobscured views of the dwelling from Common Road and this photo was re-shown to Members.


The Committee noted the confirmation of the Officer that from the scaled plans, the existing ridge height was 6.5m and the proposed 7.5m and the proposed dwelling would be rotated on its site towards Common Road, with the dormers facing Common Road Croft Height. The appearance on Common Road would be changed. Once rotated the front elevation would be set about 22m back into the site in an elevated position. It was noted by the officer that the impact on Common Road would be increased but that the degree of potential harm was a subjective judgement.


The Committee then voted on the motion of approval, in line with the Officer recommendation.


It was;




That application PL/2022/08216 High Croft, Common Road, Whiteparish be Approved with the following conditions:



1.     The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans listed in the schedule:


Location and proposed Site Plan ref 2890/03 02H dated March 2022

Proposed Elevations and Floor Plans ref 2890/03 03 Rev J dated March 2022

High Croft Landscape Design Concept dated 10/7/22

Design Response from Applicants received 10/1/23


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.     The materials for the development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the details submitted in the application, namely slate for the roof, timber cladding and light coloured render for the walls. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the area.

4.     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General
Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting or amending that Order with or without modification), no window,
dormer window or rooflight, other than those shown on the approved plans, shall
be inserted in the elevations and roof slopes of the dwelling hereby approved. There shall be no extensions to the dwelling.

REASON: In the interests of residential amenity and privacy.

5.     The replacement dwelling hereby approved shall not be occupied until the 2m timber fence along the north and north east site boundary (shown on site plan ref 2890/03/02 Rev H and elevation plans ref 890/03/03 Rev J) has been erected and completed. The perimeter fence shall be maintained in this condition for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: In the interests of neighbouring amenities and to prevent undue overlooking.


6.     Any new external artificial (domestic) security lighting shall achieve a level of 0.5 lux or less at the edges of the site’s boundary features (fences, hedges, tree lines and all other linear features at the site boundaries). External light fittings throughout the site shall be low level wherever possible, pointing downwards and avoiding any increase in the ambient light within, adjacent to and particularly above the site.


REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the site, to minimise unnecessary light spillage above and outside the development site and to avoid excessive illumination of habitat used by bats.

7.     The hours of construction for the development including any demolition works shall be limited to 0800 to 1800 hrs Monday to Friday, 0800 to 1300 hrs Saturday and no working on Sundays or Bank Holidays. There shall be no fires or burning of waste on the site during the demolition or construction phases.

Reason: In the interests of neighbouring amenities.

8.     Before development of the dwelling commences above slab level, a scheme of enhancement measures (for bats, swifts, bees and other birds) shall be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority and implemented before the replacement dwelling is occupied. The measures shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.


REASON: To enhancement the biodiversity on the site


9.     Notwithstanding the submitted landscape plan (Concept Design dated 7/10/22), before the replacement dwelling is occupied, a scheme to help screen the development from Common Road shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include the retention and reinforcement of the existing hedge fronting Common Road.


All soft landscaping comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the first occupation of the replacement dwelling or the completion of the development whichever is the sooner; All shrubs, trees and hedge planting shall be maintained free from weeds and shall be protected from damage by vermin and stock. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory landscaped setting for the development and
the protection of existing important landscape features in the interests of bats.

10.      The replacement dwelling hereby approved shall not be occupied until the Building Regulations Optional requirement of maximum water use of 110 litres per person per day has been complied with.

REASON: To avoid any adverse effects upon the integrity of the River Test catchment SPA and SAC. 


Bats and great Crested Newts

The applicant should note that under the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside
Act (1981) and the Habitats Regulations (2010) it is an offence to disturb or
harm any protected species, or to damage or disturb their habitat or resting
place. Please note that this consent does not override the statutory
protection afforded to any such species. In the event that your proposals could
potentially affect a protected species you should seek the advice of a suitably
qualified and experienced ecologist and consider the need for a licence from
Natural England prior to commencing works. Please see Natural England’s
website for further information on protected species.


The applicant is advised that the development hereby approved represents chargeable development under the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) and Wiltshire Council’s CIL Charging Schedule. A separate Community Infrastructure Levy Liability Notice will be issued by the Local Planning Authority. Should you require further information with regards to CIL please refer to the Council's Website


Supporting documents: