Agenda item

Grants and Funding

a.            Area Board Grant


To consider whether the Area Board wishes to fund the project as detailed in the report, with opportunities for questions from the public.


b.            Community Area Grants


To consider applications for Community Area Grants with opportunity for questions from the public


c.            Performance Reward Grants


To consider whether the Area Board wishes to support and expressions of interest received in relation to this scheme.



a.            Area Board Project


The Area Board considered the report which set out details of an application for funding from the Fire and Rescue Service.  This project sat outside the criteria of the Community Area Grants scheme, and so the Area Board was asked to fund the initiative as an Area Board project.


The project sought to supply 20 “street survival packs” to support homeless people in Salisbury at a cost of £40 each; a total of £800 funding was requested.


Nicola Cocks, Incident Reduction Manager for Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, presented the application, explaining that the project was intended to reduce the risk of fires in derelict buildings started by homeless people for warmth.  This accounted for a significant proportion of building fires and presented a risk to Fire Fighters, as they would often need to enter the building if there was evidence that people may be inside.  The Street Survival packs were intended to provide warmth, comfort and support to homeless people, and also reduce the number of fires in derelict buildings, with the associated risk of accidental fire deaths.


It was considered that, as per the application, the packs should be distributed by Alabare, the local charity, rather than by the local authority, to maintain the simplicity of the scheme.


It was also noted that the Chippenham Area Board had recently funded a similar project for Chippenham.


After the project had been introduced, the Chairman invited questions and discussion, then asked for a show of hands from those present to reflect public opinion.  The Area Board members then voted on the issue.



The Salisbury Area Board agreed to release £800 to Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, to fund the Street Survival Packs Scheme.

Reason – To support the objectives of reducing accidental fires in derelict buildings, and accidental deaths through fire, and to provide support to homeless people.



b.            Community Area Grants


The Chairman invited a representative from the grant applicants to give a brief overview of the Silver Surfers project to the Board.  After the applicants had spoken the Chairman invited questions and discussion, then asked for a show of hands from those present to reflect public opinion. The Board members then voted on the application.


In relation to funds remaining in the Area Board budget, it was noted that Area Boards could carry leftover funds into the 2011/12 financial year.  However, it was considered preferable that the full budget should be used within the financial year, to avoid any risk of reduced budgets in future years.  The Chairman encouraged Councillors to come forward with suggestions for Area Board projects and for all present to publicise the Community Area Grants scheme to local community groups.


In relation to the provisional £1,500 funding from Salisbury City Council (SCC) towards the Silver Surfers project, it was noted that the SCC grants panel had agreed this funding, and was subject to being ratified by the Community Services Committee, which would be confirmed in the next ten days.



Silver Surfers were awarded £1,500 towards set up costs for a Silver Surfers club for Harnham and the surrounding area, subject to the applicant receiving confirmation of £1,500 match funding from the Salisbury City Council’s Community Fund as indicated in the application.  This information to be communicated by the applicant to the Community Area Manager before the funds are released.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and would support a community initiative to develop computer literacy amongst the older generation.


The Chairman noted that the deadline for grants to be considered at the next Area Board meeting was 3 February.


c.            Performance Reward Grants


The Chairman emphasised that these bids were seeking support from the Area Board, and that the final decision on funding would be made by Wiltshire Assembly’s Performance Reward Grant Panel.



The Salisbury Area Board supported the bid from GROW for the Wiltshire Volunteer Service to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.



The Salisbury Area Board supported the bid from East Harnham Community Association Ltd to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


Supporting documents: