Agenda item

Wiltshire Design Guide -draft for public consultation

      Report of the Chief Executive



Cllr Nick Botterill Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning presented a report seeking approval for the Wiltshire Design Guide (WDG) in order for it to be progressed to statutory public consultation with the intention that, subject to any further amendments and approval by Council, it will be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


Cllr Botterill explained that once adopted, the Design Guide will be used to ensure that developments in Wiltshire are consistently of a high-quality design. It is structured around the ‘10 characteristics of good design’ as described in the National Design Guide, focusing on local priorities and qualities for Wiltshire. As the Design Guide is intended to be adopted as a (SPD) it will become a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. The draft design guide has been through extensive internal consultation across all relevant service areas.


Cabinet noted that, subject to their approval, the next stage is to seek the views of external stakeholders and the community through statutory public consultation in early Summer. Consideration of comments and any amendments necessary will be made during July 2023 and August 2023 in anticipation of the final version being considered by Cabinet and adopted by Council in October 2023.


In response, Cabinet members made reference to certain parts of the document as attached at Appendix 1 in relation to the application of the 20 minute neighbourhood area to villages and rural areas, the benefits of terraced homes, supporting rich and varied biodiversity, creating edible landscapes that support wildlife and better connect communities with food growing, and the appropriate naming of developments and streets. The Leader and Cllr Botterill noted the comments made and whilst acknowledging that there were other modes of transport available, the majority of travel undertaken between villages and rural areas would be by private vehicles. It was suggested that the views of external stakeholders and public are sought through the consultation process with consideration of the responses at a later stage.


Cllr Clair Cape thanked officers for the comprehensive document and commented on the work being undertaken in relation to the Chippenham Neighbourhood Plan and how it sits with the Design Guide and Local Plan. The Leader and Cllr Botterill explained that Neighbourhood Plans will remain important as they continue to incorporate design guidance which relates to specific neighbourhoods or sites, which cannot be covered by the county wide Design Guide. Cllr Cape also highlighted issues in relation to the over supply of older peoples homes in certain developments.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chair of the Environment Select Committee confirmed that the Select Committee had considered the Design Guide at their meeting on 14 March 2023. The Select Committee welcomed and endorsed the report and the comments from that meeting were attached in Appendix 2 to the report pack. In addition, Cllr Kunkler commented on the sales of local authority/housing association homes with the apparent lack of replacements being made available. In response, the Leader and Cllr Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets and Assert Transfer recognised this was a challenging situation, however the Councils enabling housing team worked with developers and 140 affordable homes were recently made available.      




That Cabinet approves the Wiltshire Design Guide for public consultation and delegate to the Corporate Director Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning, to finalise subsequent matters as required and take all necessary steps.


Reason for decision:


The Wiltshire Design Guide is intended to be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document following public consultation to support the delivery of consistently high-quality design standards in new developments.


Supporting documents: