Agenda item

Corporate Peer Challenge 2022

The Local Government Association (LGA) conducted a corporate peer challenge in November 2022. The report of its findings, as received by Full Council, is provided, and an action plan for approval by Cabinet on 28 March 2023 will follow.


The Chairman noted that in Agenda Supplement 1, was the action plan produced by the Council in response to the Report of the LGA Peer Challenge that was undertaken last year. The Peer Challenge Report itself was included in the agenda pack and was considered by Full Council in February. The action plan would be considered by Cabinet next week.


The Chairman noted the comments in the Peer Challenge that related to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny function, with it suggested that the comments indicated towards a steer towards the Committee getting involved in policy formation at an earlier stage. The Chairman therefore suggested that the Committee consider this when developing forward work plans and discuss future work with the Executive. Additionally, that the Executive consider involving the Committee at an early stage whenever they were planning a policy or strategy.


The Chairman stated his disappointment that the Committee had received the Action Plan late for their consideration.


Perry Holmes, Director for Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer introduced the action plan and apologised for the late publication of the report, with it explained that this had been partly due to the way in which the process was structured by the LGA. It was outlined that the report reflected positive comments regarding the way Wiltshire Council performs across a range of topics and areas. It was suggested that the second part of the Challenge was to consider the areas which were suggested that Wiltshire Council could do better and that the Action Plan sought to identify individual leads who could work and collaborate to improve those areas. Suggestions were provided for how the Action Plan could be further developed, including to provide a narrative of place to explain what the Council is attempting to do as well as ensuring that there is also an external focus.


The following comments were received from Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, which included but were not limited to, that there is an awareness that there can be confusion surrounding the term “place” and that the LGA has a different definition of this which must be reflected. Importance was placed on recognising how positive the feedback from the Peer Challenge was, with it noted that Wiltshire Council is not Member or Officer controlled but rather an environment that challenges through conversation to build and improve. Additionally, the comments received regarding Governance and Scrutiny had been welcomed as previously the LGA had found reasons for concern, which had since been resolved.


Cllr Richard Clewer also made the following comments regarding the recommendations made from the Challenge, with reference made to Area Boards and the need for Place Boards, with Westbury referenced as a positive example of a Market Town working in this way. It was acknowledged that the most challenging recommendation would be for Wiltshire Council to speak positively about itself on a national level, which is an area that had not previously came naturally. The LGA also stated a desire to learn from work being completed by the Council, such as the Performance and Outcomes Board, with Cllr Clewer set the provide a presentation regarding this area at the LGA Conference later this year. It was also stated that a draft form of the Economic Strategy was currently being worked on and would be ready to be shared soon.


The following comments were received by Members of the Committee including that the report contained jargon, to which it was agreed by the Director for Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer that the report would be provided in a version of plain language with explanations. Reference was also made that it was disappointing that there wasn’t an overall time scape for the Action Plan, however this was to be expected with some actions due to take longer than others. It was noted that the LGA are expected to return in the autumn to check on progress with a principal focus on the Action Plan and how Wiltshire Council is achieving. Regarding promoting the positive work of Wiltshire Council, the work completed in Children’s Services was referenced as an area of positivity that could be used to influence and have lobbying power.


Further comments were received in relation to the review and the role of the function of Area Boards, with it noted that the Challenge was different to the work that had been completed by the Monitoring Officer and Cllr Ashley O’Neill (Cabinet Member for Area Boards) last year. With the internal review based on process and the Challenge based instead on the impact of Area Boards. The Leader referred to the need for Area Boards to be a place of convening for different elements of communities. Additionally, that the Leader had asked that data and metrics be used to enable Area Boards to be more effective and focused on resources and spending money.


Community Asset Transfers was referenced with it suggested that the report had found no reasonable strategic overview and had not picked it up as an item to be moved forward. The Chairman noted that this would be an item on a future agenda, with there a need for it to have its own item due to the Committee sharing a passion for it. The Leader made reference to the Challenge, which had referred to not only mapping the assets of Wiltshire Council but also the assets of partners, which could potentially be possible in larger urban areas but prove difficult in smaller market towns.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed:


1.     To note the LGA Peer Challenge 2022 Action Plan and to ask the Select Committee Chairs to consider appropriate Overview and Scrutiny engagement on the actions within their remits.

2.     To note the positive comments regarding Wiltshire’s Overview and Scrutiny function that were included in the LGA Peer Challenge 2022 report.

3.     To note the Peer Challenge’s suggestion that Wiltshire’s Overview and Scrutiny continues to develop the value it adds through early engagement in policy development and to ask the select committees and the Executive to take all opportunities for putting this in place.

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