Agenda item

Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 31 May 2023, as set out in the attached report.




·       4a – Extension to Tisbury 20mph Speed Limit – £13,593.75

·       4b – Extension to 30mph Speed Limit on Shaftesbury Road, Mere – £7535.05

·       4d – Chilmark Edge of Carriageway Marking – £552

·       4j – Amendments to Parking Bay Dimensions in Wilton Market Square – £793.50

·       4k – Oncoming Vehicles in Middle of Road Warning Signs in Stourton Lane, Stourton – £887.50


Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.



The Vice-Chairman provided a summary of the recommendations from the latest meeting of the LHFIG, which had taken place on 31 May 2023. A discussion then took place about the LHFIG funding model. Key points included:


·       It was noted that the LHFIG normally put in 75% of the amount for a project and asked for a financial contribution from town and parish councils of 25% to fund projects in their local areas. A suggestion was that parishes could contribute more, in order to get more of the work achieved.

·       Members agreed that this was a discussion that they needed to have.

·       Cllr George Jeans noted that some of the parishes were very small and it could be expecting too much to ask more than 25%. He felt that parishes needed to be encouraged to put up their precepts in order to cover work they wanted undertaken. In Mere, residents had even be willing contribute to projects. He wondered if that was something that could be encouraged.

·       Cllr Richard Budden highlighted that the total of capital funding available to the Area Board had remained broadly static over the past five years during which Wiltshire Council’s overall budget had increased. He also expressed concern that workforce challenges in the highways team during Covid had delayed projects. He noted that he would not support increasing the contribution from parish councils beyond 25 percent of the total cost of a project, because of the pressure that would put on parish councils to increase precepts.

·       Representatives from parish councils present, particularly from very small parishes, raised concerns about the impact in their areas were their contribution to LHFIG projects to be raised beyond 25 percent of the total project cost. 

·       The Chairman felt these were all valid points and pondered if there was a middle ground which could be reached. Perhaps some form of means testing or looking at the amount of reserves held by a parish.

·       Cllr Pauline Church emphasised the importance of good planning to ensure that a parish’s priorities were reflected within their precepts. If the percentage contribution from parishes to LHFIG projects was increased she would not be adverse to some form of means testing.

·       Officer advice was given, stating that the minimum contribution for parishes was 25%, so the Area Board had discretion to change that.

·       Members felt that more discussion was required prior to coming to a decision, so they would discuss the matter further and bring it back to the September meeting.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Church, it was,




1.    To note the minutes of the LHFIG meeting which took place on 31 May 2023


2.    To approve the following funding recommendations:



·       4a – Extension to Tisbury 20mph Speed Limit – £13,593.75

·       4b – Extension to 30mph Speed Limit on Shaftesbury Road, Mere – £7535.05

·       4d – Chilmark Edge of Carriageway Marking – £552

·       4j – Amendments to Parking Bay Dimensions in Wilton Market Square – £793.50

·       4k – Oncoming Vehicles in Middle of Road Warning Signs in Stourton Lane, Stourton – £887.50

Supporting documents: